Annette I'll be in the pocket with you... hope it's big enough! you are going to do fine.
Ducky you always keep me in stitches!!!!
I myself have a doctors appointment on the 6th for a follow up the my plastic surgeon. It will be my 6month follow up since I had my surgery on Dec. 29th. Still have some tenderness but I guess that is normal they say for up to about a year.
Hope everyone had a great 4th. I had someone call off for work (with a sick child) and since we can't have anyone work any overtime guess who got to go in and work... ME!!! oh the joys of management! but I love my job....(just not my boss) LOL!
goodnight ladies
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hope your appt goes perfect on the 6th Mimi! I thinkyou are right about the twinges and pain for up to a year following exchange. Ahhhh, the joys of BC.
everyone that is coming on the 7th...please bring a thermos of coffee and bagel with cream cheese as I will be STARVING...have to fast from midnight on and surgery is not until noon....
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annette - Will come prepared with the food.
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I have a 3 month follow up with the MO this afternoon. Have had alot going on the last three months with being treated for nerve damage and he does not know anything about it. So I'll have to fill him in today.
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Sherry - I had to do the same thing when I had my 4 month onc followup. He didn't know about the nerve damage or the hysteroscopy D&C. I made a list so I wouldn't forget anything and he was pretty receptive to what the other doctors said and the treatment they started. He was concerned about the issues with the "downstairs" and said it probably was due to the Tamoxifen. He agreed with me when I said I am going to insist on an annual transvaginal US.
Ready to jump in your pocket.
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Thanks Jo:0
Sherry let us know how the appointment damn much stuff we have to keep up with.
I was doing well today and decided to stop and get my bloodwork done for my onc visit in two weeks (need at least two weeks because she orders estrogen panel). I am sitting there and it hits me that the reason she is testing me (full panels of everything you can imagine) every 90 days is because she has no faith in my alternative regimen. ACK! I started to sweat and freak out while the poor woman was drawing a million testubes of blood. She thought it was because she was taking too much blood...I said no, just freaking out here...and then I looked at my blood and said DOES THAT LOOK LIKE GOOD BLOOD?> IS IT TOO THICK? sheesh...I am a primo nutcase. I scared the poor lab tech. So to distract her I started talking about my boob surgery....convincing her I was totally nuts...blabbin gaway that I am getting nipples in two days. How nice. And when I got up I look around and there are like three others getting their blood drawn and looking at me like I am the whackjob I am. And the one poor man in there was doing everything he could NOT to look at my chest (how do boobs without nipples look actually?) hahaha
Geez....I find an onc willing to monitor me closely on my chosen path and then I freak out when she does what she needs to do.
I need a blankie and a nap.
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annette - You are not a whack job. This damn disease has us coming and going. You are doing the right thing for you. Need a blankie - huh? Well, here is one for you.
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Annette....Here is your bed
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oh my goodness....grabbing Jo's blanket and crawling into that magnificent bed from Sheila...night...all sweet dreams
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My Mo appt went well today. Did the usual bloodwork and will get my tumor markers back in a couple of days. But I am sure they are fine. Otherwise just brought him up to speed on my hip joint pain and my nerve damage from rads. He asked alot of questions about the hip pain and seems concerned that I am taking 200mg Celelbrex 2 times a day. I tend to have stomach issues and he is afraid long term it will bother me, but I told him unless he has some other miracle drug for me to take I am going to continue because without it I limp around. My x-ray was clear so he is thinking arthritis but from rads or tamox don't really know. Only a MRI will really tell if it is arthritis and I may have them do one after the first of the year. I am having a MX with diep reconstruction next year and that way I can get everything done in one year with one out of pocket expense. Would really like to know why my hip hurts so darn much.
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Hi, just now getting active on this website. Stage 1, 0/2 nodes. 1.4 cm tumor at first site and 0.6 cm in 2nd quadrant, grade 2 diagnosed January 24, 2011. Skin sparing mastectomy and started latissimus flap reconstruction during same surgery. (Had had 2 hernia repairs with mesh in my abdomen so not a Tram Flap candidate.) OncotypeDx 23 and elected to take chemotherapy. Just finished 4 treatments of T/C June 30. Will have 2nd reconstruction surgery September 20 due to hubby's work schedule.
The oncologist said that since I was stage 1, would only follow up with breast exams every 2 months when I see her and mammograms every year. Start Arimidex July 15 and bone density every 2 years. How are you all being followed?
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I'm Stage I, too!
Just got my new fake breast prosthesis and the special bra that makes the "healthy but saggy" side look perky.
I'll find out about my chemo treatments on July 8th....(not feelin' too perky about it, though).
I love all of your pictures!
