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  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    I'm sorry to hear about your car accident carollynn...hope you get to feeling better soon!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    cmbear,  No doubt.  LOL!  I liked that pic because I took tap lessons as an adult.  Never too late!
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Carollyn what a nasty accident glad your car was totalled and not you.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Carollynn - hope you're not too sore from the accident!

    Went to RO yesterday for six month follow up. Got to see my CT scans from initial planning and all the cool 3D imaging. She showed me the levels of radiation for the tumor site - I had Mammosite - and any overflow to surrounding area.

    My ribs and skin had a 0.2 mm margin. Not 2 mm, but 0.2 mm. Yike. And that would be why my rib still hurts.

    Also told me that it will probably take YEARS for the seroma to go away. Sigh. On the bright side it keeps the lumpectomy site nicely filled in so I don't have a sunken in area on that side! Tongue out

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Feeling a littel better today, Dr says there is progress on cellulitis but he does not think enough so he is going to switch antibiotics for another 10 days and then I have to go back.  I surely agree with radiation the gift that keeps giving!

      The Dr reccommned I take pictures of all my bruises for insuarance purposes, they wil be colorful!  He thinkz it will be 4-6 weeks before my ankle starts dong well maybe longer, oh well could have been worse, so will work partime from home, watch TV and read!

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Hi Ladies!!  I like the picture of everyone.  When I had my radiation in 2009, I finally used vitamin E oil at the end and it healed it up, but ever since when my bra rubs there, I get a little irritation and it is kinda bumpy and it itches.  I showed it to my dr. and he said it looked like an irritation, but said nothing more.  I have tried cortizone cream and it heals it up, but I don't want to use that all the time, do you think vitamin E oil would work for that?  Also, I am very nervous today, I had a colonoscopy over a week ago, and the dr. told my husband it was clear except he removed a polyp, which I am so thankful it is gone, and I also had a small bone biopsy done last Friday on my right iliac wing down there.  The results are in, I don't know them yet, my dr. likes to go over it with his patients, I am so nervous, has anyone had this expereience before?  I guess I need a pocket party tomorrow.  I think it's great that you all are a good support group.  Sorry that Carolyn had a car accident.  Hope you are doing ok.  I hope you mend quickly.  Thanks ladies.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Sissyvonvon: I'll be in your pocket! The waiting is always the hardest part! Blessings to you!

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Thankyou very much I appreciate it.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Sissyvonvon, sending positive vibes your way!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sissyvonvon we love pocket parties, count me in! 

    I hate to even ask again as I have become somewhat of a "frequent flyer' lately with my pocket party requests.  My poor south end is still not recovered from my procedure a couple weeks back.  Now Monday I have a new and fun thing scheduled.  Definitely asking for a PP as I am turning into a wimp!  I am having a "Facet Joint Injection" on my neck Monday.  Outpaient procedure, I have to check into the hospital at 9:40AM.  When I went to the spine place for my eval, they said I have severe arthritis in my neck.  They suspect the nerves between L-4 and L-5 are causing a lot of the shooting pain through my shoulder.  So, this injection will be a numbing agent so I can see how much it helps over the few hours it is active.  If it decreases the pain significiantly, then they will do an ablation later on the nerves in that space.

    The PA described this procedure as "uncomfortable".  Not really too thrilled with that.  I just hope they put something good in my IV first!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    sissy - Sending happy thoughts and positive vibes your way. Will jump in for tomorrow's PP.

    Janis - Hoping that your procedure on Monday is much less than "uncomfortable" Will be in for the PP then also. I hope that your "southend" starts to feel better soon.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    sissyvonvon, Wishing for good biopsy news for ya tomorrow.

    janis, I am following your neck story, chapter by chapter.  I have some issues, and T4-T5 sound about right for me too.  I am only beginning to get a little nerve pinch now,and am hoping I could self-heal, or I might give spinal decompression a try.  I have had a facet block, but it was my lumbar spine at the time.  I don't remember it hurting at all.  It gets monitored by some kind of imaging, because I was watching a screen as the needle went into the joint space.  I got a drape and they put the iodine wash on me, then I got a local anesthetic, then the shot in the joint.  I think I got lidocaine and a steroid.  The lidocaine (quick relief) did not help me.  The steroid (better after a week or so) did nothing for me either.  Don't be afraid, tho'.  I have heard from others that have finally gotten relief from these shots when nothing else had worked.  Good Luck, and report back.

