
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I'm also a huge tea drinker, since I never acquired a taste for coffee.  I tried green tea, but didn't really like it so I stick mainly to black tea like Lipton.  I'm going to have to see where it's grown now so that I can be sure there isn't DDT in it.  I have a friend who is fanatical about not buying items from China, since their quality control and food safety isn't like it is here in the U.S.  I always thought that was a little over-the-top, but maybe it's not a bad idea!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    My sister refuses to buy anything Chinese because of labor issues with the children, food safety and a host of other reasons.  My daughter is from China & we sometimes talk about what her life would be like if she were a 15 yr old orphan girl still there-it's shudder material.

    On a happier note, NM, I'd be very happy to have a male friend with lasagna benefits.  That sounds marvelous to me.  I solmenly swear if I EVER have another male in my life, he will be a handy fixer-upper guy.  My house is sooooooooo deferred maintainence, especially now that all my money goes to pay doctor bills and meds, when it's not being spent on the 15 yr old.


    PS-I am having a very difficult time with teaching her to drive.  My control freak issue is rearing it's ugly head and I am just about ready to have a coronary everytime I let her drive.  Driver's ed class can't be scheduled for her till summer due to school & sports schedules.  Any advise on how to relax while she's behind the wheel other than taking mega doses of drugs? (I want to be lucid and aware, but relaxed)    

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I hope you're starting her off in an empty parking lot first??? That takes a LOT of pressure off...both of you.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yes, we still go do the empty parking lot, but just recently have ventured onto city streets (in quiet neighborhoods mostly, but still very nerve-wracking!) 

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Just a quick FYI, my bipsy report is B9 for anything invasive!

    Now I can get a good nights sleepSmile Thanks for all the good wishes, sometimes they come true.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Phew! You dodged that bullet. You done good! Laughing
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    OmahaGirl, That's absolutely wonderful!  So happy the news was good.

                                        Jumping For Joy Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Good news, Omahagirl!  Go out and celebrate!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hey Omahagirl-the map of Nebraska on computer is jumping up & down!  Must be you.  Congratulations!

  • Ezscriiibe
    Ezscriiibe Member Posts: 139

    First, OmahaGirl, great news! Such a weight off!

    Next, I'm not sure about black teas from China or India. Up until now I special ordered my teas from India, my favorite (outside of the green tea range) is Assam tea. I am just now starting to investigate that. I would hate to have to give up my teas altogether simply because I have no consistent way of knowing where they were grown!

    Regarding teaching a daughter to drive. O-- My-- Gawd. I did not (could not) do it. But fortunately I had a close male friend who was able to do that. There is less pressure from both sides. She did confess to me one day when she was in her early 20s that it took her almost 2 years before she could get into a car and drive without her butt clenching up! I laughed for days on that one, picturing her all "butt clenched" clinging to the steering wheel for dear life!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    When I took my daughter out for her first drive with her temporary license (and her at the wheel on a REAL road) we were in my DH's Lincoln. We took off into the sunset (literally) and she had to put her visor down. Well....my DH is a paper-pack-rat. There we were, all windows down, shooting off into the sunset and all these PAPERS flew from behind the visor and all over her face and mine, front seat, back seat, and I'm sure some out the window.

    She made it through that. I knew she'd be good!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Ezsciiibe-it's MY butt that's clenched in this case, altho her's probably is too as my stress is extremely evident! & Barbe-too funny.  I just have to let go and let God I guess!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Joni - think of how AMAZING your glutes will be after this experience! And perhaps it even counts as "Kegels" to keep that pelvic floor lifted!

    A girl we carpool with is just learning to drive. She went out with a family friend and it was MUCH less stressful for her AND her family then going out with either of her parents. Do you have anyone you'd trust to do this with her? We unintentionally bring so much BAGGAGE into our conversations with our daughters.

    Meanwhile, I'm trying not to think about how my oldest can get her permit in April. Oh, sure, last summer on that day when I drove round-trip to the high school SIX times due to her marching band needs, I briefly thought that it might have been nice if she could've done the driving herself, but in reality... Some days, she's SO grown up and capable. But then we have days like today, when she decided to coat her head (and bathroom) with glitter hair spray... Perhaps we never outgrow our princess moments, hmmmm?

    Yay, OmahaGirl!!! Not having a biopsy is the BEST, but once you've had one, B9 is FABULOUS!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Yeah, Omahagirl!

