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  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hello middies,

    We buried my father-in-law but thoroughly enjoyed his celebration of life memorial. He had been in failing health for some time so his passing was anticipated. DH doing pretty well.

    My son went to Asia for a 3 week vacation from medical school in NYU after he finished his Step 1 medical board exam. He said it was the only time for years going forward that he'll get time off like that. He purposely flew from Asia to SF so he could see family. I brought the kayaks up and we went kayaking on Richardson Bay (Sausalito), used our hand held sails with our kayaks and then docked at a restaurant and stuffed our faces with crab and sourdough bread. We had so much fun!

    He begins his PhD for the next 3 years at NYU (melanoma brain mets is his focus) then 2 more years of med school (but the "easier" part- more clinical in nature), then he'll apply for residency. Naturally, I'm hoping for California rather than east coast. NY is having lousy weather. It'll be quite the change from his Asia & CA trip. He's 23 and has the world by the tail. We geeked out on nerdy biomed science stuff. I loved it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    There is way too much weather talk on this thread. All you newer ladies...that is something to be avoided. Let's keep the bar raised and not have to sink to that lowest common denominator talk. I am sure there are a million other topics out there. Find one!


    Sorry about your father-in-laws passing, D2012. Glad to hear you are at a place of health that you could enjoy the kayaking (and eating!) with your son. Now you will have the opportunity to plan a trip to NYC, right?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, ok mommy ;) Sooooo, how about that there Varoufakis?


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Now, my real reason for stopping in, besides the fact that I'm off to see the MO this afternoon, is that I have a story to share...

    Spring is the time when they try and corner me for stuff like CTs and my colonoscopy check. Only I don't want that colonoscopy. I had a clear one last year, and the ASCO guidelines say I can go for 5 years now til the next one, but my surgeon (the one I love, you know, the robot's sidekick...) wanted me in for one anyway. I said no to the scheduler. Then, the doctor called me this morning. Yes, called in person. In my world that is freaky because it is never the doc who calls me. He gave me the argument that he was being super cautious (and I know something in him wants to fix the error of his two colleagues and one incompetent GI associate, so he has the best motivations) but in my rebuttal, I asked:

    1) Was it not true that c-scope is to look for local recurrence, and that my greater risk was for distant recurrence (as monitored by CT, which I will be getting next month?)

    2) Was my surgical site not low enough in my bowel that he could actually check the surgical site with the digital exam? (Eeew, I know.)

    He answered yes to both of my queries. Long story short, I won't get the colonoscopy for a couple more years. I share this not to come off like a know-it-all who think she is smarter than her docs. I share because I did my homework and I knew what my risks were. I knew what the follow-up guidelines were. I was making an informed choice and playing an active part in my post-cancer care. I share this because sometimes when you are feeling "do I really need another one of these scan right now?" that the answer might, just might, be that you don't.

    "Why this?" and "Why now?" are phrases that are second nature to me. Not everyone bothers to ask these questions, (and you know my opinion is that they should) but our rights are to ask them as we choose to and have them answered.

    So, my doc really had not called to guilt me out. Come to think of it, my doc was probably just calling to say "hi" and let me know that if I ever break off my romance with the robot, that he would be available.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Ooooh, Momine snuck in a hottie when I was not looking!

    And he's our age! And he knows how to balance a check book too! And he can rock the menswear (but maybe a touch of tailoring at the sleeve?)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, too funny, because I just had a similar exchange with my surgeon, he "surgeoned" on the other end, but similar anyway.

    So, I am 3.5 years out and he looks at my blood work and tells me how happy he is that I am still alive. Then he looks at his notes again and says, "and when I look at the initial risk assessment, I am REALLY happy."

    Then we have a nice chat about how one detects mets. He actually teaches an international seminar on follow-up care, and in best professor mode, he explains that the bottom line is that mets are usually found by symptoms, blood work or physical exam. The scans are nice and all, but not really super-useful.

    Then he starts writing up the tests for the next visit and wants to put me down for a "full staging work-up," which means shooting me up with radioactive dyes six ways from Sunday and putting me through various fun machines. So I told him no. He looked at me, but I told him, "what did you just finish telling me?" He looked a bit sheepish and promised to stifle his curiosity till the 5-yr mark, inshallah.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, yeah, that is our "rockstar" finance minister. He is actually quite insufferable and full of himself, but he struts ok.

    He does have a very thick neck, just saying ...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    He just wanted to see if you had been listening, Mo. Hahaha...Good for you!

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Sometimes the weather discussions are very refreshing and a reminder that there is normalcy out there somewhere! MO weather is just regular winter cold. 41 degrees right now.

