
  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012

    Carey, I have 3 adult daughters and it is one of the first things I thought about when I waa diagnosed - that they would worry and now have a family history.  Those feelings are normal.  But without the positive gene, it isn't definite that BC will run through families. You're doing a great job of being there for your parents at a tough time.

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012

    ========== Am feeling overwhelmed this week...  We lost two ladies with cancer - my first friend and next door neighbor in our little town - 73, pancreatic cancer, lived a month post dx.  Another, 2 days later, woman whose kids went all through school with mine....52, brain cancer, lived about 6 months post dx, divorced, left 2 beautiful sons college age.  And this is a small town.   It is making me more determined to get my house in order so I can stop stressing and live a more peaceful life.  To have balance, I just befriended a woman my age who had a UMX 20 years ago and has been fine all these years.
    We just don't know.....
    Hugs to all,


  • tinat
    tinat Posts: 2,235
    edited June 2012

    careyomomof2 - Of course you're not being a're just concerned, perfectly normal reaction.  You haven't had an uneventful breast history yourself so don't beat yourself up for looking out for yourself.  Chances are that you are just fine, but if your brain insists on going to the "worst case" place just know that you can handle whatever comes your way. 

    Lobular is often multi-focal so not sure what your mom's BS was referring to.  

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited June 2012

    Hello all to all of you lovely women....and welcome to those of you who are new here.....oh my, whomever said I disappear when it is rough is right...normal habit. I won't go into my long drama laden even bores me. I have to say this to you...never in my life have I felt such care and concern from a group of people like I do from all of you...unconditional...people throw that word around but you all exemplify is no small thing when the seas are rough and a person like me chooses to retreat....then out of nowhere come these small tendrils of love and care...shooting through and lighting up the day....means wise - I'm just tired...stress and crap as every single woman on here knows will do that....maybe flirting with some depression but then I just dig in the is healing in skilled nursing more than any doctor thought possible....she is my heart....I had to go to Boston for a biz trip and when I saw here when I got back...ahhhhh, she loved all of her goodies and I'd gotten her some new clothes....she asked...why are you so love to me (screw Alzheimer's...the woman knows how to get out her thoughts and I do say she knows how to phrase it so cool)..., I told her because you are love to me momma...and well, crap I started blubbering like a baby....ahahaha...I'm soon at a crossroads....she is flourishing there as she has more attention from so many to stimulate...she cries less, eats more ...she attracts people by her very nature...had some very rough patches through the healing...I feared she went down the rabbit hole so deep she couldn't make it out...but then...she surprises me and I am at the point of soon having to decide if mom stays or comes worker asked me to be honest to look at mom and she better than she was..even before the she thriving...etc....hmmm know she is but so hard to accept that as truth....ahhh I'll know another day too much to face right the meantime physical therapy is doing her great...she walks with a walker like a champ....I got her to walk from wheelchair to bench holding my arm on Saturday...she said I can't...while she was:)

    Anyhow. Sheesh I did it again blah blah blah I feel so self centered when I log on much everyone else is going through and there I go with Annette's drAma which is really nothing compared to so many others....breast cancer??? It is so dumb so crappy so cruel....I'm doing ok I guess...just can't process everything from past couple years....hub and I still doing our dance from afar....I wish I just had some alone time to process...I don't know what I want or need....I told him the other day life is like a snow globe....just want all the fuzzy stuff to settle so I can see....

    Love you all...sorry I rambled.....I keep this stuff in...feels like lancing a boil

  • Kaara
    Kaara Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    annettek:  Good to hear from you.  Blab all you want...that is what we're here for.  We all do it at one time or another.  So happy to hear your mom is getting better!

    Sending you positive energy! 

  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 255
    edited June 2012

    Anette - So good to hear from you and so happy that you are sharing such wonderful blessings with your mom!   I'll keep praying!

    Careyomomof2 - you're not being a hypochondriac.  you should ask for and do whatever makes your mind at peace.  Take charge and you will feel much better.  There are some wonderful wonderful women on this thread that can help you with that!   These are definitely take charge ladies!!!

    Joan - that is so sad.  It is so hard when it is so close to us and is a reminder that we are in God's hands.  

    Kaara, Sheila, Ducky, Grannie - love and hugs!

