
  • musiclovermom
    musiclovermom Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2010

    Macs and PCs are almost the same, just mirror images. If it is white pointer on PC then it's a black pointer on MAC - check out the mouse pointers! If it is on the top of the screen on one, it's on the bottom on the other - check out the menu bars! Same goes for closing windows, left or right to close the window...

    As far as copy & paste goes. Highlight what you want to copy, you can use the edit menu  if you do not know the shortcut keystrokes... just command c for copy, then click to where you want to paste and use command v to paste. The command key is next to the space bar and it looks like a little clover symbol.

    Let me know if there is anything else I could help with!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited January 2010

    I have both a Linux OS and Windows OS.  Each one is a bit different on pasting images. 

  • jsh22
    jsh22 Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2010

    kt57...where in WI are you from?  I also in WI...north of Milwaukee.

  • Grakenmom
    Grakenmom Member Posts: 137
    edited January 2010

    Hi KathyVW and Renee - welcome, and I'm sure you'll find lots of support and good experience from this wonderful group of women.

    Happy New Year to all!!

    Gcarter - loved your poem! Mind if I plagiarize? because you said very well almost exactly what I would have said if I could have!

    Cakeisgreat - my bilat mx with TE's was 11/11, and the pain was not too bad immediately after surgery. Just be sure to let your surgeon(s) and nurses know when you need something - "stay ahead of the pain" were the words my nurse used. And, if memory serves, you're not supposed to do anything for the first 4 weeks or so, no lifting, pushing, carrying more than 10 lbs, and no lifting elbows past shoulder-height (like you could anyway!). Your surgeon should prescribe plenty of pain meds for when you return home - keep a timed log of your meds (antibiotics & pain meds), because logic and memory become quite fuzzy at 2 or 3 am when you need another pill! Congrats on your decision - you'll do great!  -and please pm me if I can be of any help.

    I've discovered that I should have been doing more shoulder exercises when cleared by my PS after about 6-7 weeks - I'm having some pain & stiffness from lack of use, but I am now determined to get my strength and mobility back. And thankfully, only minor SE's from the Tamoxifen.  2010 is already starting out great!!

    Health and happiness to you all, xo - E

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies!. Its been a quite day here today.

    Valerie how did you make out at the oncologist today.

    I hope everybody is having a peaceful weekend before some of you go back to work Monday.

    Good Night!

  • Makratz
    Makratz Member Posts: 1,605
    edited January 2010

    Good night Sheila!


  • kt57
    kt57 Member Posts: 75
    edited January 2010
    jsh22: I live in Ashland -- on the south shore of Lake Superior - AKA the frozen pond. 
  • deborye
    deborye Member Posts: 2,441
    edited January 2010

    All undecorated, it looks pretty bare in the family room.  I would like to paint the ceiling and walls of the family room but it will need staging, ceilings are really high. 

    Getting pretty windy out there, I guess we are in for more shoveling tomorrow.  SLAM BAM!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited January 2010

    The house does look bare without allthe decorations.  I decided to clean up the wrapping stuff from my sewing room and ended up doing a reorganization.  Although it is not completed I feel like a made a great accomplishment. 

    Good night, ladies.

  • Debbie68
    Debbie68 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2010

    Hello everyone,

    I just discovered this site a few days ago and have been doing A LOT of reading. I wish I would have found this a few months ago when I was going through testing, etc... it would have answered a lot of my questions. Oh well, I'm here now, and it's so nice to meet others who are sharing the same experiences.

    A little bit about myself. I am 41, married, one daughter (9), had my very first mammogram the beginning of Sept., called back with results and told they "saw something in the R breast". Had sonogram and was told they saw a mass, didn't appear to be a cyst. Had biopsy in October and was told I had IDC (I cm) on Oct. 12th. MRI was scheduled and I was told I also had Atypia Hyperplasia (AH) also in the R breast. A MRI directed biopsy was then scheduled and I was told the AH was borderline DCIS. This was not exactly what I expected when I went in for my first mammogram, but I thank God that it was caught early.

    My BS and I decided my best course of action would be to do a SNB followed by RMX and a prophylactic LMX. So I had my Bi-Lat Mx on 11/30 followed by immediate reconstruction (TE). My PS was able to put 600cc in at the time of the surgery. I have an 800cc capacity, but do not want to go that large... I was large breasted before and want to be smaller. I was suppose to have my first fill the week before Christmas, but decided to wait, and I'm glad I did after reading posts here. It's good to know that I should take Advil beforehand and have someone drive me, since someone posted that it was very sore for them to drive home.

    I feel like my breasts are swollen, even my husband commented the other day how much bigger they were. My PS does not seem to think there is a problem, but I wonder if I am developing seroma.

    My Oncotype/DX was ordered on Dec 30th, so I am waiting for the results of that to determine if I need chemo. I have 2 appts. On Tues. One with PS... he will probably want to do first fill... not looking forward to this. The other appt. is with BS... I was released from her, but noticed two bb sized lumps on R breast last week and she wanted to see them. On Friday I meet again with oncologist. I will probably be started on Tamoxifen.

