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  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Actually I think it looks like a hole made by an auger or post hole digger.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Dianarose~I think this is the link to the thread someone referred to.

    To make something with your own hair.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    If the link doesn't work it's called 'Make your own hair halo'.  Posted by Shera.  You can find it on the 'search'.  Wonderful idea and great instructions how to do it.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    The pic looks like a hole to me too.  A drilled hole but a hole just the same.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello Mothers and Others,

    Quite a few guesses...a couple people could not "tell their a$$ from a hole in the ground" but most of you did have the right guess:  A Hole In The Ground!

    We don't know if it IS or is NOT a mining hole, but since Paula66 was the first to mention "hole," she gets to post the next weekend's MP.

    But I told you it was unusual too, so here is the caption from where I got the pic.  See if you can unravel THAT mystery!


    From the end of 1980s a strange phenomena is happening in some Russian forests. People find strange, deep holes.

    They appear in the dense forest, in the places you can’t get on the car or truck to bring any device to drill the ground. There is not any soil that should be taken from such deep holes found.

    On this pictures people go down to one of such holes but it just finishes with nothing. There are no any reasonable ideas on how these holes appear and what they are being used for.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I went to my MO this morning.  Low platelets.  Now I should worry about that, but I'm not going to.  Instead, I am getting it rechecked in three weeks after I come back from a long overdue vacation.  Isn't this just like B/C to try and spoil things?  Well, it can't because I won't let it.  Also, I plan on having normal platelets in three weeks.

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Elimar - (( Hugs )) to you!  Enjoy the long overdue vacation!! Only start worrying about something when you KNOW there is something to worry about!!  I know, I know, easier said than done, but it does help to repeat it to yourself to be able to enjoy each moment!!  (It's what I TRY to do!)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dianarose, I didn't have long hair when I had chemo but I imagine it would have been harder if hair had been longer. As it is, my hair fell out, I shaved what was left off, it grew back out, and now 3 years later, I've voluntarily shaved it all off again so my mom, who is battling Stage IV lung cancer with mets to liver & brain, won't be alone in her baldness (she had brain radiation & is losing her hair).  BC does suck!  Good luck with the chemo-it's not fun, but it is do-able!      

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    (((((Eph& your Mom))))

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Diana, I don't think any of us who went through chemo would care to take that trip again, but we also seem uniform in our belief that it was doable. For me, counting down the weeks and treatments helped immensely. Mine was just over 4 months - so about the same as you - and then I did the month of rads too - again, that's the normal course. The good news? I'm looking at this in the rearview mirror now, not the front windshield. Eyes on the prize hon. We'll help you through it, just like these awesome women, and the chat room in particular, carried me through my treatment. And I too would advise you to get your hair cut for a good cause, and then shave before it actually falls out. I was given that advice and followed it, and I truly believe that's way less traumatic in the end than catching your own hair in your hands. Start wig shopping now if that's how you want to go, or hat buying if that's your choice. Take a fun girlfriend to make it silly and fun. Hugs.

    Eli, if you haven't left yet, I hope you have the bestest vacation ever. I have no doubt your blood tests will

    3jays, good to see you pop in...I'm not exactly a frequent visitor anymore either. Or I should say a frequent poster...lots of times I pop in to read but don't post.

    Janis, you win for best post in last 3 pages, hands down :) What an awesome surprise for you. I just loved your story :)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Mar, you should join my dragon boating team!

  • bellamarie
    bellamarie Member Posts: 4

    I am 51.. i think i belong here.. i am 10 days post op.. whew.. still very tired.. was hoping to go back to work next week.. financially i need to.. i dont know what my body says though.

    How long have u all been off work? or should i say when the energy come back i had a left side mx with te..

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, bellamarie!  Everyone bounces back from their surgeries at a different rate.  You are right to listen to your body.  Hopefully you will be back to work soon.  We have a couple who also have their tissue expanders now, and Sherryc just got her exchange surgery.  I didn't have that particular experience myself.

    marlegal, I like your perspective.  "I'm looking at this in the rearview mirror now, not the front windshield"  

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Bellamarie- I went back to work 2 weeks post-op part time. I got tire easy, but I am glad I did because it really helped me to move and not sit around. Just know your limitations.

    Elimar- what do low platelets mean? Where are you going for your vacation. I hope someplace sunny and fun.

