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  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Dianarose: I know what is like to want that diseased part of the body gone. Here is a big {{{{{HUG}}}}} from TX.

    Tori: I am glad things turned out good!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Has anyone heard from sherri? I hope things went well for her.

    Nfranklin- in your signature line you stated that you have mets. Is this just in the nodes or some were else? If you don't mind sharing that is.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Dianarose , Sherry is on the march surgery thread and she seems to be in good spirits and doing well ...

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Dianarose: Don't mind at all sharing. Just in the nodes.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    nfranklin- did your doc's put you through tests from hell like they are doing to me? I didn't do well with the ct scan and I read that the pet scan is way longer. After they put the stuff in the iv you have to be still for about an hour and can't even talk (that will be hard) and then the scan takes about 30 min. I am going to have to take something before I get there. They are making me have all these test because of the 4 positive nodes. I think they should let us get past one issue before they look for another.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    nfranklin,  I don't want to downplay the seriousness of B/C being found in your nodes but, on BCO, the women put mets in their Dx line if it is distant mets.  B/C in the nodes, technically, is "regional metastasis," but since that info. is already given its own place in the Dx line, it is like stating it twice, so for less confusion everyone just uses mets for what has gone beyond the nodes.
  • Mimi8
    Mimi8 Member Posts: 14

    Binney4, I'm a newby age 61 who has been reading your posts. You make so much sense and know so much that I'd like to ask you a question. I have IDC, Grade2, 3cm tumor, ER+ PR+, HER2- had a left mastectomy with a TE. SNL took 5 nodes, 1 of which was not a SNL but was positive with 200+micromets.

    My BS insisted I have an axial node dissection to see if there were any more positive nodes. My Onc thought there would be no more cancer and had me take a PET scan last week. It was all negative. In the meantime, my BS goes to a big pow wow with heads of major cancer centers. He put my case before some of his contemporaries and they all agreed not to subject me to the axial dissection since I would be having chemo anyway. Now, he strongly suggested I not have the axial dissection but made it my decision ( ie fear of lawsuits) to have the surgery or not.

    i had just gotten my head around having the surgery so this really threw me! I'm shocked and scared either way. I posted this and Elimar wrote me a private message saying she knew this was a hard decision and maybe I should ask you. Anybody else doing this? Thoughts? Thanks for listening.

    Hugs and blessings,


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hey ladies I am home from the hospital.  I tried to read and catch up and then just said too heck with it, way too many pages.  Dr. said surgery went very well.  It was 4 1/2 hours.  Have felt good but having pain.  I don't think my rt breast is draining properly so will call the Dr first thing in the morning.  Thank you all for being in my pocket.  I appreciate it and will keep  you posted.

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Eli Mar: Sorry about mets mistake, there is still so much of the language of this disease that I still don't understand.

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Dianarose: I have had so many test, I have had all of the test you mentioned, was called in today for a echocardigram, I see my Onc next week for results. I am trying to figure out what it all means and trying to understand what all is happening in my body..... so far I am still reading and researching and learning from all the people on the different sites.

    Thanks everyone for being brave and for sharing. Hang in there everyone, because I really need you guys, this is so helpful for me, because I feel like I am just muddling through.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Got word today that my Monday mammo was all clear! Thankful!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, I had an MRI, heart ultrasound, CT scan, bone scan, then a second MRI to doublecheck my liver and a biopsy of the tumor in the breast, all as part of the assessment to plan my treatment. it wasn't fun exactly, but I am glad that they checked so carefully before starting treatment.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Sherryc so glad you are doing well, keep track of the drainage as that was a problem for me.  I was trying to catch up to and got several pages behind as well.  Get your rest and be well.

    Concerning LE, I see nurse Debbie from my BS office who keeps track of my numbers every 3 months.  They took my LDex numbers right after surgery.  I had 10 node taken out 5 were positive.  I did not have trouble with LE until after rads, and it was cording mostly.  I found a wonderful PT for LE who is specialized in the field.  Since I am a high risk, I wear my sleeve for house cleaning and any strenuous activity.

    Well today it has been two years since my DX, I am wearing my Relay for Life t shirt today as our relay is on April 27.  Be a walking advertisement.  I am the the team captain for my company this year and so far we have raised $3,544 and working on more fund-raising this month.  That is where my time has been spent.  I worked on making walking bead kits last night, made 100.  The concept is once you complete a lap you put a bead on the necklace, so after the 12hr relay who ever has the most beads wins.  Thinking of a trophy or ribbon, maybe gift card.  So far we have over 900 participants signed up but not for sure how many to make.  It cost just under $40 to make 150 and we are planning on charging $2 per kit.  They start out with 15 pony beads and string to slide them on.  Thinking of making 400 to 500 kits.  What do you all think? 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yippie, Eph!  Good news going forward.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    walker2222,  I hope the feather boa is part of this year's outfit too.  Congrats on your 2 YEARS!


  • Plils
    Plils Member Posts: 35

    Hi all you beautiful women,

    I have not been on here for a while, just been trying to get my life back in order.   I just hit my 1 year after diagnosed with BC, lumpectomy, chem, rad, hyst, oopecomy, etc,  anyway how long does it take to get your energy back, I have worked thought out this but not totally full time working 8 hour shifts and starting Sunday I go back to my 12 hour shifts.  Oh ya did I mention I also only get maybe 5 hours of sound sleep at night.    Any suggestions or tricks from anyone.. Hope all is doing well.  


