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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Well, Lady(bug)-sister-girls, we must have a luncheon fete (& bring spring flowers) for Eph. Congrats on the 6-year-versary!!!


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    yummy cake. In the mood tacos but I can't figure out how to post. Brain fart!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    If your happy dance involves tiptoeing through the tulips, Eph, here here you go...


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    the cake and tulips are lovely!   

    Happy 6th year anniversary, Eph.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Happy 6th, Eph!

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    happy 6th Eph!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Congrats Eph...imageimage

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It wouldn't be Easter if I didn't laugh at this like I was seeing it for the first time...


    Western civilization religion aside (is it hot in here or is that the flames of hellfire?,) hope all are enjoying a day of communion with friends and family. I colored an egg already (yes, that is singular,) the others got peeled and made into egg salad directly. Later, blurring the Mason-Dixon line for some glazed ham & grits & baby green beans (fresh frozen from last year's garden) & fried apples & a pecan pie. Even tho' I've got family away, and working today, who says I can't have a drool worthy meal?

    So, a couple days ago, my hubster was saying that JC Superstar was the worst musical ever. Last night he fell asleep on the couch, so I found the musical on a t.v. channel and switched it so he could wake up to it. Am I the only one who enjoys this form of torment? Ahahaha!

    Happy Easter, one and all!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    hahahahaha,,, love the cartoon,, and what you did to hubby. 

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hey ladies,

    Happy Easter and Chag Pesach Semeach for those of the "tribe".

    Elimar, I love your Easter bunny chocolate pic. First time I've ever seen that one. Your kitchen exploits are admirable as well. Love your prankster streak too.

    So, Here I am during Passover week cooking an Easter ham dinner for my hubby and I. We'll do Passover next weekend when DD and boyfriend come for a seder. Obviously, not terribly religious and definitely don't keep kosher. However, next weekend, no leavened bread nor ham etc. We do the holidays when everyone can get together.

    Hubby and I went for a 16 mile bike ride by the ocean. Then, I got adventuresome cooking in the kitchen inventing stuff. Appetizers and a raspberry version of a pineapple upside down cake. No ready mix white cake in the house, so made some from scratch. I don't think I've ever made a pineapple upside cake in my life ( I do super enjoy cooking, tho'). Hope it turns out. If not- licking the beaters was worth it!

    Now, I'm reading a novel in Spanish (with Kindle auto default Eng. dictionary)and in front of the fire, listening to Spanish "Pop y Rock". Having Gen Mai cha since I've already had 2 glasses of red wine while cooking all afternoon. I know. Bad girl- alcohol, could be feeding some cancer somewhere. Too bad. It's my party and I'll do what I want to.

    I'm so happy and relaxed. Life is grand!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    LOL at the bunny cartoon!As funny now as ever!Definitely a drool worthy meal, good for you!

    Deborah--that's the way to live life, girl!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Love the topper pic Eli!

    Hope everyone had a Hoppy Easter! I spent it on the road, returning from sister's home. Wicked cough, so my driving was rather erratic!

    CAN NOT believe it's April!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    All of my favorite threads have very little activity lately. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,313

    Eph - I agree. Does that mean people are having exciting, full lives and no longer thinking about BC? Or they're too depressed to post?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Me, I swing back and forth wildly between exciting and depressed! But I have noticed that too..

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Hi All,

    My girlfriend's husband has to have radiation treatment. He has such a great sense of humor. He commented how numerous Superheroes obtained their powers from radiation contact. Sure enough they did. Spider Man, Incredible Hulk and Mr. Fantastic are examples. So I decided to be creative and ridiculous. I made him a mobile with the typical superhero Kaboom! Whack! KaPow! colorful cartoon "bubbles". In the center is a ribbon that says "Killing cancer cells today". I also enclosed a cut out mask of Spiderman. He can hang the mobile from the ceiling of his hospital room- I sent push pins and duct tape. My husband was laughing at my homemade contraption (I found a sewing button that had a metal loop that I was able to use like a swivel, removed the metal bars from a Pendaflex file folder and raided his fishing tackle box). He loved it! We sent it off to him today. If I can upload a photo of it, I'll try. Wow! I uploaded my first photo to BCO. I hope it makes both of them smile. We met on BCO and our husbands met also. She is so precious to me and her husband is a good hearted person, too.

    P.S. The raspberry upside down cake was a hit!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Great mobile!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Yes, great mobile and glad to hear that the cake was a hit!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    BAM! Today's news from Yahoo News. "Experts say the top 5 most addictive foods are: French fries, M&M's, Oreos, Cheetos & Doritos."

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    for me:  French fries and Doritos,,,,,,   and jelly beans,, OMG, once I start with them, I can't stop.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Oh, my, I am a 5 time food addict!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Doritos and m&m's for me........

