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  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Ok, Elimar, I've been wanting a cake - not a slice, a cake - thanks to you! And what a happy baker - wonder what she is on?

    Day 10 of 21 Rads today. So far so good. Hot, red and braless. Sounds like a bad movie title. I am 5 weeks out of taxol and still have some neuropathy and muscle pain. WHEN will this stop? Happy Tuesday, Linda

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Welcome beergirl! It stinks that you're having to make all these decisions again. Sounds like you are doing a good job researching all of your options so you can feel confident whatever you choose it was the right decision for you. At the moment I can't even fathom thinking about what I would do. In fact, the thought of it makes me want to go lay down! My autocorrect kept changing your name to bargirl! That's alright, because Elimar is Elmira and Momine is Moline. I wish it would stop 'helping' me.

    Hello BookLady! Welcome to our little group of sisters-in-crime. Sounds better than BC sisters, so I'm going with misbehaving! At this age my crimes will no doubt be reduced to eating bad things - like cake! And drinking Coke, BWAHAHA! I say as I diligently sip my green tea and eat my Honeycrisp apple. ... sigh... And I don't know what made that lady in the picture so happy baking a cake, but I want some of what she had!

    And welcome to you DavisD! Sorry the sneaky bastard came back for you, too. You're right, we always have to remain vigilant even as we try to put it out of our minds. Quite a mental balancing act. I noticed your Her2 status changed. Were you Her2 equivocal before? I was and nowadays BC patients with my Her2 results would be given Herceptin. I wish I was able to get it 5 years ago.

    My mother was diagnosed in 2002 and she was Her2+ but that was before Herceptin was available and she's doing fine. But at the age of 88, how fast do cells move anyway? I know that sounds facetious, but it seems kind of logical.

    Elmira, congratulations on the great CT results! I love that feeling! Now you can chalk it off your calendar for another year... or so. I kind of like to stretch these scan-things out. I'm going to read that link you provided about radiation considering I just had a breast MRI and now I'm scheduled for a spinal MRI. I might s-t-r-e-t-c-h that one out after reading that article.

    Take care my sisters and try to behave yourselves - if you feel like it, that is.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi, BookLady1! Hot Red & Braless does sound like a movie title, possibly a sequel to that chick budddy-flick: Elmira & Moline. (It's like Thelma & Louise except they LIVE!!!) I am intrigues by your 21 rads. ??? The usual is about 33 (and the Canadians protocol is like 15-16,) so what up with the 21? Are your fractions a larger dose?

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Booklady & Heartnsoul,

    You were the best smiles today I had. Thank you! Hot, Red, and braless is hysterical! Hearnsoul, - you have a great writing style. Elimar's perspective and comments always entertain & educate me.

    If laughter kills/retards cancer cell development- you three ladies are positively therapeutic. I LOVE the middies! Thanks for being the "cherry on top" of my already good day.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Deborah, I am certain that laughter is a cancer killer.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Haha, Deborah! Glad we brought a smile to your face! Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever serious...

    Of course BC has introduced a new level of seriousness to my carefree life, but it's still well under control. Sometimes I also wonder if I worry enough!?!?!

    I have all kinds of problems though. But things have always worked out in the past so I quit worrying. I think the turning point was living with my horrible ex-husband. He was a pathological liar, too slippery to ever catch. So I finally said, oh just f*ck it! And that is how I learned to stop worrying and love the.... RUM!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh! And what Momine said about laughter reminded me of this yoga exercise:

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Love the Laughter Yoga!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Went for my first mammogram yesterday and after two hours, extra pics, and an US - I'm in the clear on my surviving boobie! Smile

  • staynsane
    staynsane Member Posts: 196

    HomeMom- Celebrating good news with you! May all subsequent mammograms be uneventful!

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hi HomeMom.

    It's amazing what surviving boobies will do for their 15 minutes of fame! Two hrs., extra pics, and a US, too? What a diva! Vicariously enjoying your good news.

    Elimar- just saw your 50's cake 1 in 8. Bwhahaha! I just LOVE it!

  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 842

    Thank you staynsane!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Congrats Homemom!!!

    KJSUN Member Posts: 17

    Thank goodness! I am so glad to find a group that sounds familiar, age and stage of life wise to myself. Support groups in my area seem to be more 60+ in age and I feel out of place. I also see a fellow Fibromyalgia patient. I am 48 and on my second Breast Cancer diagnosis. I am scheduled for a DMX on April 6th, and I assume chemo after. They will tell me after they examine the tumor. I also have several other medical conditions which complicate everything, so I understand glennie19. I am anxious for my surgery but scared also. I really don't have others to talk to and would welcome any replies.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Those surviving boobies do become divas when they are not part of a pair anymore! HAHAHAHA, loved that Deborah.

