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  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    jbokland - I was told by my MO that the alcohol goes through the liver and so does the chemo, it could counteract the effectiveness.  I don't see how she did that if it was A/C. I was on my butt for 5 days fighting queasiness 2-3 hours afterward. You did the right thing. Someone has to tell her!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    jbok:  you did the right thing.  Someone needs to tell her. Chemo is no time to be drinking. Your liver and your whole body  is under enough stress without that.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    ganzigirl2010 - Since I'm not an NFL fanatic, I usually root for the teams with a Gator in it! Can be difficult if there are players on both sides, but, when I see the Patriots I get sad - Aaron Hernandez. What a disappointing and sad story all at once. Sad

  • Mulligan
    Mulligan Member Posts: 61

    FBN I would love to get my exercise mojo back!

    Glennie my PS didn't want me to take any chances in rupturing the pockets he created or having the TEs shift. 

    Jbokland, you are a wonderful friend, I hope your friend will get that ah-ha moment and realize she can't do that. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    yes, jbok, I also think you did the right thing. Maybe it was a one time thing for your friend. I had a tech ask me if I was going out for lunch after my vacuum biopsy, I was shocked and told her I needed to go lay down and go to sleep. to each their own, I guess. 

    I have been traveling so have not responded to some of your posts. 

    Ncollet, thanks for your kind words. I am much better now, but my lungs are still real touchy. I hope you do get all checked out. Keep us posted. 

    Fbn, Yahoo for finishing that part!!!! Whoee, pace yourself, girl! Don't go wearing yourself out.  It's all good stuff, but ya don't have to do it all. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    ahhh, Mulligan,, that makes sense now. After you get the implants, you should be able to return to upper body workouts, no??  Is that today?   Thinking positive thoughts for you!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    FB yay and you look great!! I am so happy for you!

    JB awesome shirt!!

    GO COLTS!!

    1. Colts

    2. Bronco's (of course because of Peyton)

    3. Bears

    4. Giants 

  • ganzgirl2010
    ganzgirl2010 Member Posts: 56

    Homemom...yea Aaron Hernandez..very sad but Bill Belichick should've known...he had a history ! Jbok..I agree..and Im glad you called your friend out on aunt had stage 2b IDC a few years ago (she just reached her 5 yr mark yay !) but she also had hep C and was still drinking during her chemo and rad ! I stopped talking to her for quite awhile because I couldn't watch her do that to herself. She actually got really mad at me when I told her how I felt ! We are ok now..shes actually been a great source of support for me since I was diagnosed and she stopped drinking :)

  • Brwneyedgirl
    Brwneyedgirl Member Posts: 70


    1. Saints (because of Brees)

    2. Pittsburg (because they are DH's favorite and they are always on the TV)

    3. Peyton Manning (where ever he plays)

    4. San Francisco (in honor of my mother in law)

    Even now with just Herceptin, I don't have any alcohol after the infusion.  I might a week or two out. But it is an individual decision.  

    Aaron Hernandez - so sad

    Eli - we will miss you.  Please do drop in often. 


  • MameMe
    MameMe Member Posts: 215

    The best research I have seen on alcohol intake: most healthy females appear to be able to process 1/2 oz pure alcohol per hour. That is equal to one 12 oz beer, one 1oz shot, or one 5 oz glass of wine. The factors that reduce one's capacity to metabolize that efficiently include illness, fatigue, dehydration, flying, having one's period and using various meds. My goal for nutrition in general is to support my functioning, and that of my internal organs, so I drink less than daily, and limit it to one 5 oz glass of wine on days I do drink. Sometimes it just doesn't sound appealing, or I have a metallic taste in my mouth that makes it even less so. I keep an eye on blood work, not wanting to see liver enzymes going up. The other really useful factoid for me is that more than two drinks per day, or three on weekends, and neglecting to space them an hour apart, will likely drive up my tolerance, thus needing more volume of alcohol to get the same effect. Being both cheap and unwilling to drink larger quantities, I keep that in mind when tempted to have more. The idea of having to have three or four glasses to do what one or two used to do just frosts me! I really liked what Barbe said about her decision to just stop, also. That was a snappy, cogent explanation of just making a choice that works for one's self. Her tone about that was so practical, direct and self empowering. I am definitely headed in that direction. 

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    I hear there is an 80% chance of rain in G'ville on Saturday Devil

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I see 40% on Saturday & 80% on Sunday,,, but the storms are always in the afternoon.   Ava and I just got caught in the rain on our afternoon walk. Came up suddenly, we had only gone 2 blocks.  **nothing like the smell of wet dog**

    homemom: are you planning on coming up for the game?  we sure don't need another one rained out.  No fun at all.

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Not this one. I don't know if I can handle the heat in wig up there tailgating. I will see how the weather is later in the season. A night game would be better obviously.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I hear ya on that.  If you do come up this way, and wanna meet for coffee, etc before the game, I'm up for it,, as long as I'm not working!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    I've wiggled my way into convincing management I need to take Fridays and Saturdays off since Friday has been treatment day. Now I will be moving on to radiation and you get the most fatigue at the end of the week Winking  

    I will let you know if we make it there this year

    PS  I wore my Gator shirt today and brought a Gator blanket. There was an OHIO state fan in the lobby who game me a "look" and my nurse graduated from FSU so she was being "cheeky" but she isn't a big football fan. Then the guy next to me remarked about my Gator gear (nolie yet again). He was ok too, just all in fun.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Who is this Hernandez (Aaron?) guy and what happened to him? Y'all seem so concerned....?

