Lets Post our Daily Exercise



  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited October 2009

    Yesterday 30 min/3 miles on the elliptical trainer and 40 minutes of intense weight lifting.

    Today a quick 1 mile warm-up on the elliptical, then 2+ hours of climbing, followed by 15 min of mat core work.

    I need a nap!!


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Happy Birthday Morgan513.  Wish I knew how to find and post pics but Sharon51 has done a great job.  I'll just have a chunk of that there cake from mumayan.  One day this week I'll exercise it off - I promise!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Sheesh, I just polished off some leftovers from yesterdays turkey dinner AND pumpkin pie with whipped cream.  TOMORROW I will stop pigging out and start back with the walking. 

    WOW Anne, impressive!!!!

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Patoo, I just 'Google' images then copy and paste.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    For Patoo to send.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    ani_breaking_news_1_.gif breaking news image by cahq

    I interrupt this normal broadcasting to make the following announcement.

    Coonie has just completed a 10 mile----yes, I said 10 mile bike ride for today.

    Asking he how she feels, 'I'm pooped, but I did it for my sistahs" Thank you!

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    ani_breaking_news_1_.gif breaking news image by cahq

    I interrupt this normal broadcasting to make the following announcement.

    Coonie has just completed a 10 mile----yes, I said 10 mile bike ride for today.

    Asking her how she feels , 'I'm pooped, but I did it for my sistahs" Thank you!

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    She was so excited and impatient, she posted it 3 times.......LOL

    Yep........Loonie Coonie

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    LOL, Coonie. 

    Sharon, when you mentioned turkey and pumpkin pie, I just figured out that you live Canada.  Don't worry, our turn to pig out is coming up.  :)

    Anne, I used to warm up foir climbing with some cardio work.  Nowadays I just pick out an easy route and climb up and down several times.  It seems to work better for me - I feel looser. 
  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited October 2009

    Thanks Sharon.

    "Loonie Coonie"  LOL  hehehe - but proud of you!!!  You do know that 3 of those miles were for me, right?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited October 2009

    Coonie, woohoo, thanks for the ride! Too cold here today for that!

     Lisa, I usually just hop on an easy climb and go, but my partner was late getting to the gym, and it was c-c-cold in there, so I just warmed up with cardio. Could have used the autobelays, but this worked.

    Tomorrow I should get out for a walk at lunch, but I'll probably go eat with a coworker instead!


  • Jill45
    Jill45 Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2009

    Just got home from playing tennis for the 1st time since March - sure beats riding the excercise bike. Of course any work out benefit was offset by the post match cocktails but it felt great to be back on the court again.

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    Anne, are the autobelays scary? I don't know if I could trust one, so I am glad they don't have them at our gym. I just have to worry about my partner. :-)

  • Raye99
    Raye99 Member Posts: 114
    edited October 2009

    Happy Birthday Lorrie!!

    Coonie - HA! congrats on your ride!

    I was able to run 3.05 miles on the treadmill last night.

    Lorrie - a little Bday dance for you...

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    It is too stormy today for me to go for my lunch hour walk, so my plan is to go to yoga class, then to the gym for an aerobic work out.

    Rayne, 3.05 miles is impressive.  I  always measure my gym workouts by the length of time, not distance.   When I get bored I start telling my self that I am half done or three quarters done, or that I have ten more minutes and so on.  Last night was 45 minutes on the eliptical glider.  

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    It must have been all the turkey but I've had two days in a row of extreme fatigue despite having had almost 11 hours of sleep last night.  The sun has finally come out and I simply can't seem to find the gumption to go.  Hopefully tomorrow........

    Kudos to all who have exercised.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Hey girls!  Another day, no exercise.  I have to work tomorrow so it's not looking good then either.  Oh well...Thursday will be the day!

    You are all doing so well!  Doesn't it feel good when the workout is done!

    Have a great night!


  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582
    edited October 2009

    oohhhhh I'm with Sharon and Lorrie today! No exercise here. Kinda feeling like Sharon....ugghhh, drained, no energy. Maybe it's the seasonal change or something. I know it's STILL raining here and HUMID.

    Maybe we can get back on track soon? Or all hang out together here and "talk" about exercising? LOLTongue out

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    I like the talking part best of all!


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Hey, I walked!!!!!!    Just about froze my tootsies off.  Still wearing sandals and it's not really sandal weather.  Had to stop at the vet clinic on the way back to warm my feet.

    Heat and humidity are a thing of the past now.  So no excuses for me.......other than laziness.

    Coonie........10 miles?  Wowzer, I'm impressed.

    I just might go again after lunch.  We'll see.  I used to be an exercise fiend.........hard to believe isn't it?Wink

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    I am going to go climbing at the gym tonight.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    I didn't go walking again this aft.  But climbing sounds like fun.  Not in the cards for me but still, it sounds like fun!!!

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169
    edited October 2009

    Sharon, it is rainy here today - so I understand about not wanting to go out and walk.  It seems like going to the gym and using the aerobic equipment is the way to go when it is wet.

    Climbing is fun!  To me, it is also a very social sport - I find climbers to be pretty friendly folks and good company.  Certainly, I have received lots of encouragement over the years from more experienced climbers and have had many interesting conversations with other climbers.

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Hi!  I'll be walking the dog tonight for our usual mile.  I'm so tired today.  I've been getting up super early.  Oh well...I go to sleep a little early tonight to make up the difference.


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited October 2009

    30 minutes on the treadmill at 4.2 mph and 2% grade. Would have done more, but was going to be late for my massage!

    Climbing and Pilates reformer tomorrow--I love Thursdays!!

    Lisa, the autobelays no longer scare me. But the first time I used one, it was like my first rap--a true "leap of faith"!! I don't use them very often, though. If I don't have a climbing buddy, I'll usually do some bouldering, work on technique and footwork...


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009

    Gosh Anne, way to go.

    I'm thinking some days just to get my arm massaged and wrapped is a workout.  I guess that doesn't count eh?Tongue out

  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    Wow Anne, you rock!

    You guys are getting me in the mood to go climbing!


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    edited October 2009
    Does climbing in to bed count? Wink
  • Morgan513
    Morgan513 Member Posts: 303
    edited October 2009

    You know what, Sharon, for me tonight it will!

  • septembersong
    septembersong Member Posts: 153
    edited October 2009

    OK, today I did 10 verrrry gentle minutes on the treadmill and 25 minutes on the stationary bike. Yesterday it was 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I'm working my way back to 45 minutes 4-5 days a week, which is what I was doing before my knee went south. I have moved the level on the bike from 3 to 4.