Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957

    Katlebbie--there is a technique you can use to get a lower BP reading.  Start several minutes before the BP test and keep doing it until the BP is done.  It's called Square Breathing.  Breath in to a count of 6, hold your breath for a count of 6, breath out to a count of 6, hold your breath for a count of 6.  While you are doing this drop/relax your shoulders.  Sit with your legs not crossed.  The count of 6 works for me, use whatever count works for you, so be sure to practice this a few times (preferably once or twice a day) before the next BP check.  Anxiety causes the BP to go up, and changing the breathing pattern to one that resembles the relaxed breathing pattern tricks the body into relaxing too.  It works great for almost any stressful situation and isn't even noticeable.    Once you've gotten in down you can relax your body in almost any situation. 

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    NM, I really like that, thanks. Even if you're not feeling stressed, that just feels good to do, try it!

  • Beatmon
    Beatmon Member Posts: 617

    Marlegal: sometimes I offer to curse for my husband when he is driving. It always makes him laugh and pretty much calms him down. He also says I don't say it as good as he does!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    OMG Beatmon, I love that! Hub is beyond idiotic sometimes so I will definitely try that!!!!

    I think he will laugh too

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Meece hope all goes well.  Will be in your pocket hoping for good results!

    El so farI am having headacehs and some pain in my ankles unlike the norm, still sleeping ok, that was the biggest thing I noticed once off tamox for a few weeks was that I was sleeping better after 4 long years!  Hope it remains good.  What SE's did you ahve with AR?  I am sure you will beat this, my thyroid cancer is still cancer free, no new growth if I can beat 2 so can you!!  Was really glad they did not find #3 but the large 1.5x3" polyp in my uterus was B9!!!  Sometiems I think I am so used to feeling tired, stiff, sore that I just accept it as normal.  I am so glad the swelling in my arm has gone down, it was a tough summer with it being sore all the time but hey it will be back I am sure!  Love the stable man!!  The wine is brewing stemmed 50# of grapes yesterday by hand. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Looks like we are going to have to have a tie-breaker between carollynn79 (stemmed 50# of grapes) and Dianarose (made 90 pies that time) for who is the most amazing!!!

    Wow, you ladies are so industrious.  I'm fainting.  Actually, I have been a busy bee ripping up family room carpeting.  But before anyone thinks I am on par with these others, I will say that I put this task off for 10 mos.  The whole plan was to get new carpeting once my old (continancy challenged) dog passed on.  Well, my Dx intervened and I just did not have time or energy to start in on this project, so finally I decided I better get it done before my next surgery comes up if I want to do it this year. 

    It's funny, but LIFE REALLY DOES NOT STOP FOR CANCER, does it?  I mean, things still need doing.

    Maybe that is a good thing.

    p.s.  carolynn79,  So happy it was just a dumb old polyp.  I swear, if I get a third primary anywhere, I'm coming up there to free range in your wine celler!

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Eli, are you a glutton for punishment?  I don't imagine YOU will install your new carpet; don't most carpet layers remove and haul away the old?  When Mom passed my brother and I ripped out old carpeting (her dogs were a bit drippy, too) and I contacted floor refinishers because the wood floors underneath were great, aside from a few darker urine-stained areas.  The contractor smiled when he saw the carpet mostly all removed (we left tack strips in place) and said he would take care of the rest and haul it away for no charge.  He gave me a really good deal on the refinishing, too!

    Kat and Meece- hope you both find serenity (and avoid getting the heart rate going pre-appts by taking elevators where available!) for your appointments and that all goes smoothly.  

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Meece - Praying for 1st of all an easy EMG for you today and 2nd for excellent results.

    Carolyn - I can't imagine stemming 50# of grapes. WooHoo - wine fest at your place. I read about all your canning efforts this summer. Have you ever made onion relish? DH read about that and has had me looking locally for it. No such luck at even the big gourmet places. I have small canning jars though no pressure canner. Do have a big stockpot. I would be willing to try it. I guess I could go to Ball and look on their site.

