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  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    I am still a fan of the crispy, crunchy Cheetos and almost broke down and bought some today. Thought better about it when I remembered there was chips (and not the healthy kind by any means) and other snacks at home. I have become somewhat lazy when it comes to eating healthy. Need to get myself back on the wagon. But those Sweetos do look tempting luv. Maybe I will let the wagon pass by just once more - hehehe


  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Well, aren't we just a shipload of poop knowledge! Amazing! Elimar, I can't get over your fecal foreshadowing decades ago. How lousy to get both BC and CRC. Finally, My poop test must be the latest and greatest because it was NOT a smear test. I had mastered those years ago. The new-fangled one was hi-tech. It came with a specially capped "pen" device that had what looked like those "Gums" teeth cleaning tooth-picky dealies (only not green) inside the pen. It collected the tiniest bits of sample in the grooves (5 piercings were required!). Then, it was screwed into the "pen", capped, and well shaken with the liquid that was already inside the pen. Perhaps that's why it admonished any urine contamination? No stinky smears. Poppy, wished I'd of thought of the cup collection method rather than try to earn an honorary degree in civil engineering via toilet seat paper bridge suspensions and "load" bearing calculations.

    My father-in-law passed away yesterday. It was a relief and a blessing. It was devolving into a hideous situation and we were relieved that he went quietly at home- even after 5 days of home care. Truly, if it had dragged on much longer, all were concerned it'd take a few years off my mother-in-law's life and kill her dead, too. She's in good shape.

    Next fiasco: My son shows up at 7:30 a.m. in NYC today, Monday Jan 26th for his Step 1 Medical Board test. This is a huge test. It basically determines what residency choices in the USA you'll have. Due to the impending blizzard, it's been CANCELLED! He went to bed at 10 p.m. and missed an email at 10:30 p.m. from the Boards canceling the test. He and one other kid showed up at the test site this morning. It had begun to snow lightly. He called me at 4:30 a.m. PST to inform me.

    My son's New York weather history so far- 1. He's there for Hurricane Sandy because he had his MD PhD interviews for NY med schools scheduled and Sandy hit. He had to reschedule those. 2. Step 1 Boards- "The Storm of The Century" for NY is bearing down. Auuggh! poor kid, he was so ready for the test. They are going to try to offer it again tomorrow. If not possible, then Weds. He's to leave for an Asian vacation on Thursday. The only vacation of any length he can fit in for the next 5 years in a MD PhD program due to their scheduling. Here we go....... If only I can reach the brass ring on this merry-go-round!

    Gotta catch some ZZZZZs

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    boy, I'm off the boards for a few days and all the info I need is right here. What is going on? I have an order in my purse for a poop test. I had no idea what it involved or how they were going to collect it! Now I got an idea. I am getting a whole panel of tests. I think my doc is testing for all sorts of stuff, like parasites and all. Also all sorts of tick borne diseases. I've had the order since last week, but haven't been in any hurry to get it done. Now an act of God has it on hold.

    But I sure am glad that I am not alone in this endeavor. It's not quite the same as chasing the dog around with a plastic bag. Which I had to do just last week.

    Sweetos, wow, what a change for the cheeto aficionado.

    debrorah, so your DS showing up for a test in NYC is the reason we are all hunkered down for a region wide state of emergency? Hopefully, he will be able to take it in the next few days.

    oh my gosh, would someone let the air outta these guys yammering on and on about "deflategate"

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I sooooooo wish there was a "like" button on BCO so to all who have posted over the last couple days ThumbsUp

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    macatacmv, it's like some winter rite of passage on this thread to have a poop kit! I wonder if there are regional differences as to which part of the country gets which type of kits? I'd wager there may even be more than two different types. My DS was able to get out of NYC by taking Amtrak early in the day to Philadelphia. He is scheduled to take the test in Philly on Wednesday. There better not be some other natural calamity in Philly when he's there. I hope your power doesn't go out. We're very spoiled and wimpy out here in CA when it comes to blizzards. We haven't a clue as to how you all manage. Good luck weathering the storm!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Deborah--my sincerest condolences on the death of your Father-in-law.Death truly can be a release in many circumstances.Your poor Son, too bad he can't pick another city for all his tests and interviews and such!Hope they can test tomorrow.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    still hunkered down listening to the wind howl. The power was out overnight but came back this morning. My internet and home phone aren't working so I got out my trusty little jetpack and kindle fire. It's kinda nice not having tv, all they want to talk about is the weather.

