Join our Webinar: REAL Talk: Healthy Body and Mind After Breast Cancer Treatment - Jan 23, 2025 at 4pm ET Register here.




  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    (and he has a great honky tonk bedonky donk) SAY WHAT Barsco?!  Dianarose, here's a big ole hug girl (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Dianarose)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    The ass on the right looks like Miley getting ready to twerk!

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253

    DianaRose- So sorry to hear your having a very difficult time ((((HUGS))))) to you. Its great that you found the info on SSDI and hope that you have no difficulty in obtaining it.

    Might I also suggest you be sure to send the link in a message to the moderators/creators of this site, so they can include it in the education section for all members. Im sure your Drs office/Social worker is not the only ones that are uneducated about how important this is for their patients

    Sending my prayers for you to have many happy times with that sweet grandbaby


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    Welcome gritgirl and cateyz2!


    Dianarose, Got to get you out of that dark place...friends with flashlights should do it.  You might think I am joking, but I'm not, even if I am only speaking figuratively about the flashlights.  When not at work, spend some time with friends, ones that give you positive reinforcement for all you have done in the past months.  Or spend some time doing what is nothing like work.  Don't go home and bake.  Paint your toenails instead.  In fact, paint each one a different color.  Do that and you will have more spring in your step the next day...just trust me on that.  Congrats on the new grandbaby!

    Also, thanks for sharing that link to SS benefits.  I am going to mention it to my friend.  She is still working, but it is good to be ready with this info. when the time comes.  When you are all enmeshed in the cancer activities, sometimes something like this just is not on your mind, but we all need to remember info. like this.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,957

    Dianarose--It would make sense that you are having a reaction to the whole Stage IV thing.  Does he/she have you on an antidepressant?  I had depression before bc but the whole bc trip made it a lot worse, I can't see how anyone can get through all this without a little chemical help in that department.   Boy that is some list of compassionate allowances!  Sorry you had to fire your first girl, but it sounds like she wasn't what you and your shop needs to thrive.  If she was stealing, she needed to go.  Congrats to Denver William's arrival!  I can understand your feelings about not seeing him grow up.  And you have every right to rant and rave a bit, gotta get it out somewhere and we all understand here!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I'm going to post now and go back and read the past three pages.  I took a break here because I had my angels Patch and Lala visit.  They live 11-12 hours away and we don't see them often so I tried to spend every waking moment with them.  

    I had to leave them for several hours just after they arrived so that I could go for the nerve study.  So...the tech said the order she got was not for the EMG, just the electrode test, whew!  But who knows if that was correct.  She also said it was for my right side only, so okay, but what about my left???  The only thing I was told at the end is that I don't have carpal tunnel, but I wasn't complaining of that anyway.  I have plenty of questions when I go back to the Dr next week.

    I went for another MRI on Tursday and let them know well in advance I was a tough stick.  I brought my hot pack to help things out, and the nurse was a little doubtful at first, but after the first stick didn't work she became a believer.  It only took her a total of three sticks which I was thrilled with.  I hate needles!!!

    I so enjoyed the visit from the little ones.  I was born to be a grandma.  DH asked me why we bothered having our own children and didn't just have grandkids to start.

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    Hi, newbie here. Can I come in and play? Love the asses by the way, but didn't know you all new the in-laws? LOL- oppps soooo sowey...

    I am 44 I had my first ever mammogram on June 26th because of a neice(BC May 13 age 33 and cousins Age 42 and 35 diagnosed with BC  last winter. 

    I was dianosed with stage one grade two invasive ductal carsinoma on July 19th had a lumpectomy and sentinal node disection ( he ended up taking 9 as mine were hiding) but were negative on August 19th.

      Had surgery to insert the contura balloon for internal rads on Sept 6 and had internal rads Sept 6 to the 13th.

    On Sept 13th my sister was dianosed with stage one breast cancer :( ( I bugged her to get that mammo)  I then went to the hospital for complications for rads from Sept 13th to 15th(dehydrated and the steri strips on my wound had fallen off- FREAKEY to see inside your boob) Doc wanted to keep me longer but I sooo wanted to find out my oncho dx test results on Sept 16,( the wait was killing me) which were an 18 and told by my ON no chemo- I did the happy dance until I was informed by my neice that a score of 18 would have her ON giving her chemo- so 2nd guessing myself. I was given a script for Tamixofen but been to scared to open the bottle.   One week out from internal rads and feeling not too bad- a bit of nausea and some sleepyness and a boob that is not quite turning into Dolly Parton anymore( the other was getting jealous) LOL-- but soooo sore still.

    I have had the Braca genetic testing done and just waiting for those results- ( waiting is a pain)

    WOW what a wild ride and I have not even got to go to the carnival!! 

    Nice to see a group of upbeat women:)  Would be honered if you will let me come in and join the party!!

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    Oh Elimar!!! Soooo happy to read you're in the "cancer be gone" line-up!!! Yea!

    Barsco I'm blabbing that you're talking dirty.......😎. Love to all. Xoxox Jo

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Honky tonk bedonky donk = One good looking cowboy tushy! (who can resist that?)