    I've been so busy with my kids but it has been wonderful.  My kids all play several sports, soccer, baseball and softball.  This is the season for tournaments so this past weekend I was at 7 softball games!  It was so hot here..  but nice to be able to watch her team.  

    Hugs to you all! Make it a wonderful day!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2012

    Annette (((((HUGS))))))))))))) we are always here for you

    Carey-My B9 breast issues started when I was 34 and I we found the cancer when I was 48.  I have also had ovary and uterine issues which I had my uterus removed when I was 32 but they wanted to keep my ovaries because I was so young.  Anyway I do not know alot about my Dad's side of the family because so many of them had moved to CA when my Dad was young and by the time I was dx my Dad and my grandparents had already passed.  So with my history and not knowing alot about my Dad's family health I decided that if my insurance would pay I would have it done.  If I was positive I was going to have my ovaries removed.  But since it was negative I decided to keep them and go through natural menopause.

  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2012

    Annettek, So nice to hear from you. Good to hear your Mom is healing. She sounds so sweet! Please come here any time for love and support. ((((HUGS))))

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2012

    Oh glad to hear you...and i do hear your voice spilling all the crap ot.I hope it did you good.So happy to hear about your mom....stay with us...We miss you!!!!!!

    here is my drama...i went for an evaluation for all these lumps (3) and got the dreaded news LE.I have to go thurs for first tx.of 3x a week for 4 weeks.mon,wed and friday....GOOD BY JULY!!!!!!

    Am I bet i lill bug bite did this..5 min.outside with long sleeve shirt.YOU BECOME WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT.....I was scared shitless of getting it....did all the right things....guess i gave it too much power dreading it like it was the plague.....

    end of rant....been doin it all day!!!!!!!!

    hugggs to all my wonderful sistas.K

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Posts: 43
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    New to this thread, I'm almost 7 weeks post surgery with NSBMX with 1-step to implants. I live in an island in the Caribbean called Trinidad, and my oncoplastic surgeon adviced me to see a MO about chemo. He said that he only reason he wants me to see a MO is because of my age (just turn 35). A little about my cancer, my pathology report stated that I had IDC 1.5cm with 0/2 nodes (no node involvement), stage 1, grade 2. 

    I'm really confused about doing chemo, meeting with the MO tomorrow. My surgeon told me that chemo is optional for me due to my results, so now I'm left with another major decision after deciding to do a BMX when cancer only in one breast and no family history. Since most of you ladies are stage 1, maybe some in stage 2, mu question is how many of you did chemo? The other threads I've been on have ladies from various stages and wasn't sure if ladies with similar diagnosis like me did or did not do chemo? 

    My surgeon has sent my tissues to the UK to test for the hormone receptors since on this island there's no private lab that do this particular test and I don't really want to rely on the gov't lab (3rd world conutry's public health system is a joke and I don't trust it), I should get the results next week. 

    What are you experiences and your thoughts?

  • chabba
    chabba Posts: 3,600
    edited June 2012

    The test results on the hormone receptors are necessary to determine whether you need chemo I believe.  You can see by my diagnosis (below), I am er+,pr+ and hr- and did not have chemo.  I just did radiation and am now on tamoxifen. 

    Someone who has had chemo should be along soon and they can tell you much more about that than I could. 

    You have found a great group here who will be glad to answer questions, laugh with you, cry with you and just be here when you need a friend.  Welcome

    OOPs don't know how that happened. sorry

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Posts: 43
    edited June 2012
    Thanks chabba!Smile
  • wren44
    wren44 Posts: 7,980
    edited June 2012

    Mine was IDC in 2 places, both less than 1 cm. The smaller was grade 1, the larger grade 2. I ended up with mx and did not do radiation or chemo. I'm an older woman, however, and that played into my decision. I might have chosen differently if younger. There's a test called Oncotype Dx which predicts recurrence. I don't know if that test would be available for you.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2012

    Welcome to our sisterhood Soya.....Wink

    My tumor was 1.2 cm...grade 2 no node involvement.....

    I had a lumpectomy...chemo and radiation   also Herceptin

    But in your case they don't know your ER PR results......I was 8 months post menopausal when I was are very young  my daughters age.

    Keep in touch and update us or just come here post about anything you want...

    My neighboor upstairs is from Trinadad

    Good Luck...we'll be thinking of you...