    Hi KJSun, and welcome to the party. As you can see by the picture at the top, there is cake! We are here for you to vent and rant and hopefully laugh along with us. I see you are a FL girl too,, I'm at the upper end of the state where the Gators live!  UGH on this being your second time around. Yup, I have Fibro,, and truncal LE which a lot of doctors just cannot wrap their minds around. Fortunately after years of having fibro, I'm used to having my condition dismissed and rant right back. **it is not all in my mind**  Let us know how we can help.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    KJSUN, hello! We've had a run on two-timers lately. You gals are spooking me out! I think the "fear of the unknown" is not as bad, but the "fear of the (awful) known" is no better. I'm a 10-year FM sufferer. Strangely, I had no FM symptoms when I was on chemo. That was the only (surprisingly) good thing about chemo...but then I ended up with foot neuropathy. Now, I am partially numb in the feet 24/7 but also feel the FM pain at times too.

    Deb2012, The extra views (and by that, I mean extra worry and extra radiation) are no fun---but the big pay off is to finally get the "all clear" result. CONGRATS!

    KJSUN Member Posts: 17

    glennie19 and elimar,

    Bless you both for your quick responses. I've been feeling quite lonely and the area I live in does not seem to have support groups with us young gals in them. The cake is just an added bonus! I see I am not alone in the FM department. Just can't catch a break can we? I have Sjogrens, which is an autoimmune disease, a bit like Lupus and a Mast cell disease, my cells release chemicals when they shouldn't in response to an injury, or if they just feel like it! I also deal with peripheral edema, no one knows why except that it is an inflammatory response. That started about 12-15 years ago. Sometimes it feels like a never ending list. Chemo was pretty good for me, great for my skin! Aren't things funny? I hope whatever they use next is something easy to tolerate. It has been a busy 2 years and none of my family live anywhere near FL, so I really rely on my DH for support. I can't believe it took me until now to find this website and forum! I have learned quite a few things just in the last week from all of you wonderful, supportive people.

    I am counting down the days until surgery, nine now, and wonder if I need to ask one of my doctors for something to help me sleep. I take Clonazepam 1MG but I am barely getting 4-5 hours sleep a night. Did either of you need something to help you sleep? I don't know if I am forcing myself to stay awake or my mind just can't stop going round and round. Good news, I picked up two post surgical camis so I can be more comfortable afterwards, now to find a few loose button up tops.

    glennie19, just looked up Truncal Lymphedema, I had never heard of it before. I'm so sorry you have that to deal with in addition to the FM. How do you stand the summers here in FL? I am miserable almost year round. Not originally from the sunshine state. Born and raised in Seattle WA. My husband is checking out northern FL because the climate would be easier for me.

    Well, I feel better and I hope I haven't dumped too much on you all at once. Thanks again to you both.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    there are so many new ladies each time I pop in. Welcome to all and sorry you are joining us.

    Good news- my CA15-3 was 38 and my CA 27.29 was 35! I get so stressed waiting for the results. I am in shock for a few days after.

    Bad news- because the dam Zometa stays in your system for years there is not much they can do about the bone loss in my jaw and my teeth shifting. One is actually loose. They are afraid things won't heal if they do any work. Sucks. My jaw hurts a lot. They suggested a mouth guard

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    KJSUN--check out Goodwill or other second hand stores for inexpensive button front tops, I even found a couple of hospital johnnies that were comfy in bed.Another thing I found really helpful to have a little notebook and some pens so I could write down when I took pain pills, and other notes as my memory was horrible for a while.I get anesthesia brain big time, with the least amount of anesthesia.You may not have that problem, but knowing for sure when you took your last pain med is a very helpful thing when you are hurting and just want to take another pill.

    Dianarose--so NOT FAIR!I swear the treatment is sometimes worse than the disease.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    DianaRose,, that just sucks!  Stinking Zometa! Will you try a mouthguard and what are they doing for your pain?

    KJSun,, autoimmune and BC!  Just sucks.  I tolerated last summer ok, but I'm afraid of this summer. I had a hysterectomy and with the hot flashes,, I'm hotter than ever before!  So I'm afraid that summer heat, hot flashes and wearing the hot compression will put me over the edge!  I'm thinking I will be spending a lot of time in the AC.  Let me just say about North FL.  I love my town, and I don't want to leave my friends,,,but it is frigging hot here in the summer and the winter can get rather cold. Like in the 20's at night,, not all the time but it does happen. If you decide on North FL,, I would recommend that you stay on the coast. The temps are milder than inland and you get the ocean breeze which we don't have. I'm a Florida native too,, so that probably helps.  You might like the east coast better than the Gulf coast too,, worth checking out.

