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  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Survived chemo #1. The worst part was the IV. She put it in my bone twice and when it started to swell up like a ball she had to take it out. She got someone else and the 3rd time was a charm. I took a Xanax first and was a bit looped, but it worked for me. I don't feel sick at all. ( knock on wood) I am actually quite hungry. She said the nausea meds would wear off in about 6 hours so we will see. If I feel the least bit sick I will pop a pill. She said if my hair was going to fall out it would start in about 2 weeks. I hope not.

    Maddymac-welcome. You are among a great group of ladies here. This is round 2 for me so I would just go for the Mastectomy and be done with it. A lot of us here have had skin sparing and nipple sparing mastectomies and we are glad we did. It's  a personal choice though. I noticed you are grade 3. I personally would want it gone, but again it's your body and your decision.

    I hope Elimar is having fun.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congrats, dianarose! In every procedure I've ever had...the IV IS THE WORST!

    Hope you have NO SE's !

    Maddymac, this is a great place to get empowered in making the best decision for you! I found it very difficult to share my fears, emotions, and concerns to the people closest to DH, DM, DS, ect.....they all want it to just be over and take everything the doctor's say with rose colored glasses. I chose to have a mastectomy for my own peace of mind...but every woman has to make the decision based on what will give you the most peace of mind.

    You have time to think about it! My tumor was only 3mm IDC and the rest DCIS...and my BS told me it had likely been growing for 7-10 years! take the time to consider what makes the most sense to you!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Thanks, Marlegal, I'm pretty good at deciding not to dwell on something! Works for me. I'm still feeling pretty well, so thanks.

    Maddymac, I started with lumpectomy but the margins weren't clear. I had a month to grieve the loss of my breasts once I decided on a BMX. Once they were gone, I haven't missed them. One of them was sick and trying to kill me, so it helped to remember that. Decisions are the hardest thing! You'll figure out what's best for you and we'll support you here.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    MaddyMac, you could always PM any of the members who have posted on the Invasive Micropapillary Carcinoma thread.  That can get a thread started up again.

    My BS gave me the same options and didn't lean in one direction or the other.  I chose lumpectomy but ended up with a Segmental MX.  Still happy with my decision.  Doesn't mean I would do the same if I faced it again.  It was just the best option for me at the time.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    Diana, so glad you survived # 1. Rememebr to chew on ice chips during helps with the SE's. My cancer center gives out ice pops!!

    Jeannie, glad youare still feeling ok!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Diana so glad you survived #1.  Hope you did not get neauseated later

    Maddymac-I also don't know why you have to be in such a rush to make a decision.  If I were you I would go for a consult with a Radiation Oncologist which you will need if you have a lumpectomy and also a Plastic Surgeon if you decide MX with recon then make your decision when you have better information.  My BS pushed me into lump and rads and then a couple of months ago I had a BMX.  For me the BMX has been a whole lot easier than the lump and rads.  Get all your information and maybe even a 2nd opinion with a BS the more info you have the better decsion you will make for yourself. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Hi, ladies! Glad to see everyone chatting away here as usual. Just popped in to say, "Hi." Wrapping up the school year: I will have a sophomore and a senior now. Very bizarre, as in my mind, I'm only about 25 years old...

    Maddymac - I was "offered" all of the options to choose from myself: try lumpectomy, go ahead and have a mastectomy, or why not do a double? I'm in Texas, where more is always better. Saw a plastic surgeon for a consultation, and as they had a spot on the schedule for the end of that same week, they actually tried to railroad me into signing up for the BMX with immediate reconstruction. I wasn't ready for that, it turned out, so after having it on my calendar for 36 hours, I canceled it and did more research. (I determined it was "railroading" when, after I'd canceled it, the scheduling person at the PS's office called me back and pretended to be confirming the surgery. Then, when I pointed out that I'd canceled it, she started in with scare tactics. "Well, if you change your mind, it could be over a month before we could get you back on the calendar.") Have you looked at The Breast Book, by Dr. Susan Love? Detailed but good. If they're asking you to make these kinds of decisions, you need to learn as much as you can.

    After much consideration (and MRI's that indicated that nothing else was apparently in there), I went with lumpectomy. My tumor was in a spot where even with a mastectomy or two I'd have had to undergo radiation - there weren't big margins to be had with a tumor tucked up high between skin and muscle. This was NOT mentioned by the plastic surgeon and might have impacted my success with tissue expanders/implants. Anyway - I am just about four years out from diagnosis. We got "okay" margins and radiation wasn't that bad. I've got a bit of a divot in my cleavage, but unless I point it out, no one really seems to notice. I'm 3 1/2 years into my Tamoxification and all seems well.

    You need to make your own decision - and when it's right for you, you'll know because you'll FEEL it. I will say that you can always upgrade to more surgery, but you can't put anything back. I'm glad I was able to heal faster and get on with radiation, etc. 