    I'm in pain every day from expanders that are empty and moving all over my chest. More perkocet on the way. I wish they would just fill them but I have to wait 4 weeks after surgery...then I only get 60 back to the weather.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    justamy, I will take into account that you are all perc'ed up and, no doubt, reading weather musings are better than sitting there suffering with pain BUT (and it is my big BUT, after all) this thread is a place where those musings are discouraged. Admittedly, many of the threads on BCO welcome weather talk, and some even made it the title of their thread topics. So, I am sure you could find them and weather out to your heart's content. Let's, please, find other common ground to tread on here.

    By reining in the co-minglings of regional forecasts, you will have my eternal gratitude.

    ~~Signed, Pink-Doggy Tyrant

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Eli, ahem, Pink-Doggy, Cheeto-Chewing Tyrant.

    Oh, and it has been awfully cold down here ;P

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    You. Have.Got. To. Be. Kidding. I've never been treated so rudely on BCO. I tell you I'm in pain and that the weather is a good distraction (I'm not high BTW... I'm in pain) and you scold me?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    JustAMy - Eli wasn't scolding you and of course we're all sorry about your pain. It's just that different threads have different habits or practices or guide lines. On this one the members determined long ago not to talk about the weather. Sort of like the Book Lovers club. We don't talk about books related to health or cancer. And yes, it sometimes causes friction.

    Again, so sorry for your pain with the TEs. I remember hating mine & the pain for the entire 7 months I had them in.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    I agree, Amy...the weather does give us a sense of normalcy. Something a lot of us crave.

    Weather forecast is up next: It's going to snow tomorrow...somewhere.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Elimar...Excuse me while I leave this thread...permanently. I didn't come here to hear someone scold and rant.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I am sorry that my tyrant-humor about the topic of weather is not to everyone's liking. I did not know that I could not direct people away from talking about weather, or that if i did, I would have sugar coat it lest someone burst into tears.

    Apparently the overseers feel the same and sent me a PM. Let me share that too, cause I am just in a sharing mood today:

    Dear elimar, Whether or not your recent post to justamy was meant in jest we ask that you edit it as it borders on the following rule violation "You agree not to use words that intimidate, isolate, attack, accuse or degrade members". We would rather give you the opportunity to revise it yourself. Trying to keep the boards a safe place for all to post. Thanks, The Mods

    These are my thoughts:

    The first is that the Mods say "borders on" so that would mean I crossed no border, but they want to spank me just the same. So, Mods, my open reply is that if you feel that it is offensive, then by all means step in to assert yourself and put me in my place. I don't feel that I mounted a personal attack on justamy or anyone else. I did try to make clear that I would like weather talk avoided. Guess what, I have received accolades from other members for steering the talk away from weather. They have opinions that matter just as much as the ones who love the weather talk. As I pointed out, there are whole threads for people who love weather ("Baby It's Cold Outside" comes to mind...a whole gaggle of weather-talkin' folk there.) Does this thread have to have weather talk too? Why? Remember the old adage, "Try to please everyone, end up pleasing no one."

    The second, is that MinusTwo gets it. This thread has a particular flavor. A flavor that is a lot like Cheetos. People can look in, read, see if they have a kinship happening, a synchronicity, a meeting of the minds with others here and, if they do, they tend to stick around. I will tell you, justamy, that my comments were in no way meant as a personal attack on you. You are not new here, and I have been very supportive of you over the months, so I would think that you had me figured out a little better than that. I don't look to feud with anyone here, but I have opinions and where better to air them than a thread which I originated? It is my opinion that weather talk is inane and boring. There, I said it!

    Lastly, Mods, if you feel I have been naughty, edit away whatever you want. Jerk the leash on the little pink doggy as you will. I jokingly referred to myself as a tyrant, but there are many kinds of tyranny, aren't there? I want to laugh at what a tempest in a teapot this has become, but it is also well known that I love my tea and would never disparage the vessel that contains it in that way.

    Mods, I will tell you that I feel totally degraded and despirited by your PM. I have given so freely of my time to inform, cheer, help and support women on BCO for over five years without ever receiving personal notice. So, to be singled out now, in this negative way, is just shameful.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jilly59, who just happened to come in at an inopportune time, can certainly exercise her right to bow out to a thread more to her liking. Where do I go to not hear weather forecasts...I thought it was here, but look at all the trouble with that!

    When I was first DX'ed, I couldn't find my niche here, but rather than complain about all those other threads not being my "cup o' tea," I just went ahead and started up this thread. So, forgive me if this thread cannot, JUST CANNOT please everyone who stops by. To expect that is to expect the impossible!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Elimar - looks like your explanatory post about weather talk has been removed by "Community". Looks like you've been out-tyranted! ;)

    Momine - that is a fine-looking politician you have there. I bet he's not married, because of those cuffs...