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2012

    Annette...what a heartfelt post...i missed you...So happy MOM is doing better

    Do we have a NY visit date again/


    Granny...sorry for everything.....feel better...hugs♥

    Joan...we are missing each other....hoping for September will be a good month for our lost reunion......hugs♥

  • GracieG
    GracieG Posts: 11
    edited June 2012

    Hi Soya, and all you wonderful ladies! Soya, I had 2 tumors, 1.5cm & .8cm. Both in my left breast. I decided on a BMX because my Mother died of BC & I had always told myself if I was ever diagnosed with BC that is what I would do to be as pro-active as I could. They removed 3 nodes during surgery and like you I had no node involvement. So I think, this is the best news, Stage I with no node involvement. When I saw my Breast Surgeon for my follow up visit, she told me that she was ordering the Onchotype DX test for me. She said that as little as 5 years ago women like you & I with our small tumor size & no node involvement wouldn't even have been offered chemo and then if there was ever a recurrence the Dr.s would wonder why, with our initial pathology. My Onchotype score came back with a score of 30. It is scored from 1-100. My score is considered somewhat high, but I've seen women here with much higher scores. The test breaks down slides of your tumor & tests it for 21 different genes & tells you what your percentage rate is for recurrence. My score meant my little tumors were more aggressive than they thought and both my BS & my MO said I would benefit greatly from chemo & Arimidex, since I am ER+. I had a 20% chance of recurrence without chemo, with chemo it took it down to a 10% chance. I'll take a 90% survival rate any day! I had 4 rounds of Taxetore and Cytoxin given every 3 weeks.

    I would ask your Dr.s if this test is available to you, to help you make the best decision.

    All the best -


  • tinat
    tinat Posts: 2,235
    edited June 2012

    Soyaandpepper - Hi, good to see you pop up on this thread!  We shared some PMs about surgical support meshes.  My MO first ran my info through a program called Adjuvent Online, which is a statistical database for helping to decide about chemo.  I also requested the Oncotype DX, which she gladly ordered.  This is the genomic testing of the actual tumor.  The numbers came out a bit higher, putting me right at the low border of the intermediate (chemo may or may not be helpful) range.  I crossed my fingers and opted out of chemo with MO's blessing.  I had bilateral nipple-sparing MX and I'm on Arimidex.

    Granny - DANG IT!!!!!

    Annette - Sorry life continues to be so crazy for you.  I loved what you said about the snow globe....very poetic.  I hope things smooth out for you.  Your mom sounds like a sweet, gentle soul.  Hugs to all of you... 

  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012

    ((( Annette )))   I have thought of you often and know you have a lot going on.  So nice to come back here....always!

    Granny, darn LE!  I do not understand about the bites - any inflammation or disturbance can trigger it?  I am glad that you see the PT as the route to the end of LE.  I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

    Soya, to join the chemo/no chemo discussion, it was a very hard decision but i got 2 second opinions that made it easy.
    My dx is below, and my oncotype score was 13 i think...MO called it borderline or medium and chemo was up to me.  The other 2 MOs said no chemo - score was low.  I went with no chemo and committed to full breast radiation and AI drug.
    However, age is a factor and you may get a different treatment plan just based on that.  Learn as much as you can and you will be able to feel comfortable with your decision.

    Hawk, thank for your empathy.  It is a hard week, and it is taking its toll on my emotions.
    Nite all,


  • joan811
    joan811 Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012
    I was just thinking....coming up on a year since the bombshell of being told I have BC...canceling vacation, dozens of doctors, driving all over to pick up records, glass slides, and deliver to my next doctor of choice....
    Most of all I remember the fear and awe of the unknown - what life would be like after BC surgery....
    Well, I've faced more fears than ever before (am very anxious and claustrophobic during any treatments where I have to lie still)....
    Well, today I felt the sand between my toes, ocean smell, blue sky, and I thought about how good it is right now.  Sunday I was at a Mets/Yankees game and it was such a normal thing to do...I had margaritas, ate a foot long hot dog and gourmet fries.  I didn't think negatively - just indulged for a nite.  (back on the food wagon and lost the 2 lbs. i gained)
    Am grateful for the everyday things ...there is life after BC.
  • mary71
    mary71 Posts: 4
    edited June 2012