    Meece - glad everything went well for you. I like your DH's comment about kids and grandkids. lol

    Welcome ndgrrl - of course you are welcome to come and play, although the reason that you are here really sucks. That's a lot of bc in your family - has anyone else done the BRCA test? I would be surprised at a negative outcome on that, but one never knows. Don't be scared off of the tamoxifen due to some of the horror stories you here. Plenty of women (me included) have very few side effects and mine are quite mild. The only way to know is to give em a try.

    Happy Saturday everyone!

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    Hi Barsco,

    Yes we do have alot of "cancer" not just breast cancer in my family. I lost my older sister at the same age I am now to stomach cancer so me having cancer has been very hard. 

    My neice and my cousin have been tested from Braca and are both negative so I am hoping I am also negative, but it also makes you wonder what is going on. Years ago I had two aunts on my moms side who had it in their late 50's early 60's and are both in their 80's now and doing good. Just seemed to hit the younger generation here all at one time. I guess maybe its a good way to help each other. Like " MY TURN" to hold your hand...

    Thanks for letting me in to play!!

    PS- I also like a nice Wrangler Cowboy butt- LOL :)

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Well Eli, I don't think I will paint my toe nails(long, ugly toes), but I think I will treat myself and finally get my nip tatoos. I hate the constant reminder when I see the boobs without nips. I also went through my clothes yesterday and realized I haven't bought any new ones since this all started 2 yrs ago.

    I still feel like crap today. Has anyone had to switch from Aromasin to something else with less side effects. I ache all over like I have the flu 24/7 and more so in the night. My hips and hands hurt so bad I wake up.

    BF stays away about 90 percent of the time now. Talk about throwing some salt in my wounds.

    My dad took me to a real rodeo in Colorado when I was a kid. I didn't know about cowboy tushy then, but would like to revisit it now. Foot in Mouth

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,890

    ndgrrl, welcome!  You are giving me a flashback.  Not only are our Dxs similar (you lost a few more nodes,) but my lumpectomy was July 9 (four years ago) on the right side also.  I tried at having the Contura balloon, but failed due to not clearance to surface skin.  I also had an 18 score for OncoDx, and my MO told me chemo would give me a 2-3% benefit, so not really worth the risk.  I took Tamox. for three years (hot flash vity,) ending when I had to battle another new primary cancer.  Unlike you, I did not have the family history like you have.  That is terrible so many of your loved ones have been affected.  Yes, I have heard that it affects the second generation at a younger age...not sure why.  The bright side is that it got you and your sis in there for eary detection.  Good prognosis on that.  Good Luck with BRCA testing.  Do fill us in on the results once you get them.

    Good to hear from you, JoC!

    Dianarose, That Arimidex might just be to much for you, maybe you need a change.  See if Tamox. would be an option for you?  Yes, I think you need to celebrate yourself in some way.  If not toe nail polish then, by all means, get a new outfit or three.  You need a foxy new will make the BF wonder what's up?  Don't forget a pretty new bra to go with your tatts. 

    p.s. Meece, Grandparenting sounds a lot more fun than parenting.  Well, parenting teenagers, anyway.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hi everyone, okay stop pushing the little one back into the barn, I can't get a word out. (referring to topper) 

    welcome, gritgirl, I remember you from somewhere else!!! (can't remember where, oh well)

    welcome ndgrrl and jc and who ever else, I am not moving from this page cause I lose my post. Just welcome to the fun side!

    E, yahoo for a good scan and a date to be reconnected!

    I've been off line for a bit. But was checking in on the PPs on my phone. Who was having surgery? Let people help you! I told people just to cook their own dinner and then dish up a plate for me and bring it over. That way it being only me, I didn't have lots of leftovers. And now that I am cooking for someone else I do it the opposite way, cook them a dinner (her and her hubby) then dish a plate for me and take the main part to them. I get real pleasure in being able to be the helper. And food is fun again. 

    Diana, I just switched from Arimidex to tamoxifen. Yep, on my 2nd day. I had to switch my other meds cause they reacted or something with the tamo. I swear it was the arimidex that gave me the high bp and the depression, but they didn't go away when I went off it this last time. Actually no one will let me stop the anti d, they like me calm. 

    So my MRI showed multi-level degenerative changes in my neck, but no fracture or lesions. YAY! Now I am being referred to a physiatist. Anyone heard of them? It is at a rehab center. They do a whole body approach. Duh it's my whole body that hurts. My hands are always a little swollen and so sore. 

    Speaking of work, which I wasn't because I can barely hold a pen much less a pair of scissors or a knife, which had everything to do with my work. I talked to a guy in CT this week who wants to move here and work in my shop. I might be able to open it back up. It's exciting. I'll just have to be the boss. (won't be too hard for me.)

  • ndgrrl
    ndgrrl Member Posts: 645

    Hi Thanks for the welcomes.

