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  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    (((Amy)))  glad you are home and resting in recliner.  No idea why TE's are in your armpit??  But hopefully you will find everythng out on Monday.  **hoping for clear nodes** I had 6 removed too,,, my BS says he takes the sentinel and any that are nearby.  Whatever,,,, he told me that afterwards.

    Rest and watch TV/movies!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Amy, glad to hear from you! I don't understand the TE on your sides either... strange to me, but I know next to nothing about TEs. Sorry you are so sore, take those pain pills as needed. So glad to see your personality come through on your post.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Re: TE. I am going in next week yo get them repositioned. The doctor said they were following the path of least resistance and that it happens very rarely but I guess I'm the lucky one!..sigh

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Justamy, Don't you just hate being one of the "lucky ones"? ;-) Amazed at the things that can and some times do happen to us on this journey.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    yeah I really don't feel Lucky... doc told me to put a bra on to hold the tissue expanders in place. I put the bra on and were it for about 30 minutes. Now I feel like I'm going to pass out because it hurts so bad. Next time I find a plastic surgeon I think I'm going to look for a woman because at least she it well get it. No more bra for me!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Tomboy, your little remark re: the "ceremony" hit my funny bone. Laughed and laughed, thank you!

    Amy, now tell the truth. Didn't you always want boobs under your arms?

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hello Middies,

    Amy dahlink, we are sooo relieved that you are home and didn't require any "extended stay" at the BC hotel. I tell you what I'd tell your PS. I want my TEs repositioned alright. I want them shoved down my arm more to fill in that under arm flab that has taken up swing dancing above my elbow.

    TEs may change based on radiation and other therapies. They may want to get all lab work back and then position your foobs so that they don't have to become nomads on your chest during any treatments. My question is- when they are repositioned, are you under general anesthesia? Local? Or is it like some secret maneuver that PSs are taught - you know, like putting a dislocated shoulder back into place? Also, where will your PS perform this? I'm guessing you'll be admitted to an outpatient surgie center and placed under general anesthesia. You are still very tender from the BMX.

    Node anomalies- They found my Sentinel, but the next node wasn't part of the same "primary" node system. It drained to a secondary system instead. The BS took three nodes total. I recalled being a little miffed because I feared lymphedema. She told me after decades of being a surgeon, she became more conservative. In the end, I didn't get LE and now, feel extra "informed/protected".

    How many drains did you wind up with? I felt like the movie Jaws with the yellow barrels harpooned on me. I hope you sleep, make your pillow fortress just the way you like it and get some strength back. You deserve an "I did it" victory certificate. Now, if anyone gets in your face, you can smile and say "I'm down a few body parts, so be nice to me."

    Tomboy, I did a hearty har har on the "ceremony' as well.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Tomboy - glad you were given the all clear for 10 years! Lots of time for you to forget all about the yuckiness of it all before doing it all over again.

    amy - glad to hear that your recliner is treating you well. Sorry about the pain - hope it diminishes quickly for you. Wishing you only good news when you go see dr on Monday!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    justamy - so glad it's all over! Definitely keep up with the pain pills and so glad you got a new recliner. Hope your daughter is a top-notch nurse. I had to lean on my college-aged son and he really surprised me (in a good way)!

    Tomboy - I like the ceremony phrase too. I'm going to have to borrow that from you when it's time for "fun with gastroenterologists and nauseating drinks" again. I've already forgotten what year I had it done. I have to go back in 3 years, so yeah, you got an A+ girl!

    staynsane - I would love to take my dogs on an RV trip with me. But since I was flying back I couldn't. They would love it and being with Mama, too. And they help keep you safe. There were several times we ended up sleeping behind a 7-11 or something because the weather got bad or it was just a pit stop. I would have loved to have my dog with me then but I did quit worrying about that pretty fast. Ends up when you find a good place to pull off the road, the truckers are doing it too so you're never really alone. And the people in the campgrounds are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They're all very happy to help you with anything and everything. Honest, it was like they couldn't do enough for you!

