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  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Oh look - maybe I can bump this along to the next page - 985

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Another try to get to page 985. . .

  • Jeeper4
    Jeeper4 Member Posts: 13

    digging into that cheese platter of hospitality! TY!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    SmileNews to know....New Study!!!

    Coffee 'could halve breast cancer recurrence' in tamoxifen-treated patients

    Last updated: Thursday 23 April 2015 at 8am PST

  • justmaximom15
    justmaximom15 Member Posts: 89

    Since today's my 47th birthday... I thought I better join this group to see what's up. Reading the original post I was like Yeah, that's me! No little ones, not retired yet, still trudging to the office every day (yes it could be worse) but with my youngest just turning 16 earlier this year, we were certainly beginning to enjoy the freedom that brings and yep BAM ! Cancer and not even a thank you ma'am!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi, justmaximom15! Have you had surgery by now? Lumpectomy, or what? If yes, when will the radiation begin? Looking at your Dx line (simiilar to my own,) I can tell you that while the first year is all about procedures and active treatment, your normal life does not stop. You get even more shoved onto your plate! You will just have to be more selective about what you put your energies toward. I got my Dx when my youngest was a h.s. senior. I went to every home soccer game, even if I had to take a nap to do so. Why? Because that is what I would have been doing without having BC and I was just too stubborn to let the BC derail me completely. We are at all stages and phases of BC here, so just fling out any question/concerns you might have and we've got your back.

    Loral, Thanks for posting the it's all an update to last year's findings. Too bad I get a little jittery with coffee because I don't know if I can drink two cups a day anymore. The part I don't quite understand is this statement?

    What is more, the team found that tamoxifen-treated women who consumed at least two cups of coffee a day had smaller tumors and a lower proportion of hormone-dependent tumors than women who consumed less coffee.

    Are they saying that women who drank the coffee were less likely to have ER+ tumors? Did the coffee drinkers have more HER2+ then? How is that a good thing? But if is saying that they were Tamoxifen-treated, then wouldn't ALL the women have ER+ tumors in the first place? Are they talking about the women in relation to having recurrences? Because if it's that, then the Tamox. + coffee didn't work so well, did it?

    Is this me having a mental block? Can someone please give me a sensible interpretation of what that is saying? I actually have seen that statement in several of the articles I had Googled, and it is either poor journalism or my brain is more chemo-addled than even I realize. Perhaps there is a wonder beverage must drink to understand the meaning of this? Help me to understand, someone, please!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Elimar - Unfortunately I didn't see any reference to HER2+. Nor any reference to PR +/-. Since I'm not ER+ but am HER2+, I guess it's a crap shoot whether it would do any good. I think I did pick up that it has to be regular coffee for the caffeine. Wonder if cokes would do as well? I think I'll go pour a glass of wine and then read it again.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    minustwo:  sounds like a great idea!


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    If the tamoxifen treated women had smaller tumors with 2 cups of coffee & lower proportion hormone dependent tumors, were those new tumors acquired after the tamoxifen? Sign me confused.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    My read on that statement is that women on tamoxifen who also drank at least 2 cups of coffee per day who did get bc recurrence had recurrent tumors that were smaller than women who didn't drink coffee and were less likely to be hormone positive than women who didn't drink coffee.I see this as describing a subset of women on tamoxifen who drink coffee and still had a recurrence.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Native.........I think your right

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Whew - we're finally to page 985. So, who had coffee for breakfast?

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455

    I didn't wake up till 10:45---rainy and dark, plus I over medicated to sleep.....Had Oatmeal and hot chocolate at 11:30....never in my life have I at breakfast at this hour.......

  • Jeeper4
    Jeeper4 Member Posts: 13

    minus2-I had coffee and a smoothie!

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    Hi, will add a post to the mix. Don't post often, but enjoy reading all of your comments. I'm nearly to the age when I don't fit the perimeters of this group, but figure I'm young at heart. Someone had mentioned hot flashes. Had them the first year constantly, but now just a couple times a week. Stiff when I sit too long but bought a Fitbit at Christmas and am determined to make my 10,000 steps 5-6 days a week. Seems to help. Best wishes to all.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey everyone and welcome new ladies! I've been MIA lately.

    Lots going on. I also thought maybe I would feel better if I didn't think of BC all the time. But I found that I missed you guys.

    I've been doing some traveling, dealing with a couple of health issues and helping some friends deal with a terrible brain cancer dx.

    Also my aunt has been in and out of the hospital. Which falls on my plate when her sons aren't here. They live in FL, but they both have come up now. So I feel like I've got a bit of time to myself.

    I have a new peeve here. The new dx and tx lines take up soooo much space! I guess on the bright side it will help us reach our goal of so many pages by the page's bday. Oh wait, no it won't because it's posts not pages. Don't take much to confuse me.

