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  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    Ticks --shudder--

    LB, I'm sorry for your loss :(

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited May 2021

    LB, sorry to hear about your friend John. I also hope issues with your husband's health can be fixed soon.

    Octo, hoping for a full recovery for you, too!

    badger, haven't had strawberry rhubarb pie in decades. I still have the scar where I burned myself taking the pie out of the oven. Maybe that's why I haven't tried making it again. But this sounds like a good idea now.

    Ruth, it looks as cold there as here.

    edj, my kind of trainer! The video is impressive.

    Saw this in the New York Times about when to work out during the day: Working out later in the day... may have unique benefits for improving fat metabolism and blood-sugar control, particularly if you are eating a diet high in fat. If true, this may be better for cancer prevention purposes too. Of course, getting fitter even if through early morning workouts must help as well.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2021

    LB, may John's memory be a blessing.

    Edj3, I just looked up weBuild and I hope you have a great time with your new program! I'm curious what you'll do with your newfound free time two days a week. :)

    Ruthbru, are you happy with how your hair came out? And ugh, ticks. They are a thing around here and I generally find between 1 and 3 crawling around on either my dog or me every day. *sigh*

    I so badly wanted to have a day off and stay in bed this morning. But Daisy is not one to be put off, so out the door we went! And I know it's good for me... We plodded for about 45 min.

    Yesterday I saw my surgical oncologist, and while she didn't clear me for anything else, she did say I could go ahead and try a chair yoga class that's being offered virtually through my medical center. So today at 2, I finally will be doing something besides walking, and that's a relief!

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    Honestly, saltmarsh , I'll probably turn into a twitchy mess. It's hard enough to take one day off. But I'm not stupid, nor do I think that somehow magically getting older doesn't affect my recovery times. I just--well, this will be tough for sure.

    Today is that one day off and I'm flying to Nashville to see my older son, my DIL and their little 15 month old daughter (she has my first name as her middle name). No promises on 4 days rather than 6 until I'm back in town and get with the trainer again.


  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Yesterday was gorgeous - sunny and in the 70s. Got to visit mom in-person. They were on lock-down because of a positive COVID test on an asymptomatic staff member but the all-clear came after two weeks of negative weekly tests of all staff and residents. Walked and weeded the flowerbeds in the afternoon.

    Today is 20 degrees colder with wind & rain. (We generally get Ruth's weather a day later.) Looks like it's a treadmill day. Didn't someone here call it the dreadmill?

    Lilac, I am sorry to hear about your friend John. ((hugs))

    Safe travels, edj, glad to are able to visit family.

    I now have a LOT of rhubarb in the fridge and freezer. Apparently, so does everyone in the Midwest. This article was in yesterday's WI State Journal. Cook's Exchange - Rhubarb Recipes

  • jinx27
    jinx27 Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2021

    Lilac Im very sorry for your loss. I hope you take time to heal.

    This week was rough for me, I have my last dose of Lupron in me now and it should wear off by June 10th, hopefully. I feel soo tired and have zero energy to do anything.

    In the meantime, Im using my laziness to shop for walking sneakers, I really like the brand Ryka.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    edj, enjoy your time with your family.

    saltmarsh, I was bald from chemo for 6 months so now I am always happy with my hair! Smile

    Jimx, retail therapy is very therapeutic!

    badger, a heads up on the weather: we are under a freeze warning tonight so I spent a good amount of time dragging pots & hanging baskets into the garage and covering up everything in the ground. Argh! I went to Pound this morning & Dance2fit tonight.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    I thought/hoped I would escape all the thunderstorms when I got to Nashville (Kansas City had an inch of rain yesterday by 10 AM) but no. Today's supposed to be stormy.

    And my little granddaughter who's 15 months old was wearing an adorable t-shirt: Promoted to Big Sister.

    That's right--they are going to have another baby. This was a bit of a surprise but as I told them, it will work out just fine. The baby will be nearly 2 years younger, and probably have the same birth month as baby Grace :)

    And Jinx, Rykas are good shoes for walking if they fit your feet (that's always the challenging part for me). The nice thing about Rykas is the last is based on a woman's foot, not a scaled down man's foot.

