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  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Dianarose - That is just wrong!  Any chance of an appeal with your insurance?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    D-rose,  I'll be curious to see what others have to day about the wig, if they got any ins. coverage.  What Ins. Co. do you have?

    Nice to see you again, luvmygoats.  How did you do with your rads?  Your Dx and treatment is very similar to what I had, but I have been on Tamox.  I've been feeling very good lately, and I wish you the same with the Femara, and that you can really begin to put this behind you.

    Momine, Let us know how it goes on Tues. 

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Elimar - Thanks so much.  Don't post too much.  Busy with work and should be doing computer reports now instead of being here.  Got released this week from RO.  Fared pretty well with rads; nip peeled and underneath but nothing like I have read others having.  Worked all the way through but 'course didn't have chemo.  Had 0745 tx time so didn't affect my work time.  Have mammo on LX side next week then off to BS for followup.  Achy fingers/shoulders kinda like starting a cold/flu.  But sure beats the alternative of recurrence.  Hoping (fingers crossed) to quit/retire (though will only be 60) in December.  DH says it will work.  May be beans/rice only.  Only time will tell.  Driving around all day and then too late home/too tired to cook.  And exercise, what is that??  Last time I walked for exercise (not that I don't stand/walk for work) was when I was on leave.

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Hi ladies -lurker here.  Dianarose - did your doctor give you a prescription for a "cranial" or "hair" prosthesis?  That may be what the insurance company wants in order to reimburse you the $350.  I hope you can get reimbursed. 

    Wishing minimal SE's for everyone in active treatment.


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Dianarose--I had to have my MO write a script for the wig and then file the claim myself with all the receipts to be reimbursed. My insurance didn't cover the whole thing either. Kind of a pain but it was worth it.

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332

    Just stopping back in, you guys are hard to keep up with.

    Dainarose-hope you can get some of your money back from insurance

    I was reading your post about the soy and other things. I give up I don't know what you are or aren't suppose to eat anymore.

    luvmygoats-what kind of goats do you have. My BIL has 2 goats out here where we are staying, they are so much fun to watch.

    Have a good weekend everyone 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    luvmygoats,  Congrats on having done so well, skinwise, with rads.  I was about the same.  I had 6 boosts at the end, in an oval shape, and that is what had peeling but only one top layer came off just like it would with a sunburn.  All you will need in your retirement will be another rascal-y goat or two and you will get plenty of exercise chasing them and keeping them out of trouble.

    chrisct, You joined this thread long ago, so it's always good to have you drop back in.  You are the Dx TWIN of luvmygoats.  (I'd be your triplet, but they only got two nodes outta me.)   Enjoy your summer.  Lurk on, or post as you please.

    How is your aunt doing, Sherryc?  Hope she can rally and get back home. 

    Have a good weekend Middies.  I have to get moving and do my chores...make hay while the sun shines but before it scorches me to a crisp.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    elimar - now that I have this song in my head, thought I would share. Steven Lee Olsen "Make hay while the sunshines"

    Stay cool everyone!

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli--are you parched in the heat?? 

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Eli....are you telling us something with the new thread photo??? And is it hot where you ate or just the Tamox? lol!

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    I'm confused as well on what to eat or not eat anymore, that I've decided if there isn't a picure of a skull and cross bones on it, I'm gonna eat my cake and have it too!!  Life is just to short anymore to have that to add to the stress.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    lol Paula - I think that I have to agree with you on that one. It is so very confusing as to what is good for you, what is thought to be good for you, and what everyone else thinks is good for you.  "Let them eat cake!"

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767

    Momie said "On the other side though, it does seem like keeping blood sugar steady, for example, may actually make some sort of difference in recurrence. "

    I agree . Just look at the metformin clinical trials study.

    If you are concerned about your blood sugars, you can ask your DR for  a glucose meter ...most have these as free samples incl. 10 test strips. The problem may be add'l strips which your ins. co. may not cover if you are not DX as diabetic...they can be purchased OTC at Walmart, but are pricey.

    You could also ask for an A1c3 blood test which profiles your avg. glucose over the previous 3 mos. Your dr. will just order the blood work.

    These tests are also now avail as a kit OTC in Walmart.

  • Elimar,  I am in Fla. visiting Barb A.....saw some saltwater taffy and thought of you.

    It is cooler here than in OH. 

    I just read this page and love the comment about the skull and cross bones and it being OK to eat as long as not marked with that.....That is a great philosophy IMHO.  When I went to see the colon/rectal specialist a few weeks ago ( won't go into details on that one) she told me I do NOT have husband was the one who talked to them after I had the colonoscopy/endoscopy in Feb. and he insisted they said Diverticulitis...I asked several times, Are you sure it's not diverticulosis and he said no ITIS.   Well, he was wrong because she showed me the's osis and mild at that, but I do have acid reflux and the hiatal hernia so that is why I must take the nexium.   So that means I can go back to eating tomatoes and my raspberries and a lot of things I had been avoiding.   That makes me very happy.....ah, life's little pleasures.

    Are you still doing mystery pics or did I not go back far enough?    

