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  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466

    Good theory, Elimar!Laughing And there is some evidence that when surgeons treat the tissue gently and don't "rearrange" things too much, lymphedema is less likely. Which I think ties in with your theory too.

    Fortunately there's lots of new research being done, so more answers will be available with time.Smile

    Be well,

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Yikes Kira!! I'd rather go with 30% than 6-60%!!! It's still all a crap shoot anyway...sigh.

    My LE is on my back just where the inicision ended. My DH has to do a massage motion that directs the lymph up and over the scar line. I only do it when my underarm feels full. If I had known about LE I don't think I'd let a doc touch my lymph nodes! Either give me chemo and rads or don't, but please don't screw up something else while trying to fix my breast cancer!!! The logic of the sentinel node made sense at the time, but even the surgeons now are questioning whether it's worth the risk or not!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532

    can someone explain to me why i have so much scar tissue UNDER my breast when the lumpectomy was on the SIDE?  and i had two nodes removed under my arm.  my breast hurts, especially underneath it.  i saw the PA last week and she said the lumpiness and pain under my breast was only scar tissue.  i don't understand that.  anyone?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Kira, wise words. By the way, my surgeon told me not to stretch the first two weeks, and several other docs commented that this was silly, but I am guessing it is not after all.

    I do have lymphedema, but thanks to a good friend and info here, I got quick intervention from a good therapist. As a result, my arm is now back to very close to normal. It does still have some slight edema, but as long as I wear my sleeve and am careful, it does not seem to be getting any worse. So, it is a pain obviously, but manageable. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    HI- Help!!  the incision site under my arm is getting more swollen. When I saw the doc's on Friday they said it was normal from the surgery, but it's getting worse. I can't put my arm down by my side. It is about the size of 2 golf balls put together side by side. My surgery was on the 15th. Is this normal or do I have an issue here. Too add to this I woke up with my eye almost swollen shut. I am sitting here with a warm pack on my eye, but I don't know what to do about the other and I have to leave soon for work.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, it is within normal, unfortunately, but do call your surgeon's office, because it needs to be dealt with.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, also try this meanwhile and make sure you are hydrated.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Momine- I am going to see the MO tomorrow. I wish they would drain it so I can have some relief. I am stage llla, grade 2, and ER+PR+, HER 2- with so far 4/4 nodes. Did you have chemo? Can I PM you when I get home from work. You diagnosis is the closest I have see to mine.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, yes, feel free to PM, of course. They may well drain it for you and that should give you relief. That is what I mean by "dealing with it."

    I would also urge you to get a referral to a PT who specializes in mastectomy patients and knows about lymphedema. It can help prevent or minimize any swelling problems.

    I got to try all the rides in the park. Like you I also had all manner of cancer discovered after the BMX. Because my tumor was large, I had chemo both before and after the BMX, total of 8 chemos, then  radiation, 30 treatments, then a hysterectomy (2 weeks ago). It has been quite the year, but I am still here, beginning to feel human again and planning to stick around. I am 48 years old, by the way, DXed at 47.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    YaYa, you get a scar tissue build up from an underwire bra!!! My build up was as thick as my fingers and sat on top of my ribs. Very sore to try to massage away!!

    Dianarose, let us know what your onc says! Thank goodness that Momine was able to step in to advise you. See what we mean when we say "you are not alone"??

  • SelenaWolf
    SelenaWolf Member Posts: 231

    Just to mix things up a bit... my mother is having a hell-of-a-time with lymphadema on the side where only five nodes were removed ; but the side that had a complete axillary node dissestion in the 1960's (for a largely prophylactic mastectomy) has given her no trouble for the last 40 years.  Go figure!

    I had only seven nodes removed, as well as axillary radiation and, so far, so good.  My oncology nurse said that regular exercise helps, but - sometimes - lymphadema cannot be predicted.  It has a mind of its own.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good anecdote, SelenaWolf, that shows the unpredictability of LE yet again.  While B/C is the top priority, LE just scares me.  Welcome to this thread.

    Dianarose, I don't know if a seroma (pocket of fluid) would develope that quickly, but I guess it could.  If there is warmth and redness, it could mean infection in the area.  All these things need to be reported to your doc.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I have to give notice that my BCO time will be more limited again in the coming days, because my son (using my computer on his Spring break) kicked a cable last night that was attached to my video card, and the card is now kaput. 

    The good news is, we do have a techie in the family to deal with stuff like this.  The bad news is that my card was old and we probably can't even get the same one, which means more re-tooling might be needed before I get my computer back.

    Due to my blatant disregard in visiting sites that are highly virulent, they don't let me touch any other computers around here.  To be fair, I deserve regulation and brought it on myself.  I am incorrigilbe.

    So don't take my absence as anything cancer-related, and fill in for me in welcoming any new ones to come along while I am technically incapacitated.  Thanks.

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    barbe, thank you so much!
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-your last post was sent via mind meld?  Hurry back-ain't no sunshine when you're gone!

