Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • homemom
    homemom Member Posts: 843
    edited April 2022

    My poor baby Mitzi is 13 and was diagnosed with Cushings last year. She went blind overnight, but still loves her walks after dinner and laying in the sun in the backyard


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited April 2022

    Awww.....we do love our pets! I read a good quote somewhere, "All dogs are therapy dogs. Some are just working undercover." Here's me with my pack. Bruno is front. DS's Dalmatian & Husky/Boxer on my left & right. The black dog with a little white belongs to DS's girlfriend. It's an animal house for sure when we get together!


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited April 2022

    Pound is an exercise class that consists of drumming, cardio and strength training using weighted drumsticks. It's a music based class, so you drum to the beat of a choreographed routine. 30 minutes on your feet. 15 minutes on a mat working on abs/butt etc. Very fun! Here's an old picture from a Pound class (before they had to limit the number of people per class when they reopened after the Covid shutdown).


  • beginagain22
    beginagain22 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2022

    Such cute puppies all !! A house isn’t a home without furry friends in my opinion. Pound sounds like fun

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    Ruth - its cloudy and cool today but colder and rain tomorrow then warming back up to almost too hot by the end of the week.

    Going to be social this afternoon. One of my teammates has a ranch and she invited the team to an end of the year gathering. Even DH is going to go with me. It will be outside. The younger teammates with little kids are bringing them (some infants) so it should be fun. I think by far, I'm the oldest on our central team of about 20 people. A couple gals are 5-8 years younger, but some are younger than my older kids and one or 2 are just a year or two older than my youngest. Recently I helped with two interviews for SW who are a year younger than DD#2. That's when I know I'm getting old!!!!

    Well, I best get off as I have lots to do for work before we leave this afternoon. Have a great rest of the day. Plus I want to get a walk in before we head out.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    It's weird when the people you work with (or see professionally) are younger than your own personal kids!

    I went to Yoga today & also got my second Covid booster shot. In May and June we have several graduations, a family reunion, and I'm flying to NC to my nephew's wedding. Since I know there will be unvaccinated people at each of these events (plus no mandatory masks on planes), I thought it was a smart thing to do. I had a day of feeling blah after the first three shots, so I am glad to report that this time I have had no problems.

  • beginagain22
    beginagain22 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2022

    Hi All,

    No exercise today in the traditional sense but the weather was beautiful. I pulled 5 bags worth of leaves out from under the bushes and cleaned out the flower beds. Hostas are coming up, Iris and lilacs are blooming and I put in a bunch of azaleas today. I’m tired. Happy Sunday

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited May 2022

    beginagain: Yard work is definitely exercise! Our lilacs have already bloomed and are drying up. Their smell is intoxicating.

    Karen: A social at a ranch sounds like so much fun!

    Ruth: Glad your 2nd booster has been uneventful.

    Sarahmaude: Amazing story about your dd's dog. And what a cutie!

    Love all the dog pictures. We're cat people. I'm a reformed cat hater. Grew up with dogs and was never around cats. When dh and I got married a little kitten walked into my life and that's all it took! Currently we have Salem and Liadan: my precious kitties from the animal shelter.

    Walked/ran this afternoon.





  • beginagain22
    beginagain22 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2022


    I am a fairly new cat lover too. We inherited one from our daughter. Sol is a pretty little ginger girl and she is very cool and independent. Loves the dogs and they love her. Thank goodness the DH does the litter box! We have had a late spring so everything is waking up late

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited May 2022

    beginagain: your ginger kitty sounds like a great cat!

    Hi All! I pushed mowed for 2 hours and 10 minutes today. It's hot but the humidity is not that bad, for now. Normally dh and I mow together but he's on 2 weeks of restrictions (can't pick up anything over 15 pounds, no mowing, etc.) bc he had a benign polyp removed last week during his colonoscopy. The yard looks good but I'm a sweaty mess lol.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    Thunderstorms last night (not that I heard them due to my hearing) and rain this morning. Much needed moisture. Cold and damp rest of the day 30s and low 40s. Tomorrow back to the 60s and by the end of the week high 80s!! Too hot for me. Personally, this time of year, sun, blue sky and 60s is perfect.

    I started making dinner about 1/2 hour ago thinking it was close to 5:30 - I look at the clock on the microwave and see its an hour earlier so I turned the stove and rice cooker off!!!

    Wonder - that's a lot of mowing!

    I've never owned a cat...I'm a dog person. My DH grew up with dogs as well. We're still undecided about getting another dog after 2 1/2 years since we lost Mischa. It is easier to get away without worrying about who will take care of the fur baby.

