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  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    Karen: Happy for your dd! I bet she's relieved. I will be raking leaves later this week.

    TT: I've never been to Atlanta and am surprised about the downtown. I thought they had an area called the Underground that was hopping. Decades ago I learned this: Juke and Jive, Slip and Slide, Movin' and Groovin' in Hot 'Lanta Ga. Doesn't sound like your trip to Atlanta.

    Ruth: When you find brown pants lmk. I can't find them either.

    I fast walked again today and all went well. Soon I'll add a little light jogging. Just a little bc that was what I had been doing.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 886
    edited November 2023

    Went back to the gym last night for a myofascial release class…using balls to work on pressure points. It was a four part class that I missed 2, due to work, but still interesting, although not really exercise.

    Re Atlanta…I think there are probably great parts to Atlanta, just not downtown. Midtown, Buckhead, a variety of suburbs…but that's the thing. Atlanta is one of the worst traffic/commutes in the country. It is a very car-centric place (i.e. one side of the highway from the airport to downtown was 8 lanes across). Downtown has lots of business, but no one on the streets, even mid-day it is very isolating on the sidewalks (read a woman feels very vulnerable on the sidewalk in mid-day…I wouldn't go out after dark!)

    A big rush at school this week catching up and preparing for next week's Thanksgiving recess. TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    TT, the only time I've been through Georgia, I was driving home from Florida with a friend. We were on a time crunch & either had time to check out Chickamauga (a Civil War battlefield) or Atlanta. Now, I am especially glad that we chose the battlefield!

    I went to Zumba tonight.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 886

    Tai Chi at lunchtime…TT

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited November 2023

    It was a beautiful morning for a walk; crisp, but sunny with no wind! Lots of leaves to crunch!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    I saw my Hematologist this afternoon for my 3 month visit. My anxiety has been really high the past couple days. I had labs Monday and I kept checking the portal yesterday looking for lab results. Finally they were all posted this morning. My MM is more or less stable - so continue with 3 month labs and visits. My Calcium and PTH (parathyroid) are elevated so Hematologist said to contact Endocrinologist as someone needs to monitor my Calcium levels. CA and PTH were elevated when I was diagnosed with MM. I called Endocrinologist this afternoon and so far no return call. When I saw her in August, she said come back in 8 months as my CA was stable as was PTH. Hematologist shook his head with this. I was very specific on my reason for my call and person who answered asked if they were going to be sent test results. I should have told Hematologist to contact her. I also had a Zometa infusion. Hematologist said the Zometa would help lower my Calcium level. Due to my poor kidney function, they have to reduce the dosage. Normal dosage is 4mg and they gave me 3mg. Oncology says for cancer Zometa twice a year for 3 years. Endocrinologist says annually but the hematology nurse say that is strictly for osteoporosis. Nurse actually said cancer wise if needed can get Zometa monthly (Have I confused you yet?)? Each specialty has their own way of looking at the same problem. When I saw Nephrologist a few weeks ago, he also said we need to get my Calcium solved. My anxiety was so high today! I don't remember being so anxious in August. I thought I was done doctor visits for the year but maybe not.

    My B/P has been high the past two doctor visits. 140s over 80s. This is high for me. There have been times its been in the 90s. Hematologist today and Nephrologist a couple weeks ago both commented it. DH has to take his B/P for his cardiologist and he need to buy a new one so we got one that 2 people can use. I need to start taking mine at home a couple or three times/week.

    Weather has been nice, 60s for the high but that isn't till early afternoon and quickly cools off. Lows are in the high 30s to low 40s.

    Grand daughter is 6 months old tomorrow - we haven't seen her for 3 months. DD#1 is coming for Chanukah so another few weeks till we see her. I thought maybe we would go for a long week-end leaving tomorrow after work coming back Tuesday or Wednesday, but I am so glad that we are not going. I really need some down time. I'm exhausted when I come home from work always physically and some days mentally exhausted as well.

    Happy that I'm getting a short walk before work - so managing 15K steps most week days and more on the week-end. Now just need to stop snacking mindlessly at night and i can get my weight where I want it to be. I needed to put weight back on, but I've surpassed where I needed to be.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Karen, I am confused for sure! It's hard when you are working with so many different doctors, each with his/her own take on things. I am not surprised that your BP is high with so many stressful things going. I don't know if yoga or guided meditation would help at all (both of which you could find online)? I am glad you are staying home this weekend & hope you can get some down time just for yourself!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    I am feeling quite productive because I ordered our Christmas cards today (beating both the bad weather & the rush!). I will go to Dance2fit and Yoga tonight.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    Karen: Oh my goodness, Karen. So much to keep straight. It's good that you got a new BP machine so both you and dh can keep track of your numbers. Hope you can get some deserved rest this weekend and next week during your short work week.

    Ruth: Nice picture. Looks really cold.

