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Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • paknc
    paknc Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2021

    I did 35 minutes on my elliptical, per my schedule of aerobics 2x/week, weights 2x/week, plus miscellaneous activity on other days. It was harder to motivate myself today because I was still recovering from a migraine that started in prior days, but I felt up for it by afternoon. I’m to blame for the migraine, ate/drank high sugar foods after golfing in high humidity...

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    Hey PAKNC, this is a blame free zone right here. You had a migraine (which stinks). That's all <3

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    And sometimes you NEED high sugar foods....consequences be damned! (I very often surrender to temptation when it involves food!)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    Here's the Wednesday Walking Women


  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    Looking good!

    I had my second personal training session today--I am going to learn a lot. I agreed to dial back to 4 days a week working out over the summer; basically he's going to prove to me that this is the better way. Oh and wow he wants me to eat SO MUCH protein. That will be hard being vegan.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Drove a friend for a 6AM outpatient surgery appointment (she knows I am an early riser) then walked when I got home. Had my coffee and a shower then went to visit mom. They are on lockdown again, this time stuck in their rooms, because two residents tested positive for COVID. We did a through-the-window visit. There was no shade and no breeze so I only visited for 20 minutes.

    Edj, I am not vegan but lean vegetarian and have a number of veg-based cookbooks. The internet is a wonderful thing. Here are some yummy-sounding high-protein vegan recipes:

    Plus, I'll share a fave of mine.

    Baked Stuffed Squash

    3 acorn or other squash

    ½ tsp sea salt

    3 Tbsp oil

    1½ cup minced onion

    1 cup sunflower seeds

    ¼ tsp each sage, thyme, and marjoram

    2 Tbsp soy sauce

    ½ cup water

    3 cups cooked rice OR 5 cups soft bread crumbs

    Preheat oven to 350F. Cut squashes in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds* and stringy portion. Brush insides with a bit of oil, sprinkle with ¼ tsp salt, then place in a baking dish with ¼ inch water in the bottom. Set in oven to bake and prepare stuffing as follows: Place a large frying pan on medium heat and add 3 Tbsp oil. When oil is hot, add onion and stir for a few minutes until translucent. Add sunflower seeds and stir a minute more. Add ¼ tsp salt plus herbs and soy sauce, stir again, and add ½ cup water. Reduce heat to low and simmer uncovered for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally until liquid is almost gone. Add rice or bread crumbs and stir a few minutes more, mixing together well. When squashes have baked for 45 minutes-1 hour and are almost tender, fill each with stuffing and bake 10-15 minutes more. Serves four to six.

    *Toasted squash or pumpkin seeds. Separate seeds from stringy portions and set out to dry for 1-2 days. Toast by stirring constantly for a few minutes in a lightly-oiled pan on medium-low. Add sea salt or soy sauce to taste. A tasty snack!

    © 1979 Natural Recipes, Newton MA

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    Thank you!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Got out early (5:30 AM) and walked. It's already humid but not hot as the sun wasn't up yet. Really pretty clouds in the sky, sure hope they bring some rain today.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 880
    edited June 2021

    yoga at lunchtime, pilates this evening.

    My pilates studio is starting a Barre and Bounce class next week...I'm signed up to give it a try...hope I don't bounce off the rebounder!

    My time off of exercise classes is two days a week...Friday and Saturday...more driven by lack of classes then any intention on my part.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Member Posts: 2,434
    edited June 2021

    PT today: I did 2.5 miles on the stationary bike and a mile and a half on the treadmill; plus lots of strength and coordination exercises. It may not seem like a lot to some, but for me it felt like real progress. PT worked me hard today and agreed that she is starting to see real progress from me, so yay for that!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    Great job, Octo.

    Pound this morning, Barre Sculpt & Dance2fit tonight. Steaming hot again with more storms in the forecast tonight. I will be dragging in the potted plants shortly.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Got out early (6 AM) and walked. No rain yesterday and not a cloud in the sky today. It's going to be another scorcher.