    I've been trying to get my photos from my son - he has most of them... and he can't seem to pull himself away from his new girlfriend long enough to take care of it. His excuse is he's trying to figure out the best way to transfer 100's of photos and that's probably part of it, but sheesh! Take a few minutes and think about it. Hopefully, soon.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    tommy, glad you aced the ceremony! Did they give you the video? Yep, just forget about it for now. I had my last one last year so I got some more time. Maybe they'll come up with a gin and tonic prep?

    amy, I'd tell that doc where he could wear a bra!!!! Man, the path of least resistance, mine would be by my belly button! Just rest and get all those pillows just so, settle into your cozy nest and heal. Worry about the next part next week.

    heart, I waiting for those pictures, too. Tell him if sending the 100s feels overwhelming to just send 2 or 3 at a time.

    eph, loved the comment re' amy. lol

    I see my MO in 2 weeks. I don't even feel like putting in the effort. I'm trying to get myself excited by promising me some shopping time. At least I could go by the hospital boutique and pick up some new bras. (still one of my least favorite items of clothing)

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Amy- So glad the most worrisome part is nearly over (well, hopefully it will be once you get your pathology and it turns out better than expected). Waiting was the worst for me; once a treatment plan was in place I was all about taking "one step after another." Surgery outcomes can be so different for each of us. I'm sure that waking up to find your new girls hibernating under your arms was not something you expected, but you seem to have taken it all in stride. How the TEs look during the process of stretching out the skin is NOT how your breasts will look when all is said and done. I'm a uni and boy did I have fun (not!) trying to camouflage my TE as it crept up my towards my neck after each fill. More difficult because I didn't have a reduction and lift of righty until the implant was placed in lefty. My boobs looked like balls of a bad juggler caught frozen in time. In the end, all good; most implants end up right where they should be.

    But having to have another procedure to move your TEs to better positions the week following your surgery makes me wonder if the surgeon ran out of time or something...And telling you to wear a bra immediately after surgery? I was wrapped for a few days I think, then wore zip up the front cotton sports bras. Can't imagine trying to get the girls in regular bras so soon.

    HnS- frankly, our dogs are the big reason we are struggling with trying to plan a vacation this year. Both are declining and depend on us so much. That makes the RV idea so much more appealing, although I really would prefer more of a tropical type vacation.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    So Middies, I have been under a bit of stress lately, not BC related. I am trying to keep a stiff upper lip, but it is difficult at times.

    I lost my job of 17.5 yrs on 1-7-15. The attorney I worked for sold his practice in 2011 to a bigger firm, and at the start of the year, the bigger firm was taken over in a coup by a couple senior partners and some junior ones. The attorney I worked for was ousted, more or less, and I was ousted then and there! It has been unnerving. At 60 and a half, to be jobless after working your entire life is disconcerting to say the least. I had my 1st interview today, in 17.5 yrs. I think I did ok, but I could see them sizing me up as to how long I would actually be working. We shall see. It would be nice to get a govt job to be assured better $ and some insurance, which I currently don't have.

    The nice thing about being jobless is, my DD is leaving the country on 2-24 for an adventure, starting in South America for 6 weeks & then South Africa for the rest of the year. Her plan is to be back stateside on 12-29 and go to Time Square for the ball drop, which is something she's always wanted to do (she & I used to watch religiously when she was little!) So, it's worked out well for us to spend more time together this last month than we would have if I'd been working.

    I do need to work though unless I could win the silly lottery. Powerball is close to 400 million this weekend. Gotta play to be paid! I promise I'll share.....please!

  • missingmercury
    missingmercury Member Posts: 156

    Eph, good luck on the job hunt.  I just had one of my d's here for almost two months and it was great.



  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Eph good luck on the job hunt.......

    I have a question for you ladies, I have to have a hip replacement..WHAT! I'm only 53, so yes that SUCKS! I'd like to know if anyone on the board has had one and what I am to expect...You can PM me if you like...

    Thanks in advance for the info.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Eph,,, so sorry to hear about your job loss,,, wishing you the best on the hunt.   And BEST of luck on Powerball,,, come on, numbers!!!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    JustAmy, Geez! I would be telling HIM where he could migrate those suckers TO! That does not sound at all normal. I thought they had little 'tabs' on them, they were sewn to your tissue???

    I was laughing at Deborahs' 'Jaws with the yellow barrells', and staynsanes' 'balls of a bad juggler'! We are some funny women here, thanks for gathering us all up together here,eli, and I just realized there is another page, so after i post I still have another to read, so I will be behind..