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Purple, things work a little differently down here. I asked my pharmacist about a glucose meter. That is no problem, but he thought I was completely balmy to be worried about glucose of around 100. My docs have the same opinion.

    But I am going to ask my local lab if they do the A1c3 test. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Party on to the North, with the Canadian Sisters!  You gotta love a holiday that lends itself to strawberry desserts.


    Paula66,  "skull and crossbones"  LOL!  Laughing

    Marybe,  Have a great time in "Margaritaville" with BarbA.  Glad you got your digestive D-words sorted out, too.

    I have no idea what my blood sugar is doing, but I've never had a worrisome number (except once while pregnant and it turned out to be nothing once I did the fast.)  I've got to hand it to my pancreas for doing a good job at insulin production, probably working overtime because I do like my sweet treats.  Diabetes does not run in my family, thank goodnesss, and gene inheritance is a big factor, I think.  

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Thanks for the great looking cake eli! I think I shall endulge - fresh strawberries....... yummmmmmmy!

    Marybe - glad that you are able to get back to some of the foods you like. My DH has the ITIS of the Diverticuli - not much fun for anyone that is affected.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    I have missed so many posts. Trying to work as much as possible before I start regimen #2 on Tuesday. It has been crazy busy at work. A lot of tourist have arrived. It keeps me employed. It is so hot in the kitchen though. I go in the walk in quite often lately.

    I am getting used to the wig, but am having a reaction to the double sided tape that is used to keep it on. I am going to call tomorrow to see if there is a different kind. My skin is red and raw where the tape was. Eye brows are pretty much gone at this pt. I draw them on in the morning, but somehow manage to rub them off by the end of the day. I look like Yoda. May the force be with me.

    I am going to call my insurance company tomorrow. They will pay for ugly mastectomy bra's for the rest of my life, but not a wig.

    I hope everyone is doing fine and having a great summer so far. It sure has been hot here in Maine. Have a great night everyone.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    We have an organization that works with the American Cancer Society (sort-of) called Links for Life.  They provide wigs for women undergoing cancer tx, and they charged based on a person's ability to pay.  I paid for two and months later I recieved one for free.  I speak from my experience some years ago, who knows if it is still the same.  You might check with your ACS to see if they have any resources for them.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    BCO seems to be messed up this least on my computer.  I put up a new pic of dolphins, only now I can't see any original post at all.  Maybe someone else can notice if they have the same problem or something else.  I don't think it is just me, but I want to make sure before I let the Mods know about a technical difficulty.

  • lostinmo
    lostinmo Member Posts: 332

    elimar-so far I have only had problems with this thread, for some reason it being strange.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Thanks, lostinmo, I have asked the Mods to look into it.
  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Yes, I too find this is the only thread that is messed up.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I have been off for a couple of days and this thread is realy messed up.  I can't tell who is reallyl posting what.  Luvmygoats and meece are getting chemo but I know it is really dianarose.  Someone asked about my aunt and she finally made it home on hospice Friday.  So now it is just time.  But my uncle and kids and grandkids are all around.  she loves her family so that is the best gift that they can give her.

  • Butterflylady2012
    Butterflylady2012 Member Posts: 14

    Wow, this is a long thread that has been around awhile. I am 43 and Dx with ILC in April.  Been a whirlwind since then, but I have a lot to be thankful for.  Even though I have lost my right breast and will be losing the left, I was Stage 2a, not a higher stage and my nodes were clear.  I am very thankful!  And when all is said and done I will have new ones, a bit more perky and less droopy! Worried about recurrence like everyone else, but luckily I am at low risk so that helps.  

    Music, music, music....fills me up when I feel blue though.  It always has.  I'm a kid of the 70s, but love everything from big band music, to 70s/80s/90s rock, to Folk and blues...on and on.  Now more then ever my music is keeping me sane.  During my first surgery I brought my Ipad with me and headphones.  Played music while I was lying there out of it. 

    My thoughts and prayers to all the middle-aged ladies who are worrying, wondering, hoping, praying, wanting answers, searching for ways to get strength through the madness.  By this stage in our lives we are strong already and have so much within us to help us through this.    

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410

    Welcome Butterfly!

    Sherry: I'm so happy your aunt was able to come home.....being in my own home surrounded by the people I love would be my preference if given the chance. She's been blessed!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,534

    Dear All,

    We have let the tech team now about the formatting issues on this thread.  Hopefully, they can be fixed soon. 

    Thanks for your patience!

    The Mods

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    OOOhh!! Have I taken too many of my happy pills, cuz this thread is really groovy looking!! Pass the cheetohs!!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    No happy pills here so I figured I'd eaten too many Cheetos.  And MAN, were they good.Smile

    Edit to add, I didn't see the full extent of the problem until I posted.  The names don't match the posts.  Sheesh, I gotta lay off the Cheetos.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, Butterflylady2012!  Please try to bear with this thread, especially since it is currently hard to tell who is replying to whom.  It didn't even occur to me to take my MP3 on my surgery day, and I did have some hours to kill waiting in the prep area as they squeezed an emergency in before me.  When is your next surgery?

    Also, you get bonus points for joining in while my Original Post is missing from the top.  Hope others are not discouraged by the bare look up there.