    soyyandpepp--Welcome. Sorry you have to be here but you've found a great support system. Like others have said, if the Oncotype DX is available to you that is a good predictor of your recurrance rate and how well chemo will benefit your specific tumor. That being said....even though my score came back fairly low, I had already made up my mind to go through chemo for many reasons. I'm a bit older than you--my 41st birthday was my diagnosis. I have no family history of the disease and no other health issues. My tumor was under 1cm IDC and I had a lumpectomy. I waited just over 2 months to get in to see my oncologist and get the result of the Oncotype DX. Waiting that amount of time made me nervous..what if something was missed. What if there were cancer cells that were traveling. Even one that ended up being missed by localized radiation could mean a recurrance in the following years. Additionally, as advanced as the Oncotype is, I don't believe it can be completely accurate in younger women. Breast cancer is typically an "older" woman's disease and for me I felt strongly that I shouldn't have gotten it to begin with. Chemo for me is a 4 round cycle. 4 times, 3 weeks apart and because I went into it without any other health issues I knew that my chances of tolerating it were good. I'm more than halfway done now and would definitely make the same decision for myself again. For me, it was peace of mind. If I do have a recurrance, I'll know that I did everything I could first time round. As you probably already know, the first occurance is your real chance to "throw everything at the beast". If it does come back, your options may be more limited.

    Now, you have had a mx so that is different than me. And you also had a bigger tumor. But you are younger. All of these things you need to hash out with an oncologist that you can trust. Get as many opinions as you can and do what you feel is right even if you're being told differently. For the first time in my life, I found that I could have some say in my medical treatment. That is very important.

    Good luck to you and feel free to PM me if you'd like.

  • annettek
    annettek Posts: 1,160
    edited June 2012

    You all are beautiful and thnk you so much for the heartfelt wishes....

    To the newcomers...sadly there are so many of you...I wish there was not one new person ever diagnosed with bc.....since that is not the case, let me say how grateful I am you found this would be hard pressed to fine a more informed love filled group of women anywhere...eager to help and light the way to health.....

    Granny....sorry about the le....dammit....the gift that keeps giving

    Which is why wren and Joan are so's the normal things we find ourselves doing once more that beats this damn bc......whatever it is that is normal for find ourselves doing something without thought of bc....that is the cure to me.....ever since I moved I this house two years agoi wanted to wash every single linen I owned and match everything up.....not sure why but I wanted to caught up and no chance of that ...well, I did it this weekend...and I hate folding fitted sheets! It took hours and hours and I sweated and botched and was so utterly happy when I folded the last one and stuck it in the closet.....or ripping up the waterfall garden like a bull! Started that on Sunday....100 degree heat and as the sweat poured down it felt good...not done yet...but you get my drift.....our lives were interrupted...harshly.....and it appears for the bulk of us the first time it ever centered on us is heartbreaking yet somehow easier to take care of others when they are in need...but ourselves....ack! That's a whole 'nother beast....almost foreign ...but we do...and god willing we find ourselves I the time and place again to enjoy that hotdog...or even just do the chores....each bit of normal is a win,,,,,,,,

    I want that for each of you today...a spot of normal.......

    Love ya and excuse the weird typing since on my iPad as I spilled my diet coke on my laptop...sheesh:) but you know what...when I did it after throwing a totalhissyfit....I said to myself...hey it's not bc......

  • Kaara
    Kaara Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2012

    granny:  So sorry about the LE...unbelievable that a bee bite could do that!  I'm very careful now when I go out in the yard.  I can no longer sit on my deck until dusk because the bees love me and I can't afford to get stung.  The year I got stung by five of them, I got shingles!

    soya:  Ditto the oncotype test...insist on it!  It's the one way you know what your percentages of recurrence will be and whether or not chemo is in order.  If the onco is not available to you, then because of your age, a course of chemo might be the best insurance.  Don't take have a long life ahead of you.  Definitely take the  tamoxifen for five years to prevent recurrence.

