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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


                                                                          TO MEECE!

                                                              Would you like a little cake?


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEECE!!!! have an utterly fantastic day!!! 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    DIanarose , I know .. its all crazy when this started for me in 2009 .. it was microcalcifications and i was told I would be monitored every 6 months with mamo and sono .. back at that time I didnt think anything of it ... this time I found a lump.. then a second .. so I had to go again have it checked .. the Lumps .. nothing more than pesty cysts ... lol but the rest is history as u know . I hope u get the pathology report soon.. I HATE to WAIT ... that is something I swear I cannot do .... it makes me NUTS ... {{{{HUGS}}}} my kids are 24,22,18 and 17 and I have a granddaughter who is 19 months .. :)  sending you Lots of HUGS 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-graphic is PERFECTION!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Seriously. Why do I get a hot flash just from eating hot (temp) food? RRRGGHH!!!!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Claire - I can relate! I really enjoy a cup of tea after dinner every night, but find the same thing. Hotflashes hit pretty much after the first sip. Also my morning coffee often brings on a tropical experience. Just when I think I'm going to get through it - BAM - there it is!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Happy Birthday Meece!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Welcome to all the newbies.  This is a great place to hang out and ask questions or vent when we need to.

    madpeacock-I too am 49 and a long way from menapause, although tamox has made me have horrible hot flashes.  I am on a tamox vaca due to having surgery on Monday and it has been so nice to have the hot flashes stop.

  • guitarlady
    guitarlady Member Posts: 3

    Glad I found this catagory.  I am 60, diagnosed in 2008...went through all the treatments, did great, have been doing great, but...on my last 6 mo. checkup, my tumor marker score was up from last Sept.  so my dr. wants a Ct Scan next Monday.  Is anyone familiar with this?  Can something else make it go up and down?  I went into nervous mode yesterday morning and am just now feeling better.  Prayers for all my bc sisters out there....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Frances--tumor markers can go up and down for no apparent reason.   I can imagine how horrible the waiting is for the CT, then to get the results.  Praying for you. 

  • guitarlady
    guitarlady Member Posts: 3

    Thank you!!  By the way, I love Maxine....thanks again.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216
    sherryc - We'll have to have BIG parties for our 50th!! Mine is 10/9, so I'm hanging onto 49 for a while longer. Cool
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Hi everyone- I got my results today and I really just want to wake up from this nightmare. I am llla, all 4 nodes positive, they found IDC, ILC, DCIS, AND LCIS through out all the tissue that she took from the lx. Both the bs and MO said they have never seen anything like this. I am flipping out right now. I don't know how to comprehend all this crap. I am seeing the ps tomorrow and scheduled for a bilateral mx on 4/11 and 4 months of chemo followed by radiation. None of this showed up on the mammogram and only the IDC showed on the MRI so there monitoring me doesn't make me feel warm and fuzzy at all. The bs is going to have to remove all the other nodes as well. I am so bummed out. I can't believe this is really happening to me. I know there are others that are worse off, but it still sucks!!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Happy Birthday Meece!! Hope you had a special day!!! 

    Dianarose - I am so sorry.... I wish there was something I could say or do to make you feel better...Just know I am here for you regardless.. And yes, it sucks!!!! (( hugs))

    Welcome to the newbies.I hate that you have to be here but am glad you are.. Feel free to vent, rant, or ask any questions if needed. You have found a great group of ladies who are incredibly smart.....

    Off tomorrow for a weekend at a little farm in the country. Have a good weekend ladies!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Dianarose ,I am so sorry ..I dont know what to say {{HUG}} that is why I chose PBMX and not monitoring ... I am on April board for mx if u wanna come over and we can all support each other ... Luv ya girl.... 

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    dianarose, i am so sorry about your pathology.  one thing i know FOR SURE is that coming here and being supported by everyone was/is the best thing i did during my scariest and hardest times. stay hooked in here and we'll hold your hand all the way through everything.  ((hugs))
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    Dianarose,  I'd like to say "it's alright" but I can't because that is some really crappy news.  Girl, you got just about everything!  If they end up finding IBC, you will have a BINGO of all five Dx's.  (How can I joke at a time like this?  Sorry.  It's just the way I deal with it all, and no you do not have IBC because that is quite noticeable.)   That's just awful, not only having the cancer and pre-cancer throughout BUT THE SURPRISE that it was THERE after hiding so well on the diagnostics.  What a shocker!  The world must be spinning for you right now. 

