Lets Post our Daily Exercise
I am trying to start back with some mild walking this week and got to 94 minutes. Bloodwork still not normal at Friday appointment with doctor- white count still high but at least it is way improved from hospital bloodwork. So I am trying to get plenty of sleep, eat my fruits and veggies, and do some exercise but not too stressful exercise.
My husband got out the Christmas tree yesterday and the plastic tote had water at the bottom from a failed sump pump incident. Somehow the rubbermaid tote had a hole in it and the bottom section of my tree is ruined. So today will be trying to come up with a new decorating plan that suits my energy level but need for lights and festivity.
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Only exercise today was the monthly maintenance on the fish tank
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mickey-wth! Dolphins pull off a win against the Patriots. Craziest play ever. I'm still in shock. Happy but in shock
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Goodness TwoHobbies, hope you get your 'bounce' back soon!
I went to POUND and Yoga this afternon & now plan to start 'The Christmas Grocery List'. My Minnesota Vikings don't play until tomorrow night.
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Hubby’s Patriots lost, but my Packers destroyed the Falcons
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I got suet for Christmas Puddings on Friday so have most of what's required to get that operation up and running. Did a run yesterday and a hike today with a friend whom I introduced to the concept of hiking poles for wet, rocky, muddy trails. My new boots and rain hat were just fab for the 5 mile hike. So relieved as the boots were one size down and slightly used (so dirt cheap), but new laces made everything work just fine. Miraculously, I had the right weight and length.
Work and now dinner. Roasting autumn veg. Can't wait to be at the other end of the TWO stalks of Brussels sprouts I obtained about 3 weeks ago in a weak moment. Message to self: don't ever THINK of this one again in the interest of variety and air quality.
Still have to fetch the tree and get it decorated..... Dinner awaits. - Claire
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claire- roasted Autumn vegetables sounds delicious.
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Could not believe the Patriot's loss yesterday! Congrats to Miami who played 60" of football. Going to run and do weights today, but not sure when. It 16 right now. May wait until later. Then need to get some Christmas stuff done.The veggies do sound delish!
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TH: Sending you healing energy. Sorry about your tree. Weird that the rubbermaid tote had a hole in it.
We had snow! 7 inches! It's beautiful. The snow turned to a mix and then snow again. Still not feeling well but getting better - went back to the doctor on Saturday and was given some different medicine which is helping.
No exercise for me but I did paint another red truck
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wonderland- sorry to hear you still arent feeling well. Love the xmas truck. Im in the surgery waiting area. Im using my time doing paperwork. Gotta go- Im next. Goodbye Cataract.
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Hope all goes well with the cataract surgery, jo!
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octo- everything went well. I'm at home resting now. No running or strenuous exercise for a week. Hoping you're having a wonderful day.
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Wonderland, I love your truck. I saw a red truck ornament so that must be a recurring design this year. I hope you feel better soon and stay safe in the snow.
Jo glad your surgery went smoothly.
Yesterday I spent more than two hours cleaning and decorating and boy was I tired just from that. I decided to put up 2/3 of my tree because only the bottom section was ruined and also have another 4 foot tree. Both of them did not light so had some light strings that I put on and decorated. It looks nice enough for this year.
Speaking of amazing football results, the Bears beat LA. Of course I only saw the first quarter before I fell asleep.
Today it was relatively warm (33) and sunny so a friend and I went for a 27 minute walk at lunch.
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twohobbies- I love the idea of you putting up two-thirds of your Christmas tree. I'm sure it looks great with the lights on it.
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I went Christmas grocery shopping this morning, and since it was REALLY nice here (sunny, 32, and no wind) this afternoon my friend and her two dogs & my grandpuppies and I went for a long walk (followed by coffee for the humans and water and dog treats for the dogs). I went to Zumba tonight.
I LOVE your ornament, Wonderland!
Jo, glad your surgery went well.
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It is fun to get outside in the winter when it's cold and sunny - such a boost! The trucks are really neat, I wish I was creative - amybe I will be inspired now that I'm retired - although I am still working a few hours a week.
Jo - hope you enjoy some chillax time while you're recovering!
Going to a Power Pump class this morning and then off to play bridge with a friend.
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I went to POUND this morning & am off to buy more Christmas groceries. I am trying to get the ingredients for everything that is not perishable ahead of time and beat the rush.
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Hi all- Great to see everyone getting out even in the winter, and also getting into the holiday spirit. Even if I don't post much, I lean heavily on this thread to help through the low parts of the rollercoaster.
It's been an "interesting" December as it marks my 1-year anniversary of finding lump/ biopsy/ surgery the day after Christmas/ and so on. You know how Facebook sends you a "year in review" slideshow of photos- at first I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it as it was a tough year. But the photos are all of fun things, that were well-spaced in and among the tough parts (no photos of being on the couch after chemo). I exercised as much as possible through chemo and stayed reasonably strong, although now I am seeing that those levels were pretty pitiful. But hey, at least I got out, and that made me really appreciate living in the mountains.
Am feeling pretty strong, working with a coach who is kindof a bridge between PT and strength training. I'm doing a lot of mobility work, especially for the mastectomy shoulder. Does it seem like to you all that you do the same work OVER and OVER again, gaining strength and mobility then reverting to tight and painful, then doing it again and again? I do think that my activity levels make the AI (anastrozole) effects pretty minimal. I mean, I needed a knee replacement BEFORE BC and still do, but my work with the coach has actually helped a ton, with both knees and with the shoulder recovery.
