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  • Nightnurse
    Nightnurse Member Posts: 29

    I have been eavesdropping here for the last few days.  I am 51 yo and have just Friday been diagnosed with IDC.  I haven't been staged yet but I see the surgeon this Friday.  I almost had a stroke the first time I saw a response with MY NAME on it!  It took my breath away. It suddenly became real. Anyway, I enjoy the camaderie you all have.  And I hope you hear from Barbe soon.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Greetings, Nightnurse!   Everyone of us either had a stroke, palpitations, a seizure, or went deaf or mute from the shock of the B/C reality.  Sounds pretty normal, if you ask me.  We definitely "get it" around here, and understand.

    Lory48,  You are luckier than I.  Casting for Recovery turned me down last year.  Boo Hoo.  It sounds like a nice retreat so feel free to brag about the great time you had after you return.

    **Barbe1958** got a month of suspension because she stuck someone's pigtails in the inkwell on one of the alternative threads, or something.  It happens sometimes.  She'll be back on in a couple more weeks.  Yeah, I know!  She will miss coloring Easter Eggs with us now.  Awwww!

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    welcome, kitten.  we've all been where you are right now.  they told me when i first found this site that waiting is always the hardest part.  i found that to be true.  this is a fun, informed, kind group of women so drop in whenever you want.  the ladies here will be able to answer almost any question you have and are always happy to do so.  please check back and let us know about your surgery. good luck!
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    My 6-month check-up is this Thursday & my Onc does the CA 27.29. I had to lol when I read your comment, E, that that is an "extra bonus freak-out."

    I agree! Because that is what I have been doing. For some reason, I seem more anxious this 6-month time around.....

    Sherry ~ That is good news that one of your drains is gone. Yay! Slowly but surely, right?

    Welcome nightnurse ~ Please let us know how your appt goes Friday with the surgeon.

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 34

    Helena, you are not alone. I am 40 with 2 children under 5 years old and I have stupid breast cancer. It is exhausting to care for young ones when feeling totally crappy. We just have to do our best and carry on. Good luck!

  • Flautalee
    Flautalee Member Posts: 46

    Hello everyone--I am new to this thread--you seem like a nice group of ladies. A couple of thoughts: It is absolutely possible to have a normal mammo and the next year a 2.5 cm BC. It just depends on how quickly the tumor is growing. I discovered my first BC in 6/2000 when I was picking up Legos from our family room floor and I accidentally brushed against my breast. I had a clean mammo the previous September!!!! Things happened very quickly after that--I had BMX over 2 years, 4 rounds of A/C, reconstructive surgery, and went into remission. This past June I was diagnosed with a different strain of Triple Neg BC, between my chest wall and my wrinkly saline implant. The new tumor (or an area of fat necrosis) was noted in a Breast MRI in early April exactly where I had a cyst aspirated 2 years before. My MO really didn't think that what the breast MRI showed was significant, so I didn't have the recommended US and then a guided needle biopsy completed until June 2011. My MO said that I am the only patient he has ever had to develop a new primary tumor in a reconstructed breast. It seems that the small amount of residual breast cells left from my mastectomy grew over the years, and in the center was a new < 1cm BC. This time I had 4 rounds of Taxotere/Cytoxen and 28 rads. So I remain in remission from 2000 and will be coming up on my first anniversary date this June. This time I had to have a PET scan, which fortunately showed no metastasis (I am very glad that my dear MO orders scans, but I think the tumor markers are not very useful, and surgery on July 22, 2011. My BC tumor market had actually decreased between the test in March (before the MRI) and the next test last June. I left my previous General Surgeon around 2004, and started being seen by a Breast Surgeon just in case...I feel much more confident that she removed all possible breast tissue--she has been doing breast surgery exclusively since 1975, I think. One of the very hard things I am dealing with is that like me, my 29 year old daughter is certain that she will develop BC. My Mom died from this in 1982 and my dear, kind, optimistic middle sister died from this in 2009 (her tumor was a different type than mine and supposedly easier to treat). Go figure. I miss her every day. I am so grateful that my mother had 3 of us (all girls). In 1989-90 all 3 of had babies--that was a really good time. My youngest sister had bilateral prophylactic mastectomies around 2003 and she is cancer free. My other sister and I do no have the BRAC genes. But this time I am going to bank my blood. For $100 they will keep it for 20 years as new genes are identified. Thanks everyone--I apologize for going on so long. Best to all of you.

