Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Eli, welcome back! I was doing the old shopping for DS's new apt last Sunday as well. We were south of Btown, but we know the hazards of Move in Day, well.

    Boy oh boy, shopping with a son is so much fun. me "What color curtains do you want?" him "Black, I want to keep the sun out." me "They are light blocking curtains, how about these light green ones to match the kitchen cabinets?" him "Whatever, I'll take the blue ones". Much more fun with someone who cares. He is happy in his new manly apt, tho. No roomates to distract him. 

    barsco, you still celebrating? Positive vibes for your CT. Girls weekend sounds like fun. How many sisters do you have?

    I miss Marybee, too. She was so welcoming and interested in everyone. I miss the pet therapy thread. 

    carolynn, I have been on arimidex and am switching to tamox. It's all so different for us all. I am post menopausal but had a tough road on the AI. We can just compare notes along the way. 

    Whooeeeee!!!!! 4 years of words, comfort and encouragement!!!! (I'm not mentioning the swearing, sobbing and seething) (or is that a diffferent thread?)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    New article, telling us what we already know about early mammograms.  Duh, right?

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Thanks Loral and Mac - just have to wait for the final verdict now.

    mac - your shopping story made me laugh. Typical male shopping style - lol. I have 5 sisters - just one of them missing on the weekend. Lucky to all be within close enough proximity to get together.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    This morning, my MO appt. was with my favorite (the PA.)  I like him because we go way back to when he had the task to tell my mom it was time for hospice, and his demeanor for that tough task was exemplary.  Anyway, I told him I was anxious to move forward and that I was mentally and physically done with the chemo rounds.  There was absolutely no argument from him, and what he did say about it was supportive of my decision.  (Not like they are there to have a full blown argument with you, but still, they will make their frowny faces if they don't like the direction you are headed in.)  Basically, he felt that I had received a good amt. of the poison and was in agreement that (with me having done neoadjuvant) I had probably gotten whatever benefit it was going to give me.

    I also got an interesting answer to a question that had been bugging me.  So, neoadjuvant had shrunk my 5 cm tumor down to 2mm x 6mm; but I wondered WHAT did it do to the cancer in the nodes?  They told me six still showed active cancer after neoadjuvant.  Well, the PA said that the path. report even read like that, even if the cancer cells were necrotic and dying, even if they were there but not viable.  I had been thinking that the cells that survived in the nodes surely must have been damaged and hurting pretty bad.  I had a very good response to that neoadjubant.  So now, I did 10 adjuvant rounds out of 12, six with the platinum drug, and I have to believe that it took care of any strays, if there were even any in the first place. 

    I feel great.  Yes, there was skipping.  Now, going to get a CT this week, and I'm waiting to hear if my surgeon can bump me up a month for surgery in early Oct.  I am ready to heal, heal, heal.  Get thee behind me, cancer!!!!!!


  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Congrats Elimar....

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Barsco, I hope for good CT results. Sending my positive thoughts/prayers belatedly but no less well intentioned!

    Eli, I'm so glad you had a good appointment. Like you said, it's not supposed to be an argumentative occasion, but positive reinforement is awesome. Hoping you get that surgery scheduled as soon as possible to keep on keeping on :)

    Meeting BCO sisters in person ... I've been very very luck to meet up with about 5 locals semi-regularly and have taken trips to various locations with larger groups. This year, I'm going to meet up with 45+ women in Vegas and I've only met one of them before in person! My experience has been overwhelmingly positive - very little time devoted to cancer talk and lots of time devoted to fun and living and sharing in general.

    Four years of this thread? Wow! I missed about a year in the beginning I think until someone pointed me here. I don't post nearly as often as I'd like ... damn that whole working full time thing! I treasure so many of you though and read the posts daily.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - glad to hear that all went well at your appt today. Is great to have your MO concur with your decision. Onward and upward for you!

    marlegal - thanks for the positive vibes. It's never too late.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Loral, it is my sincere hope that I can move from "awesome" to "priceless."   Can I really be that lucky?  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Elimar, so glad the PA saw it your way.  Now it's time for you to heal - and be priceless!

    barsco - more good vibes for a good CT coming your way!

    Diana - hope your SEs have settled down some.  These hormonal drugs are the pits. I've been on Tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years - at first my problems were minimal.  But I feel like they're getting worse now. Frown

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, glad to hear that you had a meeting of the minds with the onc. Onwards and upwards.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Eli, great news! always nice to have a professional concur with our opinions. You are already "priceless" to us. 

    brasco, wow 5 sisters! My mom was one of 5 sisters. She was the middle child. They had some great times, but when they fought, whooeee! I am a middle child, too, but with only 1 bro and 1 sis. And now just the 1 bro (who just is not as much fun!)

    heart, my tamox bottle is still sitting on my counter unopened. I just cannot bring myself to start taking them yet. I hope your SE's settle back down!

    marl, we'll be with you when you get that paperwork in your hand and are at the right place at the right time. I find it harder and harder to get everything lined up like that, too.

    So i went to doc yesterday 'cause I just don't feel right. I can't really explain it. She ordered an MRI for my neck, to see if my neck bone is really connected to my hand bones. My hands are not getting any better even with the PT. I had to fill out a form which had some questions that stumped me. Am I on hormonal therapy? (I'm in between meds) Luckily the office gal took the form from me and said she would fill it out for me. LOL 

    A guy at the grocery store asked me if I drove a car after watching me push my cart out of the store and smack into his cart!! I just have to laugh! Good thing he did too! 