    I guess I can not say that my aunts having bc got me in for early detection- I am 44 and this was my first ever mammo- Until my neice got diagnosed in June we didnt know about the aunts bc. It was only after my neice and my cousin got dianosed that finally got me in to go :(  I am 44, but the doc did say last year this wouldnt have been found- so I was lucky if its ever lucky to have cancer, My sister is 60 she hadnt had a mammo in like 20 yrs? But she is also lucky as she had two seperate small stage tumors and will have surgery later this month- They feel they are stage 1 and stage 0 so keeping my fingers crossed nothing changes with surgery.  So far out of the 5 of us only one has been over a stage one and she had been on major hormones to get pregnant.

    Eli sorry to hear you got another cancer, scarey. I have yet to start my Tamo.. Scared to start it.. Waiting for some of the rad side effects to lessen then I will start.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    ndgrrl, whatever got you to get a mammo, it is a good thing you did! 

    My sister and mother had bc, so I had been getting mammos every year for 15 years. I tested negative for brac, tho. Neither of them had been tested. It seems like a roll of the dice to me. 

    My RO said I could take my time starting the HT. Just try to keep an open mind, and an open communication with your MO if any SEs do start up. 

    Glad you are here, but not glad you had to be here. (if that makes sense?)

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    ndg, we met last night in the chat room...nice to see you here -one of my fav board discussion forums without doubt

    diana, you really need to find a doc who will listen and work with you to find the right hormonal drug....many of us have done tamox or aromasin or arimidex or the others whose names i forget and lived to tell the tale. yes, they all have se's but for most of us (I think) we found one that didn't alter our lives too much

    mac, good to see you hon ... keep on keepin on

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Good Morning beautiful ladies. I woke up today feeling so much better. I'm still not sleeping through the night but after I take more pain meds I do go back to sleep eventually. The surgery went well, the PS had to do more reconstruction then she had anticipated, she also went with fat grating. It looks like someone has been beating me from my naval on up but I can already see a big improvement in the shape and size. There is a lot of swelling and bruising. She exchanged the 500cc with 700cc which took away the extra skin. (I was even given my old implants back......absolutely no leaks, so it was all CC).

    I have to tell you that my experience at Lakeside Hospital was the best! Everyone was so nice and friendly, joked around just enough, my daughter took me, (this is btw where she works as a lead on the oncology floor) and since they knew her they let her help. Dr. Stice even took her to recovery so she was with me all of the time (except for the surgery).

    I'm starting to get tired again so nap time for me.

    Thanks everyone for not only coming in my pocket but also for all of your knowledge and wonderful treats!


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Good to hear from you Kat. Must have been a great comfort to have your daughter close by. Hooray for pain meds and getting your rest. Take care of yourself.

  • jcolford
    jcolford Member Posts: 70

    Glad to hear that your experience was as positive as it could be Kat. Rest and take care of yourself!


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Kat, so good to hear from you. Rest up sweetie. I hope you're letting others do for YOU for a while

  • Katlebbie
    Katlebbie Member Posts: 722

    Barsco1963 Thank you for the very nice comments, and yes it was very nice having my daughter with me! The care was the best!

    Thanks J I will be resting as much as possible. I'm a little tired tonight because of family and friends coming over!

    I am too tired to read through all of the posts tonight but I wish to thank everyone for everything they did to help.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dianarose-ChrissieB switched from one of the AI's, don't remember which one, to Femara & is doing much better on it.  I've  been on Femara since Nov '09 & truly haven't had many issues & am looking forward to my countdown next year!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    who remembers this? 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    this is me on a good day. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Eph- did you have any depression, bone and joint pain, and just plain feeling like crap at all when you started Fermara? Did it take time to get used to it?

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    but most days look like this.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    bone & joint pain - yes.  Depression not so much.  Lots of fatigue, like fall asleep at my desk at work fatigue.  Switched to taking the pill @ nighttime & that took care of that issue.  I get occasional severe aches & pains that last a week or so, but truly don't know if it's the drug or age at this point!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Diana, I had a bout of depression after starting femara. It lasted about 3 weeks, and then it lifted and never came back. I knew it was from femara because it was unlike any other depressed feeling I had ever had, it was odd. I simply forced myself to carry on normal activities, and eventually it went away. If it had not at that point, I would have asked for some medical help.

    I did have joint pain the first year or so (on and off), especially in my feet. When I started walking, my feet would ache, but after about 15 minutes, it would ease up. The more you move, the less it hurts. Making sure to eat greens, fatty fish, onions, cabbages etc also helps (all anti-inflammatory). 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    OH MY GOD I'm burning up and it's not even hot here!! Geez, after 2 years and 9 months did I do something to make the Tamoxifen side effects INTENSIFY??

    Having to cram several years of Real Estate continuing ed into 1 week - well, I'm a procrastinator, what can I say... 

    Just wanted to drop in and say hello to the newbies and congrats on the successful surgery Kat!

    I think our new page needs some more honky tonk bedonky donk!


    I suppose I should get back to studying rather than looking at pictures of cowboys. But...but...

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    You know is very hot today, we're all feeling it...