
  • CarolT0214
    CarolT0214 Member Posts: 21

    Thanks for making me feel at home!

    Meece  - thanks for your 2 cents.  I do already have the antibactieral wipes, hand sanitizers, etc. in place at home and at work.  Also, have the travel variety for the holidays.  I have done all my shopping on line and have been working mostly from home since my sugery in November.

    Smithlme - I'll do my best to keep my distance fom Elimar until she is feeling better (hopefully soon!).  So, how far back do I need to read to understand the Cheetos (Shee-eetois) reference?  Looking forward to some distracting humor!  Oh, and also is the Colby/Kolby reference related to the Cheetos.....I am amusingly confused.

    Gcarter -  thanks for the welcome......and I am counting on the funny comments and will hopefully put out a few of my own.

    NativeMainer - I didn't actually start swearing out loud until this diagnosis...lol....so "rattled" is more the real me, at least in a public forum!

    First Chemo is officially this Thursday and I expect to be MORE than rattled on that day.  Tomorrow I should find out exactly what comination of meds I will be dealing with....not sure it matters much....all the possible SE's suck!  Hopefully it won't be as bad as I anticipate.

    Should be in the SF Bay Area around the 23rd for the traditional cookie baking day with both daughters and both granddaughters.  We bake most of the day listening to various Christmas music....but especially John Denver and the Muppets, A Christmas Together.  In this age group I expect that most of you will remember that special.  I started this tradition back in the 70's and it continues...lol.  Trying to keep my husband and son-in-law out of the cookies is much harder than keeping the kids out of them!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Carol. Carol. Carol.

    How do we explain??

    Where would we begin??

    Kolby is 'virtual' man created from all the best parts available.

    I can not address the cheetos incident, as I have spent an inordinate amount of time in the 'time out' room and have been labeled "naughty" so I must not make any references to cheeto porn, this near to the holidays, again.

    It's not that many pages back that we were in seriously rare "group-form."

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    carol, my advice to you is to start taking a laxative the day before chemo and drink as much as you can.  Eat Fiberone Cereal each morning.   You will be glad you did. lol  Your cookie baking party sounds like fun.  I always did cookies and candy every Christmas with my kids and when they left home the tradition didn't continue.  Probably because I have 2 boys.  Hope  you have a great time.

    We have some very creative and crafty women on this thread.  They will keep  you in tears from laughing so much.  My DH just does not understand, when I just burst out laughing at what is being said.  It is great fun and will lift your spirits.

  • PattiB
    PattiB Member Posts: 107

    Carol - Chemo is definitely doable and for me it was no as bad as I had imagined.  Listen to all your onc and NP's advice about keeping the SE's away and be proactive.  Gargle 4x/day with baking soda/salt combo or what onc recommends and drink, drink, drink, lots of water (you'll be thirsty anyway).   Well wishes being sent and have a great cookie day.

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    My daughter has a friend who is engaged to a guy named Colby.  I always thought it was an odd name but never correlated it with cheese somehow..lol. 

  • Ah ha, I knew that was what they did to me when I had that bone density test....had to put my legs up on a box.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    For my bone density they put a big elasitc around my feet cause mine splay out and down. It killed my hips! Made me wonder how bad I'd really be if my posture was "normal".....sigh. It kind of felt like a joke or a skit on a comedy channel. Like a fake x-ray and I expected to walk out and be told I'd gotten "punked"! Seemed very simplistic really.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Carol, mouth sores are a SE of Adriamycin.  I was given a popsicle each time I received it.  Keeping the inside of my mouth  cold, while receiving the A,  was supposed to prevent the sores,  It worked, I never had a single mouth sore.  If this is one of your chemos, you might ask about it.


  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Welcome Carol.  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow.  Biotene toothpaste and mouthwash does wonders at keeping your mouth moist and preventing mouth sores during chemo.  Also, Hobby Lobby and Walmart have an amazing assortment of bandanas for about $1 each, if you're planning on going that route.  They get softer with each washing, and you can find all sorts of colors. 

    My personal nickname for Kolby Cheeto is Vitamin K.  Just wondering how much of my daily allowance he would provide?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Spent a lot of time as a couch potato yesterday, on the DayQuil, followed by NyQuil.  So, I watched one of my favorite (already mentioned) Christmas classics, "A Charlie Brown Christmas."  Snoopy was such an icon when I was a kid, like Elmo of the Sixties.  I think the first 45 record I asked my mom to buy for me was "Snoopy vs. The Red Baron."  My taste in music has improved since then, but not by much.