  • Nightnurse
    Nightnurse Member Posts: 29

    Elimar:  I'm in good company then!!  I'll be back!

    Yaya5:  Thank you!  I'll be back!

    Valjean:  Thanks!!  I'll let you know how my appt goes.  I can't wait.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Responding to a question a page or two ago:  my MO doesn't do any blood testing, or any scans except bone density tests on women with early (stage 1 or 2) bc.  Pretty much all she does is prescribe the arimidex and gabapentin.  She's already told me that when the arimidex is done she doesn't plan to see me any more.  OK with me, I get more from my PCP anyway. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Chantal10, welcome!  There is just no "good" age or time in one's life to get B/C.  Besides the overall scariness, I think fatigue from treatments would be tougher with small kids.  I hope you get enough time to take care of yourself in an average day.

    Hello, also, to flautalee!   Your story has so many good points, and thanks for sharing it.  That is extremely proactive to preserve some blood for future scrutiny, but when it runs in families and is not BRCA, you do wonder if that is something not yet discovered rather than mere coincidence. They say with Mx, the risk for recurrence is about 2%.  I don't know what it would be for a new primary, but it couldn't be that much different.  Sorry you joined the small group of the unlucky, and who needs two canserversaries, right?.  I have a friend have something similar.  She was ER+/PR+, but had to go off the Tamox. because of clots, so she got Lx and rads on her reconstruction, like you.   

    Thanks also for bringing up what I have wanted to mention, but kept forgetting.  (Paula66, this applies to you.)   Both of you had GRADE 3, and have told us just how fast it can grow.  I know I tend to go on about cancelling too many doc's appts., and minimizing my mammo squishings, BUT I know my B/C was slow growing.  One, they told me it was probably there for years (and it was 7mm.)  Two, I could feel it (near the surface) and it didn't seem to change in 8 months,  SO WOMEN WHO ARE GRADE 3, I do think you need all those interval checks because things can happen faster for you.  When you get past the 5 years, you can probably relax a little more than I can, but keep doing your SBE's every month just in case.

    Valjean,  See.  That is so weird.  Our Dx's are almost alike.  Your doc does the CA 27-29, and mine doesn't.  Is it just "physician's choice" on this test?  Is it another few bucks in the pocket?  I know they follow everything on the mets gals, but does it actually indicate anything for us Early Birds?   Now try to set an example by showing anticipatory calmness, and we'll tag along as back-up, so wear some big pockets for us that day.  

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks girls for the input.  Like i said even before the cancer I have always been a bit taken back with the medical community and just am a bit more gun shy now.  Thanks for clearing up alot of things for me. 

    Welcome to all you new gals.  You have come across a great group of gals.  Post away whatever is going on.  We are here for you.  There is a vast group of knowledge around here, so someone will be able to help. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Paula hoping you found your answers.  I wonder too but I see many women who do not get frequent testing either.  I guess as long as there are no problems we just continue to go with our course of treatment.  Ask questions though at any time!

    Welcome to all the newbies!  You probably already know what a great place this is.  You couldn't find a kinder nor more informative group of ladies. 

    I go pick up my LE sleeves today.  I also need to find out more about garments.  I do have two surgical bras that provide good compression.  As I have truncal LE and arm involvement I have to wear more than one compression garment.  It is an amazing learning much to know and learn and do.  I have a lot of exercises and massage techniques I do daily.

    ValJean.......Will be with you on Thursday.  :)

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Janis, I too suffer with the truncal stuff. I was given the ball bouce or mini tramp thing to do, as well as self massage techniques. I learned somewhere on here that kegals in conjunction with the deep breathing help with the truncal stuff.. I have been doing that this week and YES it help out alot!!  The gal at Idaho Orthodic has ordered me several bras to try. My LE therapist wants me in a long line bra, we will see. I have my night sleeve, and will be picking my day sleeves next week.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    Hey Elle whats with the creepy photo?Laughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The better to hear you with, my dear!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Lory I have a set of massage and exercise techniques too.  One of them includes doing ten deep belly breths.  It does help.  I will have to add the kegal exercises too.  I go to Idaho Orthotics in Meridian.  I have been fitted for my sleeves there by Sharmin.  Is there another one in Boise you go to?