I've been wrestling a nasty Perjeta-caused rash on my arms since June. Triamcinolone helps, and I just found that baths with salts (epsom or lavender or other types) magically take away the itching too. I am looking forward to ending my year of Perjeta and Herceptin, but not to ending the protection that they give. The whole recurrence topic can take me on a rollercoaster, but when I go outside and MOVE, that helps so much. I've always believed in the "moving meditations," and now more than ever.
I have been getting out backcountry skiing and will be teaching some avalanche classes and some ski guiding too. Deeply grateful to be able to do those activities that are deep in the center of how I see myself. I know how it feels now to lose those, and have to review and reconsider my self-worth, NOT through what I DO, but by WHO I am. Tough stuff, this real work.
One photo from guide training yesterday.
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homemadesalsa- welcome back. We pretty much started our journey together in December of 2017. I'm with you I'm looking forward to the end of herceptin and perjeta at the end of January. Also like you concerned with reoccurrence but we do have to keep moving. And its been quite a year but you seen to be doing well. Absolutely gorgeous picture of the skiing. WOW. Impressive.
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I'm in front of a roaring fire to take the chill off. It is 60° right now. It's a night for a glass of wine and a fire. Don't laugh. I walked a mile to my ophthalmologists office for my follow-up visit. I enjoy the Colder Weather. Warming up in front of the fire is relaxing. .
Even my fur babies appreciate the fire.
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Great to hear from you, Salsa. You always have the BEST pictures! Cancer anniversaries are always creepy (to me anyway), especially the first ones when you are still trying to process everything and trying to put it into some sort of perspective. They do get better the further out you go. Any exercise a person does during chemo is very, very awesome; so don't sell yourself short, it helped keep a base of fitness to build back up on.
I can't help it, jo, I AM laughing at your 60 degree fire! It was cloudy but still mild here (32 degrees) so I stopped by DS's and walked the puppies after shopping. We are now off to watch some high school basketball.
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ruth- a high school basketball game sounds like fun. You should see all my little dogs curled up in front of the fire. You're Grand puppies must love the cold weather.
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Ruth, sounds like we have similar weather right now, though it is a bit warmer here...it was partially cloudy today and got up to 40 or so, but a bit of a breeze made it feel a little colder....I did go for a good walk this afternoon, needed a break from work and to get outside. The views around my work location are amazing! This evening I am in front of the fire also....
Salsa, the view from your ski guide training looks amazing!
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Here's a picture from last winter; walking around the park with the grandpuppies, my friend, and her Husky.
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Homemadesalsa, awesome photo and so relate to your insights of 1 year review. Twohobbies, hope you feel better. Jo, good that all went well and on the other side of surgery. Wonderland, you are one creative maven. Cheryl, learning #83 and hope you are doing well. Ruth, those milestones kind of creep me out too.
Done with Pink Ribbon Pilates, Cancer for Yoga class, tai chi for Parkinson's and two classes for older adults in the community - taking a break until we start again in January. Picked up a bit of cover work yet mostly have some down time with family as son comes home for the holidays next week. This is a photo of Pink Pilates Christmas coffee and cake morning. Off to get more of the Christmas ball rolling - let's keep at it!
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Tired and sluggish today - not much motivation, not sure why. Will try the yoga class today for help getting centered. May you all have a beautiful day doing something than you love.
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lilacblue- Enjoy your break from your many activities. This will give you more of an opportunity to enjoy the Christmas holidays with less stress.
Micmel- hope your energy returns soon.
I walked 1 mile to the doctor's office this morning and upon a quick follow-up visit with my doctor . He cleared me for srenuous exerciseI. I utilize my time well. So I climbed 16 flights Up and 16 flights down. What goes up must come down . March 9th is the fight for air climb which is 49 flights of stairs. So it's time to get in shape for the stair climbing. I didn't register last year because I was in the middle of chemo. I could power walk and run during chemo but I thought stair-climbing would have been too much. Ladies, have a great day. Im headed to work.
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homemadesalsa just made me jealous with her backcountry ski picture. I can't wait to get out there, hopefully this weekend as there should finally be enough snow in the mountains.
I will probably get a bit of exercise putting up the tree. I stopped by the tree place yesterday, but the pickings were very slim. He said to come back Friday which I will do as would love a Noble fir. They are so gorgeous and fragrant.
I also have to get my Christmas Pudding operation up and running. I have been collecting all the items I need so just one more trip to the supermarket should do it.
I need to finish ordering the wine I send to friends. I had a glitch with my first order with their system. My sister was quite disappointed to learn it would be only two bottles, not 16, and American Express took care of everything.
Getting ready for the big call in 45 minutes. Fortunately, not the one presenting. - Claire
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Fun picture of your ladies, Lilac!
After walking, the Wednesday Women headed over to the first of two holiday parties (two different lady's volunteered to host.....we can't turn down a party invitation!). Our hostess this week is an accomplished pianist, so after eating we stood around her piano and sang Christmas Carols. Fun!
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ruth- what a cute picture. I also love the pictures of the grand puppies in the snow. I'm with you it's very difficult turn down a party invitation