Congratulations Dianarose..........0 -
Even though PMS doesnt hit me, it DOES hit my DD. The pizza sounds FABULOUS!!!!0 -
Diana, I can't believe it! Congrats0 -
HNS - WOW! Where was the pink DDLM skeleton??? Is it in Mexico?0 -
Momine- super cool alright. They really don't tell us everything upfront do they?
I am not liking this dam time change. I am normally up at 4:30 which is bad enough, now I am awake at 3:30.
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Dianarose--CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!Beautiful ring, and so appropriate a date!
The pain at the drain site is probably scar tissue.Try massaging the area, a couple times a day if you can manage it, using some lotion or oil makes it easier.Rub in circular motions.If the pain starts to ease after a few days or a week it's most likely scar tissue and the massage is softening and stretching it.You may have to do this off and on for a long time.0 -
Congratulations, Dianarose. What wonderful news.0 -
Thanks NM for great advice for Dianarose with the rose diamonds.0 -
PMS pizza?? I could get into some of that - sounds absolutely delicious!0 -
mmmmmmm.....that cup of coffee looks very inviting Luvmygoats!0 -
Dianarose - what lovely news! Beautiful pink diamonds.0 -
Luvmygoats--that is a great coffee mug!!!!!0 -
Today I had some PT called Anodyne Therapy on my numb feet. It helps diabetics with their neuropathy, so maybe it will help me with my chemo neuropathy. It uses infrared energy to supposedly help with pain and healing. Beats taking a drug just meant to help with pain only, while I wait to see if time will heal me. I'll report on this again in a few weeks if it does me some good.
BTW, my taste for chocolate has returned. It was really dreadful (gak!) while on chemo.0 -
Interested in Chemo Brain? Medscape Oncology just released a special report, a compendium of recent articles about it:Your Patient's Brain on Drugs -- Cancer Drugs
Chemo Brain: A Decade of Evidence
Cognitive Complaints After Breast Cancer Treatments
Chemotherapy-Related Cognitive Impairment
Cognitive Training Helps 'Chemo Brain' in Cancer Survivors
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Happy to say chemo brain is one side effect I do not have. I got an excellent score on a memory test the other day, same score as my college son. My problem is that I have a wandering brain, which is fine by me. I want to do a PSA: "The less you know, the happier you'll be." Haha! I'm beginning to think that's true.
Well, I stiffened my spine and made a few necessary appointments today including an appointment to get my hair cut - finally! I think I'm dreading that more than the brain MRI!
Elimar - let us know how the anodyne therapy works. Even though I'm three years out sometimes my toes feel numb. I don't know if it can come back or not.
chacha - that giant pink skeleton for Dia de Muertos was made by some students in Mexico City, pretty awesome.0 -
I've got alcohol induced memory loss from almost 20 yrs of daily alcohol ingestion, chemo brain & a Dad with advanced Alzheimers. Ask me about my childhood, I can answer you almost anything. Ask me what I had for breakfast-um I don't know!0 -
I'm sorry Eph, what was the question?0 -
Eliminar- I too suffer w/long time neuropathy after receiving Taxol chemo 7 years ago. Both my feet are effected and now my right hand d/t a new node near the collar bone. RADS reduced some of the pain but it is still there. I am very interested in this " Anodyne Therapy " and got a brochure. Please post as you go along. I know there is not much new therapy to offer for neuropathy. I have already done all the various meds and do not want to live on pain pills.0 -
Marle-what question?0 -
I'm new to this thread, I think...
Nearly ten years out and I know my memory has been permanently affected by chemo. Like you, Eph, I can tell you about 45 years ago, but I can't remember recent details at all.0 -
During chemo, I did experience the "brain fog" but my memory is still quite good. Sometimes the recall is a little slower, but I think the recall issues are age related. I noticed that before I ever did chemo. Now, when I struggle with something on the "tip of my mermory," I just quit pushing and, sure enough, a day later there it is. The brain is fascinating.0 -
Ahh, memories…. oh, memory! Mine played a trick on me last night. I was playing a video game with my son and it played a short video. Two minutes later he asked me what I thought of it and I said, "What video?".
My brothers and I have been talking about my mother's recent memory problems (Is Ed dead?) and one of them sent me this test. Try to beat the monkey, haha:0 -
the #s aren't on the screen long enough to even have a chance!0 -
Eph, when I tried it, when I clicked the circle, some numbers flashed extremely briefly, but not in the circle. SO I could not even figure out what the game was supposed to be. I assume a number ought to appear in the circle, but I never saw one.0 -
I've been doing Lumosity since summer, and one game on there is similar to this. The chimp still beat me. I had five correct, he got seven (or was it eight, I forget?) I hate some of the Lumosity games, but I play them anyway to challenge my brain pathways. The trouble is, one category is speed and my fingers can only go so fast.
I'm going to be slower than usual today. There was a two alarm fire down the street at a neighbors house around midnight (flames shooting up through the roof, but I don't think anyone was caught inside.) I wanted to go see, but was too lazy to change out of my jammies. An ember must have stayed alive because the sirens came down the street again at 6:30 a.m.
Had Anodyne treatment yesterday. It doesn't feel like anything when the paddles are on your feet (not because of numbness, but you just cannot feel the infrared energy.) Found out my ins. does NOT cover it, so have to play the game of getting 1/2 hour of "exercise" with PT to get "free" Anodyne therapy. What stupidity! The exercises are not going to be instrumental to nerve healing. I am walking all day long, and doing stairs, etc., and my feet do not have a lack of excercise or movement. However, I found our the Anodyne is $28 and my co-pay is $20 already, regardless. To me paying an extra $8 out of pocket is worth not having to go through a half hour of a senseless (and boring) exercise routine. I'm always trying to be responsible in not getting frivolous treatment. Why does the Ins. Co. have to be so wasteful with the money? It makes me mad. (Mini rant.)0 -
Now I'm really going off (B/C)topic, but I would be letting the thread regulars down if I didn't post this...
New meaning for "dangerously cheesy." Stranger than fiction, people.0 -
Who knew Cheeto love could be that intense? Or maybe the attacker was going through withdrawal symptoms...Is there a treatment for Cheeto withdrawal? Eli, I understand that YOU may not know anything about that.0 -
SnS, I can quit any time I want to.0