Lets Post our Daily Exercise
Wonderland- I have a 5K run Saturday morning. Hopefully I will be fully recuperated from my bout with food poisoning. I worked yesterday and today but my endurance hasn't fully returned. After my herceptin and perjeta infusions tomorrow I'm going to try to run a few miles. I enjoyed your artwork. Simply Beautiful.
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Oh my goodness you guys are so inspiring. I ran a few 5 Ks once, and a 10k. i was 43years old when i did my first. I was so slow that when i go to the finish line, the finish line was gone and the only person left was my husband cheering me on. I did not get much faster ever lol .It was humbling but i was 40 pounds more than i am now so i am still proud of it. My hips keep me from running so i walk everyday and throw in some jogging here and there. It is sunny and warm here this morning ( well 0 degrees C or 32 F warm for January here) and we have not had sun in so long, i went for a 3 k walk. I hope to do another this afternoon when it is above zero. The sun makes me have more energy.
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Hope to get up skiing tomorrow, but driving conditions will need to be better than these.
"I-90 Snoqualmie Pass is closed both directions due to icy road conditions and collisions blocking the roadway. Eastbound traffic is closed at North Bend milepost 34. Westbound traffic is closed at Ellensburg milepost 106. Crews will reevaluate conditions at noon and make a determination when they will reopen Snoqualmie Pass."
I think Stevens may be the better bet. We are in for a round of storms extending from BC to Southern California. These should ensure that we have plenty of water for the summer ahead. However, much is falling here in the mountains as rain which makes the skiing iffy.
Now, I could haul out my bicycle and get on it. I do need to be in shape for a ride I am doing in a month which will be one final ride on the viaduct; first ride (and perhaps only ride) in the new tunnel that's replacing it.
Have a new business call in a couple of hours. Wish me and my business partner good luck in snagging this nice piece of research. Can't wait to dig into it, especially since almost completely done with the project that took up most of the past 2 months. This one will be the same amount of work, but much more profitable. Yippie!!!! - Claire
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I haven't been active here for some time... I had to stop following this thread because my neuropathy was bad for a few weeks during Taxol and I could cry reading your posts here....
Anyway, my last chemo was on Dec. 4th. I was determined to get better soon and to get there through walking... So I set my goal of 10000 steps again. My fitness app showed me daily average during the whole month of December was 9900 steps. I was very happy to achieve that with Christmas and all 😀
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Jaboo- has your neuropathy diminished? Keep up with your steps. That's fantastic.
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Welcome back Jaboo!
Jo...love the shirts! So fun!
Ran 4 miles last night and 3 tonight, along with some strength work. 40* ABOVE here today. It was a beautiful run! Will go to spin tomorrow morning.Feeling sorry for myself tonight...hubby and my boys migrated south to Frisco, TX to cheer on our NDSU Bison in the Natl Championship game tomorrow. I had to stay back this year...hubby and I are also taking a vacation to Dominican in 2 wks and didnt want to close daycare that many days in Jan. Hate missing this as its a family tradition but looking forward to our upcoming vacation too! Shopped and watched Dateline after my run! Exciting times! Happy Friday...great job on all the exercise ladies!
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runnermum- are you staying at one of those all inclusive resorts in the Dominican? It is a beautiful place to visit. I have received so many compliments on my t-shirts. My niece runs half-marathons and currently she is training for a full Marathon. She flipped over the t-shirts. So I told her about the website. Sorry you're missing the big championship game. My team the University of Miami Hurricanes lost 35 to 3 in their bowl game. Next year will be better.
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Runner, we'll be watching the game on the TV too.
Another super busy day at school after which I came home and helped DH take down the outside Christmas decorations, and then we went to two high school basketball games (which we won in exciting fashion). I just got done walking on the treadmill to get the rest of my steps for the day. Now to crash!
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Treadmill and weights at the gym today - rainy day -now time to relax and watch football, my guilty pleasure.
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I see everyone has gotten back to the exercise adter the holidays. Good work, everyone!
Beautiful day here today. It was 51 when I went for a walk around the lake. I came home and walked the dog around the neghborhood and then raked leaves for 30 minututes. Yes weird to rake leaves in January! 95 minutes in total today. I hope it doesnt kick up my appetite too much. i worked hard to lose a pound this week.
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twohobbies- a walk around a lake sounds so relaxing. I was unable to run my 5K this morning instead I walked it. Still not a hundred percent from my food poisoning. Tomorrow I'm going to try to run at least a couple of miles and then walk a few. It was 82 degrees in Miami today but we're expecting a cold front. For those of you who live up north please do not laugh. It's supposed to hit the low 70s within the next day or two.
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Jo...I was lamenting my lack of speediness to someone on the running trail the other day. He pointed that by just being out there, we have beaten the 99% of the population whose "exercise" is beating a path between couch and fridge for liquid refreshments during the game. Brava!!!