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I know you are expecting me to go for the Cheetos, but that came later. I'm off and on with Doritos (just the original "nacho cheese" flavor, mind you) ever since Junior High School (when my girl gang left the school campus to go get Doritos and Frozen Cokes for lunch.) Then, I did have a severe M&M sweet tooth in my 20's, and have some peanut ones in the pastel Easter colors in my candy bowl right now.

    Of course, I've had my share of fries and Oreos too, but I could always give those a pass without any trouble at all.

    On a related junk food note: Supposedly two of the worst junk foods out there are donuts and chips. Given my other addictions, I feel uppity good that I don't indulge in those two very often.

    Cute mobile, Deb2012, and anything that lifts the spirit of a cancer patient get some bonus points++++++++++

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    When I was doing chemo, it was december, and I was having a major craving for passionfruit, which is hard to find ANY time of year. At trader joe's there were these things I spied near the frozen aisle. And i always thought gummy candies were gross. BUT. It said they had passionfruit juice along with mango and yogurt flavor. Oh.My. God. I have been addicted to them ever since! Seriously!! And there is pork gelatin in them, but i don't care. There is a store called sugarfina in the mall that has the original ones imported from Germany at 3X the price. I know this because a few months ago when there was a strike at the port, TJ's didnt have them for a long time, so I googled them, and , there ARE MANY PEOPLE AS EQUALLY ADDICTED AS I AM. People were writing about them, and very sad. Now I make sure that doesnt happen anymore. I buy them ten at a time. When i was a teenager though, I spent many of my dollars on Doritos too. Remember when you could get like a 3 pound bag for a dollar? I would eat the whole bag at one sitting. image

  • deborah2012
    deborah2012 Member Posts: 58

    Ahhhh the memory of Dorito breath as a youth and the kissing dilemma. Solution- both of us would eat the Doritos, then neutralize it with a Big Stick popsicle. We were so very resourceful in our teens.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Tomboy, During my chemo (and the pre-surgery rounds were Dec. & Jan.) I craved real watermelon and paid the premium Winter prices to get some, and it was because it actually tasted like watermelon. Ninety percent of foods (make that 95%) did not taste right to my poor chemo-abused taste buds. The other flavor hurdle was having the chemo-abused saliva glands that just were not producing. Hampered by both of those things, there was not very much that tasted "real" to me, so when I found something, I ended up obsessing on those items. So, do you think that is why the mango/passionfruit gummies tasted so good to you?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Yes, they really did help produce some saliva, but they just had a really neat flavor too. And a different kind of "tooth feel", than any other kind of gummies that i have tried since. When the tjs was out, I tried many other kinds! None would do! There is a certain compelling 'tang' to me. But I am slooooowly weaning myself down. to the point where, last spring, i actually bought a passion vine and planted it. The flowers on the vine are so amazing. last year, there were eight fruits, but unfortunately, it coincided with the rat/garage problem I had last year, so I only got two. F**King rats.

  • BookLady1
    BookLady1 Member Posts: 196

    Hi, again! Eph - your comments about the low activity on your fave threads got me on here, again. I agree with you and Minus2. Where are we? I think with me I've been starting and finishing and continuing tx and trying to figure out where I belong. So, here I am.

    Elimar - happy year #6, and thanks for the Easter bunny-funny. Last time I was in the middle of my 21 day radiation, and you asked what kind of protocol that was. My RO is going by a new group of studies - giving slightly larger daily doses of rads in fewer treatments known as hypofractionated radiation therapy - works for me as I had a lumpectomy and only 1 node involved. Felt like I was cheating, but I am happy to be done with the slash, poison and burn part and was very happy when the rad therapists tossed confetti on me this week as I left the vault after my last tx. They apologized for confetti sticking to my hair - they dont get it - I was thrilled to have enough hair for it to stick to! Sensitive, burned, itchy - the usual when I finished this week. Not severe, but burned, itchy area, responding to all the lotions and potions. I cant stand for anything to touch the area - my DH and DS will be out tomorrow, so I'm going topless! Exciting times. Starting Arimedex on Monday.

    Thanks for making me crave every food y'all have talked about! I lost 30 pounds (i could afford it) over chemo - but my appetite and taste buds are back, Baby! Easter candy gorging, and Doritos and Frozen Cokes sound wonderful! Elimar, were we in the same jr. high group? The Dixie Dog (yeah, I know) in Burkburnett, Texas for that healthy lunch M-F. Best wishes for a good weekend, and thanks for being here! Linda

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Must've been, BookLady1. Remember me, I was the one that had white eyeliner and white lipstick all thru' seventh grade.

    Congrats on finishing up the dreaded sounds like you fared about the same as I did with the 33 Tx. All in the fractions, I guess. I like the confetti touch (read: jealous!)