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  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    The Cracked Egg is great!!  They have HUGE portions!!  Only breakfast and lunch, FYI.  Last time I was there, we stayed across the street and walked over for breakfast every morning.

    Enjoy your visit, Chipmunk.  As much as I love Gainesville,, I do wish it were closer to the ocean!

  • chipmunk57
    chipmunk57 Member Posts: 28

    Thanks for the great restaurant suggestions guys! I never even thought to ask on here. Duh!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Ok, I have just “lost” two posts. I am now writing in word
    and will copy it over. I am so frustrated with my twitchy fingers.

    Glennie, go gators!!! Would it be ok if I pm you about fibro
    issues. I am having a hard time with acceptance lately.

    Chipmunk, congrats on a year!!!!!! Whew, what a ride, eh?
    Have a great time at the beach. I will be further south in Jensen Beach. I’ve
    never been there before. Maybe someday we will be in the same place at the same
    time. I love meeting women from here. It feels like meeting an old friend for
    the first time. (?)

    I was born in Orlando and went to high school in Winter
    Park. I have cousins in Miami and Melbourne, and a best buddy from high school
    still in Orlando. I also have a brother in law in Cape Coral so I will be doing
    some traveling while there to get to see everyone.

    ForHisGlory, I hope you’ve had some chuckles today along
    with the tears. I had to work to get the joy back into my life. But I found
    some great friends along the way. I had to cultivate the laughter. And
    sometimes I couldn’t find that with my kids or relatives. So find one or two
    people that will just let you be and feel and talk about anything. I had to
    distance myself from some and others stepped right into the gap.  

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Mac:  feel free to PM me.  I've had fibro a LONG time.  I used to live in Hobe Sound and Jupiter,, not far from Jensen Beach! I'm originally from Miami,, family still lives down there, but I like the quieter life of a smaller town.

  • ForHisGlory
    ForHisGlory Member Posts: 16

    Feeling much better today. .spent a day with my sisters and a netflix marathon yesterday.  It was just what I needed. I'm surprised t how much the arm bothers me...even had some sharp stabbing pains going all the way to my elbow. Hopefully it's just healing pajns!

    Anyone consider diet changes instead of tamoxifen to curb recurrence?  Just curious. .. 

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    ForHisGlory, Glad you are feeling better today. It will take time, so be kind to yourself. When they operate to remove the nodes the nerves can be effected or damaged. This could mean arm, shoulder and underarm/body pain.

    My MO recommends diet change to keep healthy, but strongly states that these changes DO NOT do the work of Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen blocks the estrogen receptor site on breast cancer cells and prevents breast cancer cell growth. Diet cannot do this. While I'm not crazy about having to take Tamoxifen for 10 years, I will do what it takes to survive.


  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    FHG....glad you are feeling better. I had arm pain too for a couple of weeks. Nothing like hang'in with the sis to lift your spirits. One of mine spent the weekend with me right before I started rads and it was just what I needed.

    I am considering diet changes but only in addition to whatever AI is recommended for me. I don't think diet can replace the effectiveness of what these medications can do for us. I wish it could, but I'm not willing to take that chance.

  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25
    Hello to all! What a great thread this is! I am almost 6 weeks post surgery. Had a hard time with the pain but now it is just a sore tender feeling on the skin rather than sharp knife stabs and aching throbs. Now on Arimidex and will start rad next week.
    Went for the CT scan on Thurs. Thot it would be a quick thing but no. The room was cold. The table was rock hard (can we pad that thing please?). So then I lay face up and my arms are stretched out above in these cuff looking things, but wait the Dr. wants me on my stomache so it all had to be done again. Then I had to go back to face up position. So I had to be positioned 3 times. There shud be a rail on the side of the table to help yourself get up, because I was real sore and creaky but the end of it all. Also, getting the tatto markers was not pleasant and it pinches too. Was not prepared for that either. So on the drive home I just lost it and bawled my eyes out: Why me? Can't stand anyone else touching or looking at me or moving me around or sticking me with tattoo needles, tape, markers. So here's the thing: I think going for rad daily will upset me each time because it reminds me of the surgery day and CT scan day. So how do I get thru this.? Sorry to be so long but at least all of you can relate and maybe have some advice. Thank you my new found sisters!
  • Beachlady28
    Beachlady28 Member Posts: 25
    Beachlady 28 back here. Forgot to mention a tip I learned to soothe the breast and armpit area: Turn your shirt, chemise, sweater, bathrobe inside out so that the seams will be on the outside and won't irritate the surgery areas, especially is good for the lymph node suture area since that area really hits the seams. Just don't go out with the top layer inside out. No one will see the other layers. Then again who cares if you step out of the house to your backyard? Just don't go to work or school like that! LOL!
  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Hi Beachlady - seems that you have been able to retain some of your sense of humour which is great. It will certainly come in handy. There will be plenty of tears to come yet, so just let em flow when you need to. As you continue to move forward you may find that you are able to deal with things on a less emotional level. If not, then certainly don't be afraid to ask your dr for some medical intervention. It doesn't have to be permanent, but will help you through the slump.

