
  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2011
    Well i think im out of step with you sistas on the music end....Im strictly Latin even tho Im Italian and love that music too....As a kid i went through a country music thingy but it didnt last too long....In NY and NJ its either latin or the 80s music for us.Dont know anyone who likes Country and Western music here....
  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Posts: 851
    edited June 2011

    LOL granny!  I don't know many latin singers except JLo and Mark Anthony (or at least I can't think of any right now) ... but I do know my 80's music and the big hair bands

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2011

    JLo and Mark Anthony are fabulous but they are what we call the New Yor rickens.Altho they are excellent the real latin music started way before them.Tito sure some of you New Yorkers heard of him...the king of Latin music.And now he has a son who does latin Rap.

    I was one of those big hair girls of the 80s.ha.Thats when i got dovorced and hit the dance floor....seems like only yesterday!!!!!!!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited June 2011 your Italian............well how about husband would have called you the Cream of the Crop..............Love Bocelli, Pavoratti, and can forget Mario Lanza our Philly tenor.

    Ladies..........of country .............went to a Garth Brooks concert at our Spectrum in Philly , and oh my those blue eyes..........I danced and sang in the aisles right along with him.......what a night............At my grandaughters wedding she had the DJ play as a surprise for me.....................Friends in Low Places...........I went nuts............sang louder then Garth............

    Ok, but then there is Josh Groban.....................I melt when that guy sings, so I guess I'm a little bit everything.........................but I love my country.............

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2011

    Yes Ducky Im Italian....cant you tell by that temper of mine.ha.I do love those old time Italian singers.My mom used to listen to the radio all day waiting for Mario Lanza.could that man sing.Pavoratti used to be my favorite, singing all those wonderful family love songs until i saw a pic in the newspaper of him that fat pig with a 27 yr.old romping in the beach...i lost all respect for him......

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited June 2011

    Oh Granny about him..............what the hell happens too men when they get old.....................I agree and yes he was fat.........................lost my respect for Tony Bennett for the same reason, only his chick was 18......................Granny my husband was Italian..........born and raised in South Philly................handsome as hell, not sure how he fell for a Irish chick like me........................hahaha.............How many people can say they look great on their Drivers License....................he did, and I still have it.................what a loss...........57, when he died................f/n cancer again.......pancreatic................have a good night dear.........

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2011

    ducky...I love Josh G.

    granny.....Isn't he dead?

    Except jazz I love music. i love Shakira that girl can dance.

    I love country.

  • valjean
    valjean Posts: 1,109
    edited June 2011

    Renee, would the Bull Rider happen to be Justin McBride?? I immediately thought of George Strait when I saw your GD's name on FB. It's so pretty & she is a doll.

    Hugs to you! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Posts: 3,548
    edited June 2011

    I am a rocker from way back in the psychedelic 60's. Loved all music and was in a band in the 70's. Loved the 80's and 90's. Not so much the 00's and 10's but still some good stuff. DH's band plays stuff from the 40's - current (they play White Stripes??). Love Alan Jackson, love k d lang.

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2011

    I love country music, probably more than any other genre.  Many years ago I went and saw Mel Tillis.  Have lived in Buck Owens country forever (Hee-Haw!)  I used to always listen to country on the radio, but I have changed habits.

  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2011

    Oops missed a whole page of posts!  Better go back and read them and see if I am still on topic!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2011

    yeah Meece you are still on topic.....its nice to talk about things that are not related to the beast.

    yes the fat pig did sooo mad at him but could he sing.Pavorotti was fab.just from the old school Italians.they think they are allowed to do anything they want and the wife stays home like a fool.And no i was not married to an Italian...i was married to an Irish shit head.ha.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited June 2011 are nuts...................gotta love ya gal..........................I was married to an Italian shithead............he use to tease me and say..........."If you came with me to work just 1 day you would get tired just watching me".......then he would say................"you could never work for me"...............................At the time I was a stay at home Mom. (6Kids)...............I would say back to him............"I would never work for you, and in fact .........if this was a real job I do here everyday, I would quit".................................always got a snicker or two out of him...........Then he would say "you and your smart ass "one liners".................oh how I loved that man.....................

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2011
  • Meece
    Meece Posts: 10,618
    edited June 2011
  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Posts: 851
    edited June 2011

    Oh my granny and ducky ya'll always make me laugh...

    Yes Val I think that bullrider was Justin McBride.  LOL!  I am not into bullriding but my daughter loves all things baseball, horses, and rodeo!  haha!! which is very strange considering the guy she married is so opposite her.  I mean they are absolutely nothing a like at all!  It makes me wonder how it will ever last... maybe it will?? or not. Me and my hubby don't like him so hoping for the not, preferably before they have children together!