  • sissyvonvon
    sissyvonvon Member Posts: 22

    Thank you one and all.....I will be thinking of you too Janis...prayers...

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sissy- I haven't been to a pocket party in a bit. Count me in. If anyone is available and wants to go to another pp in Boston in the afternoon please join me. I am going to Beth Israel for a 2nd opinion for treatment. I think I am more stressed about the drive there. I am a true country girl and I don't know my way around Boston. We are going to leave in the morning even though my appointment isn't until 4. We are allowing time to be lost. Twice if needed. I am bringing my Xanax (I'm not driving).

    Janis- I hope things start to turn around for you.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    A quick pop-in ... glad I saw in time that there are 3 PP's coming up. I'll jump in for all, bringing snacks for those of us who don't have to fast! Afterwards we can go to Eli's exercise group (page topper as I'm writing this).

    Can't believe I haven't been in since May 1 ... this month is going too darned fast...I want to hold onto Spring for as long as possible.

    Hugs and love to all.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Since we are all roughly in the same age group, marlegal, I have to agree with you.  Time goes pretty fast these days.  My son graduates college next week.  Where did those four years go?

    Einstein said time is relative.  He said it when he was 25 years old.  Good one, Al!  I think of myself at that age.  I still wasn't sure what shinola was.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I'll be jumping in the PP's.  Guess I'll need to head to the kitchen and whip up some snacks.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli I am not sure if I will be receiving anesthesia or not.  I was given a phamplet and instruction sheet.  It does say that an IV will be placed, and IV meds and/or anesthesia may be administered.  The same rules apply as if surgery were being scheduled in terms of no food/water for 8 hours prior to the procedure.  I am not sure if something is given in order to keep you perfectly still?  I guess I will know more Monday.  I will keep you posted.  Oh, huge congrats Mom for your son graduating college!  Isn't that a great feeling?  I hope you have a wonderful celebration.  You have all earned it!

    Sherry, I will take some good old fashioned southern cooking any day.  Anything Mexican.  Anything just BAD sounds good.  With all the PP's you will be very busy.  I know we all appreciate your efforts! :)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674


    Dianarose--sit back and enjoy the ride today. Play your fav music, imagine you are sitting on a sandy beach . . .you'll be there before you know it.

    Janis--do feel like you went in for your 50,000 mile tune up and the mechanic found a little bit more than you had planned on? You have more courage than I think I ever could have.

    Sissy- here is to clear scan results. Have my fingers crossed. And toes.

    Carrollyn- Hope you are healing from that nasty accident. You are one tough mama!!!

    Good luck ladies!!1 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I almost forgot--can't start this weekend without a little eye candy. My oldest works at AMC and gets us in for free. Not that I wouldn't pay to see my BF.


    Quite an improvement huh? 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mmmm!  A monkey latte just tastes better than a plain old latte!

    Finger crossed here too, that's it's good news (and no pain) for all this weekend.

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110
    CMbear - Loved Dark Shadows when I was a little kid.  Scared the you know what out of me (I was 5 or 6).  Can't believe my mom let me watch it, LOLSurprised
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I always wanted Barnabas' big ring.  Still do.

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    My hubby read somewhere that because Dark Shadows was such a low budget production they did not do retakes when an actor messed up but just kept rolling. Makes me want to find some old ones and look for goofups!

    Available for PPs - in a chips n salsa kind of mood, so bringing those along! Crunch, crunch, crunch.  

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    Eli - Dark Shadows, all 4 seasons, is on Netflix!  BTW, check out Johnny Depp's scary fingers.  They put an extra knuckle on them.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I love sci-fi. Does anyone wathc Being Human. It's gross, but I am hooked.

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    My husband and daughter are totally addicted to "Lost" and are watching the 5th season right now.

  • dechi
    dechi Member Posts: 110

    My husband, daughter and I are totally addicted to Lost.  We're in season 5 right now and can't stop watching it...Yeah Netflix.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    My mom gave me a season of Dark Shadows's hilarious to watch now!  I can't wait for the movie; if I could I'd wait in line for the midnight showing, but too much other stuff happening right now.

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    I left some smoked salmon and Norwegian goat cheese for you all during my pocket party today.. Thought it was appropriate to leave something Canadian and something Norwegian as they are my two countries.. It is a beautiful day here so you can leave your coats at home.. Exchange surgery is scheduled for 12:45

    Thanks for your support ladies