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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    sherryc, Hope your celebration is in full swing, and congrats on getting to the "mid" of the Middies.


  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Sherryc ~ Just flying through but wanted to wish you a very Happy, Beautiful Birthday.

    E ~ Loved hearing about your cruise with your son. Beautiful pictures & special memories made.

    Best wishes to everyone.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Hi, I haven't checked in in awhile. Like DianaRose, I am gettingCMF, but every week. Other than being constipated and having a weariness unlike anything I've had before, I am fine. Chemo #5 is Friday. I'll have 24 plus radiation in between the 12th and 13th. A long haul. But coming to bco has been so helpful and I thank you all. You inspire me.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    I can't say that I have ever really been angry since dx. I have certainly been sad, scared, worried and even thankful (for the wonderful love and support all around me). Perhaps it is because of who I am - I have always trusted that I am where I am supposed to be. I cannot change what is, but I can learn to live with it and deal with it. I suppose I have a great deal of my mother in me, she was always the optimist! I do miss her.

    I am grateful for this forum that allows us to share our thoughts and feeling without prejudice. You gals are great!

  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    barsco.. very nicely said. You sound like a wonderful lady.

    SherryC  Haaaaaaappyyyyyy Birthday

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    thank you all for the Birthday wishes.  It was a good day and I have friends taking me to lunch tomorrow and then another celebration on Friday with some other girlfriends.  Going to try to spread this out as long as possible. hehe

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Always good to get an update from you, Valjean.  Realy don't mind hearing less often from people, as long as it means they are busy with their new normal (which is possible for many to make into a better normal than before, with a little effort, believe it or not.)   How are your Aromasin S/E's?   You are over the hump now, at 2 1/2 years.  I just reached that myself on Tamox.  We can coast the rest of the way, can't we?

    Haven't had any Newbies come by lately.  Since the format change, I think they have tapered off, or is that just coincidence?

    Continuing good luck to those doing chemo now.  I hope one day you will be able to look back and just think of it as the summer of the really short haircut.  (Not trivializing.  Just want the nasty to fade from your memory.  Like labor.)

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    El you mentioned the format changed, how long ago was that.  I just updated my information to enclude treatments.

    I hope keep in contact more in stead of every 3 month or so.

    Regarding chemo during the summer, if your wig is not working for you, there are a lot of cute scarves now that are cooler than a wig.

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332

    Hi Ladies- I've been trying to follow your thread for sometime (lurking I guess) decided to post and say hi. I have a great husband and a 14y old DS. Hope I can sneek in here.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177

    Elimar-just reading the post as I usually do, but your post caught my eye.  How long have you been on tamoxifen (thought I read 2 1/2 years)? I started tamoxifen on 1/28/12 and then had to get off for my Stage 11 surgery and was off for a little over 2 weeks.  I have now been on it for 3 months and while the se's are nowhere near as bad as when I first started in January (I think the 2 week break was what I needed)  I have been dealing with minor se's of tamoxifen.  Mine are the blurred vision, serious joint pain (especially my tail bone), no appetite, mood swings and hot flashes. The ones that bother me the most are the mood swings and the joint pain (really just the tail bone ouch!).  I just feel so darn sad all the time, so my question is does it really get easier.  I feel like such a wus all the time.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lostinmo,  Can't remember if you have posted here or if you screen name is familiar to me from other threads.  Anyway, hello!  So, are you in the midst of chemo now?  How is that going for you?   It does help to have supportive family, although you have my sympathy having a teen boy poised on the "rebellion years."  I barely survived.  Foot in mouth

    mstrouble16,   Welcome!  Yes, I just passed the midway point with Tamox.  I guess you do get used to it.  Now this is where I say do not be influenced by anything I do or say, because I would hate to think my disregard for protocol messed up anyone else.  For about the last 8 mos. I have been taking only 15mg. daily.  If I take more, I get the "head trapped in a sauna" hot flashes and I want to quit the Tamox entirely.  On 15mg., I still feel the flashes, so it must be doing something; but I  can get through a night without waking up feeling like a roast turkey.  My doc knows all about it.  He doesn't like it, but would rather me take something than quit.  Again, I say all this not to sway anyone else, but to factually report what I am going thru'.  I have the blurred vision too, but I can't be sure that is not part of the middle-aged deal that has made me have Walgreen's reading glasses throughout the house.  I have joint & spine pain also and it seems a little worse since starting the Tamox., but that could be degenerative arthritis, which I know is in there as well.  Mood swings?  Yes, but nothing terrible.  I figured I would have had those as a part of menopause anyway, so moot point.  Back to your spine...did you mention your tail bone pain to a doc or chiropractor?  If it stays at the serious pain level for weeks at a time, definitely rule out spine damage (like hairline fracture or nerve pinch.)   I always warn women that mentioning bone pain to a MO will probably get you a bone scan so quick your head will spin, but even that can be a good thing rather than to worry about persistent pain being something to do with B/C.

    I don't know your age.  The saddness is probably a bundle of all things middle-aged, with B/C and the meds thrown on top.  Here's my opionion (humble, yet blurt in your face opinion):  Being sad all the time is NOT FUN and sometimes conquerable with self-control...where you just will yourself not to be mopey.  Try real hard.  If this does not work at all, it could be actual clinical depression.  I don't mean in a mental health kind of way, but more in your body chemistry could be thrown off and not making enough of something or too much of something else.  There is no harm or shame to get help from some meds.  Heaven knows there are enough of them out there; but try to lift the moodiness in all other ways first.  (I know taking a vacation did me a world of good!!!!)