    My DD said to someone the other day " I just turned my back for a moment to put the towel down and she fell into the hot tub." I am such a space shot my kids are watching out for me. So even tho I had a brace on my left wrist for a month it was not from slipping on ice this winter.SillyHeart

  • SweetThing
    SweetThing Member Posts: 7

    I'm 49, less than 2 months away from the big 50. Hi Cheesequake, I had relatives that lived in Chessequake NJ. Been reading the posts for a long time, thought I should jump in. Thank you ladies for all your insight and humor Smile

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello, all Newbies (and you don't get much Newbi-er than SweetThing--here on her first post!) So glad that those who have been stealthily reading along on this thread have popped in to introduce themselves. Don't worry, the whole age thing is somewhat arbitrary. I mean, if you are a BC-sister interested in the tangents we go off on then join in. I am sure we'll get to 30,000 posts soon enough, and I am quite happy that "weather talk" does not make up many of those posts. I'm not sure how many gratuitous beefcake pics we managed to get on here, but a threads got to have some vices, right? (Missing CMbear and her umbrella cocktail postings right now.)

    mac, Yeah, I am not crazy about the extended Dx and Tx lines either. They seem to repeat themselves a little and take up a lot of space. I probably won't even update mine to the new style. On the other hand, I must have written a hundred times that I had lumpectomy surgery because that was not available before, and now you can just have that in one easy line. It does spell everything out now. The one practice that I found really annoying was when some chose to log every round of chemo in those tag lines, and that took up, like, half a page, or was 5 times longer than their actual posts. I think it would be sufficient to just list the start date and 4x or 6x or 8x, whatever.

    Hot Flashes: I had awful ones on Tamoxifen. Then, the year after I went off Tamox., I still had them fairly strong--just the regular menopause ones, I guess. Now, this past year, I have not noticed very many. My Tamoxifen time was concurrent with my peri-menopausal time, so I'll never really know how much was from one and how much was from the other. I just hope i am done with all that!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    I chose to do a summary in the "signature" line. And I think I need to make even that less wordy. Maybe I'll send a note to the mods this week.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    eli, I hope you're done with all that, too. I went thru menopause before dx, thot I was done with all that and now have hot flashes from the tami. I hate the trouble I have sleeping deeply. I am always tired. (and achy). I have started taking Low Dose Naltexone to relieve pain from the fibro and hopefully to get my brain unfoggy. I'll see how it works. I'm ready to try anything. I was over at my aunts yesterday and she had a jar filled with gin soaked raisins. She said it was for the pain in her shoulders. Now I am obsessed with wondering if it would work. Of course since I am an addict in recovery, it would NOT be a good choice for me. I would probably just drink the gin and forget the raisins.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    minus2, your signature line is pretty good, but I get what you mean about wordy. I suppose I should work on mine. I've be getting reminders to update on the site. But being the rebel I am, I am resisting.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    I agree:  I think it is wordy too and have not updated mine either.

    **waving** hello to everyone.   Welcome to the newbies. We are a fun bunch here!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    DevilAnyone notice that the print is very tiny on these discussion boards...Help mod's............

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    There's a trick you can do with your computer screen--hold down the CONTROL key (Ctrl) and press the plus (+) key to increase the print size on the screen. You can do this more than once to keep increasing the print size. Control and the minus (-) key will make the screen print smaller.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • justmaximom15
    justmaximom15 Member Posts: 89

    elimar, I have not had surgery yet - it's scheduled for one week from today. I picked between two great BS then saw a PS that I didn't care for at all so I went to my chosen BS and she recommended PS#2 so between all the appointment scheduling, her schedule, his schedule and my schedule this was the soonest we could do it. It seems like it's taken forever to get here but as the date draws closer the worse my nerves get. I feel like my whole life is never going to be the same again, which I guess is true. I'm just hoping for the best.

    BTW, I'm having a lumpectomy with reduction. I don't have an exact date on radiation but the RO said about 4 weeks after surgery so that would put me around the first week of June. I have not scheduled with an MO yet but my BS expects that she'll put me on Tamoxifen for ... 10 years! ugh!

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    justmaximom, I had a similar surgery, lumpectomy - actually three such surgeries (one a fail, one the real deal, and the last for 1 mm of margin around DCIS) all in all (with the exception of failed surgery which was just a crushing disappointment as I wanted to wake up with everything done) it was pretty simple - I had no pain - took no pain meds, had an uneventful recovery all three times. I was petrified to have surgery - but found the word cancer far more scary than the word surgery so I was like a dog with a bone to get it done as quickly as possible - never thought I'd lead the charge to having surgery .You will be fine - although not everyone is the same in the pain department - I guess either I was numb to the pain - or simply didn't have any - I was back to work in four days (had it done on a Friday and returned to work on Tuesday) but you may experience more discomfort due to the reduction - but regardless it will be behind you and you can start on the next phase. Wishing you the best. Kris

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    surgery is surgery and every "body" reacts differently. I too had a lx and everyone (BS) said it would be a piece of cake, take a couple days off and you'll be right back at it. But that was not the case for me. Justmax, try to go into it without expectations and take what comes and go from there. I felt the same way before surgery, nervous, scared, It's the unknown that is hard to handle. My life is not the "same" but I have grown thru this process and I certainly don't take life for granted anymore. I think I enjoy my life more. No, I know what it is, I give myself permission to enjoy my life more.

    kk, I am glad that you had minimum pain. It sounds like you are in good shape!

    loral, are you sure you didn't just misplace your glasses?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Well that font size enhancer is a lovely trick!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    WinkingNO my glasses were on my face...but I fixed it.