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Sharmin is my gal too. I see her here in Mountain Home next week.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Wow!  Small world!  I will be seeing her in just over an hour.  Heading out in 45 minutes.  My appointment is at 11:00. the ear.  It was sort of weird at first, but I love it.  Good one! 

    I am happy to hear that Barbe is alive and well.  Sorry to hear about the little hiccup.  Her wit and wisdom are missed. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Welcome to all the newbies. There are more each week. It makes me sad, but all these ladies have been so much help to me.

    I had my pet scan this morning and I took 2 xanax first which really helped a lot. It was in a mobile unit and the 2 guys were great about everything. Very positive. They did give me a disk and of course curiosity got the best of me and I popped it in the computer.There are some things that lit up, but I don't know if it means more cancer or not. Has anyone else had a pet scan where things lit up that weren't cancer? The guy doing the scan said it would actually show if I had anymore positive nodes. I asked him why they don't do a pet scan on women who already know that they have an invasive cancer instead of removing the nodes and avoid the problems they get from node removal. He said it was all about insurance and money. The pet scan is 6k and most insurance companies won't pay for one unless you have a positive node. I suppose we could all agree to just have one removed and if it is positive then have a pet scan.

    Nativemainer- I would get a new MO. Both times I was dx my white blood cells were throught the roof and the doctors said that it has nothing to do with it, but look at the mess I am in now. I think we all know our own bodies and know when something just isn't right. My MO finally admitted that I was right back in Sept. when I just wanted a bmx then and they wouldn't do it until after all the test and multiple biopsies. I wish I had gone to someone else then. I am seeing a new one tomorrow.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    Welcome to all of the newbies though I'm sorry you have to be here!

    I had genetic testing done also because after I was diagnosed, my dad told me that all of the women in his father's family for the last three generations have died of either breast or ovarian cancer. He never mentioned it because he thought it had to come through the mother's side! My older brother also died of pancreatic cancer four years ago so the genetic counselor told me that those can all be related. I was BRAC neg but the counselor told me that they believe there are still genetic factors out there that just haven't been identified yet and that I could possibly have a genetic risk. I wouldn't be surprised...

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome to all the newbies.  Sad you had to join us but this is a great place to hang and ask questions or vent whenever you feel like.

    Eli I have to say I was wiered out by the ear picture.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Walker I hope you are safe with the tornadoes in your area today.  I have been worried about you.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Looking at the picture, all I can think of is "do you have your listening ears on??" Back from a nice weekend at the beach...ahhh....

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I am calm.

    I am calm.

    (Thursday: Hear Me: Hurry up & get here!!)

    E ~ I go for Door #2: It is another few bucks in the pocket!

    And I'm with mumayan, that photo is creeepppy.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I'm guessing the header pic is of a prosthetic ear. Am I right?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Oh, o.k., it IS a prosthetic ear, and the woman had ear melanoma.  We have foobs, she has an ear.  It's not like some of us haven't had pillowfights with foobs before (isn't that right, Reesie) so sometimes the prosthetics end up in unusual places.

    Now if you're talking creepy, you will not want to look up at the new pic of a terrible case of chocolate bunny eye cancer, causing both a horrible bulging iris but an additional facial tumor which causes the skin to lose it's pigmentation.  Worst of all, it is contagious, with 1 in 20 of the chocolate bunny population afflicted with some form of the disease.  What's in your basket?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli...LOL!  I think we need to have a pillow fight soon.  Pajama party?  It has been awhile.  We all need a good laugh don't we?   Oh that cancer eye looks serious.  I think I'll avoid decapitating bunnies this year.

    ValJean......I'll be right there in your pocket tomorrow.  Sending nothing but happy vibes!

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    That bunny eye cancer literally made me laugh out loud!  Too funny!!!

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    OMG its a bunny with an EVIL EYE!!!  Elle what has come over you?Laughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks, dechi, and welcome!

    mumito,  Oh, nothing.  (She said with wide-eyed innocence.  Pun intended.)

    However, I see your new screen name mum, and like what has come over you.  You don't mind if I direct the Middies to take a look at your NEW THREAD about PRIVACY, do you?

    Middies, link to PRIVACY thread if this is an issue with you, and read the whole thread because the moderators have made a few comments regarding it.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Elimar, thank you for posting the link.  For some reason the Privacy Compromised thread has been taken off Active Topics.