Isabel...I see you are also HER2+. Are you doing once a week or every 3 weeks Herceptin?
3jaysmom...Good to see you.
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Oakley-I was so happy to see you posting again! I hope you are feeling better everyday. I had a difficult time sleeping too. I sleep on my tummy and that really didn't work for awhile. But with time, I was able to. Very gentle hugs to you.
isobie--At least we have a good excuse for the memory loss.
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To Seyla 888
HI there, I am doing herceptin once every three weeks through May, which will be a year total. How bout you?
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Sheila I have memory loss symptoms too and fall into all the categories you listed... even the chemo one from 27 yrs ago. :=( 'really wish I didn't. There is nothing worse or more embarrassing than to be talking and lose your train of thought an not remember what you were talking about or saying something and not to be able to find the word you need to put in the sentence, It' terrible!!!!!!!!!!! Menopause symptoms and BC suks!!!!
Michelle glad you MRI is good!!!!
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ishobie...I did 52 weeks and started with my first Taxol.
Does your hair started to grow?
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Renee....In a way I feel better that its happening to a lot of other Sisters. I'm not saying I'm happy just relieved. I started to believe i had all the symptoms of an early Alzheimer's.
I always thought once you are done with chemo you cant have a chemo brain.
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I didn't have chemo, but I think there is also plain old cancer brain. Probably caused by the chronic fatigue from rads and loss of sleep from pain and other discomforts associated from ongoing treatments. It is frustrating to have always been one of the brightest and not have the mind function properly.
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Chabba you are absolutely right.
BC effects everything not just the Breast.
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Okay gals, let's see if I can remember everything I was going to say. I think I'd better cheat & write some tips down to remind me.
Michelle ~ I would appreciate the template! That would be so helpful!. Thanks!
On memory loss, I agree with everything everybody has said. My short term is lousy! My DD hit a deer on a Fri night, asked us if she could borrow one of our cars if she couldn't get a loaner when she took her car into the dealer, Sat she said she wouldn't need one after all, hubby was going to get one from someone else, Tues I talked to her & told her there was something else I was going to ask her but couldn't remember what it was, got off the phone & later on told DH I remembered what I was going to ask her & that was how she liked her loaner from the dealer. Of course, he gently reminded me she hadn't gotten one. OMG! It's horrible!
Mimi & Isabel & ishobie~ I, too, will be talking, & if I veer off subject by only a word or two, I completely fall off the track of where I was headed. So embarrassing....
I also have a tablet by the phone to write things down on to ask DD#2 when she calls. I really need to do that & I make notes for myself all the time. I have forgotten which sister made this comment.
Meecie ~ Absolutely LOVE the singing mammogram!
raincitygirl ~ Just love the e-mail from your instructor: "webisite" & "in climate weather". Too darn funny!
oakley ~ Fabulous news on the clean nodes & margins. I am so happy for you! I have an onc appt on Dec 6, too. Glad you are less sore.
Thought I heard one of the grandkiddies run across the bedroom floor upstairs a min ago, went & listened at the bottom of the stairs, saw a light on under the door, then it went off. No one called for me so came back here.
I know this post is long, it's 12:44 & I should be in bed cos the little ones get up early!
Hugs to all!
Welcome to the newbies I may have missed!
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Hi oakley-
Great news for you, Hooray!!! May the rest of the news at your Onc visit be just as good. Your diagnosis date is my surgery date, so our timelines aren't far apart.
I had a 1.2 cm IDC, and the best news I got was that it was out of me. I am ER/PR+, HER2- like you, but did BMX because I knew my body overproduced estrogen and I had to have a hysterectomy 12+ years ago because of that. I figured all my breast tissue had been exposed to too much estrogen and I would always worry about the other breast and panic at every exam, so I chose a prophy MX on the other side. Much less worry and no rads necessary. Oncotype was [8] and I'm Grade 1 so chemo not the best option, and I am on to Arimidex. I have TE's and they are a challenge, but nothing I feel like I can't handle.