    Since Barbe is not around right now to write it, I will:  You don't have to be brave.  You just have to show up. (And know we are with you all the way.)

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Dianarose, I'm so sad to hear of your dx.  The only thing I can think of on a positive note is that now they did find it and can get you on the path of proper treatment and aim toward healing.  Oh Girl I'm there, holding your hand, giving you big warm hugs and we will all do our best I'm sure to support you through the process of kicking this stinkin BC to the curb.  Kitty

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Dianarose- So sorry to hear your news. At least you will now be on a path to healing. Please post on here whenever you want or need to. We will all be thinking of you. Hugs.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Dianarose, all I can do is send (((((((((hugs)))))))))))).  I agree with Kitty, now you can move on to TX and show this stupid BC who is boss!! And you can always count on me to bring by a cute cabana boy to cheer you up!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dianarose, your news sent a stink all across the country!  I'm gettin wafts of it now.  Please hold on tight to this website & this thread in particular-we are here for you! 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Dianarose ~ Somewhere along in your results post, I saw the letters ' bs ' & until I read further, I was reading it as " bullsh*t" until I realized you meant breast surgeon. I was thinking bullsh*t that this was all happening ......

    Please know this is your soft place to fall, okay? I, as everyone else, am here for you, day or night.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Dianarose-- I am so sorry about the pathology report.  That must have hit like a punch in the stomach.  Of course your world is reeling, that's a lot to take in.  Remember that we will be here for you 24/7.  I will be praying for you, this part of the journey is very stressful, confusing and frightening.  Do you have someone who can go to the doc appointments with you, to take notes and help you remember everythinbg?  That is a big help. {{{{{hug}}}}}

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Dianarose, I'm going to put a different spin on this. Think of the LCIS as the seed, the DCIS as the rooting of the seed and the IDC as the cancer starting to grow. That's kind of how it works anyway. So what it boils down to, is that they caught your cancer developing. They caught all the stages before the IDC got in total control. That might make you feel a bit better, I don't know, but it makes sense to me.

    So, in effect, you have ILC and IDC which will be treated the same anyway. Having all those other initials just makes you look like a smarter survivor!!! Kind of like being able to put MBA, PhD after your name...eehehehehhehehe

    (elimar stole my thunder so I had to come up with something else)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Dianarose - sorry that you got such a crappy results. Know that you have great support and prayers from everyone here. I think that barbe's explanation makes sense and hope that it does give you some comfort also.


  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Dianarose - you definitely got the alphabet soup DX and I'm so sorry, but if this is the bottom, you can only go up from here! We'll be here for you throughout....

    Barbe - as usual, your analogy is spot on. GREAT explanation.  

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thinking and praying for you dianarose.  Know that the gals here will support you anyway they can.  They were a huge lifesaver for me as I went threw all of this.  Post whatever you need, someone will be here to get you thru it!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose so sorry for the crappy knews that you got.  Wish I could make you feel better.  My breast also like to hide things so I am not comfortable with monitoring either I am having a BMX on MOnday for that very reason.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    madp,  I like that term "alphabet soup" Dx!  I think I have heard that when people have those multiple degrees after their names too.

    Dianarose,   Like Barbe said, you are gonna have one heck of a Dx line.  As you roam around this site, you will come across others now and then with a whole slew of B/C types.  There's a few of you out there.

    Ooooh, lookie, lookie...Paula66 and Ceez have new avatars!  Smile


    On the subject of different types of cancer...

    When I got my biopsy, it said IDC with Lobular features.  I never really had that "Lobular features" explained adequately, was told it wouldn't make treatment different, and by the final pathology, Lobular was never mentioned again, although I had a small bit of DCIS.  Unfortunately, I was not a member on here until after my surgery, so for that time, I wasn't sure if I had one or two things going on.

    Has anyone else had a confusing biopsy like that?  Or know what IDC with lobular features is?

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Eli just had to show the new do off minus the chemo curls, lol!  I for whatever reason hung on to those curls as some kinda security blanket, weird I know but thats just me.  I finally said enough was enough and wanted them gone. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    IDC or ILC (or IBC) always trumps LCIS and DCIS so those get dropped from your info. Same as the ADHP that most of us would have had as we developed our cancer.

    LOVE the new avatars!! Noticed Paula's but Ceize slipped by me..looking good ladies!

    My pic is from last Easter, so I'm going to get a new one this year. I like seeing the progression of "me" in my profile pics. I'm a big girl now!