
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    I thought we were still on animated characters...not real characters! Surprised
  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Have you seen the book titled, "Porn for Women?" It's pictures of men doing housework! I'll have to check to see if any of the men have an orange glow around him...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Hang on, you're able to check because you have the book? Embarassed
  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Ya'all can have the man.  I want the cheese. Wink

    Edit to add...........unless of course it's the cheese man who also does housework. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    DH cleans the kitchen.  He doesn't mind wiping down the countertops or mopping.  He will run the vacuum for me on occasion, too.  But forget him dusting, or cleaning sinks, toilets, showers, tubs.  Well, I'll take what I can get.  I don't mind him cleaning the kitchen.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sharon, I am with you.  We have found a "cheese monger" where we go wine tasting.  We go there so oftern, she knows us!  She will let us try anything she has there, and she even knows which cheeses I will be buying for sure, before we get to the counter. 

    That's probably why I've put on weight!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    Noshing down on some aged cheddar as I type Embarassed  We have local cheese too.  I ADORE it!
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Oooh,  had a salad with feta cheese for lunch.  Mmmmm....

    My sister got me the Porn for Women book when I was going through chemo.  I'll have to pull that back out and see if I can scan some pages for us to peruse.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I see things have taken a very cheesy turn around here.  Normally, I would say yum! but food is not looking so good as I am on my second cold virus this winter.  Cheetos don't even look good.  As for imaginary man, he could stop by with some chicken soup and tidy up a bit, and I'd try not to sneeze in his face. Achooo!  Sorry.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    I haven't posted on here since last month, but I read it daily. You women crack me up. I sit here reading and just lol. My husband askes me what I'm doing and I just have to laugh and say nothing dear. Y'all are so funny. Thank you for the laughs.


  • CarolT0214
    CarolT0214 Member Posts: 21

    Hi all.....can I join in?  Here I am at 53 (54 coming up in Feb).  Got my kids out of the house, saving up for retirement.....then this recession....then BC.  I can't say I will miss 2009.  Had surgery in November and getting ready to start Chemo this Thursday (hopefully).  Going for my CT results and pre-chemo Dr's appt. today and woke up totally rattled this morning.  I guess that is normal......haven't quite found my new normal yet.  Really sorry to meet everyone under these circumstances but happy to have the chance to get to know you as we all trudge through and on with life.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Nice to meet you, Carol. Sure you can join in, you fit in the "ish" catagory. Sorry you had to find us under these circumstances as well. One piece of advice which make getting through the holidays tougher, is that when you are going through chemo, you need to make sure you keep your distance from crowds and those who might be infected with a virus.  People don't always think of the other person when they decide to go to work sick, or run out to the store sneezing all over the place.  Make sure when you do go grocery shopping you use those antibacterial wipes on the cart, and wash your hands regularly.  That's my 2 cents.


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Welcome Carol! I agree that these are sucky circumstances to meet people, but we all share a special bond...Cheetos! Except today Elimar is feeling yucky and sniffly, so stay away from her cooties!

    Barbe, I don't actually own the book called Porn for Women so hopefully caroinachick can scan some of the pics for all to enjoy. I'm heading into town later to buy it for my friend, so I'm sitting here waiting for the rain to let up. We have humongous raindrops here so I get soaked running to the car. Hubby's Harley is in the garage so no room for MY car! Go figure?!

    In the mean time I baked some chocolate chip cookies for our local support group tomorrow. I get a message on my machine reminding me of group and no mention of ANY type of celebration.....so....COOKIES! I'm keeping the Cheetos all to myself....

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    I leave you alone for a few hours and return to find out you've already named our perfect man. If spelling is still optional I'd vote for the "K" as I think that lends a bit of mystique..... defininately need the "Y" to end those few letters. I vote for KOLBY..... and when you pronounce his last name please use the European pronounciation.

    Sorta like saying "Target" with the 'Tarshay' twist.

    Cheetos should sound like it has three syllables.


    In my little universe I'll use my sultry voice and call deeply,

    "Kolby, Kolby Shee-ee-tois"

    Since I've just had all of my birthday fall-da-rah, I'm willing to wait until the rest of you have him fully trained. I am nothing, if not patient.

    ******HEY!!!! Who's on Facebook?? I wanna be "friends" in real life.

    Next month I'm meeting BCO 'Coonie' in real life in Baton Rouge.

    End of January I'll be in Houston -- anybody nearby?? I don't know Texas geography. LOL

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    How appropriate as Colby is a cheese! Didn't even realize that till now.

  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53
    Welcome CarolT These ladies are halarious. I too crack up out loud. These funny comments and such a great group. thanks Smile
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Carol--welcome, glad you found us, sorry you need to.  We have a lot of fun in here, and we understand what it feels like.  Rattled is one of the mildest terms I've heard used to describe the feeling.  It gets better once you have all the info and can start researching treatment options. 

    faith--We can certainly spell Kilby with a K.  In fact, if you want to call him something different during your time with him go for it!  One of the required traits for our perfect man is to answer to what ever name we happen to use at the moment! 

