
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I agree, Barbe.  Makes him sound plastic.

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957
    Well, it's okay if he is fake or plastic........... if he was real we would not be in total control as we are now!!! Wink
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Isn't he already made out of cheese?  What's his middle name...Jack?  Hee-hee.

    NativeMainer,  I hope to be setting up the bone density test soon too (after holidays) but I want to see about getting the Vitamin D test as well.  I want to have one-stop testing, so I'll have to see which doctor will agree to do both.  Maybe the Med-Onc will be a triple play on that, since I want to get the CYP2D6 and see what's going on with my Tamoxifen too. 

    Sounds like I enjoy getting the all the testing, but no, I'm fairly sick of all the doctors visits over the past 6 mos. and am instead enjoying a nice holiday hiatus of not scheduling anything until January.  Hope anyone waiting on test results before the holidays get only good news.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    I'm waiting for test results until Jan 5th. I want to enjoy the holidays. I'm waiting for bone scan, hip x-ray, brain CT and something else I can't remember! Undecided This way I don't even think about them....yah right!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    O.K., time to get down to business, Christmas business, and I mean presents.  Those of you wanting to form a sub-group about all-things Nativity, go ahead, cause I'm about to get commercial here.  Now be honest, how many of you wives (girlfriends, SOs,) actually BUY your OWN presents (some, at least?)  How many of you have just been hinting your butts off for the past 2 1/2 months, or breaking down and putting some stuff on a list?  Alright, and which ONE of you has the husband who has the mutant shopping gene (with recessive good taste alleles?)  My inquiring mind wants to know.

    You see, I already know that I am getting two picture frames for Xmas (sorry, if you all were waiting to be surprised) which I bought for myself yesterday.  Yes, they will go under the tree, and I will like them a lot, they are great, they are just what I was wanting to hang my (now) pair of senior high school pictures of my sons up in.  Self, you shouldn't have!

    Speaking of teens, why are they so hard to buy for?  Maybe that is the same for adult children too?  With the teens, I know the old saying -- MONEY, one size fits all.  I just never liked that too much, so I do try, try, try to come up with wonderous gifts that I can wrap.  I will however take all suggestions on gifts for the teen boy from anyone who wants to PM me.

    Husbands, they are hard too, but we often sit down at the "bargaining table" and "hammer out" something jointly beneficial.  If I made that sound a bit calculated, well, better that than another sweater (which, if it's acrylic, is just going to put a bunch of horrible static into my hair.)

    I write all this as a preamble to actually going out to shop today.  I've pretty much given that cold virus the boot, and am no longer reliant on the cold meds although I still feel a little funny in the head, which I mean in a good way otherwise my posts would be a lot more boring.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Elimar  Nice to see you are up and going. How are you feeling today?

    I also bought my own present something I wanted for a long time. Digital camera. The handsome UPS man delivered it few days ago, maybe he was Santa with UPS costume. Who cares.

    I don't want to wrap it, need to learn how to use it first.

    Christmas morning my DD's want to teach me. They actually believe I can learn it in 5 minutes.

    Have a nice day my friends


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    DH and I discussed that we would not be going out extravagant this year, so we gave each other a T.V.  Last year we both went wild, I gave DH something off his bucket list, and he gave me something he had wanted.  There will be a couple of gifts under the tree but we cut back.

    I won a digital camera last night at my company's party, so I need to learn about how to use it, more than the point and click stuff.  It did take good pics at the paty though.

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    After reading "Crazy Sexy Cancer" by Kris Carr, I told DH that I wanted a pair of red cowboy boots.  The image of her wearing those for her MRI (or was it CT scan?) just clicked with me.  I'm going to call them my cancer-kickin' boots.

    I'm getting my hubby a pair of fancy chef's knives and signing him up for a basic knife skills class at the culinary school.  He and my daughter have taken quite an interest in cooking, and I'm trying to encourage both of them.  Maybe then I won't have to cook dinner so often!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I've got a freaky gifting combination going on here. First of all, my husband DOES have that recessive good gifting gene with the good taste alleles. But to make it even easier for him, I'm the kind of woman who might actually WANT and ASK FOR something like a vacuum or salad spinner, and then I'll be THRILLED when I open it. He also does jewelry periodically, and we miraculously have similar taste and I've always liked everything he's gotten me. That said, I don't go out looking at jewelry, so I wouldn't know if there was something amazing I truly would love that I didn't get... Sometimes I feel that his prodigious gift-giving skills are wasted on me, because I'm not too hard to please.

    On the other hand, my inlaws usually surprise me with stuff I hate, in colors I would never wear or choose. Last year I got a "breast cancer" scarf in scary shades of pink and a sort of cover-stick beige. Oh, sure, I'll tell anyone off the street that I had breast cancer, but I'm not going to wear a breast cancer scarf, especially not in colors that bring out my already too-pink skin and draw attention to its blotchyness. I suppose it was meant to be a supportive thing. I DO like the actual people, but we live in different states and that can make it a bit scary.

    My sister buys her own presents, then wraps them and puts them under the tree and opens them Christmas morning. She has also been known to re-wrap them and bring them to the family gathering, where she opens them AGAIN. Weird.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I did it -- by myself.  Nine inches of hair, gone, soon to be mailed out to Pantene's Beautiful Lengths and eventually become someone's cancer wig. 

    I'm rockin' a girl version of the Prince Valiant chin length bob, cause I'm not too good at layering on my own hair.  Like I've always said, "Cutting your own hair is easy, it's the ridicule that's hard."  