Wishing you the best-
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What a great outlook you have Catbill. Best wishes on your continuing tx.
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Yes, thank you God.
Oakley, I know you are continuing healing each and every day. I am also hoping that your great news of clear margins and clear lymph nodes gives you a huge boost of strength in feeling better. It is just wonderful news for you. And O2behealthy (and that you are)!!! My day is just made with your news right now. Your strength is wonderful!
Hi Catbill, I hope you are doing good today. I feel I can relate to a lot of what you are going through lately re the TEs. I had a BMX w/TE on 10/18 and have had 3 expansions thus far. The last two were filled with less and it felt a lot better. The first expansion felt so uncomfortable that I thought something was wrong, but was assured that it was normal. Ugh! I did get great support and info on this subject from our sisters on these threads. You know who you are... happymom8285, 02bhealthy, don23 and so many more.
Catbill, do you mind if I ask when your BMX was?
Lots of hugs to every sister today.
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Valjean, I am so happy to hear great news on your mammo. Yes! So great as it should be.
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Hello onestep,
Nice to talk with you. I hope your day is going well. I had my BMX with TE's on 10/26/10. I, too, have slowed down on the amount of each fill because my first time made it very hard to sleep and the stitches felt pulled tight. I get my next one tomorrow (fill #4), then I leave to go to my brother's home for TG. I live 400 miles away, and they haven't see me since before surgery...just a touch nervous, but maybe I'm worried for nothing.
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement. I hope you're doing well.
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Val Jean the worst part about the memory loss is when you are the boss and you call one of your associates into your office to tell them something important, it takes a while for them to get there because they are busy, and when they get there you have forgotten what you were going to tell them. Sometimes I remember and others I never do. It happened to me on Friday with one of my nurses. LOL... thankfully I finally remembered what I needed to tell her, because it was important.
I was wondering... I have a long history of migraines but I have been on Tamoxifen since the end of Feb. and have noticed that I am getting more headaches. They are not always migraines but sometimes they end up being migraines. Are any of you that are taking Tamox having the same problem. HMMM!!
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mimi.. headaches are a serious se from tamoxifen; so aren't strokes, so you need to let your onco know asap. just to be safe. that was the major reason i didnt do it. ive had multiple strokes, already.. oakly, keep up the good work. take it slow, and take the time to heal.. and catbill, you got it going on, girl. keep on keeping on! 3jays0
Hi Sheila!
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Hi Everyone,
I have the week off so now I can log-in and PEEP. Upon reading everyones post I forgot to congratulate o2b, great news.
And WELCOME newbies.
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raincity: did you drop the class? That sentence was hysterical "in climate"!
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Eph, I kind of felt like taking a class from her would be pointless. Apparently, someone actually heard her SAY it that way. I wish I knew who to compalin to on campus
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I total agree-taking a writing class from someone who doesn't know basic vocabulary would be a waste of money.
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RCG, did she also misspell website?
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Spelling is one of my pet peeves, although on here, sometimes my fingers go way too fast for my brain and you can find some doozies I leave here.
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Thank God for computers and spell check--also proof reading for the proper word of course. I am severely dyslexic and have always had a spelling problem but rarely have an error get by me now. If that teacher used spell check she sure didn't use common sense.
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Yes, indeed, she did misspell website but now I am wondering is it mispell or misspell? I will have to investigate
This teacher is known for improper grammar and word use, I have since learned. You take her if you want an easy A. I don't want an easy A, I want to develop my writing.
Spelling is also one of my pet peeves and I definitely sometimes let the fingers fly and mess up....
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OMG, looking back, I wrote compalin, instead of complain - perhaps that is the pot calling the kettle black - no it's not. I know it was a mistake.
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RCG....I was laughing so hard because it sounded like Sara Palin.
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I don't think I would make that sort of mistake
FREEZING! Now 22 degrees and will go to between 5-15 tomorrow.
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Can you see Russia where you are hahahahahahaha
Well I dont want to say it but it was like spring today.
Winter is coming by Thanksgiving.