    On to another of my Top 5 holiday film faves, but it's more rare to see it on t.v. these days cause it's OLD, and I saw it A LOT in black and white, but it might be colorized by now...

    sim christmas carol Pictures, Images and Photos

    It's the 50's  version of A Christmas Carol, with that crazy old Alastair Sim as Scrooge.  I guess he is my favorite Scrooge, edging out my second favorite (below) by just a straggly hair. 

     Scrooge McDuck Pictures, Images and Photos

    Maybe I should have posted this on one of the memories threads.  Maybe I'll just take more DayQuill and get back on the couch.

    Hello to CarolT0214.

  • jeanl151
    jeanl151 Member Posts: 36

    well here I am moving up in the "middle-aged" group.  Today I am 54 !!!  

      I don't post here often but  must tell you "girls" I love reading all your posts....they put a smile to my face.

       Tx3 is done, side effects slowly passing on after 7 days...looking forward to taste buds back in time for Holiday Yummies!!!


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
  • Angel10
    Angel10 Member Posts: 347

    MO34THSTREET bluray.jpg

    One of my faves....ho, ho, ho...

    See full size image

    God Bless!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Happy Birthday, Jean!

    Elimar - I had multiple stuffed Snoopy toys - probably still have one here somewhere, sadly.

    I can't take NyQuil - I'm not a big person for unusual reactions to things but for some reason, the two times I took it I was very awake and mentally perky for hours and hours, which is not the desired effect. A friend of mine once called it the "Sneezing, Sniffling, Coughing, Why Am I Lying on the Kitchen Floor?" Medicine.

    Carol - might be both psychologically damaging AND time-consuming to try to read back through the cavalcade of Cheeto posts, but it could be fun to scroll back and see some of the amazing art, which I suspect was not culled from Google Image Searches but was instead hand-crafted in the homes of some of my buddies here on Booby Facebook...

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Happy Birthday Jean! Welcome to Cheeto-ville. I prefer Margarita-ville, but Cheeto-ville will do for now...oh, and Kolby...Vitamin K...Special K...isn't that a cereal? Oh, crap. Now I'm thinking cereal killer. Chemo brain is in full swing. Must be too many Christmas cookies and not enough Cheetos...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Angel10 - I like that one too...nothing like the courtroom drama of Santa at a competency hearing!

    jeanl151 -Many Happy Returns to you!  Stop by more often.

    Kleenex - I'm not too bad with the NyQuil, but in a related story...Remember a post where my college boy had to get a CT (for weird head and vision disturbances?)  Well, after the fact, we now think he was over-sensitive to dextromethorphan, the "cough component" of many of the cold formulations.  He took the DayQuil caps, but later some extra cough syrup with that in it; not so much to be an "overdose" but we think it did mess him up in the head for a couple days.

    desdemona222b - whatever happened to the kittens in your crawlspace?

    smithlme -do you need anyone to "talk you down?"

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    We found a home for the little yellow one, but had to take Mama and the little black and white one to the Humane Society the other day.  I have two cats and two dogs I can barely afford right now, and I was afraid to wait any longer because kitten was at her cutest and fluffiest and Mama - well, I was scare to death she'd have another litter on me if I didn't do something fast.  It's a no-kill shelter, but we're still feeling pretty sad.  Hopefully someone will adopt both of them - they're beautiful cats.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I bet the black and white one will be a Christmas gift for someone, hopefully the Mama too. 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    It seems a little subdued here today.  Especially after about a week of Cheeto-ville.

    I can take about any kind of meds and they don't seem to affect me.  They certainly don't make me hyper or anything like that.  I guess that is  a really good thing.

    Hoping  everyone gets over their colds and ses in time to have a great weekend.


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Perhaps they are all in a Cheeto induced coma? I looked for the white ball Cheetos when I went shopping and was highly upset when I couldn't find them. Maybe we have several cases of Cheeto ball envy?

    The sugar has finally left my system and now it's time to make dinner. I went to our local cancer support group today and our leader has the tail end of bronchitis. She swears she's not contagious and I sure hope she's not. I'm going to be really ticked off if I get sick. Besides cancer and going through chemo and several surgeries, I have been quite healthy. Being sick around the holidays would be sucky.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    If I find the white Cheeto Snowballs I will buy several cases and then sell them on Ebay!  I'll be rich!!!!!