    Need to get everything ready for my end of the year review tomorrow - but I doubt I'll get it all done. I'm not sure if it is in person or google meets! I guess I need to look at the meeting invite. I'm sure it will be okay, but of course I always worry.

    Have a great night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    We always had cats, so a dog is a whole new experience for us! DS's girlfriend works at the Humane Society & they needed someone to foster a little puppy for a week or so until the paperwork was completed. All their usual foster parents were full so we said we'd take the puppy during that time. Obviously we flunked foster care!!

    Well, right about bedtime the booster shot side effects kicked in; very cold and achy. I didn't sleep much all night, so spent most of the day napping. I feel fine now, and even went for a short hike with the dog after dinner. I am looking forward to an early bedtime tonight, and should be fine tomorrow.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2022

    Good idea to get the booster, Ruth. Hope the side effects go away quickly. My booster was in October so probably wore off when I got sick in April.

    Covid kicked my butt! Miserable and mostly in bed for about 12 days and then the weakness/fatigue hung on for a total of three weeks! I missed a week of school, all of school vacation and was moving really slowly for my first week back.

    We have a cat and both DD have dogs. Gets a bit crazy when everyone comes over at the same time but I love it

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    DH wants to get the second booster - we had pzifer. But he had a horrid reaction, I worried about him getting the second booster. My oncologist and few other doc friends are sitting on the fence about it, so i"m hoping DH will wait. WE were also told to get the Moderna for the second booster. I'm going to wait to what my pcp says at my annual physical early next month then decide. Ruth, glad you are feeling better. Ginger- what an ordeal to be sick so long from Covid. Glad you are finally better.

    My end of year evaluation is at 8 - I don't have everything ready, but it is what it is.!

    Have a great Tuesday.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    Good luck on the eval, Karen. I think the concern with the second booster is that the protection doesn't seem to last very long. know I am going into situations in the next two months where I know for sure that there will be many unvaccinated people, so I need the protection now. If I need another one later, so be it. I did Moderna & other than one night of being cold & achy (and another half day to sleep), I didn't have any horrible reaction.

    Errands, dog walking, Barre Sculpt & Zumba are on my schedule today (making up for yesterday's 'day off'!).

  • beginagain22
    beginagain22 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2022

    Hi All,

    I walked 3 miles this morning and lifted legs, thenveged out on the hydro massage table. I had Moderna and first booster 11/01 but I got Covid in January. I will probably get the second booster but I am on the fence about how effective it is. I wasn't hospitalized but I was sick and I don't get sick, except breast cancer I guess. I saw my gyno today and it sounds like I will have my prophylactic hysterectomy and oopherectomy late this month. Let the good times roll, lol

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    DD#1 birthday is today - she is the gingy who made me a mother 36 years ago! I ordered her a pretty butterfly necklace from Brighton and she loves it. It was mailed to my house when she was here - I should have opened the package to see it in person. I've just seen in line. Two more birthdays and Mother's Day in the next 9 days. May is always busy with 3/5 birthdays.

    I had my "End of Year" meeting with my manager and it went well. I had a folder to put all my artifacts in for my evaluation but I couldn't figure out how to move some of the documents, so I started a new folder and share it with her and I sent her emails with some pictures. Thankfully we've worked together for years and she knows I struggle with technology at times and she doesn't hold it against meSillyHeart. Now I need to do my self appraisal and probably a second observation. I was pleased with myself last night as I didn't stress at all about everything not being done. I was able to say, "I have what I have". Good for me!

    Beginagain - good luck with your surgery.

    Ruth - when we travel this summer, I wonder if we should get the 2nd booster a couple weeks before we leave. Time to think about it. We won't leave till July but we haven't even looked a tentative dates or flights or AirBnBs. I guess we should look at it on Sunday.

    Waiting for our evening walk. I have work I need to do, but it can wait!!!

    Have a great night.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    beginagain, you will be glad when you have your yucky surgeries over with!!

    Karen. congratulations on your evaluation. A nice thing to have out of the way.

    I will spare you the gory details, but Bruno has a GI Bacterial Infection. He is on antibiotics for 10 days & probiotics for 7. Luckily, he happily eats even the largest pill if it is surrounded by peanut butter!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,930
    edited May 2022

    Karen: Congratulations on your evaluation! May is full of lots of special events in our family also.

    Beginagain: I had the same surgery years ago. Happy to have it all taken out.

    Ruth: Oh no! Bruno! Hope he quickly improves.

    Well, all this talk about the 2nd booster made me decide to get mine today. So far just a slightly sore arm at injection site. Today was hot: 85 degrees and more humidity than we have been having. Walked with dd this evening. Also dh and I planted the garden - okra, tomatoes, cucumber, zucchini, yellow squash, and potatoes. We buy the small plants. Have tried planting seeds in the past but not very successful with it.