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Hello, well survived the Rt Mastectomy, lymph nodes removal & reconstrution Jan 29, worst part was stayingat hospital for 2 night. I had to get home to rest. all Incision were open to air? I have 2 drains , they are a pain ,but getting use to them. I follow up with Plastic surgeron Monday, hope to get tubes out & maybe 1st filler in expander? Maybe you guys can answer some ? for me. I did get my path back & hallelujah my lymph nodes were negative,but breast tissue show grade 3 DCIS & Estrogen receptor postive.They are telling me I will be on Hormone thearpy 5 years. I wanted to just follow up with my plastic surgeon & internal med doctor ,because My Breast Surgeon has not returning call & never visited at Hopsital she just sent her resdients. So I wondering if another  MD can RX Hormone thearpy. My Plastic surgeon & internal medcine MD  have been so support & came both days & visited . I am jsut a little confused & fustrated with my Breast Surgeon.

    Does any one have advice!

    Thnaks you!  Hugs Gina Robinson

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    yea for OG!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Regina, glad you mad it through alright.  I have no advice for you on this, as my TX was different.  Maybe someone can straighten me out, but wuoldn't an oncologist be a good one to be under the care of during HT?  I would want an onc following me no matter, but I am just that way.  Good luck, hopefully someone else will chime in and let us both know who could follow you.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Gina - glad everything went well! I only had a lumpectomy, but pretty much after we made sure I was healing okay (maybe a 2 and then 6 week checkup?), I haven't really seen the breast surgeon again. I needed radiation, so I spend some quality time with the radiologist and her staff, and then after that I was handed completely over to the oncologist and her staff. The oncologist is the one who prescribed the Tamoxifen (a type of hormonal therapy usually used if you're premenopausal) and she is the one who coordinates my follow-up as I take that and continue to be scanned every 6 months. I am thinking you will likely continue reconstruction follow-up with the plastic surgeon, and then an oncologist will be the one through whom you receive hormonal therapy. Bummer about the poor communication with the breast surgeon, but on the good side, you might be pretty much done with that doctor! My breast surgeon's office (she was part of a "breast center") had an advocate type of person who coordinated initial appointments and testing with the assorted doctors. Perhaps there's someone like that you could speak with???


  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Elimar, how did you find that picture of me?

    Thanks so much ladies for everything. My Dr. called again to tell me that I am going to be her show and tell at a conference, I wanted to be famous but not from BC (:

    Gina, I concur that you should see an Oncologist as part of your follow-up care.

    My daughter was a huge pain in the ass about learning to drive (must have been the clenching) but I managed to teach her without either of us killing the other, but if you have anyone else who can do it I would highly recommend it as most of us know relationships between teens and their parents are difficult enough without adding driving to the list. Good luck EPH 3

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Wow. Had I fallen behind, middies.

    Lots going on here!!

    Kicking up my heels for Omaha-GAL!!! Oooooooo-la-la-la-la-la!!!!

    Party, party, party, party!!!!!

    And Cookie-gal is done & on to real life!!!


    greetings to all

    we should all have a friend who does the heavy lifting for lasagna-benefits: LOL

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I married my friend who had lasagna benefits.  Remember I grow my own lasagna.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    HaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaa Meece! My husband is looking at me like I'm crazy because I was laughing out loud.. Does that mean you have a cow for meat and cheese? How do you grow the noodles?
  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41

    Gina - my initial diagnosis was the same, grade 3 DCIS, my BS told me that just means that you have a more agressive form of DCIS and agressive forms they treat with Hormone thearpy.  I am having a bmx in the end of the month, but may still need to take the Hormone thearpy because I too was estrogen positive.  I also had about 1 cm of ICD that was found in the middle of the DCIS during my lumpectomy so I will have to wait until after they take out my Sentinal Node and do the dmx until I know what further treatment I will get.  But I think Hormone therapy is normal for DCIS grade 3.  Good luck with your treatment!

  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41

    I know this has probably been asked before, but what type of Cami's do you all recommend when you come from a dmx?  Thanks, I figured I would try and get some recent opinions.

  • Kim09
    Kim09 Member Posts: 5

    The cami I got zipped up the front and had removable pockets for the drains.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Omahagirl, over in the stage 1 thread (page 50-51) we discussed my domesticated lasags.  We had a couple of laughs with that one.  It had pics of the great spaghetti harvest.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    Good Morning, Middles!  I am feeling very good after a massage and the best night's sleep  without chemical assistance  I've had since Jan '07.  Sunny morning, pretty morning, life is nice today!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hmm, did the massage come after more lasagna?

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    NM, congratulations!  Massages are so wonderful.  I'm hoping to someday sleep without chemical assistance, as I did before the BC diagnosis.  Enjoy the beautiful day!

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Mmm...just the thought of a massage makes me happy.  Enjoy your day, NM!

    Meece, can I get a cutting of that lasag?  I'd like to root it and plant it on this side of the country.