    My ONC also mentioned the BRCA test and recommended I have them done, but I went to a Q/A session lead by my BS back in Nov. and she said there is still a lot of controversy about these tests because of privacy laws and discrimination. On one hand I would want to know, but on the other I don't if is going to cause discrimination problems for my daughter in the future. Have any of you had problems or heard of this?

    A Happy and Healthy New Year to all!


  • Debbie68
    Debbie68 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2010

    Hi Meece,

    We took all of our Christmas decorations down yesterday.  It's always sad for me to do, even more so this year, but I do enjoy getting my house back in order at the same time.  Way to go on getting the sewing  room reorganized!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited January 2010

    Welcome Debbie.  I have a hint for you here.  Until you have posted 50 times, you are limited to 5 posts a day I believe.  Try to post those every day, so you will be able to cruise around here and get your questions answered as soon as possible. If you run out of posts for a day, I think you can still send PMs, so you could ask questions to someone directly.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited January 2010

    HI DEBBIE....I never had the BRCA test because I was 8 months post menapausal so my 2 daughters even tough they considered somehow high risk, because of my age was 53 then, the Doctor will start the the base mammo at age 35. That is a personnal choice to have the test or not but why your daughter should be discriminated, even if you test positive. Maybe someone else here can tell you more.

    You girls are quick. My decorations are still up.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited January 2010
    Sue61, I have decided next year to get a Grammy Tree for my sewing room to put all those treasured ornaments on.
  • Hannahbearsmom
    Hannahbearsmom Member Posts: 266
    edited January 2010
    Debbie68: I was dx'd with IDC in Aug 2009. I too chose to have BLM with Te placement-this was done in Sept. I had the oncotype dx done but did not have chemo. My score was 16 which is in the low risk category. My risk of recurrence is 10% if I take tamoxifen for 5 years. With chemo my risk would have gone down to 7 or 8%. I felt that was not enough of a change to warrant the chemo. I did not require radiation. I did have genetic testing done and spoke at length with genetic counselors (who recommended the BLM). I have an extremely strong family history of breast cancer in premenopausal women. Anyway, I chose to have it done despite things that I had read about possible discrimination. I also wanted to know if my daughter was at high risk. I have not heard of any specific instances of discrimination. Although I did not test positive for BRCA1 or 2, I did have 2 "variants of unknown significance". In other words, I had 2 abnormalities that they do not know what they mean. That was enough for me to decide on the bilateral mastectomies. I am glad that I had the testing done and am hopeful that more genes will be discovered that cause breast cancer and that this info will lead to a CURE. If you have any questions feel free to PM me. I hope I haven't rambled too much. TCK 
  • Debbie68
    Debbie68 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2010

    Thanks everyone for your input.

    I have been searching more on this site and found this thread that talks more about discrimination: BRCA2+ with young daughter -do you have her tested?  I will have to google more on the act they talk about that was passed by Bush.

    Meece: thanks for the posting hint!

    I hope everyone has a good night's sleep.  Good night.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Sheila~ I am one of the to be surgery ladies in this group but not until the end of the month.

    Nicole~ My seromas finally stopped after I had my implants removed and then I had to go back and have the scar tissue removed.  So after 5 surgeries I am now concave for a little bit until I healed and got all the paper work in for flap surgery in NOLA.  If I would have had a lumpectomy it would have been sad what I would have had 

    I hope everyone's 2010 is starting off right...

    I still have not been tested for BRCA but my sister has and she was negative.  So I think I will be getting it done in 2010.....

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110
    edited January 2010

    Sheila ~ I made a mistake in my post, my onc visit is Monday. My Bad!! I corrected it! I will post Monday night.

    Good night all,



  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    edited January 2010
    I was wondering if your onc was coming in just to see you, Valerie! And thank you for the compliment.
  • kcl65
    kcl65 Member Posts: 741
    edited January 2010

    Hello Ladies,

    I stumbled on to this site and I recognize some names! :)  I was dx 5/15/2009 with a "mass" in my left breast in a routine mamogram. An MRI saw something suspicous in my right breast that would require a second biopsy.  I decided to go with a blm and immediate reconstruction DIEP flap on June 9th. My oncotype came back that I did not require chemo but I am on Tamoxifen. This past year has been tumultuous, but here's to an awesome 2010!

    Kelly :)

  • mimi1964
    mimi1964 Member Posts: 851
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies - I'm just wondering... I was told by my Rad Onc that I have a Seroma in my breast from where I had my partial mast.  He checks my breast (not sure why) every week when he checks my skin.  I asked him if I needed to got see my breast surgeon and let him see it or know about it.  He told me NO, he said they take time to reslove.  That they get hard and then flatten out and will eventually be reabsorbed.  After reading many things about them I know some ladies have to have them drained, etc. and sometimes they keep coming back.  What is your opinion or what did you do if you developed a Seroma?  I had my surgery on 10/29 and have had 15 rads but I am still quite sore and tender in my breast. 