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    I had the opposite experience. My BS told me I was a "perfect" candidate for a lumpectomy since my tumor was so close to the surface. I had no thoughts of doing a MX or a BMX since in my mind they had done nothing wrong except grow a little problem. First strike. If I have a recurrence, and depending on where, we'll go with second strike. I just found out at my six month follow up with the radiation folks they told me my radiation margins were 0.02 mm. No, that is not a typo. At least they weren't surgical margins!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Has anyone heard from our friend Jo? I haven't seen her post in a bit. I hope she is ok.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Maddy, welcome! Been thinking of you, have you heard your about your MRI results. Hope everything was nothing but good! Diana, sorry to hear about your jerk of a boss. They are in a way trying to help you take time for yourself. But they should let you make that decision. Hope you are feeling ok this weekend post TX. Take it easy, drinks LOTS of water and rest when you can.

    Hope  all you ladies have a great weekend. For you moms heading off to the kids's graduations--cherish this time!! It's so exciting watching our chicks take another step closer to the edge of the nest. Last night I went to my youngest DS's band banquet. Watching all the seniors get their accolades was touching for me and mine is only a sophomore. I swear I cry at ANYTHING.

    Cutting back on caffeine due to upcoming DIEP so my pass  the DECAF lattes around. And the sugar free scones. Happy Friday!


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    oops forgot the scones, enjoy and pass the plate


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose jo is fine.  She is on some of my other threads but I do know that when the change on the website took place she lost some of her favorites.  She finally got her last drain out and is doing really well

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324

    CMBEAR Dang those scones made me hungry. Makes me want to run to a bakery they look so good! lol

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sherryc- thanks for letting me know Jo is ok.

    Flmomandwife- I make scones at work everyday. I have a great recipe if you ever want it. They are easy and taste best right from the oven.

    Still having a lot of acid reflux problems from the chemo. Started on Prilosec today so hopefully in a few days it will kick in.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Dianarose can you please send me the recipe?  You can message me here and if you want I'll send my e-mail address if that is easier.

    Just stopped by to say hello and hope everyone is doing great.  I don't get here nearly as often as I should but I try to read and catch up with everyone.  I am so bad at posting!  I think of you all though....always.  Kiss

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Dianarose--I'd love the recipe, too!

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324

    Dianarose- I would love the recipe Thank you

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685
    me too please.. Thank youSmile
  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    Dianarose, take the prilosec faithfully and it will work. I had acid reflux also! I would like the recipe too.


  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I will post the recipe here as a lot of you would like it.

    4 cups flour                                           2tsp BP

    2/3 cup sugar                                        1/2 tsp BS

    1 cup butter at room temp.                     1 tsp salt

    2 eggs                                                  1 cup dried cranberries or fresh

    Zest and juice of 1 orange                       1 cup sour cream

    I mix all the dry and blend in the butter with a pastry blender. You can use a fork if you don't have one. I then blend in the eggs and zest followed by the sour cream and then the OJ and if it is still a little dry I add some milk a little bit at a time. You don't want it to wet though. Then add your cranberries. Sometimes I use strawberries, blueberries, or ginger and lemon. I use a bib ice cream scoop and scoop onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and bake at 350 for 15 to 20 minutes. Your time may vary because I am used to the convection oven at work. I almost forgot, I brush the tops with egg wash and a little sanding sugar on top. They should be golden brown on top and not wet to the touch. You can roll  the dough out thick on a floured surface in a circle and cut into traditional triangles. It 's just so much quicker with the scoop.

    I Hope you all enjoy them.

    I really had chemo brain when I got home. I made a pot of coffee and when I heard the beeb that it was brewed I went to pour a cup and I never put any coffee in. What am I going to be like at the end of chemo. LOL

  • 2FriedEggs
    2FriedEggs Member Posts: 324

    Dianarose, thanks so much for the recipe. It sounds delicious.I can't wait to try it. As for the coffee and chemo brain-atleast you have a good excuse. I do stuff like that all the time but I have nothing legit to blame it on. lol

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Thank you Dianaroe

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Ok tomorrow is my DIEP. I've headache for a week-- cutting back the caffeine. Wouldn't be stress, no way! So please would someone bring a venti vanilla latte with an extra shot for me at my PP.? And some salted dark chocolate? And please someone bring some awesome tunes so we can rock out! PARTY!!!!!!!!!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Jumping in Claire! Best of luck tomorrow. Not sure where I would get a venti vanilla latte in my neck of the woods, so I will download some tunes onto the ole ipod. What's your fav?

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    I'll jump in too, Claire!  Good Luck tomorrow!

    Thank you Dianarose - I have a sister that absolutely loves scones - will pass this on to her!

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    i'll be there.. I'll bring a venti vanilla latte

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Claire- I will bring chocolate Moose cookies for everyone (can you tell I am from Maine). They have 3 different kinds of chocolate including dark. I bettter bring some milk too. Good luck.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    I'm in, cmbear! ..ll.hoping to have mine in July! ....your music and latte seem to be i'll bring some extra dark salted chocolate from See's!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Chachamom, you are my new best friend!! I'll be the first in yours in July. And as far as music Barsco, how bout some beach music that will take us all to the islands. Woo--hoo, cabana boy, where are you?????