    Joan:  I'm in almost the same spot as you...looking at one year ago when my life was carefree and I had no worries until I got that call to go back in for more tests...ugh!  The good news is that it's all behind us and we can move forward now.  I don't really think about it coming back...I just stick to my diet and supplementation program and live life as I did before.  Beyond that I have no control, so why worry.  It is what it is. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited June 2012

    Soya I was 48 at diag and pre menopausal.  My tumor was 1.6cm.  You can see my stats below but I would also recommend the oncotype DX if you can.  Also my KI67was under 10%.  I got two opinions and both said they felt the SE of chemo would be worse than the benefit I would receive  but the decision was up to me.  I opted out.  Once you get the rest of your path reports back it will help you make a better decision.

  • hawk
    hawk Posts: 255
    edited June 2012

    Joan - Amen :-)

    Granny - So sorry about the LE  - that stinks.  Hopefully the therepy will work quickly.

    Kaara - I wish I could be as dedicated to my diet as you are.  You must have incredible willpower.   

    Soya - I agree with everyone else - insist on the Oncotype test.  

  • tinat
    tinat Posts: 2,235
    edited June 2012

    Joan811 - These "anniversaries" can be difficult, but good to read how you know life is still good and there's lots of it left to be lived!  Glad you had a lovely day...

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Posts: 5,856
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone...Annette---will you be comin our way soon?Sure hope so...that long overdue reunion is waiting for YOU.yeah you..

    Joan---thanks for the kind words BUT LE is can be controlled but like the rest of this crap it has to be watched,along with daily exercises.grrrrrrrrrrr.

    Kaara----it wasnt a bee sting it was one of those teeny tiny bug that you can hardly see.And it bit me on my hand.

    Hawk---Yeah the PT will keep it under control but i will have to do a lot of work on my own....

    Damn this suks.

  • Soyaandpepper
    Soyaandpepper Posts: 43
    edited June 2012

    Hey ladies,

    Thank you all for your response to my MO concerns, I went to the MO this morning and posted the details of my visit in another thread "2012 sisters", I would like you all to read it and give me your input but its a really long response and don't think that rewriting it here is possible unless someone here show me how to cut and paste from the other thread cause I don't know how to do that here.

    Please go to the thread IDC(Invasive Ductal Carcinoma) -2012 sisters to read my detailed post on going to see my MO posted a few minutes before I posted this one.

    Thank You ladies! 

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Posts: 9,611
    edited June 2012

    Soya...I found your post....You are so clear....wait until the results and decide who do you want to be your next MO ♥

    OK....Today Mammogram machine broke so I'm going back tomorrow again...imagine if that happened when my breast was between the trays...they said had nothing to do with the machine the digital computer was messed up.......

    Well I have 3 separate appointments tomorrow starting at 9:45 and ending hopefully by 3..... careful we are expecting a very hot humid 3 days.....don't let the bugs get you....stay indoors......


  • odie16
    odie16 Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Hello ladies....

    Little late to the conversation but wanted to comment on somethings. 

    Granny - BC & LE suck! So sorry t hear a stupid bug did this to you. 

    Joan - You sure have had an emotional week .... (hugs))  I also totally understand and agree on the anniversay as one year ago this Sunday, my world was shattered. Amazing how far we have come, huh?

    Annette - Welcome back sweetie! Glad to hear your mom is doing better. I was the caregiver to my mom with Alzheimers so I totally understand the conflicting emotions at times. Had guilt even when doing the right thing. Be good to yourself and feel free to PM me if you ever want to ramble... 

    Soyaandpepper - I have similar stats to you and did not do chemo as my oncotype came in at 13 so my MO did not feel the benefits outweighed the risks. Wishing you peace in whatever decision you feel it right for you.

    Hugs to all my sistas. As previously mentioned, I am coming up on my one year anniversary of diagnosis this weekend. While at the time, my world seemed shattered, I have found strength I didn't know I had and have been touched by the outpouring of love & kindness. Truly have a new appreciation for the little things previously taken for granted and could not have made it without you ladies. 

  • laprofessoressa
    laprofessoressa Posts: 4
    edited June 2012

    SOYA- I had one lump removed no cancer in my lymph nodes and a biopsy on my other breast came back negative. Given my tumor was small (6mm) I though - no chemo! BUT I was wrong.... I started last week. The main reason I was given: my tumor was HER+ and I'm 42 this means it's particularly aggressive. In other words, the oncologist told me " if you were 70 you wouldn't have to have chemo"

    After you find out the path report on the tumor get a second opinion if you can