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    smithime, I would be mad  if I were you also, if someone came to a cancer support group and gave everyone their  germs.  I have also been relatively healthy, besides the cancer and have really tried to stay away from sick people, but you can't hardly accomplish that.

    Meece, I hope  you make a fortune, you deserve to be rich.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Well, all, I feel a bit like a fool today.  Called the MedOnc's office and found out that I'm having a bone density test before I see the doc.  My doc orders them about every 2 years for women on an AI (I take Arimidex).  She usualy gets a bone density done at the time the AI is started, but since I was not post-menopausal (I get lupron to shut down my ovaries) there wasn't any reason to do one then.  The doc was planning to discuss the test with me at my next appointment, then schedule an appointment for the test a week or so later.  But since I drive 90 miles one way to see this doc they decided to set me up with an appointment for the bone density test the same day I see the doc.  The receptionist was supposed to give the appointment info to the office nurse who was going to call me with the info and explain the whole thing, but the office got busy and the receptionist just followed her routine assuming that I was expecting the appointment info.  So, now I know what test, there's no IV, won't even have to get undressed.  Next time I get a call like that I'll know to ask for the office nurse and find out what's going on right then and there! 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Native...I'm so glad you straightened everything.

    I guess they don't understand how nervous we get when they tell you you need a bone test.

    Thank God, you can sleep better tonight.



  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    Just lost my post so I'll try again.  Had to wear scrubs for my bone density-really an easy test though-hoping you have great results.

    Opened my bag of authentic crunchy cheeto's.  Did not eat the whole thing due incredible thirst and orange fingers-what no side effects listed on the bag?  Good thing I was warned by my cheeto friends.  There are a lot of varieties of cheetos at my store-sorry, no naughties or large holiday ones.  Have to admit the twirlies might make decent ornaments or even a decorative bird feeder. 

    Love the name Kolby, thinking we could change up the Cheeto part-O'Cheeto might work.  "Oh Cheeto, I need (or want)........."

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Oh, Cheeto tree, oh, Cheeto tree...however orange your branches...

  • gcarter
    gcarter Member Posts: 53

    Carol good luck tommorro. I cannot give you any advice..i was one of the lucky ones..o chemo or rads..

    Today I went for my first post op of exchange. The mast. side is still pretty high. I am not trying to get too discouraged he explained that I had a lot to repair. I am hopeful. Emotional day today. I think because my expectations are too high or I think that I used to say that I would give myself 10 minutes for pity party and then move on. 90% positive. I think its been something that finally caught up to me. I just was not shaking it like I usually do. I just had my visit from Aunt Flo so that was not it. Emotional wreck. I guess I was due. Just venting. I probably need a cheeto or two to go with my new muffin cup that came along with this journey.


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Kolby O'Shee-ee-tois...........

    Another improvement.

    Building a man by committee is such a brilliant idea!! 

    Here! Here!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Seyla--sometimes the docs' office staff don't seem to realize what kind of reaction their phone calls can trigger.  They did save me a trip just for the test, and I really do appreciate that.  I suppose I've got to learn to put a lid on the emotional reaction when something like that happens. 

    Queenlurker--the office nurse did say that I wouldn't have to take off my clothes if I wore stuff without any metal parts--no metal zippers, snaps etc. I suppose different places do it differently. 

    Smithime-great new song! 

    Carol--I'm sure you'll do just fine, but you can amuse yourself (and us) by coming up with some innovative swear words, if you need to. 

    Gina--heaven knows that we go through so many stressors in such quick succession that we never really have a chance to completely recover from one before the next one hits.  Add in anesthesia, which is known to upset thinking and emotional reactions (as well as bring on visits from Aunt Flo) and it's more of a surprise that we don't completely break down more often than we do.  What I'm trying to say is give yourself a break.  The beast changes our lives completely, and we are entitled to grieve the loss of our prior lives, and many of us need to grieve the amputation of a breast, and all of us need to grieve the change in how we look, weather it's a change in breast shape, scars or whatever.  So vent away, sister, and get it out of your system.  We'll all listen and emphathize. 

    10 degrees on the thermometer, -15 with the wind chill.  The clothes I hung out on the line yesterday are still frozen stiff.  At least the sun is shining! 

     edited to correct spelling errors

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    O' Cheeto sounds like a fake Irishman to me! Surprised Or a cheatin' one at least...