    Keep us posted on your surgery, and yes,,, did use some Valium to help me sleep. My mind seems to want to get "busy" when I'm trying to go to sleep.

  • quiltlibrarian
    quiltlibrarian Member Posts: 31

    Hello ladies, Glad to find this group. Smack dap in the middle of the middle lol.

    I am trying to make the choice  of doing more surgery to remove the remaining breast. Sigh. I had to do three biopsies already since June of last year. So far no cancer, but having a hard time dealing with stress of waiting for results. The thought of more surgery is a bit scary, but then peace of mind is also great.

    If you could give your thought about why you did both this would help.

    Thank you.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Welcome, quiltlibrarian! I wound up doing both, the first due to complications from rads (long story) and the other when I had recon done later. I opted for removing the remaining breast due to the stress of having to have extra views every mammogram. A couple biopsies left the breast with changes that were questionable on mammogram, and every year there was something different in a new place that needed to be checked out. I couldn't take that stress every year. More surgery is scary, but no mammograms is a huge relief. And I do know that the mammograms do not take away all risk, since microscopic breast tissue gets left behind, but I can live with that, easily. I could not live with having a workup done every year for possible bc in the "good" breast.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Hi Quilty,,,, Welcome to the middie gang,,,

    3 biopsies in less than a year and the waiting for results would make me nuts!  I could totally understand have the MX for peace of mind,, and less pain and suffering!  If I were in your shoes,, I would probably strongly consider doing that.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hello all and welcome new ladies. We'll do almost every thing for cake, eh?

    Good news eli!

    I can't remember what i just read so no more answering posts from me.

    Diana, what a raw deal with the jaw issues. I wear a mouth guard at night. It helps a great deal. I also wear wrist splints and a neck brace. But I don't have a hubby like you. I get to start hand physical therapy again this week. I hope your teeth and jaw get stronger.

    I just found out that my blood sugar is creeping up. So I am back on my strict shakes and bar diet. Fooey!! So thanks for all the virtual food here.


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Quilty, I hate needles, like really major needle phobia. My breasts were also always very painful, so mammos were frightening as well.

    When I was first DXed, I was told I needed an MX on the "sick" breast. I asked about BMX, but the surgeon refused. When I asked about follow-up, I was told that I would be monitored closely - which meant mammo, U/S or MRI every 3-6 months and "if we see something, we can just biopsy it." A quick google revealed that people end up in situations like yours very often, and that after numerous biopsies you end up with scar tissue, which in turn can look like cancer on mammo and lead to even more biopsies.

    In addition I had ILC, which is an elusive and sneaky bugger, so even with all the above there was no particular guarantee that they would be able to see any actual cancers developing.

    So, I found a different surgeon who was willing to do a BMX. I miss my "on buttons" and there are days having even one of them left would be nice, but on balance I truly have no regrets, especially since we found extensive LCIS and other fun stuff (various pre-cancerous conditions) in the supposedly healthy breast once they did the path after surgery. It had not shown on ANY imaging, so obviously I made a good call there.

    There are also some upsides to flatness. I can run now. Before it was always painful because of the breasts. I can adjust my bust-size as I see fit from pancake to Ds (although I usually just wear absolutely minimal foobs, which are silicone bra liners designed to bumb you up a size). It is also, according to my surgeon, much easier to detect a recurrence without a bunch of silicone and extra scars in the way.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Glennie19- I am going to ask the dentist about the Invisalign instead of a mouth guard. I am nervous about both because they fit so tight and am afraid my loose tooth will come out when I take the guard out. I just take Tylenol for the pain. Some days it is bad and other days not even there.

    Hubby and I went to a small casino here in Maine on Sunday. We are still a bit green and I am conservative. I was playing a penny machine and only betting 30 cents. Ion 618.00 . I didn't even know it. The woman beside me pointed it out. It was awesome.

    Ok, I am not talking about the weather but the dam snow in the back yard is still 2 feet deep. Some spots are 4 feet. I want it to go away! Maybe we should go away for another month and come back when it is gone.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    excellent idea to go away and come home in a month. FL is lovely right now,,, not hot at all!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    sun and flip flops sound awesome!

  • quiltlibrarian
    quiltlibrarian Member Posts: 31

    Thank ladies. I will wait for my May mammogram and then decide. I am 90% sure I will go for the mastectomy. It will be a 4-5 month wait but it will be worth it. I will let you know what happens. 

    Thank you again

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Happy 6 yrs ago diagnosis day!!!!

    Welcome all the new gals & happy to see Dianarose chiming inHappy

    Still jobless, but not hopeless! Life goes on (John Cougar Mellencamp's singing voice~insert here~)