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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Dinarose....what a selfless thing for you to do.  LOL!  I was coming anyway (really) but with those cupcakes and Cheetos?  Who could refuse a party like that.  Sending love to you today Sherry! 

    LisaMarie...CONGRATS on being smoke free nine days!   That is wonderful.  I quit 2.5 years ago and have never gone back.  I am really proud that I did not cheat too.  I had enough stree...a major move, then BC, but I am no longer even tempted.  You can do this and I am thrilled to see you sharing here so we can keep cheering you on.  Way to go!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    I have GIRL SCOUT COOKIES for the pocket party! Troop leader, cookie mom... I don't eat gluten so they figure the cookies are safe with me. Can't vouch for the rest of the family though. 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Haha I finally got a pic next to my name although its a random pic I found on net :)

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    Just got my surgery date. 3/15 I am stressing now even though I just want to get it over with. Yell
  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Lisamarie, the way that baby looks is how I have felt for much of the last 9 months Laughing

    Diana, I have surgery Thursday (hysterectomy) and I feel the same way, totally stressed and yet totally wanting it over with. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Momine- It's not the surgery or even the pain that stresses me out. I know it sounds childish, but it is getting put to sleep that scares me the most.

    Good luck with your surgery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    and you will be in mine. For me it is the needles that spook me. You would think that after 9 months of needles I would be OK with it, but I am not.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Momine-we all have our own fears. My daughter the RN can do anything that needs to be done in the ER, but is the opposite when it comes to herself. I have a fear of driving over big bridges too. I will take a 2 hour detour to avoid a bridge. We are who we are. I always tell myself that nothing lasts forever, good or bad so this too will be behind us. When I had my first lumpectomy I was awake. I didn't think it was bad at all, but I am sure it's not for everyone. This time I have a different surgeon and they are taking nodes and putting in the mammosite catheter, so I think being awake probably wouldn't be a good thing this time around.

    How long will you have to stay in the hospital?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Don't know how I slept in today (neighbor getting new roof) but I did remember to bring the Cheetos, per Sherryc's request.  It's the quieter Puffs, not the noisy Crunchy ones, so we can be in stealth pocket mode.


    And did someone say Girl Scout Cookies?   I guess these Lemonades have been out for some years, but this is the first year i bought some.  Mmmmm, so tasty with my tea!  Hey, don't elbow me, I've got hot tea here!


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    I introduced myself yesterday on Stage I sisters.  Texas gal, age 59.  BC found on my yearly mammogram in mid Jan. 2012.  Called back for extra views/sono and radiologist worked in an on-the-spot biopsy; very frank about with her suspicious findings thus path report no surprise.  Results 2 days later.  Lump with wire loc/SNB on 2/21; daysurgery. Took 4.7 x 5.2 x 1.8 cm spec (L outer breast).  All margins clean.  Both incisions about 3.5" long.  Bigger incisions than I expected.  Had follow-up with BS; doing fine.  No clearance for work or driving yet.  Hospice nurse and I drive all the time.  MO appt. 3/9.  Not sure what to expect.  Don't think onco done and won't even consider chemo without it.  DH already against it.  BS hedges chemo questions, more so since surg. done.  Says MO will tell me about that.  Kinda know him from working hosp. 2 years ago.  Told he participates in tumor boards at local hosp.  Now rads I am certainly expecting and as prepared for at this early state as I can be with much thanks to lots of time surfing the boards here.  Followed by hormone TX.  As most have written already the waiting game is the worst.  And I need to go back to work soon.  To call BS on Wednesday to report in and hoping for 1/2 days as of 3/12.

    Dianarose  I had never had a general anesthesia and was terrified most of that, too.  Sent plenty of pts to surgery.  Anesthesia piece of cake as far as lump/SNB.  Slight scratchy throat after.  Drugs are great!  Didn't make much sense remainder of the day but hey, what the heck!  My surg. time was 9:30 after SNB inj./wire loc, actually started about 10:10 per DH.  About 1 hour procedure.  I was slow to wake up from anesthesia; think we were home about 5:30 with an hour drive home.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    luvmygoats, welcome!  Sorry we had to meet like this.  Like it or not, we are all here for each other.  We will be here cheering you on as you progress.  Let us know when yoou find out about chemo/rads.  Most of us here are at the "been there, done that" and we are certainly happy to walk you through it.  This is a fantastic group of women.  Strong, loving, supportive...and funny as hell!  Oh...there is a Cheetos thing here.  Helps to be a groupie of the orange crunchies!  :)

    dinarose, a fear is a fear and nobody can really explain a lot of the things that frighten us.  I am terrified to fly.  I understand how you feel about general anesthesia.  Could you ask your doctor to prescribe something to help ease your discomfort?   Most will give you a script for something just to take the edge off for awhile.  If you are really scared, a little chemical intervention will help.  Soft hugs.  I know everything will be okay.  We'll all be there hon.  :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, luvmygoats!  Your BS or the MO can send the tissue off for Oncotype testing.  It was unlikely that I would need chemo either, but I wanted the test done just to feel sure.  Well, I ended up getting the lowest intermediate score (18) which wasn't as clear cut as I would have liked, but the MO told me my additional benefit with chemo was only 2-3%.  Unless you show a 5% benefit (or have mitigating circumstances) they usually won't recommend it.  We used to have a goat-luvr here, but she wandered away (I guess that stands to reason) but we do have a mule-luvr who still pops in from time to time.  I generally go for the household pets myself, but I'd make an exception for the Geico pig (on t.v.)
  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Dianarose , me too its getting put to sleep that I fear everytime ... I am with you .. you will be in my thoughts and prayers .... at least u have ur date , Hope to have mine this week after my appointments. 