Here's a chocolate chip cookie and Hugh Jackman in a tank top to cheer everyone up......
(Uh-0h-- slight delay on the pics-I gotta figure this out..... )
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sylvialynn Welcome to our sisterly thread
Since I had a lumpectomy I cant really answer your question.
But I also get Bone Density test every 2 years.
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Aerial...While Im waiting for the cookie I just want to say Welcome to our group.
I noticed our DX are identical.
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sylvialynn2 and Aerial: Hello and welcome! I had BXM in February and I'm currently in the expansion phase with my tissue expanders. Oncotype DX of 18 (right smack on that danged boderline), but opted out of chemo. No history of radiation. Started Arimidex tx about 3 months ago with no major SEs so far (some minor problems initially which seemed to have subsided). Second appointment with MO in August and follow up with BS in October.0
Happy belated fourth, girls, and welcome to the new folks!!
Went in for my post-first chemo labs. Neutropenia, of course -but I have also developed shingles. And it hurts so bad I would rather skin myself alive than deal with the itching and burning! Anyone have any suggestions for waht to do for this? I'm on Acyclovir, but it hasn't begun to kick in yet, and Benadryl was NOT effective in controlling the itching and burning yesterday. I can expect it to start subsiding i a week or so - but I can't take a week off of work. How am I going to get through a day?!
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O2BHealthy, I was thinking of you when I saw the news this morning. I hope that dust storm didn't do much damage yesterday.0
Welcome sylvialynn & Aerial - Sorry you have to be here. This is a great bunch of gals. We can be serious when we need to. We do tend to have fun along the way - that's one way to help us keep our sanity.
I had lumpectomy, rads and Tamoxifen for 5 years. I see my onc every 6 months with mammos once a year.
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Melmes, I wish I could help you. Had shingles almost ten yrs ago and I rember having a terrible rash and horrible itching but the nerve damage pain started almost right away for me and that was so very bad that that memory erased any memory of the rest of it. I had to take neurontin for a couple of years before that pain went away. I do hope you have an easier time of it.
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Sylvialynn2-welcome to the group, this is a great bunch of ladies to hand out with. My diag is very similar to yours. My tumor was a 1.6cm and a grade1. My oncotype dx score was same as you 23 but I opted out of chemo. My KI67 was under 10% and I just did not feel that there was enough evidence to really make a difference if I did it. So I chose to not do chemo.I had a lump and rads and then ended up with nerve damage from rads so will be having a BMX with DIEP reconstruction when my tissue is ready for surgery. Once I have my MX my follow ups will be clinical breast exams only. I see my onco every three months for the frist 2 years then every 6 months up to 5 years then yearly for life. I am assuming you had a UMX and that is why you will still be getting mammo's. Good Luck with your chemo.
Melmes I have never had shingles but I do get fever blisters on a regular basis which is in the same virus family. I have taken Acyclovar in the past but find the Valtrex works much better and faster and you can take fewer pills. You might want to ask your Dr about it. I hope you start getting relief I understand that it is very painful.
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Fellow Sisters- I've got news. I'm stage 1. Not only do I have a breast tumor, but I have a cluster of cells to the side of my breast which is highly suspicious- after an MRI. Docs have decided to do a mastectomy (right breast) & use my belly fat to create a new breast.
I'm scheduled for surgery on July 21. About a month long recovery (that's to get me back to driving, shopping, lifting things, etc.) Scared & anxious. I just want this stuff out of me.
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what is an onc?
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Chadneyann: Onc is short for oncologist, usually meaning the medical oncologist as opposed to a radiation oncologist.
Sorry you've been thrown into this world. Sounds like you've already got a lot of information and have a surgical plan. I also had an MRI that found two different cancers so I had bilateral mastectomy with implant surgery (currently have the tissue expanders).
Hang in there!
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Meece - thanks for thinking of me...we are about 100 miles north of Phoenix where the dust storm hit, so we did not get hit although our air quality is really low today...
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chadneyann-sorry you have to join us here but it is a great place to be for support. Sounds like you have alot going on right now which happens in the beginning. I was like you and wanted it out but realized later I really did not have to be in such a hurry. I will be having a BMX next March. I have alot of healing to do from rads and I have to gain weight so I have enough belly fat for two boobs. I've alraedy started the ice cream diet. haha Don't hesitate to come here and ask questions or vent we all do it at times.
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thank you-
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thanks for the encouraging words- you have to gain weight? I'm jealous- I'm happy to give you some of my belly fat-
btw, what does bmx mean?
(sorry, but I'm totally new to all this cancer jargon)
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bmx is bilateral mastecomy, UMX is unilateral. There is a thread for abbreviations. I'll go to it and bump it you can then go to my page and see where I posted and go to it from there.
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thank you