    LilacBlue, I am heeding your words of wisdom and am taking a second day off from working out. Watch out, world, common sense may prevail right here.

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2021

    Little Dog woke me up at 4:15. Got her to go back to sleep til 5:05. We went out and she was extra slow, so I danced as I walked/waited for her. Good thing I don't care what any of my neighbors think as they see me wiggle and wobble my way around, lol! Actually, this morning one of them was actually up that early and so here I am jamming out to Mabel's "Don't Call Me Up", and I look up and Sam was laughing and waving out the window. It was kinda nice to see another human that early, since most folks here get up later, and we did a solid hour before heading back to the house.

    I tried that online chair yoga/fitness class yesterday. I dispensed with the weights, was not able to do any of the reaching-over-the-head moves, but got a solid 35 minute workout out of the 45 minute class, and I'm glad I did.

    Today I'll do my PT, I'm walking a neighbor's dog at noon, and will see if there are any other online classes I can do.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    Saltmarsh, when I couldn't do upper body things, I concentrated on lower body toning & actually went down a pant size!

    The fence we & our neighbor with a 1 year yellow lab ordered has been installed. The dogs are LOVING it, and so are the people. This morning I am spending some time with my travel agent to put the final touches on a trip we had started planning before the pandemic hit (a fall foliage cruise up the Hudson River in October-I am so excited!), this afternoon we get to sign the final adoption papers for Bruno, I also need to clean the house & do some abs. It got down to 31 degrees last night, so my covered up plants should be okay.

    edj, congratulations on your new grandchild-to-be!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2021

    edj - enjoy your visit and congrats on the soon to be new addition to the family

    School's out for the summer!! - but I still have meetings etc as I'm working on 3 legal cases - 1 meeting today, 2 on Tuesday and then on the 6th I'm traveling out of state to assess 2 students - of then writing reports and follow up meetings - more than I bargained for - one case turned into 2!! At least lots of comp time to use next year. Yesterday my team met for the first time in person (since before Covid)- at a park - it was so nice to see people NOT through a computer screen.

    Keep forgetting that this is a long week-end. No plans except to finish weeding the yard.

    Have a great week-end.

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Ruth, I saw the forecast for the upper Midwest and figured you'd have to cover your plants. It got cold here but not enough to worry about frost. I did, however, turn on the heat last night. Crazy May weather, the AC was on a few days ago when it was near 90 and humid. Still cold and raining today so another dreadmill day.

    Edj, congrats on the new addition-to-be to your family!

    saltmarsh, Mabel is an old-timey name. Must be making a comeback? What a fun video! I see why it made you wiggle.

    (edit to add: those women have a lot of faith in their bath towels!)

  • heidihill
    heidihill Member Posts: 1,858
    edited May 2021

    saltmarsh, I have that on my playlist! edj, congrats on (soon-to-)being a two-time gran!

    Skies have cleared up here so DH and I are taking off for a 3-day bike tour tomorrow.

  • jinx27
    jinx27 Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2021

    Wound up purchasing two pairs of sneakers from Ryka and Hoka. One for running and the other for my long walks. How's that for retail therapy @ruth haha!!

    Its going to be a rainy Memorial Day weekend in my area, Im going to lay back at home do some light yoga and maybe hop on my treadmill this weekend. Stay safe everyone!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    Excellent, Jinx!

    Pound & Zumba this morning. I still need to clean the house.....blah!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    Bruno's adoption was finalized yesterday. (If you adopt through our Humane Society, that doesn't happen until the pet is neutered). So we officially have a new member in our family ❤


  • jinx27
    jinx27 Member Posts: 119
    edited May 2021

    Awww look at him! That patch on his eye Hug

  • saltmarsh
    saltmarsh Member Posts: 192
    edited May 2021

    Bruno looks so sweet, congratulations! I also love his halfsies face!

    Lol, I had not watched that Mabel video and you're not kidding about the towels, badger. I feel like that's the kind of thing where a choreographer is like, "Here, use these!" and the dancers are like, "Sure!"...and then silently curse him and whipstitch/pin them on backstage with undergarments just in case, because literally no-one wants to deal with a wardrobe malfunction like that.

