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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    I'm so stealing your Naughty Cell Attack line, that is perfect. Love the scenery, absolutely gorgeous and I'm so glad you are riding this year.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    hikinglady- I think it's fantastic you're getting back into your old routine. Great picture. You look really fit and happy. I too like the naughty cell attack. Enjoy

  • bamr
    bamr Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2019

    For those of you who have a chemo port and are running, what sports bra do you use? I was running regularly, but now all of my sports bra straps run right over the port. Even using some kind of padding between the strap and the port does not make it comfortable. I do have regular bras that work, but because I am DDD size (for now), I need lots of support. I've relegated myself to walking, but I miss my running!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    I don't have a chemo port, so this is an idea not something I've tried.

    Would it be possible to sacrifice one sports bra and slit an opening in it for your port? If you can run but the lack of a sports bra is keeping you from that, boy I know if it were me I'd give that a try.

  • dogmomrunner
    dogmomrunner Member Posts: 502
    edited June 2019

    edj3 - Congrats on running through radiation!! I'm hoping I can do the same.

    HikingLady - Beautiful picture! Wonderful news of getting back to more of the normal. It sounds like a great trip

    BAMR - I haven't tried it yet but I bought adhesive bandages big enough to cover my port. I can't remember the brand but they are supposed to have some padding. I figured if I could get it to cover the entire port but have adhesive around it, then it wouldn't rub. Then I'd just use my regular running bra. I haven't gone running yet because my seroma hasn't gone down yet.

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346
    edited June 2019

    edj...congrats on finishing radiation! Such a great feeling to be done with treatment!

    Hiking lady...awesome pic!!

    BAMR....I ran thru chemo and had a port. I don't remember having a problem with my sports bra rubbing over it. But I do remember having an issue with my port and the seatbelt. And it was painful!! Not sure how long ago you had your port placed but it did get better for me and the seat belt didn't bother me as much after a while. Hoping the same for you!! I looked at my sports bras and they all have normal sports bra straps and come from Athleta, Target, etc. Also love your screen name! I have an awesome running shirt that says "putting the BAM in BAMR"

    I havent ran since Wed but have did stationary bike the past 2 days. I strained a tendon in the heel at my Tabata class earlier this week. Saw my chiropractor and she did some graston on it and Rock taped it. Taking it easing for a few days and hoping to run again in a couple days. Killing me as we are at our happy place aka our lake place all week for the 4th. Love my runs around the lake!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2019

    Miserably hot run this AM. It was 78F and 83% humidity at 5 AM. Yuck.

  • bamr
    bamr Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2019

    edj3 - interesting idea to cut the strap. I'm thinking it's the main part of the bra that weighs against the port. I'll have to check again and see if perhaps I can cut something. I tried pulling the strap off my arm, but it took away a lot of the support. Loved your after run picture! You give me hope for the future. I'll probably be doing radiation after surgery in the fall if I can get my tumors down to lumpectomy size. Hot and humid here in Texas, too.

    Runnermum - love these connections made through the forums. My seatbelt bothers me some, but I can pull it out of the way some. Port was put in April 25th, and it is a little less bothersome. I can sleep on it with no problems but still irritated by the bra. Maybe it will get better. We have a lake here in the middle of the city with 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 mi loops. It's a 2 mile run from my house, so it's my favorite place to run, also. I can do almost any length of training run that I need.

    HikingLady - Can I join you next June? :) Looks like so much fun! Also very inspiring.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2019

    Very happy to be home after 4 days in Los Angeles. Had a great time, and glad that I went work-wise. I loved the Art Deco in Beverly Hills. Walked between 4-10 miles each day so kept up the exercise. Museums will be for another trip, and I will also want to cycle along the Pacific Ocean. Speaking of cycling, I was surprised to learn that LA has very few cyclists, though much of it is ideally suited to cycling. It would have been ideal for touring to see the architecture.

    Hikinglady - what an ideal time to see the San Juans! I love cycling there with my fave being Lopez which is a bit less hilly and more rural than the others. On my list for later this summer. I just have to get out and do miles over the next 9 days as the Seattle-to-Portland is in two weeks.

    LA is really two cities: the largely well-off crowd who are associated with the entertainment industry and everybody else. I stuck out taking public transport as it's for the "everybody else". Very different than London, DC, Boston or NY that way. I was equally surprised by how tawdry the theatre district is. Reminiscent of Boston's former "Combat Zone". My takeaway was that the LAPD have their work cut out for them.