    Back to the music, I don't know if any of you live in any of the areas where you can get Ace & TJ in the morning they are a syndicated radio show out of Charlotte, NC, but they are awesome and play the more pop music... I absolutely love them!!! and Pete that is on there with them is a hoot as well!  Just wanted to share Laughing

  • 4faith
    4faith Posts: 3
    edited June 2011

    I never thought that I would be reading these topics. Not that I was in denial about cancer. My mother past 17 years ago with breast cancer and took care of her. Well at 44 years old now, I recently had a mastectomy with stage 1 found two cancers on same breast. I'm now faced with making a decision of doing chemo or not after receiving my oncotype of 20. (Estrogen 80% driven, HER2 negative). My oncologist says that it's a personal decision, but highly recommends that I do chemo followed by hormone treatment. I'm not looking forward to chemo as I have seen how my mother was when I would take her and specially the hair loss. I will be taking a genetic testing (sister found negative) just for my kids and family being informed. But it seems hereditary because my mother's sister also had breast cancer in her 40's. I appreciate feedback from your stage-oners.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2011
    Welcome 4faith - Sorry you have to join us here - this is a fantastic group of gals with lots of good information.  In regards to the chemo question, I can't help you there - I only did rads and Tamoxifen.  Like your onc said, it is a personal decision and it would be wise to gather as much information as you can before deciding what to do.  I am sure there will be others who will come along and be able to help you.
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    4faith-glad to have you here but sorry you have to join us.  Just thought I would chim in I had a onco score of 23 and did not do chemo.  It is a personal decision.  I was 48 at diag.  Just turned 49.  I don't know what your grade is mine was a 1 and I had a low KI67.  Those are all things that your MO will look at.  With a score of 23 I had two different MO's tell me it would only increase my odds by 2-3 % and the side effects would be way worse and did not feel it was enough of an increase for me.  There are some other threads on here regarding Intermediate onco scoring you might want to search them out and talk to some there as well.

  • Viranyani
    Viranyani Posts: 15
    edited June 2011

    Ducky, I'm a nun, and am not *supposed* to be laughing at all that, but thanks soooo much for the humor! Priceless. I'm with you...the simpler the better. Who needs Niagra in the shower?

    So I have my DMX post-op PT starting tomorrow, and the steri-strips havent even fallen off. Now I *do* know (intellectually at least) that it won't all pop right open again because it's been over 2 weeks, but, sheesh, it was just glued together. Is it just me or does this creep anyone else out, too?

    And apologies to all the PTs out there, but I'm nervous, expecting it to **hurt**!  Maybe I'll be wrong...hope so!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited June 2011

    Viranyani...........are you really a Nun.................If you are, I better watch my mouth.........I hope I have not offended you in any way..................I just have this warped sense of humor that I say each day .......................Be a Lady like your mother was...............but so far it hasn't happened,...................maybe tomorrow..........hugs.

  • Viranyani
    Viranyani Posts: 15
    edited June 2011
    Yes, Ducky I have to admit that I am...but a buddhist one, we're trained to be flexible and non-judgemental. And truly, I wasn't offended in the least...I laughed along with everyone else! Goodness knows we all need a laugh right now...and I would hope NO-ONE feels the need to censor themselves here. Forget that!!!!! So please don't...just be who you are and it's gorgeous.
  • tinat
    tinat Posts: 2,235
    edited June 2011

    4faith:  Hi, sorry you're here, but glad you're here...if you know what I mean.  I know this was your first post, but if you take a minute or two to fill out a little more of your info (type of cancer, size, etc) you may find you'll get more specific responses to your questions.  You'll find that even though a common thread runs here, everyone's story seems a little different so sometimes the details can be really helpful in getting good answers.

    I had two cancers in one breast (ILC and DCIS), but chose bilateral mastectomy due to the nature of lobular cancer.  At surgery more early lobular and ADH were found so I know I made the right decision for me.  My Oncotype DX was 18, right on the borderline, but because my cancers were very early and fairly "well-behaved" and because I have no family history I chose to skip chemo with my oncologists full support.

    Keep us posted and hang in there!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Posts: 2,704
    edited June 2011

    4faith-chemo has come a long way in 17 years.

    My personal situation was no immediate family with BC (altho we THINK paternal grandma had it toward the end, but there were other things happening so that was never actually diagnosed.) Had a lumpectomy-onco score was 42, which blew my whole team out of the water--they had been saying everything looked good for no chemo.  So I had chemo-it's not fun by any stretch, but it's do-able.  I'm coming up on 2 years of the 1st round - so far, so good!  The hair loss was pretty much a non-issue, especially this time of year.

  • Viranyani
    Viranyani Posts: 15
    edited June 2011

    It's great to read all your posts, and your experiences with diagnostics...I'm also awaiting my Oncotype score. The grade 2 business has me a bit concerned...but without the details, there is only the waiting.

    Hoping you don't need the chemo, 4faith...

    Eph_12, wow, your onco score!! It gave me the chills, since your Dx looks so 'ok'...and so like mine.  May you be continue to be juuuuuuust fine!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2011

    Welcome to our sisterhood Viranyani

    I also had chemo.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2011

    Dear Lord...a sorry for my dirty mouth.Welcome to the best group of sistas you will ever find.Yes Ducky and I need soap in our mouths every once in a while....

    My nephew is a Catholic its hard to be around him for a long time....I just take out that filter of mine and my family watches me very closely.....

    seriously welcome aboard....we are here for you 24/7...ask away.

    huggggggs K

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2011

    Ducky and Granny this will be interesting to watch you galls behave. hehe

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Posts: 7,545
    edited June 2011

    Ducky & Granny - Now you are going to have to behave - may need to have a bar of soap on standby LOL!! 


  • Melmes
    Melmes Posts: 38
    edited June 2011

    country...I like some of it, just not as much as my mom does! lololol

     Today I am complaining about the ACNE flare up I am dealing with! Did anyone else go through a serious breakout during chemo? This is awful! I had to go buy Neutrogena acne wash and face scrub and the swipey pads to try to do something about it - awful! But just that and the muscle/bone aching today, so I'm on day 6 of my first treatment and hanging in strong for the most part, knock on wood, knock on wood, knock on wood.