    On Tuesday I got my heart monitor that I wear for 2 weeks. It's very easy to use, unlike the first one I wore when I was diagnosed with afib 4 years ago. Good to know that things have improved.

    Tuesday night was Girl Scout cookie training for leaders in my area. A friend and I were in charge of it. It was stressful bc the computer where we held the training wouldn't turn on. Took 3 of us 30 minutes to finally get it started! Something that shouldn't have been stressful became stressful and I was glad I had my heart monitor connected to my heart recording it all!

    Walked this afternoon.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    Today is my Friday and I'm off till Monday after Thanksgiving. Ended the work day with a meeting on a student that they are rushing the evaluation on. I have done most of my testing, but waiting on the parent rating scales. It will take me several hours, maybe a whole day and I will not work on it during Thanksgiving break. I'm only at that school T,W,Th and they want to meeting on Wednesday afternoon. What a way to end the week before vacation!

    First thing this morning, my Nephrologist office - the nurse called about the labs and the calcium levels. They wanted to be sure someone had gone over the results with me and to get in with my Endocrinologist ASAP. I share my PTH levels and let the know what scans I was putting in the mail today. The nurse was going to speak with the Nephrologist. She called back this afternoon and said the nephrologist gave two solutions, one short term and one long term. Short term is an Rx called Sensipar and long term surgery. At my appointment two weeks ago, he said that i needed to get the Calcium solved. Endocrinologist office called in the morning as they also got the labs but not the PTH. I couldn't find the number right away so the nurse said call back, leave the information with the receptionist and they would call me back. Took all day. Endocrinologist wants to run the labs again and get me in a cancellation. They called back a few minutes later and said they had a cancellation next week. I'm going for the labs tomorrow morning. I think she is only running two different Calcium tests and PTH. i'm so tired of this roller coaster and never ending doctor appointments. I looked up the Sensipar and surgery for parathyroid. The surgery is a no brainer and is had a 90+% cure rate. So many of the symptoms they list for hyperparathyroidism I have. They say the surgery improves quality of life. I'm going to push for a referral to a general surgeon. I sure hope the endocrinologist agrees. the last two visits, she said I wasn't a candidate yet for surgery. I'm so worn out and tired of all this medial stuff and the roller coaster I've been on for the past 8 or 9 months. Everything is related - high calcium and kidney function (stage 3 CKD), osteoporosis, hyperparathyroid, MM and the list goes on. Please lets solve one problem.

    DD#! and grand daughter are coming for 6 nights during Chanukah. I wish she would just book the ticket before the prices get too high. I've have people who will loan me a packNplay and high chair/booster seat with tray that attaches to the chair. DD is not sure what else she will need, but there is time. I'm going to call in sick two week-days that see is here. Can't wait to see the baby. She is 6 months today!!

    Falling asleep at the computer, so signing off. Sweet dreams.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Karen, tell the endocrinologist what you told us; that you are worn out by all the medical issues & if surgery can take one of the problems off the plate, you need to have it done ASAP!!! So glad your granddaughter will be coming to you! That is something delightful to look forward to!

    Alice, glad the heart monitor is easy to use. Technology is great when it works, and very, very stressful when it doesn't.

    I am going out to lunch with an old friend today. Later I will put in a toning DVD & maybe do a dog walk. We SHOULD rake the yard. It was really windy yesterday, so more leaves, twigs etc, have piled up again.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    Karen: Push hard for a surgeon referral. I'm sure your dd can't wait to see you and give you a big hug. A week off from work with your granddaughter sounds perfect for you.

    homemom: Good to see you again.

    Ruth: I forgot all about getting Christmas cards. Thanks for the reminder.

    Walked with a friend today then some more on my own. I thought I would be raking leaves but the nurse who put on my heart monitor said not to rake while wearing it. So, dh has been raking and blowing leaves. The problem is that he likes to rake when he feels like raking and I want to rake and get it done. 40 years of marriage and some things never change!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    50 minutes of push mowing and 40 minutes of hauling leaves to the front.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Yoga, danced around to Marshall Fitness, more leave raking & hauling for me too!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    Wonder - i'm off this week for Thanksgiving week. DD and grand daughter arrive on December 6th. I will call in sick the day after she arrives. then I'm off on Friday and we have the weekend. Might also call in Monday and she leaves Tuesday morning. We got a great fare!

    A friend of DD#2 will be in Denver in 2 week so she is going to stay with us. She has a conference. Have not met this friend before. She also lives in Israel.

    Need to be busy this week - putter in the house as I'm really stressed about the endocrinologist appointment on Wednesday. I go bac and forth whether it will be good or have to fight for what i want/need.

    Sweet dreams

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Fingers crossed for your appointment, Karen. I hope it doesn't have to be a big fight; but if so, stand your ground!