    Momine, awww I will pray for ur surgery too .. Last year when I had my cervial cancer , I wanted a hysterectomy so I didnt have to worry and my Gyno surgerysaid No :( so they took a big part of my cervix out but thank god Ive been cancer free from that ...

    All the stuff we deal with UGH !!! hope all is going good with all today  :)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks for the good thoughts and wishes. I will have Da Vinci surgery and should only be in the hospital 2-3 days.

    Diana, awake for lumpectomy would not be for me. I was awake for my dd's c-section birth, and I did NOT have a good time, lol.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Hi Ladies, Today I finally getting my drain out. I do have a question: will the doc stitch the hole?? Just want to be prepared, as I have no clue!1

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Lory48,  No you won't get any stitches.  In fact, if you had one or two holding the incision closed while the balloon was in place, they will be taken out before the balloon removal.  You will feel the "tugging" but getting it taken out is not actually painful.  You will be so happy to have that out, and the hole closes up in just a couple days of normal healing.
  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Awesome!!! Thanks El.. doing thehappy dance

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi Everyone- I have a friend who had a biopsy about a month ago and it was B-9. She said she is going for a follow up mammogram at the end of the week. I asked her why would they be doing another mammogram so soon and she said he wanted to do another one after she was all healed from her biopsy. I have never heard of this, have any of you? I told her she needs to get a copy of her path report. It just doesn't seem right to me, but maybe I am wrong.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Dianerose , sounds weird to me as well .. Maybe like me in the beginning they did not tell her all of the results .. or maybe there were calcs and they want to see .. wow I would also ask for a path report ... Hugs 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Yesterday it was 60 degrees here which was so nice.  DH and I spent hours working on the "island" out front.  We moved here 1.5 years ago, house was a foreclosure so needed a TON of work.  The island is nicely framed out with brick pavers, but just full of junk.  Big overgrown shrubs, never pruned, and a couple small cherry trees and other junk.  All an overgrown mess.  So we spent hours pruning and trimming and hauling out one tree branch by branch.  It felt wonderful to be outside in the sun.  I raked, dug, hauled huge section of tree limbs off.  A lot of work but it is nice now and cleared out to plant our flower and herb garden.  Well, last night my breast, underarm were very swollen and sore.  Rut Roh.  So when I went to LE therapy today I got a bit of a lecture.  I am not supposed to do all that with LE.  Especially since the LE is on my right side and I was real swollen today.  She did remark that this breast is very red and warm to the touch.  She thinks something else is going on besides the LE.  I guess that is why I am on the Trental.  I don't know, it is all confusing.  I just know I am frustrated at being more or less grounded.  She said right now my muscle cells just cannot heal themselves.  No more hard work for me.  I am so tired of having to limit my activity.  :(

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,292

    Dinarose:  Did she have another mammogram right after the biopsy?  I had 3 ULS biopsies and wire "clips" were placed for markers.  They did a mammogram immediately after to make sure all the clips were visable & in the right place - even before the lab results.  Maybe they're checking clips?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, as I was reading your post I was preparing a response in my head that started out about you doing too much!! You will get used to favouring your right side, bummer!! Mine is on my left, non-dominat side so it's a bit easier to not carry suitcases or groceries in that arm. I don't even carry a purse in that hand! A habit you will learn. You can't vacuum either, if that's any consolation!!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Drain is out.. what a relief. .

    Janis, yesterday was glorious!!! I know it's hard favoring our dominant side, but it's something that must be done to continue the healing. I too am right handed and LOVE gardening..after tomorrows storm I plan on getting my raised beds ready for plants.. guess I will work with my left hand more. I have an advantage as I was a left handed baby..Mom MADE me right handed. I am able to do more with my left hand than most. Hugs to you steps!!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Momine...I'll be praying for you on Thursday. I had my DaVince hyst/ooph in December. Have you found They were great for the weeks after my surgery...lots of good info there just like here.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks Barb, I will look for the site. What was your recovery like?

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    This was on the news this morning. One dose of radiation at the same time of lumpectomy.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Momine....I came home the same day as my surgery and those first three days were the worst. I left the house for the first time on the sixth day but just for a short while. By day ten I was able to do more but still tired out easily. My doctor had told me I could go back to work after two weeks, but I definitely would not have done well at that point because I was still needing an early afternoon nap and my tummy would swell up if I was on my feet too much. The experiences of the women on hystersisters were so diverse...some women were bouncing back to normal in just a few days. Others took weeks.  Lots of people would have a good day and then be wiped out the next. By two months out, I could say that if it hadn't been for the effects of instant menopause and arimidex, I would have been feeling great.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    D-rose,  Could not get the newcast to load.  I wonder how much they give in just one dose?
  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Thanks Barb, good to know.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Barbe, I can always trust you for a tongue lashing!  :).  I knew i was overdoing it, but it felt so good to be out in that sunshine.  Okay now i know better.  I promise i will be good.

    Lory good idea to protect that right side.  She told me to avoid any strenuous activity on the right side, period.  I am just going to switch to the left for some chores and hope I can work that way.  I really paid for my busy day!  Still that sun was wonderful and gave me spring fever.  Today is colder so will confine my activities to things indoors.