    On the other end of the spectrum, I used the Ladies at two different hotels in Beverly Hills. Gold-plated sink fixtures and terry cloth hand towels. I paid $23 for a (Violet Eyes) drink at the Beverly Hills Hotel, well worth a visit as it really is that glamorous. I compensated with dinner at a Chinese takeout place near where I was staying.

    So indeed two cities: an unparalleled playground for the rich, and a gritty existence for most everyone else. But it is fun to go stare, and I really enjoyed doing the Walk at Hollywood & Vine, trying to remember those who once blazed across the sky and have since faded. There were two for Fred Waring. Was one for him as a band leader and the other for the blender?

    I shall return. I have a terrific place to stay for cheap, and there are things I still want to see. And it will be more fun, now that I know how to get around. (Asking directions is mostly futile in a city that drives.)

    Now, it's back to reality and major work. Next adventure is in 2 weeks. Even though this will be my 13th Big Ride, every one of these is different. Will be fun to see how this year's unfolds. Happy Summer everyone! - Claire

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    I still have my chemo port . I had a BMX but I chose no reconstruction . I run with a sports bra even though my chest is flat but I don't have any issues. The weight of the breast pulling on the sports strap and causing friction could be part of the problem. The above advice about cutting out of space for the port seems like a good idea if you have discomfort

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited June 2019

    I kept exercising through chemo with a port. I can't remember what I tried, but I know it bugged the hell out of me the whole time!!!

    We had a fun time at the concert last night. Today we drove through some terrible weather on the way home.....actually pulled off the road & waited it out as the wind was gusting to 80 mph & the rain was coming down so hard that it was like being in a car wash). Runner, I hope you are okay because it was heading your way! We are in a tornado watch until midnight, so the fun continues. I just got off 45 minutes on the treadmill and am going to force myself to do some sort of toning DVD.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    ruth- there seems to be horrible weather all over the country. My port has never bothered me. Most of the time I don't even know it's there. I'm not sure when they're going to remove it . January 25th was my last herceptin and perjeta infusion. What is the average length of time when a port is removed after treatment has been finished?

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited June 2019

    My husband (RN) says people can have ports in for years. UGH! I had mine in for 6 months. It tugged a bit in different positions, but didn't bother me during any exercise, so I'm no help on this. It bugged me when I lay on my side, but not during up and down down motion, and I did have TE's at the same time. My port was way more comfortable after 1-2 months than it was during the first few weeks.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    hikinglady- what would be the reason to keep the port in for years. Even though my port doesn't bother me if I don't need it I don't think I want it to stay for years.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited June 2019

    I asked the nurse when it could come out & she said two weeks after the last infusion. So, I made an appointment with the surgeon for that exact date and didn't even get my oncologist's okay until after I had done so. I wanted it OUT!!!!

    I just finished with 75 minutes of pilates with Denise Austin.

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    ruth- it's been a little bit over 5 months since my last infusion. My MO has not mentioned removing my port. Upon completion at MSMC Cancer Center my insurance did not sign a contract renewal.So I had to switch to another Cancer Center. Maybe this was something missed in the process. I have to go back for my second follow-up treatment at the end of July. I will definitely bring up Port removal. Even though it doesn't impact my life at all; if I don't need it, I would like it out of my body.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited June 2019

    jo6359 Having a port in for years occasionally is necessary with certain types of ongoing therapies. No one's favorite plan, but my husband says he's seen it.... This is not common for breast cancer patients at all; he just meant that it CAN be left in a long time, if a patient needs it in.

    My breast surgeon (who did my BMX) is the one who placed the port. She said she'd take out my port in an office procedure, and my PS also said he'd do the same whenever I wanted, so it was up to me to figure out when and where, between either of those surgeons, and schedule it.