    Another must-have characteristic--never runs out of energy!  Never gets tired, never needs to rest or sleep (unless we want him to).  Hmmm. maybe he should have the ability to clone himself?  Oh, no, his "virutal" status takes care of that!  Hehehe!

    OK, Jock or Pants--I need a BIG DRINK!  Found out I'm going to have a bone scan before I see the Med Onc in a few weeks.  Never had one of these done before.  Anyone here been through this test and can tell me what to expect?  At this point, with my experiences, I hear "test" and immediately expect IVs (I'm a hard start, usually have to be sedated orally after the first 3 or 4 tries to get an IV in) and pain.  All the info I got from the Med Onc's receptionist was "it's a nothing test, 10 minutes tops."  The last time I heard a test would take 10 minutes it took over an hour to get the IV started before they could even start the test, and that took another hour.  Somebody please tell me I'm over-reacting--

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Native....Bone Scan is not a 10 minute test, its much longer. I think the receptionists just tells you what you need to hear, after all she wont be there.......

    I also have the same problem with IV, it took a technician, a nurse finally a DR was called because I almost fainted, and asked them to stop. They put me on the table, I was so nervous, I closed  my eyes for few minutes just not to see anything around me.

    The test itself its nothing, it takes about 45 minutes or so, unless the receptionist thought you were having a bone Density not Bone scan, that one takes about 10 minutes and no prep.

    Good Luck and big hugs


  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957

    Native Mainer,

    I had a baseline bone scan when first diagnosed. If I remember correctly .......had an injection of whatever they use for the scan and had to return maybe 3 hours later for the actual test which as Sheila said is about 45 minutes.

    Also do the bone density yearly since I started Arimidex.... usually get that done when getting my mammo.

    Good luck


  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    I like Kolby also.  He is a manly man and is at our beck and call.  Now that would be fun.

    I have not had a baseline bone density test yet.  I guess I will get one before they put me on the Arimidex and that will not be until  after rads are finished in March.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Too funny, Colby Cheeto a mysterious glowing man with orange tints!!!

    I love the Booby Facebook, I actually spend more time here than facebook lately.

    Sorry ladies my my dear DH does housework, cooking, gardening.  Most days when I get home dinner is ready except summer, I am the grill master, but he is learning!!! I am truly a blessed woman.  Had PT today for my right side, hip, shoulder, I walk like a humpback according to my therapist!!!  I have not walked right for a long time, had the hip replaced over a year ago so figured I would get walking right. He made an intersting comment that you try to protect yourself so you drop your shoulder to minimze the chest movement.  When it compounded with my hip I really walk uneven and my posture is really stooped.  Hope it works well.  I would love to be able to walk for more than 15 minutes without being sore all over.  I also got both my flu shots today, hope I don't get sick!!!  Oh forgot to throw in the heel spurs oh boy better pass the Cheetos!!!

    Have a great evening ladies!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Colby Cheeto is going to be skilled at giving foot massages.  He will have just the right touch to relax the feet and not cause undue pain on the spurs.  Whoever sees him next, please send him over to Carollynn's

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Ok, now I'm confused. I'm not sure if she said bone density or bone scan. I've been on Arimidex for almost 2 years now. I didn't have any baseline tests when I was diagnosed. The only test I had was a chest x-ray and the blood work that you have to have before surgery.  This is the first time the onc has mentioned any kind of testing, so I'm freaked out wondering what triggered this all of a sudden.  I guess I'm going to have to call back tomorrow and find out exactly what test I'm having and why.  Whatever it is it's scheduled 45 mintues before my Med Onc appointment. 

    I see a sleepless night in my immediate future. 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Native....I think you are getting a bone density test. I also get BD test every 2 years because I take Femara.

    Because with Bone Scan there is no such thing as baseline. And they wouldn't schedule a bone scan 45 minutes before Onc appointment.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Thanks! Now all I need to find out is if they plan to start an IV. If they do, I'll need to take a stiff dose of xanax first and will need someone to drive me.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    Bone Density doesn't require any IV. Its like they are taking a Xray. No prep nothing, you walk in you walk out. And you even keep your clothes on including your shoes
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Seriously? A test that doesn't require nakedness, IV's and pain? I didn't think such a test existed! Thanks, seyla--maybe I'll be able to sleep tonight after all!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Native, this is the Bone Density Test.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Seyla--you are a life-saver! That looks like something I can handle without any problem. I got taken by surprise when the office called adding this new wrinkle to what was a routine appointment. Bless You!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Native....Just call your oncologist just to confirm the test.

    Sleep Well.