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Aaron Hernandez was a top Tight End for Florida - he played on two National Championship teams and is an amazing football player. He lost his dad when he was 16 and was a perfectly normal teen. They say he started using certain drugs but was still able to go to UF on a full scholly. He was drafted by the New England Patriots and was having a great career. He is now in jail waiting trial for murder and they suspect him in a double homicide a couple years ago. The people he is suspected of killing were killed for senseless things, things that were said that just made Aaron paranoid (they suspect the drugs did this).  I saw a 30 for 30 special on ESPN on it. Really a shame all around. 

  • Mulligan
    Mulligan Member Posts: 61

    Glennie, got home from surgery this afternoon. TE replacement wasn't too bad I'm a bit sore but that's to be expected. Piece of cake compared to the mastectomy . I'm hoping I'll get the green light in 6 weeks but then I'll be starting my chemo treatments by then. I have a feeling I won't have strength or the energy to go workout. :(

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Glad that the replacement went well.  It's hard to wait,, you just want to get back to "normal".  **sigh**

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Sorry for not posting for awhile. I have read every post and love this board. I guess I have just been lurking but thought I would check in. Today was chemo #2. It went OK but it wears me out almost from the start. Took a 2 hour nap w I got home. Getting ready to lose my hair...probably this weekend. My hubby is going to shave it w it starts coming out good because I'd rather do that than watch it go a little at a time. I have a wig and scarves and want to get some hats. 

    Mulligan I hope you heal quickly. I haven't exercised during chemo but I could have for about 8 or 9 days out of the 14 between treatment. I'm not sure what your schedule is but, for me, I was down day 3-6 and 7  I was just really tired. After that I felt normal for the l last week. I need to start walking myself.

    Talk to you all later...I'll try to remember to add my 2 cents more often, but know I am there being encouraged by you amazing ladies. Hugs Amy

  • Mulligan
    Mulligan Member Posts: 61

    Amy thanks for the info, sorry to hear you tire out, I can only imagine. I've been tired since this whole cancer came to light. I am going to do the same when I lose my hair and shave it when it starts to fall. I actually got it cut short a few weeks ago and donated the hair to the Locks of Love. I bought a couple wigs and a hat in anticipation when it falls out. My hubby can't wait (sorta) it will give him an excuse to shave his head bald. He like to shave his head purely for comfort and ease of maintenance. I do not like that look on him. Hehe.

    Any and all experiences all you ladies provide is invaluable to me.

    Thank you, Jules

  • footballnut
    footballnut Member Posts: 449

    good morning all!

    Football has started. Woo hoo! May sound nuts but I had been so looking forward to this since starting chemo April 30. I always knew that when football started chemo would be done!

    1. PEYTON. So go broncos!!  My boy has now beaten every team in the nfl atleast once. Woo hoo!  Not impressed with 2 nd half

    2. Saints. Drew BREES!  They sucked yesterday!!

    3. 49ers. Kapernick!!  Love what they did to the cowboys yesterday!!!!!!  Been a 9er fan for years  still remember cheering for Montana!!  

    4. Green Bay only because of Aaron Rogers. They stank last Thursday!

    And I too will always have a soft spot for the dolphins. I remember csonka, warfield,  griese!!!  That superbowl!  Always felt bad that Marino never got a ring. Love what they did to the pats yesterday!!!!

    I have what I consider to be a discomfort on my left side near my lower ribs. It's been off and on for 3 weeks. Feels a bit like a pull - when I lie on it at night I can feel some sort of pressure and then within 15 minutes of waking up it is there. Not a pain. More like a dull ache. Called my nurse today to see of dr might want to see me. I don't think that it's anything serious but just curious why it's there. Hubby suspects a pull or maybe chemo liked that spot. I have a few aches left from taxol but this is the only consistent spot

    My bands are performing at relay for life this Friday. Can't  wait!!

    Now for brekkie, gym and practice the geetar!! Rock and roll!

    Have a great day all!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Rock on, FBN!  Keep us posted about the bands!

  • ncollett
    ncollett Member Posts: 753

    FBN I do have to say the Broncos and Peyton did an awesome job against my Colts last night. Its gonna be a good season as usual. Now I can truly say go Colts and go Broncos.  Have fun with those bands.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    so you gals all too busy watching football to be on the site? I have to admit my attention span does not last a whole football game. I lose interest and wander out of the room. But that seems to be the story of my life these days, so easily distracted that I find it hard to get lots done. I spent yesterday doing book work to catch up for the two weeks I was traveling. Wore me right out! lol


    This is what you get when you order an Iced Coffee in Vienna. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Very nice!!!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Mac, lol, no, just busy in general. I have never in my life watched football or any other sport ;)

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    That iced coffee looks wonderful. So many places I want to see, including Vienna!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Vienna is on my bucket list! Yes I will be busy tomorrow watching college football. Can't wait for the cooler weather so we can sit outside by the fire pit and watch games. I grew up in a football watching household!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    No football for this middie! Busy stewing tomatoes, making salsa from tomatoes, thinking about making chili sauce from tomatoes, eating tomatoes, looking to give away some tomatoes! Hubby bought an exorbitant amount of tomato plants this year.

    mac - that coffee looks delicious...... but is that two straws? Does that mean you have to share it?