  • MOT
    MOT Member Posts: 15

    Thanks to everyone for sharing their info, thoughts and experience with LE. Am just cataloging it in my mind in case it is needed later. The medical community has knowledge but its nothing when compared to first hand and personal You guys are awesome!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Thanks to all of you !!! I am so glad I have you. I worked today and it kicked my butt. Under my arm is more swollen than it was this morning. I reallly want to see if they will drain it tomorrow. It's not warm or red, but definetly filling up. Should I put a warm compress on it or is that something I shouldn't do?

    I have the best brothers in the world and wanted to share this with you. When my dad got remarried everything go transfered to his new wife. He passed away just before Christmas. There was one small life insurance policy that never got changed and was left to me and my 2 sisters, and 3 brothers. When I got home to day I had an email from my 3 brothers and they are going to take theirs and pay my mortgage while I go through treatments and said they would not take no for an anwer and that it would be what our dad wanted them to do.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, your brothers are keepers, and I am sure your dad would be so proud to know they are doing this for you. My brother has been a rock as well. I am so glad that you have good people like that to stand by you.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Wow, Dianarose, that IS very special!!! And your Dad probably WOULD have helped you if he was still here....

    I had to go to a walk in clinic to get my seroma drained. The doc said it wasn't fluid but I proved him wrong as he emptied 2 huge needles!! You don't feel a thing painwise as you are still numb, but the relief of the ease of pressure is pretty amazing!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    wow...i'm 9 pages back, so forgive me for not commenting on prior posts.

    Diana, that was such a loving thing that your brothers did ... I know mine would do the same. I've always treasured my sibs, and they me ... I know how lucky I am in that regard

    LE...saw a few posts on that so I'll briefly share my LE journey for the newbies. My LE didn't show up for 3 1/2 yrs after my treatment (lumpec, axil node dissec, chemo, rads)  I had no idea there were things you could do to avoid LE. Please PM me if you'd like more info on that topic. I caught the LE early so after a few painful weeks of being mummy wrapped shoulder to fingertip, we've been able to manage it with daily wearing of compression garments. Not the highlight of my life, but as long as I'm careful and diligent, it doesn't keep me from doing anything at all. Again, more info gladly given through PM if you would like.

    Love and hugs to all...Eli, I hope you get your computer groove back soon hon!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Sorry for the late request but I'm wearing some pockets tomorrow AM for my "3 years out from diagnosis" bilateral mammo.  I'm stressing a bit more than I have in the past-have some serious health issues with my mom have cropped up & I MUST HAVE an all clear mammo in order to take care of her & not have any BS going on with me.  So please-feel free to jump in-it's 7:30AM PDT. and any & all prayers are welcome.  Thanks Laughing


  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Will be there in your pocket for you. My 1st pocket party. Is this the Cheetos group and if so, who is bringing them?  Sounds like you really need to be there for your mom.  Prayers coming your way, too.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    luvmygoats, Yes, we are the "cheetos" group, the "chocolate" group, the "vodka" group, in fact I think we are just about the anything group EXCEPT lima beans, brussel sprouts & beef liver and/or tongue (I speak for myself here); oh & pink slime!  Thanks for signing up for my pocket party-how fun---I get a virgin!!! Surprised

    All kidding aside, I absolutely have to be available for my mom, no if's ands or buts about it--so the beast just needs to continue to stay far, far away from me!   

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph I'll be in your pocket in spirit as I will be in the OR tomorrow.

    Having my BMX with TE placment tomorrow.  Have to be at the hospital at 6am and surgery is schedule for 8am.  I have been busy getting ready but this afternoon sat down and realized everything is done and then I started to get anxious.  Oh well.  We came into San Antonio to got a hotel room so I will be heading to bed shortly.  Please don't be too distracting to my surgeon tomorrow I want him to do a damn good job. haha

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    If I can figure out the timing, I'll be jumping in BOTH Joni & Sherry's pockets tomorrow morning!!  In case I mess up with my jumping skills, thoughts and prayers will be with you both!!  ((HUGS))

    ... And Congrats, Joni, on your 3 years!!!  I'll be there myself in a few months!  Cool

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Will be there for both of you, Joni & Sherry. Sending heartfelt prayers for you both...

    Since I can't have them in real life (without gaining weight ha ha) , I will bring coffee & donuts for the pocket party!!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    oooooo! chocolate old fashioned please

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    Absolutely!! Tongue out
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Ooh I want French Cruellers. I'll be there with everyone.

  • MOT
    MOT Member Posts: 15

    oh, my first 2 pocket parties -- love donuts and cheetos! Thoughts and prayers to Eph3_12 and Sherry -- hoping to get (good) results of my LX and node biopsy tomorrow... but what ever happens I am ready....

    Dianarose, what your brothers did for you made me cry. You are truly blessed with a loving family. Now you go out there and kick butt.