    Finishing my second cup of coffee now and need to drag the hose around the house and give the flowers a drink.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    So hot & humid here :( Yesterday was rough, my company did lay offs and a massive reorganization. I was not part of the decision making yet I had to tell my two associate managers that they were demoted (although their salaries were not reduced, thankfully).

    I stress ran 4 miles today and silly Garmin says I'm peaking. Guess stress = better performance.

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Member Posts: 2,793
    edited June 2021

    Oh edj. I have been on both sides of this. Not fun. Kudos for delivering the news yourself.

    I had an interesting experience resulting from the economy. I had a problem with my car's AC, a result of the accident and them nicking the compressor gaskets when putting everything back together. My mechanic told me how swamped with work he is, so much so that he doesn't have any slack time in case a repair is more complex than expected.

    Of course, this is because prices for new and used cars are sky high and people are holding on to their vehicles. Fascinating dynamic.

    I have been doing my boring daily routine and expect to get back on my bicycle over the weekend. Also hoping for the news that I will be able to travel to the UK for my Scotland trip in August. I have a backup plan in case things don't work out.

    Need to get to work on a project where I am totallly unmotivated. Thankfully, I got the deadline one in yesterday evening so don't have that pressure. Onwards! - Claire

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    We had more storms last night, complete with trees down & power out (not in my section of town, thankfully, just a bunch of branches to pick up). We will have a more pleasant couple days before the heat returns. I just got done cleaning the house, dog walking this afternoon, and dinner out. DH & I are celebrating our 33rd Anniversary!

    Here is a funny story from Wednesday, one of the days that were so brutally hot. DS's GF goes to work at 6am so is done by mid-afternoon. We decided that it would be a good idea to take the dogs swimming at a local marina (which we didn't think would be very busy in the middle of the week). We envisioned putting our lawn chairs in the water and dabbling our toes while the dogs frolicked about catching sticks etc. soon as the car door opened, 2 dogs escaped without leashes. GG's dog, who usually minds very well, raced down the beach & didn't come back until he felt like it, DS's dalmatian ran over to one of the few cars in the parking lot & tried to bite the feet sticking out of the window (the owner of the feet must have been waiting for someone to show up) & then avoided capture to go bark at someone fishing on the dock (who was NOT amused). The leashed Bruno broke from my grasp, ran right into the water & proceeded to swim after a passing boat (I now know that he is a good swimmer!). The one dog under control was standing up on her hind legs really trying to join the others in their misdeeds. It took us about 10 long minutes to round them all up & that was the end of what would have been an hysterical episode of I Love Lucy (if Lucy & Ethel had dogs).

  • paknc
    paknc Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2021

    I did my light weights routine this morning, and will count my 9 holes of golf yesterday toward some higher intensity exercise because it was cart path only and lots of walking up and down hills ;-).

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2021

    Oh, I love everyone's chatty updates!

    I don't have much going on over here -- I've been in a slump since Wednesday. I had a PT appointment and I've felt pretty tuckered out ever since. I've done the dog walks, but that's it. Maybe I'll rally tomorrow? If not, I will try to kick myself back into movement on Sunday.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    Severe thunderstorms last night, and we lost power for close to 11 hours. I was very glad the cloud cover was so strong as the house didn't get nearly as miserable as it could have.

    We're heading out to our Saturday class (my husband agreed to do this and I'm not going to give him any wiggle room for backing out :D)

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Had a good walk this morning. The humidity is down and there was a nice fresh breeze. The early-morning people (and their dogs) are always cheerful.

    Edj, the recipes I have are from vegetarian thinking about plant-centered eating, influenced by Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappé. Plant sources often have incomplete proteins or are missing key amino acids. Protein complementation is the most efficient way to get essential amino acids into a vegetarian's diet.

    Protein complementation is when you combine two vegetable proteins (legumes and grains for an example) to get all 9 amino acids that are essential for your body. By combining vegetarian protein sources you can ensure that you are getting all 9 amino acids. Protein complementation does not have to be done at the same meal. If you ate beans for lunch and then had some raw almonds for a snack later, you would be adding the methionine that you had missed out on during lunch. Source:

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    Saltmarsh, walking dogs counts as exercise!