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Nan: Congratulations on your 40 pound weight loss!
JaBoo: Taxol is some nasty stuff. Someone described it by saying it "Taxes All." So true! I'm proud of you for all the walking you did in December!
Runner: Go Bisons!
Ruth: It's always more fun putting up Christmas decorations that taking them down.
TH: I also had to rake leaves. Just not the same without Fall in the air.
Jo: Hope you keep improving and getting stronger every day.
Mickey: Maybe our sunshine will come your way!
Claire: Cycling through a viaduct sounds exciting.
Hi All! We finally had a sunny day. It was pleasant but a bit breezy. Walked/ran this afternoon then came home and snoozed on our deck in the sunshine.
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claire thanks for putting it in perspective. Even though I ran almost daily during chemo my speed has significantly diminished. I will never forget my first 5k after round one of chemo.
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claire- thanks for putting things in perspective. I remember my first 5k after round 1 of chemo. I felt like crap that morning. Upon arriving, I spotted an elderly gentleman in his late 80s with bilateral knee braces. I decided then if I could keep up with this gentleman I would be okay. This elderly gentleman kicked my butt in the race. Each week I became a little stronger and a little faster. I am nowhere near the speed I was prior to chemo. I'm okay with that. During 4 months of chemo and 5 wks of radiation, I ran 28 5ks and 3 10ks. I still try to run/walk every Saturday and most Sundays. I especially enjoy hearing about Ruth's exercise classes and your skiing. With cancer we know the importance of exercise. I think that's why we push ourselves a little harder.
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Jo, I once read that however long you were in 'active treatment', you should expect it will take you that long again to get back to 'normal'. I would say to double that amount of time......frustrating, but it can/does happen if you commit to it.
I only had time for a 30 minute toning DVD before I started my day of 'Sports Watching'. We joined a bunch of other Bison football fans at a sports bar to watch them win their 7th National Championship. (The sign being made by the people in the picture below is 'horns up'). We then went to a college and two high school basketballs games. I am sported out!!
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Thank you for your welcoming messages...
claire, how thrue!
ruthbru - oh my, do you mean the recovery may take as much as double of the active tx time? well, that would mean till about 2020 for me...
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jaboo, I had lumpectomy surgery 11/16, hysterectomy 1/17, mastectomy 3/17, and thyroidectomy/reconstruction of bread 7/17. I'm just starting to feel a bit like my old self...not as strong as I was, but I can work a whole week. I gave myself 2 years from last surgery (9/19). I've just shifted to weights heavier than a few pounds. Knee problems are limiting me, but I think I'd be a bit further along if I didn't have AI side effects. That's my story, your mileage may vary! Just keep at it, at the rate that works for where your body is now....you will get there!
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2FUN, wow, you have been through a lot!! I have BMX with expanders in 2 weeks... Herceptin till 9/19... So I should probably think my recovery untill about the end of 2020 🤨 If nothing else goes wrong of course.
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JaBoo, my beautician says that it takes your HAIR to totally recover after surgery (apparently the anesthesia throws off it's growth & especially it's ability to hold color.... which is why I get a good cut & color right before any planned surgery). So if it takes hair that long, it only makes sense that it would take the rest of your body longer after all the hits it takes with cancer treatments.
I am checking in now because I am not allowing myself to go back on the computer until the Christmas decorations are down & the house is cleaned. Boo Hoo, I love putting them up & hate taking them down.
I'll go to Pound & Yoga, and then will commence with the undecorating.
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For those still getting stronger post treatment, I want to mention that recovery is non-linear. This means that while you could well be at 90% there about 6 months following last treatment, but it would take another 18 months to get to 95%, and getting to 100% could be another 4 years. This is based on a "sample of one" who bounced back quickly and was able to exercise during chemo and radiation, keeping her core fitness.
Some things I noted along the way:
- About 4.5 weeks after radiation, I suddenly got the bulk of my energy back and was no longer dragging. I still credit this recovery to chocolate-lavender macarons. However, I didn't have any energy reserves.(I did the Seattle-to-Portland anyway that year, though needed every energy potion known to mankind to finish. I did.)
- Six months after that, I noticed another energy surge. I was out skiing and had it to do the trails. I was elated.
- I don't remember the following months very well, but I do remember getting stronger.
- About 2 years after that, I remember being able to do hills I had never been able to do previously on my bicycle. This would make it 3 years post chemo and radiation.
- I had some minor joint pain during the final year of anastrazole. I remember quite well the time my left hip hurt and I had a huge blister on my right foot....plus four more miles to go on my skis!!! This vanished when I finished. (I also have new boots and socks which are wonderful.)
- Just yesterday, now almost 9 years out, I noticed that my hair is thicker than a few years ago. I'll take it!!!!