    Dianarose - haven't heard much from you lately. Hope you are feeling better and the "Queen of Tarts" both personal and business-wise is flourishing. I came across your scone recipe the other day. I have to make breakfast for a "camping trip" in a few weeks. May make some of them ahead of time and take. I am required to make a terrible traditional breakfast of pecan pull aparts. I say terrible because it uses frozen Parkerhouse rolls and butterscotch pudding mix and traditional because the participants would lynch me if I did not make them. I get Sat. breakfast and lunch. Usually make sandwichs for lunch but I think doing a taco bar this year.

    Kat - hope your BP is wayyyy down for your pre-op today.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    SnS, Well, since you asked...they will rip it out and haul away for about $100.  What a crock.  I don't mind doing it because (besides saving the $100) I can thoroughly vacuum all the pad debris up before they arrive and my husband can adress a couple squeaky floorboards that have been driving us nuts for the past 10 years.  Also, I like using a carpet knife.  Hehehe!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Elimar - I love the new screen topper.  I use all those colors in my den - I might see if I can find a copy of that print!

    I was the potential drummer for our band, The Hobnobbing Heads.  But I developed some sore muscles in my forearms (a problem my drummer friend has).  I can't remember what the PT called it, but I decided I sure didn't want to add a new physical ailment to my repertoire so I have postponed starting my lessons until this totally goes away.

    Meece - oh, I feel your pain about the needles.  I hope all goes well.  I swear, I think I'll have to take an Ativan the next time I have it done... ugh, 6 more weeks.

    SNS - your new avatar cracks me up!

    Thanks for all the tips for lowering your blood pressure on demand! I definitely have white-coat syndrome so I will try these out next time.

    I skipped my Tamoxifen for about 3 days, and although I probably only had about 25% of it out of my system, I could tell a huge difference in body pain, hot flashes and this damn ringing in my ears.  I'm back on it because I'm too intimidated by statistics to quit but I will discuss my options with my MO when I see her again next month.

    Been effing around with my car for the last week trying to get my effing new tag.  Yeah, not a happy camper...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    HNS, thanks for plugging my leaky memory in this hobnobbing head. Surprised

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Thanks everyone for all of the wonderful advice. My BP is still a little high 136/80 but in ok range to go ahead with the surgery on Friday. The doctor did prescribe a Xanax for me for the night before. Smile My surgery is at 8:15 am and I will admit that I am getting pretty nervous.

    Thanks again everyone! I hope all is going well with everyone!

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Heartnsoul, I wondered why the ringing in my ears stopped, glad it did one good point for Arimedex vs tamox!  How many of you are being told that we should stay on for 10 years now vs 5?  I am being told that he wants me on longer than 5 years, wonder if it has to do with the 2 breast lumps and the large polyp they found this year?

    luvmygoats, if you want to try a small amount of onion relish sliceone onion thinly, sprinkle with 1 tsp kosher salt, set for an hour rinse, heat 1/3 cup cider vinegar, 3 tbls sugar, 1/4 cup water, 1/2 tsp cerlery seed and mustard seed, 1 tsp salt, and 1 garlic clove sliced.  Bring to a boil, simmer for 3 minutes add onions and simmer anotehr 3 minutes cool to room temperature and cool for 3 hours.  If you  like it you can do a larger batch and can process in a hot water bath for 15 minutes, you can also make a double or triple batch and keep in the fridge for a month. 

    El you are welcome to visit my wine cellar anytime, as are all of you if ever in Michigan let me know but i can tell you I am told I live in BFE, what does that mean??

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Carollynn----    Berry Far Eway....LOL  No it means, Butt F__k Egypt.....Out in the middle of nowhere

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Carollyn - thanks for the onion relish. I will certainly try it.

    Kat - will be in your pocket on Friday. Glad the BP came down enough to proceed.

    HNS - I have the ringing in the ears too. I'm not sure if from Femara or the new Mobic which is going bye-bye when done this month. Back to plain ole' Ibuprofen. Hope you get your car tag straightened out.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Hahaha, Loral!  I like your G-rated version of that expression. 