    My DD just gave me a jig saw puzzle that is based on a murder mystery story.There is no picture, you have to read the story and figure out the clues to put the puzzle together. A very fun project for a snow day.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Ok - so, this is really rather ironic, but, my doctor ordered one of those poop tests for me yesterday!! How odd is that...I had read a few of these posts about it over the weekend, and then hadn't been on since I hadn't been feeling well and I log on this evening to see the poop stories have continued. Let this be a warning to anyone reading this thread...beware...if you read about the dreaded poop test then you will be asked to do one!!


  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    NoooooooBawling why did I read the board today!! I don't wanna do a poop test!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Ohhhhhhh,'ve done it now justamy!! Will be hoping you are immune to the curse of the poop test!


  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Deborah - hope your son was able to get his test written today and can look forward to his vacation!

    mac - good luck with that jigsaw puzzle. I used to find great comfort in doing puzzles but for some reason haven't been able to find interest in them for the last couple of years.

    mel - maybe we need to change the discussion from poop to perhaps winning the lottery or something that won't scare anyone away from reading the thread - lol.

    I actually went to the gym last night - it's been a while to say the least. I get out walking often, but as far as any other exercise goes......well you know. It was only a half hour gentle fit class for those who haven't been active for a while. Some simple squats, lunges, push ups (ick) and planks (double ick). Woke up today feeling not too bad, but as the day goes on, I am becoming more aware of those muscles worked on. Wow - am I outta shape!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    okay, we can change the subject in a minute. but for various reasons, I had to delay my first ever colonoscopy, last year. So i am scheduled for monday morning. Last year, elimar so kindly provided a picture of the camera that they were sending up there. Maybe eli will show up and repost that pic for you guys who are complaining about just a sample! Look what i am going to have to do (not doo), and by the way, who in the WORLD wants to become a proctologist??? who wants to get all up in there?? okay, done.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Hope all goes well, Tomboy.  Mine is scheduled for March 16th. (my 2nd)   Not sure I want to see that camera!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Ugh! Colonoscopies! I'm sure my PCP will come hounding me to have one once I get past this cancer treatment crap.

    My DHs doctor allowed me to observe the procedure when my DH had an upper and lower GI. It was fascinating..... at least for me.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    oh I needed that laugh today. Yes, let's start talking about great stuff instead of medical tests. no more poop tests!

    tomboy, oooh a colonoscopy beginner. The prep is the hardest part. The better the prep the better the outcome. (snicker, snicker) Remember no red juices. I've had two and will have to get them every 5 years now. They give you some great drug that makes you forget what happens. I never remember a thing. I tell them don't even give me the photo of my hemorrhoid. I don't wanta see a thing! ick! I do have to take a nap afterwards, though. And remember to get a ride home, no driving after anesthesia.

    I got a good laugh last time, as they were rolling me into the operating room I said hey, is this the back door tour?

    bars, I got enough exercise today just taking the dog for a walk at the dog park. Snow up to my knees. I was huffing and puffing. Thank goodness I didn't have to do any shoveling. My DD and her BF and another young man showed up to do the hard work. Love those kids!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tomboy, you are on the right track with "who in the WORLD?" Your scoping will be done by those not of this world! Yes, you go into a medical center set up (which is basically equivalent to the soundstage they used for the moon landing) and then, after the sedative, you are beamed up to when the real probing is done. When the patient insists on being awake, I'm not might be a human doing their bidding, or something in human form anyway. I do know that when you get an alien probing...your butt never hurts afterward. So, good luck Tomboy, and count yourself lucky if you get an alien at the helm because they have been doing this for centuries.


    (With sincere apologies to John Lennon's ghost, for using his words in this particular context, but they do apply so well.)