  • beginagain22
    beginagain22 Member Posts: 100
    edited May 2022


    Your garden sounds amazing! I’m sorry to hear about Bruno, sounds like no fun. Hopefully he will be on the mend soon!

    Karen, I feel you, 3 kids birthdays are in May. Last year my oldest daughter also got married and graduated from college in May, at least this year it’s just the regular bdays. Have a great week ladies

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    Ruth - hope Bruno feels better soon. My dogs loved peanut butter.

    Wonder - your garden sounds wonderous. When we lived in Ohio we had a large garden and also planted from small plants. We never tried seeds.

    Have a great Wednesday

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    The Wednesday Walking Women declared SPRING, and bundled up to walk outside. When I got home, DH was ready to take Bruno for a hike, so I grabbed the neighbor's dog (the neighbor is getting ready for a big moving sale so her poor dog needed something fun to do) and we tagged along.


  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    Bruno and his, soon to be moving away, girlfriend Ivy.image

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    Apparently the avators are turned off and no pictures are going through either. Madding!

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    Well, the day after my first treatment I was able to do my full walk and at full speed. Something about all those steroids I'm sure!

    I didn't do more, and I could have. This morning I felt fairly wired, almost jittery. I think the buzz (not a fun one, either, not like good wine and warm friends sharing a great meal), is wearing off though. It was good to be able to move today. I expect tomorrow I will still feel okay. A little dread for the weekend, but I'll make it.

    I'd post my picture in my cold cap, but alas, that function seems to be broken, along with our avatars. We're a pretty colorless bunch tonight. I also have some graduation pictures to share. This is a nice place to do that.

    Overall, it's been a pretty good week. As Tom Petty said, I'm still standing.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    Glad you are feeling okay, sarahmaude, and took advantage of it!

    I went to Pound this morning & Barre Sculpt before our second-to-last Obedience School Class. I've dragged out all my summer clothes & am weeding through them trying to get organized in case summer ever comes.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644
    edited May 2022

    Sarahmaude - glad to hear you are feeling decent to good after your first chemo.

    Ruth - we have summer this week-end!!! My summer clothes are mixed in with "winter" clothes as the only difference is the length of the sleeve on my tops. My jackets are mixed in my closet with my clothes!! I have some clothes in my office/spare bedroom, but I tend to forget about them - there are a few summer skirts and a couple dressy skirts.

    I came home to two beautiful petunia hanging baskets - early mother's present from my wonderful son. One purple and one red. Petunias are my favorite. They are out front so I see them every time I leave or come home. He said there is more to come - must be my birthday present. I told my girls what to get me - but they had several things to choose from. Also told DH what I wanted. No real surprises, but they are all things I enjoy and use. I won't spoil the surprise till Mother's Day and my birthday.

    Going to be near 80 tomorrow and in the 80s on Saturday, a little cooler on Sunday. Way too hot for me in May.

    Something to make you laugh - I'm by far the oldest member of my float team - I sent a text at 9pm last night and one of the team members go, "you sent it at 9 - we go to bed at 8"!!! On the float team everyone is in their early 30s or younger except for me who is twice or more their age. On the whole central team there are a couple people late 50s early 60s but otherwise they are younger than 45. We were talking mortgage rates going up and I mentioned when we bought our first house in the late 70s how high interest rates were and one teammate goes, ya, that's when my parents bought there first house and had 11% mortgage rate. Talk about making me feel old.

    Have a great rest of the night.

  • sarahmaude
    sarahmaude Member Posts: 344
    edited May 2022

    Karen1956, I love hanging petunias! So pretty, what a great gift. I’m also amazed at how young some of my coworkers are. I still feel like I should be one of the younger ones as I was decades ago.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,845
    edited May 2022

    I got a huge pot beautiful red geraniums from DS for Mothers Day, I would post a picture if the site would let me! I am getting very frustrated with the lack of progress in cleaning up the website!!

    I did some raking and cleaning leaves from around the perennials since they are bravely poking their heads above the ground. That flet like exercise! I also took Bruno for his training walk & DH and I took him and the neighbor dogs for a hike this afternoon.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited May 2022

    saramaude- I hope you are feeling ok this weekend.

    Karen- congratulations on finishing your review. We aren’t there yet as we have about 6 more weeks of school. I have the same experience with my team. Most are 15-25 years younger than me. They are having babies and raising kids and teens. It looks exhausting to me at times.

    Ruth- I hope Bruno is on the road to recovery.

    Wonderland- your garden sounds great. We are still too cold up here to get ours planted. We also start from seedlings and not seeds. Impatiently waiting for spring to arrive.

    Still on shaky post-covid legs over here but I am trying to build up my walking distance.