  • Nicole112
    Nicole112 Member Posts: 130
    edited January 2010

    Hi Mimi, sorry to hear you have seromas... for me this has been a constant battle... much like you, I had a partial mast... it started with lump, then followed by reexcision to clear the margins... At first, they did have me wait and watch but unfortunately mine did not clear up... I had to have one drained... not a horrible experience... just chalk it up to another experience!

    After which, I found my back to ache and my right breast where I had the surgery. I was then referred to a lymphedema clinic to help route my fluids, THIS HAS HELPED TREMENDOUSLY as she does massages on my back and breast a few times a week.

    Because you are so close to finishing, I recommend you do daily self massages yourself to help the area, they say this can help alleviate long term side efffects such as mine.

    Meece and Sheila- I am crazy, but house hunting today! We are looking for a bigger place as we have outgrown our 1600 SF house! We are so excited! I'll keep you posted!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2010

    Hello and Happy New Year to all my Stage I sistahs!

    I haven't been on bco much lately...  I am way behind, so I'll just say WELCOME to all the newbies!!  This thread is moving too fast, and I can't keep up.

    I just started Femara on Jan 1st...  I'm looking for other women who are taking AIs, especially Femara, but who are doing ok with it, and not having too much trouble.



  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    edited January 2010

    Harley...I am doing great on Femara almost 4 years now. Also on antidepressants before BC diagnosis. I think its a great help with the hot flushes, maybe not.


  • cakeisgreat
    cakeisgreat Member Posts: 188
    edited January 2010

    Hi, all!  Checking in! Wow...3 pages to catch up on!

    Thanks, Grakenmom, for the great advice.  I'm pasting it into a doc to help me prepare.

     having SUCH a hard time losing weight...want to lose 20 lbs before surgery...I'm doomed to ever reach this goal!!!

    writer--so sorry you have to deal with grade 3 IDC.  Prayers to you!  My surgery is Feb 18.

    Hope everyone is doing great!  Started out the new year with a cold (waaa) but happy to be alive!  Always so happy to be alive now!!!!!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2010


    Thanks for the encouragement!  I was taking Effexor, while I was on Tamoxifen, but my onc. told me that I had to stop taking it, as it is a weak inhibitor of Tamoxifen.  I may restart it again in a couple of weeks.  I have upped my vitamin D, though, and am wondering if the D may help with my depression.  Only time will tell... 



  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited January 2010

    Harley - my onc put me on Effexor XR knowing I would be  starting Tamox and it is one of the very few who are NOT contra indicated with I am confused. Guess I'll have to do more research...I will admit I was taking 5000 IU of D3 per day until about 5 days ago when I ran out...I have notice less energy and I slept in until almost noon today...a first since I finished chemo. I really think it does help with mood/depression and energy.  My naturapath said make sure to get the Vit D3 not just vit D...cannot remember why but you may want to ask your onc.  Good luck with the switch to Femara!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2010


    yes, I know we are supposed to take D3, as I think it's the 'active' form of vitamin D, and I just watched a film on YouTube which stated, and I may have this wrong, that D3 is converted to D2 in the body...  It's all so confusing!

    The little blip I watched was very informative.  Many of us need LOTS more Vitamin D, especially in the Winter.

    I have seen this in two places, and one is Cure Magazine, it is noted that Effexor is a weak inhibitor of Tamoxifen...    Probably since there aren't very many anti depressants that you can take, it is one that would interfere the least, so it is probably fine for you to take it.  

    FWIW, my primary care dr.'s wife had bc 25 years ago, when she was 30, and he told me that SHE also took Tamoxifen, and Wellbutrin, which is a POTENT inhibitor of Tamoxifen, and she is fine today...  so who knows??

    I just had so much trouble when I stopped Effexor.  I even had a meltdown in the Wal Mart.  So I am a bit skittish about starting up again.  Maybe I'll wait to see how the increased D3 works for me. 

    Good Luck with Effexor...  I'm sure it'll be fine.


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited January 2010

    Thank you Harley -   I am on a low dose 37.5mg of Effexor so hopefully when the time comes it stop taking it, it won't be so scary...I also take Ambien and right now i am more worried about kicking the Ambien habit, heard that can be really bad too.  I hope the increased D3 works for you!

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited January 2010


    I actually have a script from my primary care dr. for 37.5 Effexor, but since I'm not sure about starting that again, I will probably wait til it expires...  I decided that IF I do take it, I won't go for any increase in dose...   Also, someone told me that Effexor XR (which I was taking) is the capsule form, and it is harder to step down with the capsules, when you want to try to go off it.  So, I have TWO scripts, one for regular Effexor and one for Effexor XR.

    Ambien was a different story for me.  I didn't take it ALL THE TIME, but I found that it really didn't help me to get a good night's sleep.  I slept all night, but I woke up feeling tired and draggy.  So I stopped it, and now I take Melatonin.  It seems to help me to sleep.  Sometimes I don't take it, and so far, I don't seem to notice a problem.  I wanted to try Ambier CR...  but I'm not sure if my Insurance will allow it probably isn't in the formulary...  good grief!  If it works better, then I say go for it.

    Good luck!!