    All that said, I think that most early-stagers DO have the potential to emerge on the other side of their B/C and actually feel better than before, with just a wee bit of effort.  It is a mental battle, but what plays an enormous part is getting in better shape physically.   You will feel your energy return, and if you push your body a little, you will feel it become stronger.  My body is in it's 40's.  I'm not.  I can say all of this to you because I am an average person.  Nothing special at all.  (O.K., quirky brain, but we are not on that subject!)   I'm average, and B/C had me down for a good year or more, but then I started to come back.  I didn't want "new normal" unless I could try and make it "bette normal," and I am stubborn.


    Ladies with higher stages, I know most of the comments I just wrote do not fit your situation.  You face enormous mental, emotional, and physical battles.  I feel like small potatoes in comparison.  Al I can do is encourage late-stagers to not lay down for their B/C and let it direct their lives.  The more self-directed, non-cancery things you are able to have in your life, I think the better you will feel.  That is just what I get as an observer around here.  I know I am limited in my perspective, so anyone is free to have their own different perspective, whether it makes me seem like a knucklehead or not.

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    You are so wise, Elimar! I love what and how you write.....always look forward to your postings!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Elmira, you are such a good writer! You express yourself clearly, thoroughly, with humor thrown in.

    I am going through chemo and getting more and more tired but am trying to take walks, at least. I feel like I am quickly getting out of shape. It's so hard to move when you're tired. Mind over matter, I guess.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, what you say makes a lot of sense. Several months ago, my onc was basically trying to tell me that I was being too antsy, because I insisted on PT for mild lymphedema and because I wore my compression sleeve through all the treatment and after (PT's advice to do so). 

    I thought about it today because I visited the PT for follow-up and we were talking about these things. I am not content to sit around and wait until I have a huge problem, that I then have to spend a lot of effort dealing with or else just suck up. I am also not content to just shrug and "live with" all kinds of problems IF there is something I can do about it.

    Yeah, I had breast cancer and I lost a couple of body parts and stuff, but my expectations are still high in terms of how I want to feel and live. 

  • prayrv
    prayrv Member Posts: 362

    Afternoon Middies!  I am mostly a lurker now - but do have email notification on every post on this thread so I can keep up daily.  Good news for me.  I had my onc appt today - I am to officially to stop taking Arimidex this coming December. I did 3 years of tamox and will finish up 2 years of Arimidex (total 5 years on an anti-hormonal). I am now on the yearly follow up plan!!!! 5 year cancerversary celebration to commence today!

    Hugs to all!


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Trish congrats on your 5 year cancerversary, what  milestone. Go out and celebrate.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Thanks for your flattering endorsements, ladies, so refreshing when the prevailing thought around my home is, "Isn't mom dumb as a post?" 

    Here's one of my favorite quotations, one that I have thought of almost daily over the last eight years, substituting "mom" for "father" & "the old man":

    "When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around.  But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."  ~ Mark Twain

    prayrv,  Happy 5-year Cancerversary!  Hope you whoop it up in style.        

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Elimar- I love the quote. My 13 yr old told me just today that he was smarter than me. Given my chemo brain lately he could be on to something.

    I made 20 jars of strawberry jam. So yummy.

    prayrv- Happy 5 yrs Laughing

    Sherryc- how are you doing with the expanders and when do you go for your exchange?

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Congrats prayrv!!!!  Five years and going strong!!!  Heres to many many more!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Yay, prayrv! You give me hope that I'll be there someday! Celebrations!

    Elimar, sorry for the misspelling of your name earlier. Autocorrect on this phone is driving me batty, but if I turn it off, I am worse than it is!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Congrats prayrv! What a milestone!! Hope you were able to truly celebrate today!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674


    Five years ! Wow! Sounds like a good reason to have a party!

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Congrats, Trisha!!! It's good to hear from those on the other side of this journey and doing well!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Blech! My neighbor just became stage IV. It is not BC. He had a cancer on his tongue, had it operated and then chickened out of doing anything further. He even refused a CT-scan back then, out of fear. I was going through treatment at the time, and I tried to convince him, as gently as possible, to do at least the scan. 

    He just stopped me now, almost a year later. He has another tumor and will start chemo next week. 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    prayrv - congrats on 5 yrs!!! Dance, dance, dance.

    Dianarose - homemade strawberry jam? What a treat!

    Momine - sorry to hear about your neighbour. Hoping that chemo will blast the tumor yet be gentle on him.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Momine, Mouth cancer seems aggressive, from all I have heard.  He probably was Stage IV even at the time he refused the scan, but maybe not.  Can't go back now. I hope your neighbor does well on chemo. Is his speech affected?

    Your post put this thought into my head:  Which is worse, to have a cancer that is not apparent to others, or one that is?  

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Yes, he may well have had mets already. I don't know, just feel bad for the guy. So far his speech seems ok.

    As for your question, beats me, lol. 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    5 years congrats Prayrv.Good to hear good news for a change.Smile I am up north visiting with my aged parents(80's)The system is set up very good here.Homecare nurses come in on weekdays to help with bathing safely and to check up on their safety and diet issues.I think it is time for assisted living arrangements but my father will not even discuss the issue.Change never comes easy when your in your 80'sUndecidedI hate that we live so far away.
  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    Minitower, my parents are 86 and can't bring themselves to move into senior housing, either. They don't have any help other than a lady who cleans house. My mom's short-term memory is pretty much gone. They live 800 miles away from me. Telephone calls are so confusing--my dad can't talk clearly as a result of a stroke and my mom talks in circles as she can't remember what she's said. I love and respect them but it sure requires patience! I bet a lot of us are in this situation.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314

    NO! Not miniflower! What the heck, autocorrect! I typed Mumito!