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  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barsco, I'm in the same boat with the tomatoes & I bought them & I don't eat them.  Neighbors are loving me.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eph, you don't eat tomatoes? Why?

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    barsco - wow LOL that's a lot of tomatoes! I love tomatoes, we have a little local store that is run out of an old gas station that sells local fruits and veggies plus plants and seasonal stuff. They have the best tomatoes all the time. 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eph - too funny. Tomatoes are about the only thing that grew this year, thanks to the chickens wandering the yard. I thought it would be the bunnies that I would have to worry about. Who knew chickens liked lettuce? Little buggers nibbled all the veggies right down to the ground.

    Now the kicker is that I have suddenly developed a daily dose of heartburn even before finishing my morning coffee. So the salsa and chili sauce may be off the menu unless I am willing to take the chance with eating them. It's amazing what we will go through when our taste buds do the talking.

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Barsco, I learned many years ago that planting more than two tomato plants is WAY too many!  But like Eph said, if you make the mistake of planting more, your neighbors, coworkers, the paper boy, church group and the guy that takes his dog on a daily walk in front of your house will all LOVE you.  It does feel good to share when your crop, whatever it is, is bountiful!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I LOVE everything tomatoes make (except tomato juice), I just don't like the original product.  I think it's a texture thing; I think the flesh contrast between the juicy part is too much ( I can't do "gummy" candies or jelly bean type things either).  But at the farmer's market today, they were sampling a fruit salsa that has fruit (the sample happened to be cantelope, which I don't really care for but the salsa was amazing!), tomato, onions, peppers,, cucumbers in it.  As I said, it was amazing.  I have some peaches that need to get used up so thought I'd whip up a batch of that!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    barsco, coffee on an empty stomach is about the worst thing you can do! Try not having it one day (good luck) and see if your heart burn doesn't show up.

    Too funny, though, I'm sitting here having toasted tomato sandwiches for dinner! 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    brasco, no those were two pirouette (sp?) cookies sticking out of the drink, you know those yummy rolled up ones. I am now back on my diet.

    I am enjoying my friends tomatoes. They have brought me lots of grape and cherry tomatoes. Yum!

    Eph, that salsa sounds wonderful. I have a peach that needs to be used up. Salsa for one, coming up. I just finished my home made roasted red pepper hummus. I try to eat it with veggies only. It's hard work to be "healthy".

    hmm, barbe, I like eating just tomatoes and cheese surrounded by bread. easy.  But it has to be a fresh summer tomato!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    And this....Miracle Whip, Lettuce, Tomato, and Swiss Cheese on Whole Grain Bread....Yum!!!!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    barbe - easier said than done with the coffee. I dread giving up my morning java although I know it will definitely help with the heartburn.

    Anyone else getting excited for the return of their favorite tv series? Looking forward to Big Bang Theory - esp now that I have DH hooked also, as well as Resurrection among others. Getting tired of reruns.

  • luvmygoats
    luvmygoats Member Posts: 2,484

    Oh yeah Barsco. Dancing with the Stars starts tonight. Hot hot Antonio Sabato Jr.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    I love that show Resurrection - have not seen Big Bang in a while - I think it is on the same time something else I have to watch is on. Anyone watching the Real Housewives shows? I'm seriously hooked. On the New Jersey one this year they have a new girl who battled bc 5 years ago. She is young with young children. She went for her 5 year "test" this week and it was "inconclusive". She is worried sick because she has to go back in tomorrow (next week). I'm assuming she had a blood test or maybe a scan? I'm sure she is fine, they just want to amp up the emotions. 

    My DH loves Dancing with the Stars. I'm ok with it. Their elimination show bugs me for some reason. Wednesday nights are the best with The Middle, Modern Family, The Goldbergs - other then that it is Football for me!

  • Mulligan
    Mulligan Member Posts: 61

    I love the show Resurrection too, I loved Almost Human but unfortunately they axed that show.

    On a completely different topic, I love that the kiddies are back in school but hate it with all the germs and colds they bring home. My youngest wasn't feeling good on Friday (she's fine now)  and guess who she passes the cold to...yup me, of course I never bounce back as quickly, I'm hoping this time it will.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My newly-turned-4-year-old grandson came home with pneumonia from his first week at kindergarten!!!!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Florida hasn't been affected (yet), but has anyone had issues with that new virus the kids are getting?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    oh my Barb!  That's awful! Hope he is feeling better.

  • Mulligan
    Mulligan Member Posts: 61

    barbe, hope he gets better soon, poor guy!

    Homemom, hasn't hit us in the nw yet, that I know of .

