
  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    Does anyone have a breadstick plant to go with that lasag?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Sure, as soon as they sprout new growth this spring I should be able to make cuttings.  I don't have a breadstick plant, wrong growing zone, but I use my bread fruit for the dough.  Not as conventient as cutting the sticks off the plant, but better than store bought bread sticks.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    middies, middies, middies!!!!

    did you notice?

    we're about to roll over to our first hundred pages!!!

    calls for some sort of celebration!!!

    i think at least cheetos & lasagna are called for.

    what shall we drink??


  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I think I need thin mints for dessert along with the cheetos and lasagna.  I'll be drinking bacardi and diet.  Yum Yum.  I should probably throw in a class of merlot too so I can get my antioxidents!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    What about those milkshakes with whiskey in them?

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm

    Vanilla and Jim Beam was heaven!

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I vote for sangria!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I forgot about the milkshakes with whiskey in them - I really must try one.  It'd be a great way to get my calcium!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I have the perfect solution--lasagna, garlic bread, cheetos, and move the party to the Hot TA TA Lounge where the tattie tenders (aka bar tenders) will provide any libation desired, in any quantity desired!  (non-alcoholic drinks included) (and serious gourmet coffees and teas as well.)

    No, the massage did not come with more lasagna, but I did have an oven roast with yorkshire pudding for dinner after.  One of my favorite foods, that is.   If it weren't for a monthly massage I don't think I could deal with the back and neck pain from being so unbalanced.  Can't wait to have recon done, gotta call tomorrow and find out if there's any word on a date yet.  

    Has anyone had Turkish coffee?  I'm watching a Modern Marvels episode about coffee and they just talked about Turrkish coffee.  I don't usually like sugar in my coffee, and I'm wondering if I should try it sometime or not.  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I always mean to treat myself to a monthly massage, but in reality it only works out to 2 or 3 times a year.  Massage prices are all over the board here.  The average seemd to be around $60 (maybe $45 with an introductory coupon) but I have paid up to $85.  That was a very good one.  Last winter, when I had to be away from home for a few month (mom's medical drama,) I found a nearby chiropractor that had a bunch of massage therapists on duty to compliment the chiro. services.  They had a holiday special, five hour-long massages for $60.  I mean $15 each.  That was like hitting the jackpot!  

    I've had Greek coffee...same thing.  It's silt-y on the bottom (don't drink that) and packs a double-punch of caffeine.  The hardcore way to drink it is in the tiny handleless cup with no sugar.  I'm more of a latte/con leche coffee drinker tho'.  Is coffee good for our health this year?  I can't keep up with the conflicting reports.  I think moderate amount were good for keeping heart disease at bay, and cleaning out the Alzheimer's placque.  Drink up before they come out with new findings!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My DH and I were actually in Turkey back in 1998. We were pretty excited about our first morning there, but had a bit of difficulty communicating what we wanted to eat as the server only spoke Turkish or German. Confident that my high-school German was good enough I ordered eggs "immen vassa" thinking we'd get poached eggs. We got hard boiled! hehehehehe

    Then when he finally brought the coffee at the end of the meal, we got pretty excited! My DH said "Oh Turkish Coffee???" The server looked surprised and said "Nes Cafe". hehehehehehehe oh, it was too funny!!! Laughing

    It's the tea they put a TON of sugar in and serve in a small glass.....

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604

    Faith....I'll raise a glass of red wine at dinner in honor of page 100!!! 

    Speaking of thin mints....next week DD's girl scout cookies arrive...then comes the fun....delivering them all!!! 

    Me....I don't do coffee...don't like anything coffee flavored either!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    I love coffee.  I don't care if it's good for me or not, I'm not giving it up for anything.  It's the one indulgence I've managed to hang onto when everything else got taken away by cancer bills.  Latte and con leche are my favs, but I also enjoy flavored coffees, and tasting various roasts and varietals.  I grind my own beans, have been playing around with the idea of learning how to roast, but finding "raw" coffee cherries has been a bit challenging.  I am simply not human until I've had at least 2 cups of coffee in the morning! One of my favorite treats is to visit Starbucks and endulge in something very different and new.  

    I used ot get GS cookies regularly, but no one sells door to door around here, and I never seem to run into them when they are selling outside the grocery store.  In fact, I'm not even sure there are any Girl Scout troops around here anymore.  That's kind of sad.  

    barbe--at least you got eggs!  If I'd tried something like that I would have gotten sardines or something. Funny story, though!  Nes cafe coffee, huh?  I bet that was a bit dissapointing!  

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Hello all have been off for awhile, busy at work but think of all of you several times a day when i look longingly at the top row of the snack machine.  There lies that tempting bag of Cheetos saying buy me, I sigh and go back to my office, well ok most days once in awhile I buy a bag!!! 

    DH and I spent a week in Florida it was nice, the weather was in the 70's went to the State Parks, canoeing, boat rides, Eco tours, beach walking and swiiming in the heated pool.  Nice.