    I cleaned the garage, did some light cleaning & went to Yoga today. The reason my cleaning was 'light' is because DS & wife are celebrating Thanksgiving Day with us, but celebrating with her family on Saturday…..with us babysitting the dogs. I will do the 'real' cleaning after they all leave!!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,884

    Was going to work out on the bike but got side tracked as I started doing a small bit of decorating for Christmas. It was numerous treks between where we had the decorations and our yard where we started.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Zumba this morning, Pound tonight. In between, I had a haircut, a meeting, and did some more shopping….'tis the season!

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    Karen: So glad that you have this week off. And extremely happy that you will get to visit with your dd and granddaughter in December.

    M0mmy: Good to see you again!

    Ruth: I'm going to clean tomorrow.

    Yesterday I mowed for an hour. Today I worked in the yard for over 2 hours, mainly hauling leaves from the backyard to the curb.

  • bluebird555
    bluebird555 Member Posts: 23

    Im on a Abemaciclib - newly indicated for me - 3rd week - and its been fine for the most part - but very low WBC/neutrophils…and lowered kidney function based on blood tests…so the worry and the doctors visits/blood tests during the last 10 days threw my exercise honestly…it felt like I was a bit paralyzed and unable to focus on it…so I am back starting today …and I am going to try to get into painting as well - I set up my easel

    Next blood work is Thursday and I see my oncologist on Friday

    I hope all is well with each of you

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923

    Bluebird, I had to look up Abemaciclib. Can it cause low WBC & lowered kidney function? Hope you have a productive meeting with your oncologist Friday.

    To get ready for all the Thanksgiving eating, I went to Pound, Zumba AND Yoga today.

  • bluebird555
    bluebird555 Member Posts: 23

    @ruthbru yes it likely did lower the immune system and perhaps affected the kidney - had to pause my vitamin C infusions just in case because I have an issue with oxalates - and the situation can create kidney issues…hoping everything evens out soon - I was surprised by how much anxiety and inability to focus it caused - need to focus on exercise instead!

    Happy American Thanksgiving!

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,923
    edited November 2023

    Here's the Wednesday Women. Small group because people are getting ready to host or are on the road. We look cold, but there was no wind so by the time we were halfway through; I had my hat & gloves off and my coat unzipped. Happy American Thanksgiving to All! I am hosting tomorrow so better get to work!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    Small group Ruth!

    Met with the endocrinologist this afternoon. She is giving me a referral to a general surgeon. I didn't feel any warm fuzzies with her and not convinced that she thinks the surgeon will see this as a good referral. I'm happy with the referral as that is what I wanted but now anxious till I have an appointment with surgeon.

    Gorgeous 50+F degree weather with nice sunny skies. But the weather is changing. Dropping 20 degrees tomorrow and again on Friday. Saturday morning will be in the teens and snow the next couple days.

    Bagged more leaves - our neighbor has a beautiful oak tree and most of the leaves in our yard are from his tree. At least 25 bags over the past week or so. The size smaller than lawn and leaf bags. Will use the blower tomorrow morning to blow the rest into the street then bag them.

  • wonderland
    wonderland Member Posts: 2,935

    bluebird: Goodness, I hope the Abemaciclib eases up on the side effects. Glad your have an appointment with your oncologist on Friday.

    Karen: Hope you can get the surgeon appointment soon. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. We don't have to bag our leaves as some city require their residents to do. I can't imagine bagging all the leaves that we have raked up this year.

    Ruth: Have fun hosting tomorrow.

    Yesterday I cleaned house and today I've been cooking. We will be going to my sister's who lives an hour away for Thanksgiving. There will be 17 (one is a baby and another is 2) of us - my sisters and brother and their families. Makes my heart sing!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    Happy thanksgiving!

  • bluebird555
    bluebird555 Member Posts: 23

    @ruthbru That is a lovely looking group!

    Happy American Thanksgiving all <3

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,884

    Getting my exercise with all the prep work and turkey basting!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,652

    Nice Thanksgiving dinner with our son. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, pecan and pumpkin pie - all made from scratch except the pie crusts. DH said he didn't want green bean casserole as he doesn't like it - but when he saw he he was happy that I made it. We will finish the food tonight for Shabbat dinner - need to make green bean casserole and will make another veggie. I cut the turkey in half (12.5#), cooked the two halves then froze one right away for another time. I kept a slice of each pie and send the rest home with my son. He happily takes my baked goods but rarely takes other food as he never knows what he wants to eat and he works 12+ hour days.

    17 degrees this morning with a high of 25 - cloudy and light snow. I was supposed to meet a friend at 10:00 to walk but she just texted to see if we can walk next week instead.

    My week off has come to an end and I didn't do any work for work, even the stuff I thought I might do!! Oh well, it will still be there on Monday.

    Off to TJ's and the grocery store this morning. Then I'm going to see if I can get a mani.

    Have a great Friday. No Black Friday shopping unless it's online.