    Elimar and Momine - auto-correct wants to change your names to Elmira and Moline, haha!

    barsco - I bet you wish your name WAS Harsco! You could walk in and say, Yes I'd like my check now please.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, HnS, you are correct. I was far from recanting.

    It was the part about suggesting another (we all know who) member being hopped up on a (starts with P) painkiller. In jest, mind you, but it got all serious around here. Somebody needs to read back amongst the nearly 1,000 pages to see how many times I was hopped up on something. But then, who would even object to that?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Let's check with Elmira...over to you Elmira...

    (Elmira:) Personally, when I find myself in pain, the last thing I would use to distract myself would be talk about the weather. I might chew on a shoelace, but talk about the weather, oh no. But that's just me. Me, Elmira. I have no idea what that tyrant elimar would do. I try not to associate to her. She has a bad brain. And a split personality.

    (Apologizing in advance to all my BC sisters with multiple personalities, no moderation needed.)

    [P.S. Edit:] OOOOOH! Look, this is my number 6,666 post. Well, that is the "number of the beast" and then some. That is just too perfect!

    (Apologizing in advance to any and all anti-Christ sisters. No stress. Elmira & I can get some other number. Sheesh!)

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Sisters - and that's what primarily we are - just think about all the threads that are special interest. Every thread doesn't have to suit every member. I read the "a place to talk about dying" thread regularly but respect the Stage IV people's right to deal with their own issues and not be interrupted by those of us not facing the same immediacy. So as much as I might want to jump in, I don't. I think most of us pick threads where our issues and personalities are similar. And maybe we even end up bonding with some people based on our medical issues AND our individual sense of humor or gift of gab. Otherwise we move on and pick other threads. But I don't think trashing someone who has been so helpful to so many since 2009 is productive.

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58


    I admire your spine dahlink.

    I personally took no offense to your suggestion as to could we please discuss something other than just weather. I truly thought that some of the weather stories that were humorous- such as so much damn snow it's like insulation was terrific!

    Mods have their own marching orders- whatever those may be. Who knows, they may be privately thinking, yawn, the weather comments may be tiring, but someone was upset so they have to um.... MODERATE! Just think of them as traffic signals with no personal agendas.

    I don't know what the parameters are on this thread. We don't talk about cancer books? I recently posted some science article on cancer information. I guess I blew that ettiquette. I like hanging out with the middies. You ladies are my cohorts/contemporaries and I enjoy your wisdom and viewpoints by being middle aged women.

    Also, we BC women are on meds, getting off of meds, on AIs, off AIs having SEs etc. Also, I'm guessing I'm fairly run of the mill in the following: my BS meter is pretty close to zero post BC. Maybe we don't express ourselves with as much "filter" as we once did. Life is short, we're just trying to keep our panties from getting wrapped around the axle. I truly didn't think you intentionally tried to crush anyone. But I know that we all have different sensibilities regarding courtesy and get it that someone may have taken offense. Ya know, on a Tuesday I might take offense, on a Friday I may not. Depends on what other stuff is orbiting the mother ship that day.

    Did anyone see the movie Still Alice? Anyone on AIs? or was on AIs and completely related to her problems of "words hanging there" and couldn't retrieve them?

    I was subject in a cognitive function research study at UCSF for AI women. The tests that Alice took for Alzheimers were the same darn flash cards I was given. I remember seeing a picture and saying it was "protractor". But nooo, it was a diagram of a something that started with a "C", I still couldn't find the blasted word. Then I was told a "CO". I for the life of me couldn't recall the word "compass" with the pencil on it to draw circles. I just knew it had to be a "protractor". Then, a few pix later, I saw the protractor and correctly named it. Many of the remembering words tests Alice took and other brain function tests were given to me. I HATED the PET brain scans. I'm claustrophobic and hated having to lie perfectly still. Didn't dig the radioactive dye shot into my arm either with the mega stainless steel syringe. When I was off the AIs, I saw a big cognitive difference- improvement. Anyway, now of course, my mental acuity has returned but alas, my ophthalmologist is watching me closely and changing my eye meds because they fear I might be slowly going blind due to glaucoma- induced by the AIs! It appears I'm losing my peripheral vision. It's still early to be sure. I will be furious if I go blind someday because of SEs from AIs due to BC! So if I bark at someone someday on this thread, I apologize in advance. Sometimes, I just get really crabby about the collateral damage from BC. Other days, I'm thrilled I'm getting back to my old self.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    I was not trying to talk weather nor do I care if you do or not. I was simply stating that it could be a good distraction. I wish I had been medicated because then I wouldn't have been is tears most of the day because of the pain not your comments. I was hurt by you Elimar because I told you how much I was hurting physically and you scolded me for my post. You have been out of treatment for awhile but I didn't think you would forget the hell of treatment. I'm sorry if I overreacted. I have just read EVERY post here for 8 months and did not expect what I read. I thought BCO was a safe place where it was OK to say what I can't elsewhere. I hurt. I'm tired of hurting. Im 43 and in treatment. Are those things proper for this board?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Heart, he is very much married to an artist who is both good-looking and wealthy.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Justamy, I am sorry you are hurting. Treatment sucks, we hear you. If those expanders are that painful, you could consider getting rid of them. Quite a lot of women around BCO have chosen to "deconstruct."