    Spent Monday at the Dr's, you know the Endo, the Onco and then sent back to the surgeon.  Thyroid is still growing so they want to remove it.  I will get my Mammo in March, bone scan, surgical blood work and then teh surgery yuck.  I am going on a cruise with my sisters, Mom, sister in law and niece the end of February so will wait until March.  Hope my mammo goes well.  Getting a littel worried but staying busy as I can.  Still using the Ambien I too would love a chemical less sleep but am starting to come to the conclusion that life with chemistry is my future.  I ahve tried on several occasions to sleep without it and no sleep.  Onco says to quit fighting and use it, huh, i said it must be a "Carol" thing!!!  The massage sounds heavenly, would love to get one on the cruise but think it will be too pricey, I will have to see.Wish i had some cheetos, later.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    barbe.. What part of Turkey did you go too?

    I was born in Istanbul and was raised there until I was 20. They usually speak English.

    I'm Armenian American and spoke 4 languages.

    The tea in that small cup is too strong, it actually lives a bitter test in your mouth, so the Turkish coffee , Greek coffee or Armenian coffee which they are all the same.


    Edit to add a word

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Carollynn79,  When I tried Ambien for a few days, it gave me backlash insomnia for 2-3 days when I came off of it.  I did not want to commit to long term use.  My sleep has really improved since I used melatonin for a couple weeks, and now am taking Vit D3 daily. 

                                       leapingsheep Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Can we dip the Thin Mints (note capitalization) into the whiskey-laced milkshakes? Mmmmmm.

    True Girl Scout Cookie fun involves receiving an initial order of cookies WITHOUT being able to get pre-orders, and then trying to get them sold. It's called Cookies Now, and I LOATHE it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Yummy Kleenex!  When are you serving that up?  For Super Bowl you say?  Be right over!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    I know how you could make those unwanted cookies disapear! Cookies now!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    LOL cookiegal!

  • LauraM
    LauraM Member Posts: 41

    I second the Sangria for the 100 pages!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sheila, we were in Marmaris Bay and then even more east to a small town that I even forget the name of now! 12 years ago, I can't believe it! Turkey is a beautiful self-contained country and where we were it was the cleanest country we had EVER been to! Having just come from Rhodes there was a huge difference.

    When we travelled we liked to take the road less travelled and avoided huge cities in the countries we visited. We got a lot deeper into the culture and found the real beauty. We went to a bazaar in that small town (it was the town with the tombs along the river...do you know Sheila?) and were disappointed to see Levi's and Nikes and stuff like that for sale! 

    I didn't even have a cell phone of my own at this time, but the taxi driver's cell phone rang, he listened, and then told me the phone was for me!!! Very surreal...ehhehehehehe. The ferry service was calling to let us know there was only going to be ONE ferry back to Rhodes in the next week and only because the German cycling team was going over to practice for the Tour de France! We had asked when we disembarked when the ferry was going back and they had told us to call them. Our taxi driver became our tour guide and stayed with us for days taking us around to different spots. He had called the ferry service for us and they actually called him back! Too bad he wasn't there the first morning when we had Nescafe coffee....sigh. Wink

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902

    barbe--I've heard similar stories about the kindness and hospitality shown to tourists in those countries.  I would love to be able to travel and see Turkey, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Ireland, and all the rest. Sounds like you had a wonderful time!  Got any pictures?

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I am so hungry and thirsty now so I am ordering up a Milkshare with thin mints mixed in and a shot of Crown, and then I will need a sleeve (1 serving?) of thin mints on the side, I will drink and eat while waiting for the private plane to whisk me away to some far off wonderful land!

    I am planning on spending next Christmas in Salzburg Austria, and probably alone because no one likes to travel but me, but that is fine because I really enjoy my own company LOL

    Toasting to 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Wow, traveling alone?  That sounds good, you don't have arguments as to what you will see, when you will see it, how long you will watch it.  Or, will you?

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    100 pages, ladies!  Pass the alcohol-laced thin mint milkshakes!  Let the weekend begin...

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I have spectacular pictures of our travels...but alas, not in digital format! I only went digital about 2 years ago. We were ALONE in the Temple of The Grand Masters in Rhodes. Friends of ours waited 2 hours to get in when they went in the summer. We were there in March...gorgeous weather!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    The thin mints dipped in the whiskey milk shake is a brilliant idea.  I think I'll practice making the whiskey milk shakes this weekend to enjoy when my family and I watch the Michigan State vs. Illinois basketball game on Saturday night (GO STATE) and then I'll practice again for the super bowl on Sunday.  Then when I get my thin mints I'll be good to go!

    Happy Page 100 to everyone and have a great weekend.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I see there's a 100 Pages party underway, and it's not even happy hour yet.   Let's have a cyber-toast. To many more pages yet to come...and hopefully much fewer women having to write them. Cheers!  (Oooh, I drank my milkshake too fast and got brain-freeze.)

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Ugh...having a low day.

    When they say the rads se's get worse after you are done, they mean it!

    I feel awful. Blistered, fatigued, and unable to focus.

    Also the laundry lost my ACS radiation camisole, and I had to pay 50 bucks to get a new one by Tuesday.

    (In NYC if you don't have a laundry machine it is common to send the laundry out, it's cheaper than a laundromat)

    Waaaaaaaa!!!!! WAAAAAAA!!!!!

    Ok thanks for putting up with that.