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Eph--Holy Cow, what a development at work! It's crazy what happens when a company gets taken over.First interview after 17.5 years, talk about stressful!I'm sure you did great.I can imagine them looking at you askance, even though age isn't supposed to be considered.Good to be able to spend time with DD, though. Good luck with the lottery ticket!

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Eph- I feel for you. It is hard to contemplate, let alone get, a great job after you turn 50 in this economy. Unless you want to be a greeter at Walmart. Then you're golden. I was recently contacted by a company recruiter who saw my profile on Linked In (I do not keep it up or even use it; I joined because some business associates asked me to). I thought "hey, what do I have to lose?" So I had a phone interview and was lead to believe it went great and she was anxious to receive my resume and set up a face-to-face. Resume sent...crickets and efforts to contact her did not receive a response. All I can think is that once she saw my resume and the year I graduated college she panicked! The company is cutting edge and I think she thought she was dealing with someone much younger (my profile pic is a few years old, and pretty flattering, if I do say so myself. Me on a really good day).

    Anyway, rewind four years. I was working at a job with a downward trend line for income. So I started looking and had several interviews and a couple offers I turned down (over the course of a year). Then I applied to a job that intrigued me, totally different from any of my past experience. After a great interview, my head started playing tricks on me. "Why would they want me? I don't have direct experience. I'm over 50." Got a call for a second interview. Job offered & accepted. Three years later, love it still. Best job ever. Scary times with the company, lots of layoffs, but have been told there will always be a job for me. Nice to hear, even if no guarantees.

    My point is, PLEASE don't doubt yourself. Yes, there are many companies out there who only hire youngins. But the brilliant ones realize the value of experience and knowledge gained only by working hard and breathing for more than 25 years. I realize not having a job can allow panic to creep in. But I imagine you have unemployment income, so try to find a job that will be a good match for what you want, rather than going after just a job. It really made a big difference in my life. Who knows what this temporary setback will lead to?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Thanks everyone. SnS, I would love to find something new & different, but this area is pretty stagnant. And in the last 2 weeks, 2 businesses have gone under for a total of close to 200 unemployed. Granted, it's no where near my line of work (both companies were industrial type businesses) but still, competition will probably go up for some things. As long as I don't think too long or hard about it, I'm OK. If I don't have a job by the time DD leaves, I will then be able to probably open my mind up to other possibilities, but right now I feel like I'm in a rut and can't even think of something "different".

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Eph- just remember that many of the skills you've gained by working in a legal practice are highly valuable and transferable to other types of businesses. It might be helpful to develop a resume that is entirely skill-based, with less focus on your previous job, especially if you like the idea of making a change... It becomes an aid to remind yourself that you could be a strong contributor in a number of previously unconsidered professions and helps give you a positive frame of mind.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    True story. Thanks.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Eph - when I had to look for a job at 60, a resume consultant told me to delete the dates from my education entries. Also to drop off all early jobs. I found it much better doing that since I actually got calls for interviews and was able to present myself in person - emphasizing the good things & actually discussing the benefits of my age. Sorry you have to be there but wishing you good luck. I got the best boss of my entire life after 60 & the job lasted until I was ready to retire.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Eph - what a shock to suddenly find yourself out of work after so many years of being a faithful employee. Best wishes to you for a successful job hunt. Enjoy time with your DD!

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Eph, So sorry you have to deal with this, too. I hope you find something that suits YOU soon.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Staynsane--good info for Eph about the skills based resume.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Path report today. No cancer in lymph nodes and clear margins! Doing the happy dance!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, you found lots of sympathetic ears here and some good suggestions!

    Loral, I've got nothing about hip replacement. You could always look for a discussion board on that topic, if no one here has the experience.

    justamy, whether it was due to all that chemo you did, or just because, thanks for sharing your GREAT news!

    You know I ...


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    YAY Amy!!!!!   So happy for you!!!Happy

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700


  • mel147
    mel147 Member Posts: 291

    Amy - that is GREAT NEWS!!! Very happy for you!!


    Eph - sorry to hear about your job situation - hoping you will find the right job soon!