    Weekends are usually pretty quiet here, so don't worry if there aren't a lot of responses to your post right away. Once everyone checks in I am sure you will be welcomed by middies far and wide.

    Keep us posted on your scan results and how you are doing both physically and emotionally. We are here for you through the good, the bad and the ugly.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Morning, Beachlady!I'm impressed, I always fell apart and started bawling right in the office/rads changing room/ waiting room, where ever!I had the same issue going to rads,only got through it with some chemical assistance.Without the Xanax I would never have gotten through rads or any of the stuff that came after.Don't be shy about asking for that or for pain meds when the skin starts burning and the boob swells up and starts hurting.

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    Hi and welcome Beachlady28....wish I had some advice with the rads but I did the internal rads and got thru it in a week. My anxiety did seem to increase with each trip (2xday..scan and rads). I just kept counting down the days. Sorry you are going thru this but glad you found this board. It has helped me tremendously just to talk with other women who can relate to what we are dealing with, emotionally and physically.

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Beachlady28, I had a similar experience with my rad simulation. I had the appointment set up for six weeks past my surgery, but ended up having a second surgery just three weeks prior to my simulation. I didn't want to wait and was told if I could get my arms up high enough they would do it. It was uncomfortable. Everyone was really nice, but it hurt. I was freaked out about the whole process, especially since my lung was in the path and I sing. I was assured it would be okay.

    I went to my first rad very apprehensive, took my husband along for moral support in case I lost it afterwards. I can say it was fine. Everyone knew I was scared and reassured me it would be fine. After the first one I drove myself (200 mile round trip) and was able to work full time. It became a non issue. Everyone is different, but I had few problems, some blistering at the end, but all I all fine, plus no issues with my lung and my ability to sing.

    Be sure to ask all the questions you want. All the ladies on the rad team were wonderful, actually "missed" seeing them everyday after I was done. Hopefully you have a similar experience. Best to you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    WHAT THE ......? ! ? ! ? !

    I am very sorry that we have an unsightly array of photos/symbolic icons up at the top now. Seems like BCO must have done another "improvement." Last time they updated, I could not center a photo for about a year. That finally got fixed, but now I have that same issue again; and don't get me started about photo sizing. I can't do that very well now either.

    Is anyone else having the same issues, or is it just me having some incompatibility? It seems much more difficult to import an image into the thread now. How can I express myself in pictures when it has turned into a chore!!! Arrrrgh!

    (So, you can tell I am really moving beyond BC when this is the big worry of the day.)

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    messed up, el. I look forward to seeing what you have done at the top, and also miss it when you don't post here for long. But its not ALL about me, now is it? I know, i just find myself doing more reading than writing here, and the last time I tried to post a pic, nothing happened. But i dont see any thing at the top except for the usual little pics you have, and then the bigger one you must have changed 19 hours ago. i am going to try to post a pic, just to see what happens. hmmm, yeah, thats time running out.


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    It all looks good to me Eli.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    YAY!!!! So happy for you, Eph!!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Congrats Eph!! That is awesome news!!!