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    The illness is everywhere here in MO...hoping my 12 year old son can stay away from it!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    My two high school boys have terrible upper respiratory infections. My 11 year old is still okay. I start chemo next week, so I really don't want to get sick.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Barbe--pneumonia?  Wow!  Scary!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    I'm not missing the kids bringing home germs from school era. My kids are older and no grands yet, so the worse they "bring" home is hangovers. lol I can't "catch" those. They are in the midst of the wedding season here. My DS was in a wedding party over the weekend and my DD was off to a destination bacherlorette party. I actually had some alone time.

    barbe, hope the little guy is ok now. I hope all you lovely ladies avoid the germs. This new virus sounds so so scary esp. when immune systems are compromised.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Macatacmv- You brought a big smile to my face with your comment about your older kids "bringing" home hangovers. With 2 high school boys, I'm sure I will soon be in that phase of life. My 15yr old brings home "stray" kids all of the time. I never know who will join us in the car when I pick them up from school.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    poppy, relish every minute of your teenager's sullen moods. The time sure seems to go by so fast and then they are trying to get as far from us as possible. But after some time on their own they come back. I loved having all the kids around after school. I felt like I could get a slight glimpse into my kids social life. Especially when driving the car, they are a captive audience. (or you can successfully eavesdrop) 

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Thanks Macatacmv- My 17 yr old is moody and grumpy, then sweet and wants hugs. Mostly, he can't wait to get away and to college. We are in that rough place of watching him struggle as he figures things out for himself. My 15yr old is so sweet, kind and empathetic. He wants to make tea for me, or just sit by me and hang out. I love having their friends around. The night before my surgery, we had the marching band kids over for a end of band camp party. So many kids here, but they are wonderful. A glimpse into their world, is a blessing.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Ahhh Poppy - my oldest, who is now 27 and married, was in marching band. Those days were so much fun. I volunteered a lot and they were such a talented bunch winning all kinds of Superior awards and participating in the State competitions each year. The football team was top notch too, so chaperoning the away games was a blast! Have to enjoy every moment of your kids growing up , it's over before you know it! 

  • RaiderGirl
    RaiderGirl Member Posts: 235

    I am 55. I felt like 35 until this F888ing dx. It has changed me. I use to be invincible. I was the one that rescued others and now its me drowning in this muck of cancer.

    I changed my avatar today from a superhero to a recent pic of a smiling me. . I am no longer going to even try to be that superhero. Its exhausting. My goal is to smile like in the picture that was taken shortly before DX.

    I am still hopeful it only been 3 months .

    There is no good time for this disease. My heart breaks for the young with young families to raise, for the very young that have yet to find their place in life. I think I would be particularly pissed off if I was diagnosed on retirement. I have worked full time since the age of 15 (yes sir-ree 15!) and retirement is the respite I look ahead to and would detest to spend a second of it recovery for bc.

    Everyday I wait to turn the corner. 

    Sorry friends, this is a bad day. I wont post anymore today.

  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    Raider girl, That is a magnificant photo, and I so get your pithy description of how it feels to get sidelined by this beast. I agree about how tough for younger women with kids at home, and single moms, wow. I have to see it as a part of what my life holds, having been quite healthy and fit up to this last surprising dx of mets. I can say that I have had a good life, which helps me somehow. Now I want to find ways to keep having a good quality of life while treating this condition, not unlike I imagine it is to deal with diabetes. For me, my initial bc dx in 2003 really got the lead out. I did so many things in the next ten years that I had been waffling about. Having breast cancer is both a shocking limitation and a big door opening. Odd, isn't it?

  • 3littlebirds
    3littlebirds Member Posts: 54

    Poppy, your 17 year old sounds just like mine! He can't wait to be done high school. Though he doesn't want to go far in case he wants to come home for the weekend! I remember so well that restless feeling and anticipation of the next phase of life. Dreaming about sweet independence and how wonderful it must be.

    RaiderGirl, even though I was fortunate that my cancer was discovered before it became invasive, I know what you mean by being pissed off about the whole thing. People would comment about how relieved I must be that the surgery was over and how lucky I was. I would just say that I hoped the relief would come one day, but I'm not there yet. I loved my breasts. I lost both of my sisters and my mother to this beast, and that's what pisses me off the most. Someday, I hope to get to that place where I feel relieved, lucky and at peace with my life, but I'm definitely not there yet.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    We all should allow ourselves to have bad days. We put on a brave, happy face for the outside world. We only show strength, while trying to hide our exhaustion, frustration and weakness. It's overwhelming. I tend not to post when I'm having a bad day or am sad. After reading Raidergirl's post, I think that not posting here when I'm down might be a mistake. I want to encourage Raider to come here, post and find support from people who a having similar struggles and have a better understanding of what she is facing every day.

    My sensitive 15yr old son brought home a form to be signed last night. He wants to drop out of his AP European history class because he doesn't want to spend so much of his time studying, he wants to spend it with his Mom who has breast cancer. It is difficult for me to how this is effecting him. I'm mad and sad, too.

    My husband revealed when I was heading in for yesterday's surgery, that he hides his negative or sad feelings from me, so I won't be burdened, so he won't add to my anxiety and sadness. This isn't okay with me and how I want things to be.

    And meanwhile, the outside world is telling me how brave I am being and how well I'm handling it.

    I am so glad you are here and know that their are rough, miserable days, weeks even. And that there are glorious, wonderful days, too.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Raidergirl,, vent away!  We are here for you.  We are the place where you can share all your feelings,, even the ones you hide from family and friends. We KNOW how you feel!!  Please don't feel like you have to stay away on your bad days. Come hang with us.   (I'm 55 too, and I'm in Gainesville!   We are not far apart!)

    Poppy,, I"m sure it must be hard for son and hubby to show their feelings to you. They want to be brave for you. Your son is so sweet that he wants to hang with you. Are you letting him drop the course, or encouraging him to continue it?


    ((HUGS)) to all