Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Hi Sharon---it's nice to meet you.

    My name is Coonie and I didn't exercise eitherEmbarassed

    EXERCISEISADIRTYWORD.gif Exercise Word image by robnjo69

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    LOLOL...........my kindred spirit.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Oh dear me.........I did do some garden "put to bed for the winter" stuff.........does that count?

  • hrf
    hrf Posts: 706
    edited October 2009

    I'm in a study at the cancer centre. They are teaching 4 of us (all bc women) to do Nordic pole walking. Apparently it helps a lot with recovery and strength building. It uses a lot more calories than plain walking and also builds upper body and core strength. We have had 3 lessons so far and we are having fun too. Is anyone else doing Nordic pole walking?

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Nope but I bet it's also good for those of us with LE.........it just sounds like it would be really beneficial.  Any info on that aspect?

  • patoo
    patoo Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Have not exercised today but did walk through 2 stores and the supermarket.  Hope that counts because I can't promise to do anyting else today.  But, if I do you all will be the first, well second after me, to know.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Patoo, you are resting your knee(s) so I think you did quite enough for today!!!!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Posts: 612
    edited October 2009

    I was going to be a slug today, but it was just too pretty to stay inside. DH and I rode 25 miles on our bikes, in the foothills. The wind was brutal, though, and there always seemed to be a headwind when we were going uphill!

    Leaves were blowing all around, there were cool cloud formations, and the Rockies have a lot of snow on the tops already. Stunning scenery for a ride.

    Lots of people in my neighborhood walk with trekking/Nordic poles. I always use them when I hike. I think keeping my hands at heart level keeps them from swelling as much. I don't have LE, but I'm always on the watch for it.

    Tomorrow? I'm thinking maybe yoga for a change...


  • septembersong
    septembersong Posts: 153
    edited October 2009

    AnneW, 25 miles on your bike, some of them uphill--you are an Olympian in my book. 

    Trekking poles are also a big help if you have arthritic knees or problems with balance.  

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    AnneW--I am so impressed with your exercise.  You must really enjoy it!

    I just saw trekking poles in a catalog.  HRF,  I think it's really interesting that you are being taught to use them in a study.  My radiation onc told me that doing things like cross-country skiing with the repetitive motion could be troublesome for lymphedema.  Did the study people say anything about that?

    I'm in the housework no workout category for yesterday but as Coonie said--it's Monday and a new week and a new chance to get a workout done!


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    uhhh oooohhhhh.........did I say that??? LOL

    Well, I think I did. Does that mean it's Monday already?Undecided

    OK---I promise before the day is over, I will do some type of exercise!!

    I promise!!!

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Me too.  I promise.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Me too!  

  • AnneW
    AnneW Posts: 612
    edited October 2009

    I really do enjoy being active (doesn't that sound better than "exercise"?) My husband and I have incorporated it into our lifestyle from day one. We'd rather take a vacation hiking in the Alps than sitting on a cruise ship. When we visit relatives or friends out of town, we find the nearest gym or we'll strap our bikes to the back of the car.

    I live in an outdoor mecca. It's not politically correct to be a couch potato in Boulder, CO!


  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2009

    The weather here is cooperating so I am off for another Fall walk.

  • septembersong
    septembersong Posts: 153
    edited October 2009

    I plan to switch things up today and go to the gym at lunch time (I usually go at 7 a.m.). Actually, I can watch the Food Network then. Part of the attraction.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Coonie, just remember...........this is not considered to be exercise.Wink

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009
    I'm still in the "I promise" mode........Embarassed
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Me too, Sharon.  My morning got away from me.  I'm determined to do it later this afternoon!


  • debisongbird
    debisongbird Posts: 26
    edited October 2009

    I'm willing. But I'm so freakin tired all the time. Tired. Don't want to do anything. But - maybe if I have a group (like this one) I can do it. How come some people with breast cancer seem to have energy and vitality and some are just exhausted most of the time and have interrupted sleep, etc... Yeah, I know about sleeping pills and opted NOT to take them. They make me feel weird.(er)  So, I will give exercising the ol' college try. My bones aches and muscles, so I think I will choose walking. 5,000 steps to start. Wish me luck my dears. I will post again and let you know how I did.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Ok, so not only am I a non-exerciser today............obviously I am also a liar.  I don't think I will be walking today despite my having promised.  Sigh.............I'm so ashamed.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    LOL.  I am with you Sharon.  I'm still not going to give it up entirely.  There is still a slim possibility I might actually do it!