    My news is that I am finally getting my breast prosthetics on Saturday! I had an appointment to get them in Sept, but then got sick so I have just been wearing my foam ones that came with the camisole I got when I had my surgery. I have been very comfortable in them, but am looking forward to getting the "real" fake ones. Hopefully they will have the ones I want in stock!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    HAPPY FIRST FEMARA-FREE DAY, Eph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ThumbsUpHappy [I would have posted a nice graphic, but I haven't gotten it mastered just yet.]

    ................................Help me out...What I see at the top is all the lines that the images are on are flush left (even tho' I center them in my edit box) and I see the icons as all being a bit bigger than postage stamps (which as you may remember I used to have as a tinier thumbnail icon about 1/3 the size of a postage stamp.) Also, my Cheetos ribbon will not let me center it and is all the way over to the left. Now, are all of you seeing it this bigger, left-sided way? Or does it look nice and centered the way I always had it before?.....................................

    Mel147, The day has almost arrived. I hope the new ones are comfy. They will feel different than the foam, so allow a "break in" period before judging them. Good Luck!

    Beachlady28, We are all different, but I have to say that it only took about a week for my anticipatory dread of rads to give way to the boring monotony of those daily visits. After about the fourth time I was disrobing, it just was no big thing anymore. They had some kind of robe I never bothered with. They gave me a cover up drape thing (it was a towel or pillow-case...yes, a pillow case) and I used it for their sense of modesty, not mine. Honestly, the quicker I could get topless and hop onto that table, the quicker I could get it over and done with for the day. I'll say one thing, once you can converse lying on a table with your boob(s) out, you will find chatting in any other setting to be a breeze. Are rads treating you kindly so far? If you are lucky, you will get off with a only a mild/moderate kind of sunburn, nothing that much worse than you could get at the beach, lady. (Ehehehehe.)

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Elimar - I think the photos look good! The Energy to Heal one is left justified, but is lined up with the text so it looks good. The other pictures beginning with the Cheetos, go from left to right and look fine to me, too. Not too small at all! I haven't tried putting any pictures on so you are way ahead of me! Thanks for the warning about the "break-in" period for the prosthetics. I do have an update to share...

    New boob update - Guess what... I don't think I can get my fake boobs tomorrow after all! I called the insurance company since I had been advised to check with them regarding the number of bras and prosthetics I would be allowed. After being on the phone for over an hour, we discovered that there are no in network places that sell mastectomy products within 98 miles of me! He kept finding prosthetic places but then when either one of us called them it would turn out they didn't sell mastectomy items. I would have to pay 100% for out of network! So, now I have to call the place I want to go to and get info from them, like their Tax id #, then I have to call the insurance company back and give them the info and ask them to process them as in network instead of out of network. It could take up to 15 days to get a response. In the morning I may call the place I have the appointment with to see if they charge for the fitting and if they don't, I may still go and figure out what I want and just not buy it until I hear back from the insurance company. Not sure if they will let me do that, but I suspect they will since surely the insurance company will have to agree to process it as in network if they can't provide me with the service any other way. I've gotta go post this in "What Cheezed me off today" - it sure qualifies for that thread!! I was looking forward to my new boobs, but at least I've been fine with these foam ones so I'll be fine waiting a little longer.

  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    mel147 - I am cheesed off on your behalf! Let us know when you get what you want, because you will!

    Eph - congrats! Goodbye Femara!!!

    PoppyK and Momine - ah, steroids! I have enough for all, and I sure have energy, but it is the destructive, crazy-making kind. My body needs to rest, my mind is howling, and I'm left exhausted and sniveling at the end of the day wondering what the hell happened?

    Elimar- whatever it takes, thanks for sticking with figuring out the glitches with the changes to the site! We love your art work!