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Eli- Here's to putting CC in your rearview mirror!  You sound like a five year old about to take her first trip to Disneyland!  I'm so happy that you are feeling so upbeat.  Thanks for sharing.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    macatacmv-  I think that once we've had a cancer diagnosis any unexplained pains leave us with the nagging thought, "can this be due to more cancer?"  I think it is natural that we are more vigilent after our experience, and is probably a good thing.  I hope that your MRI reveals nothing dramatic and that some of your "not feeling right" is just due to side effects of aging.  So many women on these boards fear the worst, only to be told that arthritus or some other age-related malady has flared up.  We just are not as invincible as we once were!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    SnS, we never thought we'd be happy to have 'just' arthritis or degenerative disc changes, did we? Ha!

    Maca, did you talk with your doc about the benefit ratio of Tamox in your specific case? I it's strong, know that not everyone has horrible se's from those meds. I did 3.5 yrs of Tamox followed by 1.5 yrs of Aromasin. I was glad to finish each, but for me the benefit from the meds made it worthwhile. If your benefit is low, you might want to think more about It, as in not doing it. Good luck hon.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    thanks for the feedback, SnS and marl.

    I keep running that thought thru my brain, am I just being a baby? Is there really something wrong? But I cannot do the work I have done for 30 years anymore. I can barely hold a pen long enough to sign my name on a check. My brain is in a fog most of the time. 

    I know I have arthritis and osteoporosic areas in my spine.  But I can't seem to find those boot straps that I used to be able to pull myself up with. I  want my life (or something similar) back. Anyway, my MO says I should try the tamox, she thinks the benefit is worth the risk. My PCP wants me on it also. We are waiting to see if my SE's settle down and for me to stabilize on the new meds.

    Anyhow, enough griping on my part. My life is actually pretty good. My DD has been visiting and we have lots of fun. I have to just laugh, and this thread sure helps alot!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Forget the foobs...when you can have nice pair...of lemons!  LOL, Mac!


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    mac, lol!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    While reading an article about a machine that can detect the scent of cancer, I came across this...


    If only I had had a lab instead of a houndog!  That detection rate is pretty impressive.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Had my CT this morning.  Three long hours.  Boring.  I had to take Prednisone and Benadryl this time, since I was allergic to the contrast dye last time.  I was o.k. with the Benedryl, but they gave me a script for 150mg. of the steroid.  Yow, that seemed a lot!  I only got 5 mg. with each chemo round.  I took just half the prednisone, but lied that I took it all.  Everythings went just fine.  Less is more.  For me.

    Is confession is good for the soul?  My soul is feeling fine and dandy.  Maybe a little sneaky, that's all.

    Disclaimer:  The decisions I make to side-step protocols are for me alone.  No one should feel the need to follow the elimar-stylee.  One of me is enough.  No copycats.  I have a different drummer that I march to (actually, it's a funk beat with a killer bassline) that I wish I could share but, alas, you all have your own beats to march to.  No twerking.


  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Elimar and every other person on this site.........I feel that we are all awesome priceless princesses.

    Loral thanks for the reminder I have been thinking about the people who lost their life on 9/11

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Macatacmy  Love it! I wish it was that easy though~

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Elimar gosh no - no twerking here. I don't think the world would survive.

    Congrats on get CT done and with only minimal pred. LOL. Maybe last contrast reaction was a fluke but take no chances. Did I ask if you are allergic to shellfish? I know with the old - and the name escapes me - kidney xrays that was a standard question. I had a CT in June and gosh I can't even remember what they asked me. Aren't leaky memories great?

    And yes a poop sniffing hound. What will medical science come up with next?

    Mac - in your pocket for MRI. When is it? Hoping for as others have said only arthritic changes.

    I'm taking my Mobic like a good girl but think I will just switch back over to Ibuprofen when this refill finishes. If anything worsens then I will go PCP. My sterno. stuff seems to be slightly improved though still huge knot. I don't really think it is noticeable unless you know it's there but we do like to delude ourselves don't we. I'm not a fashion plate anyway bumps, barnacles and all.

    Welcome Katlebbie to this crazee bunch. Eli - I think your lemons kinda look like foobs though heavy but you would smell nice and have something handy for your iced tea. Maybe you have a great marketing idea here. (Pardon the irreverance, certainly not making fun of those needing foobs. Just couldn't resist.)

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - 3 hrs for a CT? Wowsers, that is a long one! When will you get results?

    No twerking for me either, I have trouble with the two step - can't imagine twerking.

    Received my scan results today - still dancing with stable boy! He is so kind, doesn't mind me stepping on his toes now and then.

    Welcome Katlebbie!

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Barso - Stable boy is sooo nice. Enjoy his company.

    Eli - I didn't get the 3 hours CT. I only had chest done and it was wham/bang/thank you mam quick. My back would give out lying around for that long. Or did you have to reposition often?

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Correction:  I can't even do clock math'  It was more like two hours (but it did feel like three.)

    Luv, The actual scan was 10-15 minutes.  I am NOT allergic to shellfish, and after my reaction the RO did say I should avoid them, or at least preoceed with caution because of the iodine.  Then, Meece posted that she can eat shellfish with no prob. even tho' she reacted to the contrast dye.  Guess what, because I am a little bad in the brain, I decides to test this out on my cruise.  Not the wisest course of action BUT I ate shrimp and lobster.  Since then, I have had smoked mussels, calamari, crab cake, and clam chowder.  Don't think there's a shellfish that can take me down.  I've eaten natural sea salt also...nothing.

    Barsco, I never get tired of hearing about your stable-ness.  You have been stable for a while now...your stable boy is growing up.  He's not even jailbait anymore.


    And last but not least...Welcome, Katlebbie!  You are new to this thread, but jumped right in and lead off with a compliment for the ladies.  Well played, you clever princess!  But you are not new to B/C.  I hope you stick around so we can celebrate your 20 year survivorhood with you.

    p.s. Kat, I posted to you under the picture so you could take a peek under that saddle.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Congrats ladies you all must have studied well for your