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    nobody says it as good as eli!

    hey glennie, I started that new LDN med for my fibro stuff. I'll let cha know what I think. It hasn't been a full week yet (but I feel better already) It has to be specially formulated by a compounding lab. I am still on a very, very low dose and will build up slowly to just a low dose. lol

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Great, Mac,, let me know!!

    I'm sure an alien did my last colonscopy, cuz it didn't hurt at all afterwards!

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    tomboy - good luck on Monday! I had my yearly appt with the gastro in December due to having Celiac. I'm 48 and he was saying in only 2 years it would be time for a colonoscopy. I guess they like to give plenty of warning so people will be ready!

    barsco - yes, the lottery! That is a good topic...I would love to win, but I suppose I have to start playing to do that. Anyone else play?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    i need to start playing too!!!  

    anyone do Tai Chi or Yoga?  I'm starting a 4 week Tai Chi class on Monday, and trying a new yoga place on Sunday.  I need to get my butt in gear and do some exercise.

  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    I've never done either...I have a set of yoga DVDs that I keep meaning to try. I actually got as far as picking them up off the cabinet and carrying them across the room to read them. I'm actually going to start with the yoga for stress relief one. I feel like I am close to being over the virus I have had, so I need to make it a goal to try this out very soon. Today was my day off, but I ended up working from home pretty much the whole day! Good luck on starting to exercise! I started,'s really felt like more of a "sputter" than a full fledged "start."

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I hear that, Mel.   A sputter,, yep,, that's right.  But we have good intentions!

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Ive done yoga in the past and it kicked my butt. I only did it a few times but I really liked it. It was last winter and the weather got bad so I quit. I am going to start at the Y after I recover from the surgery. I say I just have to do it! First to get through surgery Tuesday... Good luck with your workouts ladies! Hugs Amy

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Amy we are here for you for the recovery!  Keep us posted when you feel up to it.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    I did a Restorative Yoga class and quite enjoyed it. It was an great introduction to getting back into the swing of things. I have also found some Yoga for Arthritis videos online to be helpful.

    DH and I do play the lottery - once/week, cuz as noted above you can't win unless you buy a ticket. However, make sure you know which date the ticket is for. Could be a very disappointing venture. Check out the video link......

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Oh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! That would be my luck!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    oh bars, that is just too sad. 7 seconds.

    I'm another one that never buys a ticket. I'm too cheap. lol One time I bought a scratch ticket to show my kids how unrewarding it was, of course we won $5. I bought another ticket and gave them each a dollar and said never again. I had to tell them when they had their own money they could buy as many tickets as they wanted. Not quite the lesson I was trying to impart.

    glennie, Try not to bite off more than you can chew. I'm a great one for jumping into an exercise routine that is way to strenuous for my body. Or trying to exercise too much or like I use to. I have to take things way more slow these days. So ease into it. Good luck, I hope both places are winners.

    I try to "do" yoga twice a week. I have a great teacher. It took a lot of time to build my stamina and endurance up to being able to do it for a full hour. I started with chair yoga and gentle stretching and now am up to "silver" yoga. Oh man. Before dx I never had time for any thing so "slow" as yoga now I love it. It really helps with stretching my scar tissue and whole arm and shoulder area. I can imagine how tight I would be without it. My teacher has gone for a training in Chile. She left me some DVDs of classes, we'll see if I get them off the shelf. I find having someone to do it with really motivates me. She'll be back in two weeks. It really takes discipline to stick to all these healthy habits.

    Amy, are you having reconstruction? Or am I forgetting a whole conversation on this thread. Maybe ask if you could have some physical therapy to keep your muscles from tightening up after surgery.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    mac: I am having a bilateral mastectomy with sentinal node biopsy on the right side. The left is a prophylactic mastectomy so no SNB there. I am having recon so I am having TE's placed Tuesday after the mastectomy. I am a little nervous... Not so much about the surgery as having to have people take care of me afterward. I will get through it. Thank you all for being here and listening to me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,561

    Amy, we're thinking about you on Tuesday! Please let us know how you are when you feel up to it!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Amy, I'll be thinking about you! I hope the surgery goes well and that you have a quick and uneventful recovery. It sure can be difficult to let someone else take care of you!