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    Eli- Since I've been around since 2012, I know (and agree with) your desire not to receive weather conditions and forecasts on this site. While I'm not offended when they appear and just move on, you have made it very clear in the past that you do not support the topic. I think since you have not spent as much time commenting of late, that newer visitors just don't know that weather talk raises your hackles. Perhaps adding a comment to your header information that just like s$%#, weather happens, and if you prefer to talk about it, please do so elsewhere.

    I think I have been attracted to this forum specifically because the topics and support matter to me. And the humor sprinkled in reminds me that we all get through our experience one way or another. We are here to pickup tidbits for ourselves and help others. You have done that in spades for years.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Deborah - Sorry to hear of your Father in Laws passing. I believe that MinusTwo was saying that it was the Book Lovers thread that has a "no cancer" book policy. I think the middies are ok with articles and books related to cancer that might provide some support, guidance or information. Someone correct me if I am wrong.

    I chuckled at your statement "Life is short, we're just trying to keep our panties from getting wrapped around the axle" Can't say I have ever heard that reference - lol

    Eli - I respect your reasoning regarding the "no weather talk" policy - that surely there are so many other topics of interest that we middies can relate to. I actually now try to apply this to real life whenever I am talking with a friend, acquaintance etc.

    justamy - I hope that you can get those expanders corrected and that the pain can be controlled better for you.


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Ooops, I am on those percs, so I hope I dont offend anybody! 'Cause I love both JUSTAMY and ELIMAR! I think STAYNSANE'S suggestion about adding it to the header is a good idea. I wont even say the "W" word! I do hope you feel better JUSTAMY. If I was you, I would show up at my treatment center, or the emergency room and just be bawling and crying and demand some relief! Can't you ask primary care physician??? They must know your pain is real. I was reading on another thread where the womans' was infected, and it was weeks before the docs believed her about the

    I just got through reading still alice, a little scary to me but good. I think my man starts worrying about me, cause i asked if he picked up the mail, then i alittle while later, i go and check if its there. and he told be he already brought it in! I even thought for a minute that he was gaslighting me, but there's no treasure! So I get concerned aboout my brain. But, I think about so many different things all day long, including the "W", only cause if its dry as a bone, I need to go rain on my plants myself... I have to be really carefull about multi tasking, cause I will put food in the sock drawer (happened) or answer the tv remote, or put my cell phone in the fridge. All since treatment.

    ELIMAR, was that you who said no to the alien probe again, one year later? Good for you!

    I have been worrying about whats going on with my digestive system. I have been having trouble swallowing, and acid reflux, and pain in my chest, and abdominal discomfort. So i talked to my GI doc, who did the other end probe, and he is gonna put the probe in,from the other direction! Hopefully not the same probe... anyone done that? What can i expect about that?

    I just finished watching the last episode of boardwalk empire last night, and i am sad cause i will miss them all.

    Most importantly,ELIMAR, thanks for sharing Jonny Depp and his sentiment with us. i havent been here in days, so I don't know how long he has been up there, thanks.

    Also, i never even SAW jilly59 here before! wishing the best for her anyway...

    6,666!?!!? Congratulations! I think I am gonna go and eat some cheeto's today in your honor.

  • justamy
    justamy Member Posts: 296

    Tomboy, they have no problem with me being on pain meds still. They are just incompetent. My treatment center is an hour away so I called Monday to tell them I would need some and they failed to tell the doctor, so Tuesday w I went in, there was no one there to sign the script. I ran out totally Tuesday night. They called yesterday and are mailing me a script, so I prob have another day of severe pain. In MO, you have to have a paper script and er's,etc will not prescribe any narcotic pain meds. My stupid TE is quite literally in my armpit again. I had to be reopened once so he could reposition ...that's where I'm at right now...sigj