    Speaking of butt...I had to whimper, cajole & beg (but with demanding undertones!) three office staff at my surgeon's office, in order to bump up my Doc's appt., and a certain "pouchogram" (this is where the butt comes in, Google it,) in order to get on the surgery schedule.  Now, I'm penciled in to get the plumbing reconnected on Oct. 15th.  Not a moment too soon, I am ready to have this done, like, YESTERDAY!

    Kat,  My BP was spiking just talking to those office workers today; but I'm glad yours dropped and you are a GO for surgery on Friday.  Wink

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Eli, woooo hooooo for having a date, less than a month away, to get 'er done!

    Diana, come out come out wherever you are! Hoping you're just good busy and things are ok health-wise.

    Higs to all getting their tests...watching for good "I'm fine" results.

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    elimar I did definitely a "pain in the butt procedure" Dealing with office is stressful! Thanks for all of your help and kind words!

    Luvmygoats I will love having you in my pocket during surgery .....thank you!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eli - as they say "the whimpering, cajoling, begging (demanding)" patient gets the surgery! Congrats on getting a date confirmed.

    I echo marlegal's call out to DianaRose - hope all is well with our Queen of Tarts.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    HNS- I figured my avatar now reflects my screen name.  Although Eli with her "I like using a carpet knife" comment makes me think she could twist off at any moment (watch out hospital schedulers)!  Sounds like she was on the edge of sanity.  Makes me want to race over and calmly tell her to "put the knife down." 

    Meece- I hope the poking and prodding is a distant memory and that things went more smoothly than usual.

    Kat- I'd like to join your PP on Friday!  We always have such great expectations for good results for recon surgeries; the PPs put us in a festive mood and we can help you forget your fears.

    Eli- cheers to your date for plumbing hookup!

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Staynsane I would love to have you join the party. It helps so much that there is such wonderful support here!Smile I say Party ON!

    I think part of my problem is that I am 19 years older which scares me a little, I have to make sure my mother has everything she needs for the next month because she is almost blind and can't drive, which means I do all of her errands. I run a preschool/daycare from my home so I need to make sure the helpers have everything they need, for financial reasons I can not close. Since I live alone I need to make sure I have everything done so I can manage on my own for awhile. The dogs .....that's another long story. I keep taking deep breaths and chanting, I can do this I can do this! I know in my heart everything will work out I just need to ask for help which is hard for me. Anyway sorry for the ranting but thanks for listening.

    Prayers to all! You ladies are the greatest!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Kat, remember all those people who offered to help a long time ago? Call those markers in hon! From one who has given as well as taken help from friends and family, I can say without question that it feels awesome to give. Do your friends and family the honor of letting them feel like they are helping in a concrete way. Your chief job is to help your body heal as fully as it can, and you simply can't so that if you're stressed about other things. Make a list, call them, and assign specific tasks which need doing. You'll feel good knowing it's getting done,and they'll feel good knowing they're helping you. Win win situation.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes, what Marlegal said.  When I was doing my treatments for BC I poo-poo'd offers of food, help etc.  I was determined I wasn't going to let a little bit of cancer cause me to cave in & be a sniveling whiner!  What a Fool!  When I broke my shoulder the following year, I called in the troops.  I wasn't going to be Ms I Can Do It All In Spite Of What Life Throws Me!  I wanted that help.  Lesson learned!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Good News of the Day:

    The CT scan that I got last week was GOOD, with no new surprises popping up, so I am that much closer to getting my surgery.  There's only one little pouchogram between me and my surgery, but I'm gonna ace that test too!Good riddance to bad cancer.  I hope it is gone FOREVER and I can stop growing the nasty stuff.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Here's to aceing all kind of tests. WOOHOO!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Best news of the month E!!!!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Elimar Congrats...

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    WHOO-HOO Elimar!  Great news!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    AWESOME NEWS ELI!!! Good riddance indeed.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Boo-yah-kasha! (No idea about spelling, but I said it loudly, with gusto!!)