    I'm hoping everyone has a peaceful weekend. I'm starting my fourth and final round of AC and Neurlasta this week, then 12 weeks of Taxol, then rads. So grateful I have y'all to guide me, and new threads to learn from. Wouldn't want to do this without you!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Hi, all - Bummer breast prosthetics today! It's a long story what happened at the shop, but, the short version is that I didn't think any of the bras were comfortable. Even though insurance would be paying for it, I just wasn't going to buy something just because it would be free if I didn't like it. One other thing I noticed was that it seemed like there was so much space between the fake boobs in most of the bras. I don't get that since they can control that when they make the bra. I felt like it looked odd. I didn't like that the lady had to put every bra on me instead of me being able to just go around and pick out and try on whatever I wanted. That made it take longer and I almost felt obligated to buy something, but then at the last minute I just decided it was my choice and I didn't have to buy anything if I didn't want to and I asked for the paperwork and my prescription back and said I just wasn't ready. I know she was bummed after spending so much time with me, but I just couldn't do it. I spent a little time today looking online and I may go that route or I may even sew a pocket in some old bras and see how that works. I've heard Nordstroms will do that for you if you buy a regular bra from them. I'm definitely super comfortable with my $4.98 bra from Walmart and my foam boobs from my camisole I used after surgery. Who knows...maybe I will just keep those for a while longer!

    Booklady - congrats that this week is your final round of AC and Neurlasta! That is great news! I see you are from Austin...can't remember if I mentioned this yet or not but my DH was in TX a few weeks ago and came back with "Keep Austin Weird" t-shirts for my daughters. They love them!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Mel147--I very much doubt you are the first woman to go in for a fitting and walk out without anything, and I'm quite sure the fitter understands that.Not everyone can do the whole fitting and deciding thing in one trip.And this part is all about YOU, what YOU want and need, and if you need more time that is fine.Take it.Do some online searching, I remember finding pockets that could be sewn into bras, cammies, and swim suits.And there is nothing wrong with keeping on with what you are doing now if you want!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    NativeMainer - thanks! I definitely will take some more time with this and am very glad I didn't buy anything yesterday! I did get a tip to add some fleece pockets to regular bras. I like that idea...the fleece would be very soft! The only thing I know I want to change from what I am doing now is that the ones I have now are fiber filled ones so sometimes I have to "fluff" them up! I want to get an actual formed foam one so I won't have to do that. Have a great day!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Mel, have you tried Knitted Knockers?  They are a great group that knit breasts for BC patients. And they are free. It's a volunteer group and if you can donate to help with postage, they appreciate it.  I got a pair from them and they are quite nice.  Very light and soft.   And if you happen to knit,, they will send you the pattern.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everybody, did ya miss me? I was in FL for a week. Went for a fun vacay with 2 girlfriends. Had a great relaxing time. Lots of laughing.

    eph, happy non hormone therapy daze! (or maybe days for the first time in awhile)

    mel, take your time and get what feels right for you. My insurance lets me get new bras every 6 months.

    beach lady, every day is a new adventure in this process. What feels scary and unsurmountable one day is transformed into the everyday occurrence the next. I had to be very clear with my techs about how to make me comfortable. I am on the short side and my shoulder was very sore. They tried to make it as comfortable as they could. Do you have to do 6 weeks?

  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    mel147 - Austin is still weird! I was just checking out the active topic list here, and came across the topic "all things bras and prosthesis" in case you hadn't seen it. Good luck! Lind

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Thanks, Booklady - I will check that thread out...can't remember if I have read it yet! There is so much good info on this site!

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58


    I was shoving fluffies into a regular bra to try to get my MX side to match my "good girl" before reconstruction. My issue was I missed feeling naked after my MX. I didn't want to have to wear a bra to cover my "train wrecked" chest (especially immediately after my MX and then later after reconstruction having no areola/nipple). I was 56. I didn't want a tattoo either. I was sick and tired of trying to find something for we BC ladies during intimacy- or while waiting for reconstruction. . I noticed I was unconsciously covering my scar site with one hand during intimacy. So, I invented something myself. I have a patent and BCO sells it in their gift shop (not the Cure Diva shop) - see Treatment. It's a medical grade re-usable sewn lace strip with optional message ribbons (that express what we BC feel from diagnosis to post BC and helps during intimacy as well). This may help you in the interim period before you settle on something. BCO has two of my products. For those of us past mastectomies (I'm approaching 2 years out) we have encountered numerous new challenges. My invention got me through many of them and I had fun with it, too! If you go to my site via BCO, you should read the blogs and then check out the Themed Message groups. I'm in this awkward place as a breast cancer woman wanting to let you know about a newly invented item that helps us, but wanting to avoid promotion. So, I won't list my site.