    My MO wanted my WBC to be up before having the port out, and as I recall, he suggested waiting around 4-6 weeks after chemo ended, just to be sure I was feeling good before that small surgery. It turned out that I kept my port in another 8 weeks, because I was enjoying swimming. I was allowed to get in the pool again after chemo ended, and I didn't want to have to stop swimming longer than necessary. Both of my surgeons said I'd have to take 3-4 weeks off from swimming while the port-removal incision healed. Meanwhile, I knew I had my exchange surgery scheduled for in a few more weeks. I had my PS take the port out during my exchange surgery, since of course I was restricted after that surgery, and couldn't get in the pool for a bunch of weeks anyway.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited June 2019

    I didn't have any restrictions. There was zero recovery time needed (for me) and I went swimming a couple days after I got mine out. I did end up having a dissolvable stitch that didn't dissolve.....but that is another story.....

  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited June 2019

    hikinglady and ruth-Thanks. I go back for my second 3 months check up in a few weeks and I will address port removal with my MO.

    My darling 98 year old aunt passed away 2 days ago. I wasn't happy about the unexpected trip to Tennessee in May. . Ruth you were right. You forget about the expense very quickly and focus on the good memories. We had a lovely party to celebrate her 98 years of living. Other than having difficulty recalling names of distant relatives she tended to her roses every day, cook her own meals and maintained her house. Her son and daughter came over daily to visit with her . The day she died she had breakfast with her daughter and spent three or four hours tending to her rose bushes. She cooked dinner for her son and kissed him goodbye. She went to bed and didn't wake up. Her daughter knew something was wrong when she didn't answer the phone the next morning. She lost her teeth at age 94 from a gum disease. So she bought Dentures for special occasions such as church and parties. She never fastened them in her mouth so whenever she would laugh her Dentures would pop out. At the party her Dentures popped out several times and we all laughed and she thought it was hysterical. She will be missed.

  • runnermum
    runnermum Member Posts: 346
    edited June 2019

    Ruth...I am and glad to hear you are safe too! Being on the road during that storm would have been no fun and very scary! We were actually in town when storm hit. Had went to see our new great nephew who is1 month old and came home for the first time! Those winds were awful but we didn't have any damage! We headed to lake after the storm passed. Not as bad in DL and the wind damage lessened as we drove east!

    I had my port removed 3wks after I finished chemo. I didn't wait for my MO to offer, I asked him to schedule it the day of my last chemo! 😜😂 Think he knew I would bug him until it was out and my counts stayed good thru chemo so I could. Hated that thing!!

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited June 2019

    jo, I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Lovely to celebrate her life. Even her death sounded like a nice way to go. She was doing things she loved.

    edj, congrats on finishing chemo while running throughout. Amazing.

    Hikinglady, beautiful biking.

    I had a port for two years after finishing 6 cycles of chemo. They wanted me to keep it for Zometa infusions which went on for 5 years. I had had enough though.

    It was too hot to bike today so we went for a hike along a lake. I used the poles again and that seems to have been good for my neck. Maybe I need to use the elliptical at the gym once it cools down. I will experiment with uploading a video on YouTube.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited June 2019

    Jo, I am SO glad you went on that trip! She sounds like an awesome lady, and that she really lived all the way to the end.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited June 2019

    I did some yardwork & dusted off two FIRM DVDs; one sculpting & one a cardio dance selection.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited July 2019

    Short run this AM, we're in the Sawtooth Mountains so the elevation is quite the challenge.

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited July 2019


  • jo6359
    jo6359 Member Posts: 1,993
    edited July 2019

    heidi- congratulations to you and your dog. The waterfall is stunning.

  • hikinglady
    hikinglady Member Posts: 625
    edited July 2019

    Heidihill Yes, congratulations, and how gorgeous!!!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited July 2019

    Gorgeous waterfall there, Heidihill, congratulations!

  • pat01
    pat01 Member Posts: 913
    edited July 2019

    Just beautiful Heidi.

    Well, I have been missing here of late, I have a severe case of the Lazys! Been travelling a bit, and getting a lot more movement with yard work and such than in the winter, but I just can't seem to get back in the swing of regular daily exercise. So yesterday and today I did classical stretch, just because. And I'm checking in here just to be accountable. I will try to check in more often because you are all very inspiring!

    My DD, her husband and 4 kids are coming for a few days during the next week, looking forward to their visit. They are breaking up their week vacation at our house with a few days in Maine visiting relatives, we opted not to go to Maine with them, conserving our energy for their return visit :)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,893
    edited July 2019

    Wow, Heidi!

    No spectacular pictures here, but I did go to mat pilates, walked dogs & will go to Zumba tonight.