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sherryc,  happy to hear you are doing o.k. post surgery.  Best to be proactive about any fluid build-up, so good thing to not wait if you feel you are not draining properly.  I can't remember if you actually did grow enough belly fat for a TRAM, or did you change to implants?  If TRAM, how is your belly doing?   That is so funny, really.  Want new better take two desserts!
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Pam my suggestion is getting some exercise and take B12.  It has been two years for me, and just this year I am starting to get my energy back and it started with 30 min on my exercise bike and with taking B12, in the last month.  Melatonin has helped me with the sleep.  I no longer use OCD for night time rest.

    Elimar - I am not planning on using the boa but during the relay we have a Mr. Relay contest which is guys dressed up.  I think I have talked my son into doing this and saving it for him.  They take a lap and people put donations in their purses.  My DS is 16.

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324

    Hi All thanks all for the welcome ! You all know the drill- I've been busy running about town visiting doctors and getting tests. I had  lumpectomies in both breasts , had considered just doing radiation but since I have so much going on in my breasts and a strong family history, I have decided to go with the dmx with reconstruction. I'm right outside of the Orlando area so if anyone has any recommendations for surgeons and any insights into the NS, implants, flaps etc available in the area I'd really appreciate hearing from you.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - too funny - New boobs = two desserts! I am unsure about reconstruction and although I normally wouldn't have anything to worry about, I would have lots of belly to work with. However, I have lost about 20lbs - still have some belly, but maybe should be getting that second dessert just in case.

    Eph - Woohoo on the all clear! Dance, dance, dance!

    Sherry - glad to hear that you are doing ok. Get lots of rest and keep us posted on your recovery.

    nfranklin & florida - testing, testing, 1 2 3 - The tests seem to go on forever, don't they? Hang in there -  Best wishes

    walker2222 - I to am doing a Relay for Life in my area on June 8. It is normally at the end of June but they have bumped it up in hopes of getting more participants. The Mr. Relay sounds interesting - would be fun to see! I know that some are against walks etc, due to not enough $$ going directly to research (due to admin costs etc), but I have done the walk with my sisters & friends for 4 yrs and do enjoy the spirit of the event.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks all my PS office called to check on me this morning and I told them of my concerns they asked me a bunch of questions and basically said everything is fine but my rt drain is ready to come out so they will remove it on Monday when I go in for a post op check up. 

    Eli I ended up going the TE/Implant route.  I don't think I would have ever gained enough weight for a DIEP and the PS I ended up using said he though it was a bad idea to have a patient gain weight for a surgical procedure.  He is partners with the one who wanted me to gain weight. 

    Welcome to the newbies my brain has not recovered from surgery so I already forgot your names without going back and looking.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413


    I answered you on the Stage IV thread but just want to assure you that you can have lung nodules from all kinds of benign things. Take a deep breath (no pun intended) and don't get ahead of yourself.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Eph ... Congrats on the all Clear .. Doing the Happy Dance ... Kiss 

    Sherry glad all is well for u ..

    Dianarose , I am still here thinking of u and praying 4 u {{hugs}}} 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Barso - the past two years I done both the Komen Race and the Relay for Life.  This year I am only doing the Relay for Life because cancer affects many people many different ways.  I have watch several you tubes about RFL and what is being done with the research in cancer.  Also, whole families can join a team and work toward a goal, instead of a single person doing a walk.  I feel better about what the ACS has done through RFL.  But as you say people have different opinions.

    Diana my heart goes out to you and you in my daily prayers with our fellow sisters. 

    Eph - go girl.

    I had my OBGYN yearly this week and all looks clear.  No mamos for me now (I don't think there is enough to squeeze but I have heard different in some cases.  Next is my MO in April.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Eph-Great news!

    walker2222-great news on your OB/GYN appt!

    Sherry-Glad you are home and resting...praying that your recuperation goes smoothly...

    Dianarose-I am thinking of you and saying prayers for you...


  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Can someone tell me the significance of a echocardigam as it relates to chemo treatment?

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Wow...I'm  way behind! Is it just me or does these AI's make anyone else's brain foggy? I have the hardest time keeping up with all of the posts and keeping everyone straight lately.

    So welcome to all of the newbies! and I'm glad your surgery went well Sherry. I'm sorry I missed your pocket party.. I'm saying a prayer right now for you that things will continue to go well in your recovery.

    And a prayer going up for you too Dianarose! You have a lot on your plate these days and the waiting is always torturous!

    I went through a time when I was feeling so blue and anxious. I think it was the Arimidex and my MO did too so along with all of the other SE's I was having, she decided to switch me to Femara. I gave myself a few days break and now I'm feeling much better and have been on the Femara for almost a week. Dealing with the other SE's is so much easier when you're not depressed.

    Also, I wanted to ask everyone who's so inclined to say a prayer for the 15 year old daughter of a friend of mine who was diagnosed yesterday with ovarian cancer. Absolutely heartbreaking. I've never heard of a girl so young with ovarian cancer and my friend and her DH are devastated. She's having further tests done next week to determine what type is so they can decide treatment. I literally haven't been able to hardly think about anything else these last scary.

    I hope everyone has a blessed, peaceful weekend!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    They called this morning and my pet scan is Tuesday at 9:30. I am stressed that it won't be good news. She said plan on being there for 2 hours. More fun.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Hopefully, your pet scan won't be too bad to go through Dianarose. When I  had mine, the nurse put the IV solution in and then I sat in a nice little room in a comfy leather recliner and my daughter was in the room with me and we were allowed to talk. They also told me I could read if I wanted to, but the time went quickly. The scan itself was much easier than my MRI. I just remember laying on the table with the scanner going slowly over me. Not bad...

  • nfranklin
    nfranklin Member Posts: 51

    Dianarose: My pet scan was not bad, I was so tried, the nurse ask if I wanted a towel over my eyes and that helped. Praying for you that the outcome is good, waiting for the results is the worst part. Hang in there we are with you.