As I had to hole up and do a final edit to a report yesterday which meant no skiing, I consoled myself with a 10k run. Hoping to get up tomorrow to the sno-park. Snow is a bit bare today, but should be better then as it's snowing in the mountains. And the report is hopefully done, so I should be able to sneak away. Did I mention that sunshine is in the forecast??Today's exercise will be taking down the now half-live tree and cleaning up. It's Twelfth Night, so Christmas is finally over. Will do a run or something fun. But first, I will spend my two Nordstrom gift certificates as just now getting to this. A fitting Twelfth Night activity...… - Claire0 -
ruth-Other than being a slower runner now, I feel fantastic. My exercise schedule is the same now as it was before treatment. Congrats on the Bison National Championship.
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Claire, that is a very helpfull account of your recovery route! Thank you for sharing.
jo6359 - yes, my neuropathy diminished a great deal DURING Taxol. Now I am 1 month PFT and it's still not gone, but it's not painfull and doesn't restrict me in any way... So I will take that. I hope it doesn't come back.
Today I built an iglu with the kids, does it count as an exercise? 😀 I count it as such. Alao, 10K steps done.
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jboo- what is an iglu?
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I bet it's her version of igloo-
I've made a number of them over the years- they are fun especially if you have good blocks and someone who knows how to cut them and lean them against each other. We mostly ended up making quinzhees (where you make a big pile of snow and dig into it for a shelter) instead, as they are actually warmer and quicker, especially if you are digging into a drift. Very cozy to sleep in, quiet and relatively warm, way nicer in a storm than a tent. And if you make a little nook for a candle on the side, the light is delightful.
Clair thanks a ton for the timeline. That was super-helpful for me, being a year out of surgery, done w chemo on 5/30 and rads on 8/9. I have been going to the gym faithfully since chemo #2, although my stamina was minimal and my weight=lifting abilities puny when I started. Back in August I started working with a trainer and that's been incredibly helpful. She's good at diagnosing and prescribing workouts to address my weaknesses. Now that I have been skiing in the backcountry a couple of dozen times, I can tell that I am stronger than when I started this year, including my R knee that has barely any meniscus. But still not as strong as I was previously- I was a mountain and backcountry ski guide for 30 years. Part of that strength loss is certainly aging as well. Never gonna be 30 years old again, haha, but I was just able to break my share of trail today. Felt so good.
Have a great week, all!
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homemadesalsa- are you talkin about an arts-and-crafts project or using real snow to build an igloo? So glad your strength has almost completely returned. Aging definitely plays a role in our speeds. My speed has been diminishing for the past 10 years or so. My goal for every race is to finish.LOL
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Homemade.....I want to challenge you on the aging bit. Yes, we get older, but far too many people use that as an excuse. I am in my late 60s and certainly not suffering from muscle wastage. I have never been fast, so no worries in that area. I can say that I am now doing things that I wasn't able to in my 20s.
I wasn't joking about the "wellness questions" being enough to get me out the door for a 5-mile run. Things such as needing help walking, bladder stuff, falls, mood....all of these helped by exercise. That is except things such as face plants from tripping over roots or landing on "Cascade concrete" while on my skis, not to mention "inelegant landings" getting off the chairlift on my Nordic skis.
For the record, I did a 4.5 mile run today with the other half-mile being dragging my still-fresh Christmas tree out the door and doing a bit of cleanup.
I know this isn't forever, but we can stay fit, flexible, and strong well beyond what is generally considered to be the "age of infirmity." That is my goal, and also means that I should be able to do the things I love doing. If you assume you are old and infirm....guess what?? You are well on your way to getting there.
Not the path I want to take. Which is why....unless really down for the count....I make a point of exercising every single day.
Bottomz….oops, make that free weights....up!!!!!! - Claire
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claire- physiologically speaking, we are going to slow down as we continue to age. Aging is never an excuse to not exercise. Exercise benefits us emotionally, cognitively and physically. My 84 year old mother walks 3 miles almost daily. She take Sunday off because she cooks for 20-25 family members who drop by during the day.
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Thanks Claire. I love getting called out on that one, especially since tomorrow is my 58th birthday. Here's a photo from a cool slope up across Teton Canyon from Grand Targhee ski area. I am not letting the "grass grow under my feet," or recliner, as the case may be. Appreciate the pep talk.
Jo I am talking about making an igloo out of real snow and sleeping in it for several nights while on a winter expedition. Here's what I used to teach: https://www.nols.edu/en/coursefinder/courses/backc...
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Hey Claire, you said "Have a new business call in a couple of hours. Wish me and my business partner good luck in snagging this nice piece of research." Did you get it? What is the research in? i hope the best for you.
I have been under the weather this weekend, a bug in my tummy, did some yoga but not much else. Dreary weather does not help
. Back to post holidays normal schedule tomorrow.