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Elimar. What a wonderful act of kindness. You are a beacon!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    elimar--I hear you about one-stop testing.  If it's got to be done, let's get it all done at once and over with so I have some time to live my life in between appointments.  I've been blessed with a PCP that will order just about any test I want as long as I can give her a reason or show her some research about it.  Since she's the only one who is ordering any blood work, it makes it pretty easy to combine tests. 

    As far as the shopping thing, since there's only me here (unless you count the dog, also female) If I don't do it, it doesn't get done.  I'm claustrophobic and really have a hard time with the crowds in the stores this time of year, and am still trying to recover financially from diagnosis and treatment bills, so this year I told everyone not to expect anything gifts from me this year, and that I don't want any.  I just want a nice family dinner. 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    I give my DH a list and he buys everything on the list.  It is just easier that way.  I have been know to buy my own presents and put them under the tree, but it wasn't really my idea.  So one day when we were having a very serious discussion, I told him I didn't like buying my own presents, but I don't find giving him a list.  I did ask for a steam mop, I have a house cleaner, so why would I care, but I want one.  I am the person that asked for and received a curling iron for my birthday.  Now that is really weird for a bald woman to ask for on her birthday.  But it is what I wanted.  I will have hair again some day.

    I went to the Onc today and my WBC and my RBC were both in the normal range, however I was having trouble breathing and now I am holding water and she put me on Lasix.  Will it never end.  I had gained 10 lbs since last week. 

    Hope everyone has a good evening.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    one-L, have you had two Tx of chemo so far, or just one?  The Lasix should help with the water retention, just don't be hesitant about calling the doctor if it does not seem to improve over a few days or you continue to have breathing trouble.  Keep us posted on how you're feeling.
  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    elimar, I have had 3 treatments.  At the rate I am going, I will barely be over the last one, when I get the other one next week.  I just have one more and I will be finished.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    Sending you hugs and encouragement.

    Will be thinking good thoughts and move you to the top of my prayer list.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Juanelle, you are 75% through.  You are on the downhill run!

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    faith, thanks for the prayers and the hugs.  It will get better and after next tx, I have a long week to get over it.

    Meece, yea I am 75% through.  It is really a good feeling.  When it started I wasn't sure it would ever end.  It has gone much faster than I expected.  On to rads.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Wow, you have come a long way, one-L!   The time (in my perception, these days) just seems to be flying by.  It seems like only a couple weeks ago that you were shaving your head.  (If our timing was better, you could have gotten a wig made from MY hair!  Well, seriously, I read it takes 6 hair donations to make a wig.)
  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    I bought my wig several weeks after I donated my hair.  I think I got my own hair.  It is just about as hard to manage.  I got my hair cut on Halloween day, it seems to be going by really fast.  I was expecting it to take 3 months for chemo, but I had my first tx on 10/23 and my last will be on 12/24, it really hasn't been bad at all.

  • valeriekd
    valeriekd Member Posts: 79

    Congrats 1L- I remember when we both first started! We r gonna make it gal.

    Love to you and all- Valerie 

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    valerie, yes we are going to make it.  It didn't seem like it at first, but we are strong and we are almost through.  I just hope none of us ever have to do this again.



  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I second that!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Elimar - Congratulations on the Prince Valiant bob!!!! Although I'm wondering why you opted for that instead of the Dorothy Hammil... Bobs are always a classic look.

    Juannelle - Yay on being 75% done! bummer that the last one is Christmas Eve, but how nice to get it completed in this calendar year.

    I third the motion that we don't have to do any of this again...

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Here's to a New Year of completed treatments and free from recurrences! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I put in a phone call to my Med-Oncs office today to see about all the tests I mentioned way up there in my earlier post (bone density, Vit. D, CYP2D6) and when the nurse called me back, she asked why I was wanting all those tests and if I had been "reading something?"  (BC.org women, I can hear your laughter from here!)   

    I don't think I'd have to explain to a single woman on here why I would be asking for any one of those tests.  It's funny that I should have to "explain myself" to that nurse.  The kicker is that my mom HAS osteoporosis, and is a patient of this very same doctor.  I feel that HE should have already made the suggestion that I have the bone density test done. 

    The nurse is "checking with the doctor."  Let's see what happens.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I know that in some cases, the nurses are supposed to be the first line of defense to sheild the doctor from outright stupidity, but sometimes I feel they have a power complex which makes them feel entitled to make decisions about what the doctor should know or be asked.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Lord, I would expect a nurse at a Med Onc office to KNOW about those tests!  I can understand the nurse checking with you to find out if you were asking about test because of some symptoms, that helps guage the urgency of the request.  But it's pretty insensitive to ask if you'd "been reading something" as if you were asking for tests that were totally unrelated or very odd.  Also, most insurance companies require a reason for ordering a test or they won't cover it.  But there are much more sensitive ways to find out that kind of info.  You'd think a nurse in an oncology office would be able to do that.  It really, really burns me when the people we're supposed to be able to depend on for knowledge and compassion turn out to be so totally clueless!

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    Are we even sure she was a nurse?  I know a lot of aides who aren't willing to correct someones perception of a nurse.

    I fourth the motion oh and by the way the cheeto's are now history in my house, good thing it was a small bag.  Have a great weekend!   

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good point--she might not have been a nurse, many offices no longer use nurses as a cost-saving measure.  Even so, whoever is taking these calls needs to have some customer service skills, no matter what their credentials are.  All of us can understand when someone asks us about reasons for requesting a test, and that insurance companies require certain info before they will pay.  There's no call to treat us like we're gullible and don't understand what we read.