    The storms knocked the humidity out of the air so it was a lovely day. I went to Zumba & Pound this morning. We worked out in the yard until late afternoon when some friends came over to check out the new fence. They brought their two dogs so we people had a nice visit while they all played. That fence has already been so great. We've spent more time in the yard in the last few weeks than we have since we had a little kid in the house!

  • NotAsCalmAsILook
    NotAsCalmAsILook Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2021

    I’m building my new home gym (my youngest moved out!) and would like to add a treadmill.

    Do you have one?
    What brand/model?

    What do you like/dislike about it?

    I’m thinking it’ll be good for those days it is too cold or icky to walk outside. I doubt I’ll be running. Maybe a slow jog.

    I want one that:



    Is stable

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    Ours is very old, but what I like about it is that it has a built-in fan and TV.

    I offered to take the dog (who had gotten up to go to the bathroom) for an early morning walk but he rolled his eyes and jumped back into bed with DH. Since we'll for sure walk later (plus Barre Sculpt), I'm out on my front deck drinking coffee instead.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Low humidity here, too. Still no rain and none in the forecast all week. So dry! Walked this morning.

    NotAsCalm, I have a Horizon T-101 treadmill. My SIL in Houston has one and loves it so I went with her recommendation. I am very happy with this purchase. Pros: it's stable, has controls for speed and incline, was not that expensive, and was fairly easy to assemble. Cons: it's heavy and takes up a lot of room. The hydraulic folding feature is handy for moving or cleaning underneath but it's not compact enough to fit under a bed or behind a door. Here's a link to their website with more info.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited June 2021

    Joined the local hospital's community walking program called Sole Mates. I walk in the mornings so may not join the group walks on Monday evenings, but am doing the 100 miles in 100 days challenge. I get to log my progress and there's a free t-shirt! :-) Walked early and plan to go strawberry picking with DH this morning.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    Watered flowers etc. this morning, went to Pound, came home & weed wacked. Zumba tonight.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited June 2021

    Weed whacking takes weird muscles, did some on Saturday (until I ran out of string). Yeah it's an odd kind of workout.

    I got in a run this morning, VO2 max is up again so that was great! Tomorrow will be an active recovery day, probably yoga as I'm a stick.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited June 2021

    Hi Everyone! I've been walking/a little running/some mowing bc it's been very dry and grass isn't growing much/the weeds are growing unfortunately so been pulling weeds.

    Read the posts about seeing wildlife while exercising early in the morning. Here is a link to a video that happened a month or so ago in eastern NC. The people are bringing their elderly cat to the vet and are attacked by a rabid bobcat. The husband has a concealed gun in his shorts and takes after the bobcat. They both were bitten and undergoing the shots. He does kill the bobcat but not on the video.

  • twoforonespecial
    twoforonespecial Member Posts: 35
    edited June 2021

    My gym opened! Yay! I work at a College, and the gym has not been available to staff since March 2020 (students have been using it all year). Last week they started to let us sign up for 45 minute blocks, and also added some spinning classes. My plan is 2 spinning and 2 strength training sessions a week, and I feel so much better already! I was so, so sore after lifting for the first time in ages. I have worked out a bit here and there at home, but I am so much more motivated when I can go to the gym. Now if I can just work on breaking my new habit of eating ice cream every single night...

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited June 2021

    OMG, that bobcat video, Wonderland! Scary

    My back has been bothering me for a while now, although it comes and goes. It probably did not help when I did an extreme leg day last week with a 5 kilo kettlebell. Took it easy on the weekend and yesterday. Today I have a PT appointment.

    I have to start going to the gym again. I've lost so much muscle strength since last year. I hear you, Twoforone.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited June 2021

    I was so, so happy when my gym opened! I did Zoom classes & worked out on my own throughout the pandemic, but if you are a 'gym rat' it is not at all the same!

    PiYo this morning, Barre Sculpt tonight. Dog stuff in-between.