Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009
    I haven't rode my bike yet, but it's definitely on the agenda for today. The rain is gone for now, the weather is cooler and, uuumm......plus I had some of my DH's birthday cake.......chocolate through and throughUndecided
  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Doggus and I went for a brisk walk for about 30 minutes. 

    Happy (belated) Birthday Mr. Coonie.

    Gosh, it's been raining a lot here too.  We had a sunny Sat.

  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    I bet doggus walked YOU, huh Sharon?

    Mr. Coonie thanks you for the bd wishes. Cool

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009
    ..........and I had to carry a 'weight' on the trip homeTongue out
  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    Carole, it is hard to maintain an exercise routine during active treatment.  You just have to do what you are going - start again.

     My plans for today are a lunch time walk and to go to pilates class in the evening.  After pilates class, I am going the gym and sneak in a session on the recumbant bike.  

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009
    Oh my, I was just looking at my number of posts.  Does that count as a workout?  Do I win the award for having no life outside of BCO?Embarassed
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Hi Sharon,

    You definitely get the award for the most workouts on bco!  LOL!

     Have a great afternoon!


  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Posts: 118
    edited October 2009


    I am in Massachusetts as well...


  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Where are you in Massachusetts, Carole?

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    So, exercise of the fingers counts?  Yay!  I'm on the computer all day and then here at night.

    My knee has been giving problems today but I still got on the treadmill.  Could only last for a mile/23 minutes but at least I moved.  Will be busy tomorrow so don't expect to get much done - but you never, never know!

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Posts: 8,310
    edited October 2009

    I need to use my treadmill again.

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Posts: 118
    edited October 2009

    weights this morning for 30 minutes!!!

    have a great day!


  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Kbug--join us!  I think as long as we move and do something it's better than nothing!  

    Patoo--I think it's great that you did the treadmill in spite of your knee.  Don't over do it, though!

    I work today so I'm probably just going to walk the dog for my exercise today.  We walk very briskly!

    Have a great day!


  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Phew, done my brisk walk.  I think it's about 40 minutes.........more than 30 anyway.  I feel the pressure from this thread.  That's good 'cause it makes me get off my butt.Smile

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    My plans for today are:  1) lunch hour walk

                                        2) yoga class after work

                                        3) elliptical glider

    Sharon, I agree with you - I think this thread is a good idea.  I think it helps me to write down what I am going to do & I don't want to have to come back and say I bailed on something. 

    Patoo, I hope your knee is better. 

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Posting for Coonie........

    Hi, my name is Coonie. And I am a sloth.

    I know I said I was going to ride my bike yesterday, but I didn't because, uummm, well.....there's just no excuse. I'm working today, but I will try my best to ride tonight when I get home. Sharon is right about this thread. It keeps me accountable.Wink

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    I agree, this thread is great.  My knee is not better and will have to get to my ortho doctor and check it out.  I can actually hear the fluid in it when I bend it.  Match that with a bad hip, same side, and there's a lot of pain depending on how I twist, turn or bend.

    Have a 10-week support bc support group sponsored by two local cancer centers and tonight we did total body stretches so at least I had some activity today.  No treadmill though - not today.  The only other exercise I'll get will be climbing the steps up to bed in a few minutes.

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    patoo, ouch! I hope you can get in to see the ortho soon.

    When I got to yoga class yesterday, I discovered that the instructor was on vacation and we had a sub. So instead of yoga, it was a swiss ball class (lots of core work). I was so tired afterwards I skipped the eliptical glider and went home,

    I am climbing tonight, at the climbing gym. I will also go for my usual lunch hour walk today..

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Good morning!  I never did get my dog walk in yesterday.  Wound up taking DS to karate and never got a chance to get the walk in.  

    I'm planning to do a step workout this morning.  It's gloomy here today with more rain!  

    Patoo--you should get your knee/hip checked soon.  I have friends who have suffered with bad knees and it is not fun at all.  I hope you are feeling better today.

    Lisa--you sound like you really take on the day!  Are you sore from the core training?  

    Coonie--you crack me up!  You are not a sloth!  Even being here means that you are at least thinking about it!


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    hehe Lorrie!! Well, I guess hearing about others exercising is better than nothing, right?Tongue out

    And Noooooo, I didn't ride when I got home yesterday. It was late, I was tired, and I just KNEW I didn't need to put my poor body through that torture. I'm seriously thinking about doing it today, but it's really dark and stormy looking right now. I need to see what the weather is up to before getting out of course. Don't want to be like Dorothy and Toto and get blown away.

    I promise I'll check back in later!

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009
    I'll check back in later too but Morgan thanks for letting us know that Even being here means that you are at least thinking about it! - using our brain cells counts as exercise!  hehehe
  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Whew! Just got back from bike ride....10 miles in 39:42. I know it's not near like walking, but I sure am tiredTongue outEmbarassed

    IMG_3926.jpg See his tongue hanging out image by calikids68

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    OMG!  Your dog is adorable!!!  LOL!!!

    I just finished my workout and let me tell you, your picture speaks for me too!  


  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2009

    As soon as I can I will be joining this thread. Right now I look like that doggie only with a bigger belly.

  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Oh Lorrie.....that wasn't my dog, but this is one of mine!

    birdbath001.jpg picture by mydriene

    And yeppers....I feel like doing this right now......LOL

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Coonie--He's adorable too!  I felt like him earlier this morning.  I had to fight the urge to go back to bed after my boys left for school!  Now I feel like the other dog after my workout!  LOL!

    How many dogs do you have?  I'm most likely getting another puppy next Monday night.

    Mumayan--join us now!  No need to wait!


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Lorrie---I have two dachshunds......Lucky and Opie. They're getting old (13 and 14). I just love dogs, well actually.....ANY kind of animal. When you get your pup, you'll have to post a pic:)

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Coonie--I'm a huge dog lover.  I just can't help myself.  I had two old dogs who passed away last year while I was still undergoing treatment.  Talk about getting kicked when you are down!  It just so happened that the golden girl that I have now was returned to a breeder and the rest is history.  I really love this dog!  So, now a year later, I am going to get a golden boy from the same breeder.  I'm a little nervous about the new puppy but the dogs make me so happy, I don't think I can not do it!


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Ohhh Lorrie..so sorry to hear about losing furbabies during treatment. Mine were right with me during treatment. I couldn't have made it without them....seriously! They're able to sense when something is different.

    Is that your pup in the avatar? She's beautiful! I bet she'll love having a baby brother...LOL

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Losing my dogs was really hard on me.  They were my constant companions all through diagnosis and treatment.  

    That's Sunny in my avatar!  I named her Sunshine because I thought I needed a little sunshine in my life all things considered!