    The PS did my fill on the left side today so they are even now. She said being how I have to do chemo there is no reason I should have to be lopsided for months. She can take some out if it is in the way for rads when the time comes. They look like real boobs now and I don't have that expander sitting on my rib which was causing a bad burning pain.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Dianarose, So glad you don't have to be lopsided for months.  I don't know exactly what the low platelets are, but I think there are some bad connections between that & the bones and liver.  You need the platelets to make your blood clot and heal wounds.  I don't plan on getting any wounds and I'll just have to come up with some platelets from somewhere when I get a redraw in a few weeks.  I made the tech use another vein to get the blood today, and he had trouble and my blood was coming out at a snail's pace.  He probably didn't get my "best blood" where I keep all my platelets.  I'll let him get the good stuff from my A-list vein next time.  I only got my CBC results instantly, so I'm calling about my CMP tomorrow.  If that is normal for liver function, I will feel even less worried.  I feel good and healthy AND I am going with my older boy (the graduating one) on a cruise to Alaska.  My first cruise, and my 48th state.  Sunny, no; fun, I hope so.  At least they won't be checking my platelets there!
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Elimar- I hope you have a great time in Alaska. My friend has been twice and loved it. I had great platelets before my surgery. That's what I was told and didn't really know what it meant, but if you have a shortage I will give you some of mine. I hope you post some photo's of your trip when you get back.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Jealous! Love cruises-Alaska is on the list!!  Have a blast!  Don't check in!!

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Elimar the slow blood draw can definitely be the problem. They might not even be able to do the cmp.

    I've had a couple of slow draws that hemolyzed so they couldn't use them. That's probably what happened.

    You'll probably be back to a regular reading for the next one.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for sharing O-reesie-of the-many-more-blood-draws-than me.  I will take your word for it.  I really wondered if that could actually be a factor.  Low platelets can make you bruise easily...well, after all that needle twirling to get into the vein, I have no bruising at the site (good sign) and I only had a speck of blood on the cottonball bandage, which is like always, so no extra bleeding or anything.  I just think this is a false alarm.  

    Remember when David Letterman had a segment called, "Is this Anything?"  Well, I don't think the "low platelets" are anything.  I just don't.  Sure, I Googled it, but I don't have a fear factor about it.   Not gonna "borrow worry"on this.  I will let everyone know how the next draw goes.  I am really beginning to feel like I am DONE with cancer.  Some people do wind up in that "over it" category, so why not ME?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Have a great vacation Elimar......Smile


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Enjoy your cruise Eli!!!  Take tons of pics for us.  Plus I bet you'll find some really good MP pics along the way too!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Marlegal, from my first chemo till my last cancer-related surgery 9 months passed. I still think of it as doable with a few bad spells here and there. 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli, have a fantastic cruise! I think I have an idea about your blood problem. . .


    You really ought to check your closets and under your bed, before you go to sleep at night!! 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Welcome Bellamarie - hoping that you are getting lots of rest and you are healing well from surgery. Take your time getting back into the swing of things. Come visit here often for lots of fun, friendship, support and encouragement.

    Eli - An Alaskan cruise! Maybe it will be your "farewell to cancer" cruise. Hope so!! Enjoy your trip and bring back lots of pics so the rest of us can enjoy the virtual cruise.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have 14 months left until I am supposed to be "Over it".  My onc said she would get me to year 10, then I won't need to see her again.  She may even release me this Summer.  It is a bit scary to cut the apron strings but I don't think she'd do it unless she was confident I will do fine.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Not going for another week.  Have to get through the graduation first.  Will have to be good as I know this cruise will be a great opportunity to watch the whales and EAT LIKE ONE too.  Heehee.

    cmb,  LOL!  I'd give up a few platelets for Johnny!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216


    Speaking of weird blood: At my last onc visit I had low WBCs and almost low RBCs. A few weeks ago I had a regular physical and had even lower WBCs and now low RBCs! Then going back through my labs over the last year or so, the WBCs have been consistently low and have gotten lower recently. Hmmm. The RBCs have gone back and forth to just in range to just under range. And I didn't have chemo, so not an aftereffect of that. Supposed to go back to onc in July for retest.  I haven't had so much as a sniffle in years, so infection doesn't seem to be a problem. My guess is my autoimmune problems are brewing up a new "complication" as there are plenty that affect the blood counts. Sigh.

    Welcome Bellamarie! I work from home and had a lumpectomy, so my return to work opinion doesn't count for much, but you need to listen to your own body. Can you go back for shorter hours or a few days a week to see how you do and then return to full time? 

    Oh meece! I would so love to be "over it"! I'm not even at one year, so my road ahead is long. 

    dianarose - glad you're not feeling lopsided any more! I have no advice about chemo, but I like the eyes on the prize thought. 

    Hugs to you Eph. Wishing strength for you and your mom.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eli have a great time on the cruise.  I have always wanted to go on an Alaskan cruise.  Hope the low platlets are really nothing. Oh and I have not had my exchange surgery yet.  I still have TE's.  I have only had one fill get a second one on Friday.

    Welcome bellamarie- With my lumpectomies I went back to work pretty quickly.  With my BMX I decided to take my time and rest for a change.  I pushed myself through rads and my dad being sick and passing so I just decided I needed some time to myself to heal physically and mentally.  I went back to work at 5 weeks post BMX.

    Dianarose glad to hear your PS filled your left side.  No point in going lopsided for months.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Elimar have a great vacation!  You will love it it is beautiful!!  Not sure on the low platlets but glad I don't have them as I am bruised enough!!  Like you said try not to worry until you know you have to!!

    cmbear I love your responce to El !!!