    Yesterday didn't go quite the way I hoped, so I did not get the exercise I normally do. Am gonna get back on track today, though, as best as possible. It's pouring and windy here again, so I may be on my own for a rainy walk. And it's gonna have to wait til my lovey lapdog gets tired of being on my lap.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    Heidi, this will actually be my fifth grandchild. My younger son and his wife have three children, and this is my older son & wife's second :)

    It's cold and dreary in Nashville. I borrowed an extra running top this morning to go for a short run, since I overslept a bit I got in 3 instead of the 4 or 5 I had planned to do. Then we went to the zoo and brrrr it was a chilly visit. Grace (the 16 mo old granddaughter) had a good time and now we're back home.

  • lilacblue
    lilacblue Member Posts: 1,426
    edited May 2021

    Good for ending the school year Karen and you too Trm Tab! Bruno is so lucky to be adopted by Ruth and Mr.Ruth! Good going Jinx on two pairs of kicks. Edj, balance takes time and so pleased it's starting to level. Saltmarsh, good on practicing Chair yoga and mat Pilates has quite a bit to offer for lower body workouts.

    The UK is also on a Bank Holiday Weekend and I have today and tomorrow off - no classes. For the past two days including today starting at 1pm BST, have been for 7 hours each day attending online (Zoom), the Wellness After COVID A Yoga and Healthcare Symposium, It's been completely fascinating as it highlights cutting-edge research on the therapeutic benefits of yoga and its applications to COVID-19 - an international effort to foster collaboration and disseminate findings. Today we have parallel sessions and one of my mentors/teachers Baxter Bell will be delivering a case study. Also attending Restorative Breathing for Long-COVID plus How Ayurveda (alternative medicine system) Can Support Those with Long Covid.

    Last night 4 women who suffer with long covid talked about their journey of recovery (ongoing) and what struck me was how almost all (the one living in London - not so much as she is urban) found being in nature healing. This took me back when in active bc treatment how I would walk in a local protected woodland and it was the only time could feel 'normal' out of my head and not someone recovering from breast cancer. One of the women who shared walks barefoot to sense/feel closer to earth grounding - not sure I could handle that with pebbles and stickers to watch out for. I recall my 1st. first reconstruction revision under general in morning and when home in the afternoon - still under the effects of anesthetic, I talked my husband into taking me for my woodland walk. We were tromping down a trail that ended in clump of nettles and I turned to dh and asked why are we here(?) as pain was shooting across my chest - not too bright! Did/do any of you find respite by being in nature?

    We are still on lockdown over here (hoping it lifts on June 21st.) so dh ordered in two dinners from restaurants in London for this weekends enjoyment. The many ways of fried chicken last night and tonight gyoza/dumplings and char sui kit. Our completely weirdo hair-comb-phobic/awful UK Prime Minister married his girlfriend in a secretly-planned ceremony at Westminster Cathedral late yesterday afternoon (his 3rd her 1st. and a Catholic ceremony) . The weekend before they announced they would be married in July 30th 2022. One way to divert a week-long bad news cycle.

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    Lilac, you bring up an interesting point about being outside.

    I hadn't thought of it that way but my runs are all outdoors and I think that helps me immensely, maybe even as much as the running part. I cannot run on a treadmill (I've tried, it's not pretty) and I dislike the sameness, there's nothing to look at.

    Running outside in the very early mornings, I've seen coyote (even in the city) foxes, possums (love them, they eat ticks, go possums go), deer (that was crazy, it just went bounding down the street), raccoons, cats, and I hear dogs (thankfully fenced).

    The last couple of weeks, one of my routes has taken me by a tree that's had an owl eating something. That's freaky too, as it turns its head and watches me. Owls can be quite large and this one is pretty darn big.

    Similarly I find rowing on a rowing machine deadly dull but I bet out on the water would be a very different experience.