  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Well I 'might' go...............but I doubt it. 

  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Good luck Debi!!!! The least little bit helps. Even if I get out and walk in the back yard it makes me feel better. Especially if the sun is shining! ((((hugs to you))))

    Sharon......you are so funny. Liar-----------NO! Funny----------YES. I think with all the cooking you do it must burn calories too. Plus yacking on the phone has to burn a little too, huh? eh?

    Lorrie---I've been wondering about your doggy situation. Did you decide what to do with the puppy? I had my oldest dog at the vet today. He's got arthritis and had to get a shot. Poor thing was hurting so bad today, but he's resting now. I'm so glad! It's hard for him to rest because he follows me every step I make in the house. He's a mama's boy:)

    Oh, back to exercise. I walked 30 minutes this morning!!! Felt so great outside. I really think the walking does more good for me than my bike riding. 'course, maybe if I lowered my gears on the bike I could feel the "burn" more, but I sure like zipping around fast......lol.

    Hope all of you have a wonderful evening! ((((Hugs))))

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Hi Coonie,

    Thanks for asking about the new puppy.  He is doing well.  He wound up having a UTI on Friday night. He and my older girl are starting to get along better.  He is just a rascal.  He is laying by my feet right now with his little head on my foot. Ahhhh....nothing like puppy love!  I'm sure your older dog doesn't mind following you.  It's difficult watching them grow old, isn't it.  We lost our old golden last fall.  He was an angel who also followed me everywhere.  That's what he thought his job was.  What a sweetheart your dog is--loves his mom!

    Well...I just did 1.3 miles with my dog!  Not what I planned but I walked!  Hurray!

    Now if this hot flash would just ease off!!!  Yell


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Oh Lorrie!!! I sympathize with the hot flashes. They come at the most embarassing moments. Whole face, neck everything turns blood red, sweat popping out, panic to find a fan..the joys of being a woman. heha  Maybe in our other life we can be a man, or maybe a DOG. yeah, that's what I want to be-----a DOG!

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    I am back from a short vacation in Death Valley. My husband and I hiked a lot. What was really nice for me was seeing how much stronger I am than the last time I was there - pre hip replacement. We hiked up one canyon that has a boulder pile blocking the way after a mile. Two years ago, I couldn't have gotten past the boulder pile - this year it was not a problem.

    Regarding hiking or trecking poles, I use them because my hands do not swell when I use them. My le therapist recomends using them so your hand will not be in dependent position.

    I am back to my routine tomorrow - lunch hour walk and yoga class after work, followed by an aerobic work out at the gym.

  • RitaSurvivor
    RitaSurvivor Posts: 1
    edited October 2009

    Hi everyone.  I am excited to find this thread.  You motivated me to get back to training.  I am five weeks out of my bilat mast with recon, and my first chemo is in a couple days.  I walked for 35 minutes today and did seven flights of stairs up and down (great for my weak knee).  My goal is to get back to completing as a triathlete next summer at the Chicago Triathlon! 

    You ladies keep going.  You are motivating me!


  • coonie
    coonie Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    Hey Lisa----I can see where the trecking poles would help. One reason I like riding my bike rather than walking is because my hands swell so bad. I feel weird walking around with my hands up in the air though :)

    Yay Rita.....welcome! Sounds like you're used to this exercise business. Hope you're able to get back to your routine soon.

    Hugs to ya all!!! I'm working today, so I doubt I'll be exercising, unless it's taking a walk around the premises.

  • mumito
    mumito Posts: 2,007
    edited October 2009

    I am going to try the gym today but first time back since a month so I have to take it easy.Lets see how long i can last on the eliptical machine.Will keep you posted.