  • martaj
    martaj Member Posts: 307
    edited May 2021

    Very cold and damp here in Rhode Island. Rainy. Was able to work out yest on treadmil and weights. Today looking about the same weather wise. Enjoy everyone

  • coffeelatte
    coffeelatte Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2021

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to those in the states and happy weekend to all our friends throughout the world. I did 12 miles today on my bike. First time I have made it past 7 miles at one time. Feeling so proud of myself (and a bit sore). They told me 15 years ago I would never be able to use my arm/hand again. Here is to a lot of hard work and great physical therapy from great therapists along the way! Had to treat myself with coffee and a cookie (ok, 3 cookies).

  • edj3
    edj3 Member Posts: 1,579
    edited May 2021

    That is an achievement! I don't have anything wrong with my arm and hand and haven't gone that far!!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    Great job, coffee!! Definitely a three cookie accomplishment!

    We got a little much needed rain last night, and the weather is beautiful today. Bruno, DH and I took a nice walk in a park with DS, GF & their 3 dogs. After that I worked in the yard while Bruno and the neighbor dog played like crazy. Both my Yoga and Barre Sculpt classes.were canceled today (a combination of Memorial Day weekend, high school graduation today, and it's too nice to spend the afternoon inside. Since I still need 45 more minutes of toning to meet my self-imposed weekly quota, I will dig out a DVD and do it before the day is done.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    Lilac, absolutely I believe that nature is therapeutic!! They have done studies where they have found exercise can very much help people suffering with depression, especially if it is done in the outdoors. So, it can't help but be beneficial to everyone. I am lucky to live in a rural area.I can walk for 10 minutes and be in the country, plus we have several beautiful parking town, and just out of town there are two recreation areas with fabrics hiking trails. After doing tons of research and deciding on what to do, I just turned my mind of during treatment and concentrated on getting through it. The next summer, I walked and walked and walked while I sorted it all out in mind. I also went back to the ocean that summer (if one can have a spiritual home, that is mine) and spent hours walking the beaches and crying behind my sunglasses because I was so happy.....of course, I am always so happy to be walking on a beach ⛱.....or doing yoga on the beach; for someone who likes both yoga and the water, that is about as therapeutic as it gets! 🧘

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2021

    Coffee - great bike ride

    No walks today - raining all day. I went to Costco this morning and been puttering in the house the rest of the day - dusted the living/dining room - not such a big room or so much furniture but way too many things to dust - pottery that DD#2 and I made over the years, bone china tea cups that were my later mother's. family photos - then stopped to look at snapfish albums I made - haven't made any in several years but the ones sitting out on the coffee table are 2009 - 2013 or 2014. Looking at photos of my late parents with my children when they were young - they were younger than I am now - and a very special photo of my late grandmother and DD#1, DH with his late mother, my late FIL and then school photos from the kids - of the 2 big kids they are from early 2000s. Many memories.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    I was just looking through some old photos albums too, Karen. I found one of my grandfather with me, my brother and he was smiling (which he rarely did!) and holding my sister who was a baby (so the picture is 64 years old). Very nostalgic, and very shocking when I realized I am now the same age as my grandfather was in that picture (and we considered him to be very old!!).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,861
    edited May 2021

    *doing a 45 toning DVD with a puppy in tow turns it into a 90 minute ordeal for all!

  • badger
    badger Member Posts: 24,938
    edited May 2021

    Lilac, I definitely believe in the healing power of nature. I remember one of my first outdoor exercise experiences after I was cleared for it by my doc: a Yoga for Breast Cancer Survivors session held in a park by a lake in Madison. It was transformative. Not only was I outdoors on a lovely day with people who were as bald and scarred as me, but there was an overwhelming sense of peace in nature. I cried with a heart full of gratitude when we did the Savasana.

    We finally have some nice weather. Walked to the library Sat. under a cloudless blue sky. Visited MIL yesterday. Brought her cream of potato soup and ingredients for rhubarb crisp. Cooked it in her oven and had it warm with vanilla ice cream. Walked in the park when we got home to shake off all the sitting. This morning, I walked to the veterans' memorial downtown to watch the ceremony honoring those who gave their lives for our country. Quite a few living veterans attended and there were many moist eyes, including mine.