Middle Aged Memories



  • otter
    otter Posts: 757

    Tiny tears?  I'd forgotten the name of that doll!  OMG -- she has the same hairstyle I had last winter:  chemo-curls!


  • Flashlight Tag!  That flat taffy candy that had the powdery stuff on it and came in wax paper.   Big Daddys.  Hot pants.  Flower power.   Velveteen footprint designs for your room.  Huge jawbreakers that you licked until your tongue was raw and had layers of colors. Rainbows on your bellbottoms, stiched from bottom of the leg to across your front.  Chokers.  Straight hair (grrrr...my personal nemisis).  I Dream of Jeannie.  Hogan's Heros.  Gunsmoke.  Bewitched.  My Favorite Martian. Baby Oil and Iodine. 

    Riding bikes, skinning knees, "don't come home until the streetlights are on!"


  • keno41
    keno41 Posts: 17

    My friends and I used to play Barbies and dream of who we would marry. I love my husband, but it;is absolutely  not what I envisioned when I was 12!! Our imaginations were so much greater than those of kids today.  I think kids today don't know how to pretend and imagine, like we did!!  Also, I absolutely loved Donny Osmond. I truly believe that our childhood was so much better than kids of today!  That's just my thoughts!

  • "Time Tunnel"  "Lost in Space" tricycles and Big Wheels?I had a Tressie doll that you pushed a button  on her stomach and her hair grew. Hopalong Cassidy? Gunsmoke when Matt's sidekick was Chester?  Leslie Gore? The Kingston Trio?

  •   We were lucky to have Barbie back when she had really nice clothes, actual knit sweaters, tiny little zippers and buttons, real fur trim. The thing I loved most about her were the clothes and the accessories because they were so real, just in minature form. I think the bridal gown was $5 and that was a lot of money back then.  The clothes they came out with later were velcro and really crappy. I got my Barbie in 1959 or maybe it was 58,  Actually, I was too old for dolls, but I loved her....she was the model with the painted eyes and the holes in her feet. 

        Someone mentioned 8 balls... I actually believed those answers. 

         Do you remember wig hats?  I still have my Beatle wig.  I loved tube tops.....we called them boob tubes.  How did I miss Velvet Peanut butter?  Maybe it wasn't in OH. 

  • My sister and I got wig Barbies for Christmas one year and we were beyond thrilled.  Wow, did we LOVE those wigs! 

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262

    Hey, OTTER.......my Tiny Tears doll was bald.........so I must have had a real early version of her, which makes me ancient in years......Sue

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    I had a Barbie with wigs and yes I dreamed of looking just like her and having a hotty like Ken when I grew up LOL.

    I had and believed that dang 8 ball. At sleepovers we would spend all night asking questions about boys.

    Coolbreeze, We played flashlight tag every night in the summer.

    I had a Super Ball. On days when I had nothing to do I would bounce that thing off a brick wall back to myself all day long.

    And I remember when Wizard of Oz and Cinderella were only on TV once a year. Funny how we can just pop in a DVD now and watch it when we want. I still get excited when I get to watch those.

    In second grade I had a small troll with blue hair, that I kept in my desk.  I rubbed his tummy every morning and truly thought he gave me good grades LOL.

    keno, I think we had it better too. I know that I probably had too much free reign. I went about anywhere I wanted as long as I could get there by bus or walk. When I was about 11, a girl I went to school with was kidnapped and murdered. They never found her murderer. After that I became paranoid. I became more afraid of the dark and would move far away from any cars that would pull over near me.

    I love remembering the fun I had as a kid.

    Hugs, Mazy

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    Besides my cherished Skipper doll, I did have two Barbies.  One was blonde bendable Barbie, but the other was stiff brunette Barbie.  She was an early model with the nice pulled back hair. I gave her a shag haircut and ruined it.  Then as a replacement, I found a Barbie head in the bushes at school, with the round puff hairstyle, I don't know, but she looked more like a mom.  Unfortunately she had a dark colored disfigurement on her face, so I lovingly thoughtof her as burn victim Barbie.  I let my sons play with these a couple times (when their G.I. Joes were lookin' for dates.)

    My room was decorated with some big-eyed Keane paintings.  I had the ones of a Dog and a Cat.  I don't know about you, but the ones he did of big-eyed kids reminded me of "Children of the Damned."   (Movie--Shudder!)

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    One of my favorite toys was my Easy Bake Oven. I melted cheese on crackers, made brownies etc.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Posts: 383

    Remember door-to-door salesmen? My parents bought three sets of Encyclopedias and two cemetery plots that way! The Fuller Brush Man? Records and record players. I would spend hours listening to the same few over and over. I don't ever remember saying I was bored because my mom would find some chore for us to do. Life was much simpler back then and we had imaginations. Our dolls may have cried tears and wet their diapers, but now they walk, talk, dance and eat "food."

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262

    Elimar....."burn victim barbie", I cannot stop laughing.

    Smith, I remember playing my 45 records on 78 speed and finding it hilarious that by speeding up the record, it reminded me of Alvin and the Chipmunks. Oh, I loved my record player, Sue

  • smithlme
    smithlme Posts: 383

    I had a 45 of Alvin and The Chipmunks singing Christmas, Christmas time is here... I loved my record player! I'd put it on 33 and laugh as they sang it in slo-mo!

  • Mazy1959
    Mazy1959 Posts: 254

    Poor Barbie LOLOLOL

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    Had the Chipmonk's Christmas LP record.  Had a 45 rpm. of Snoopy vs.The Red Baron.  Snoopy was not the one singing, just a guy.

  • lvtwoqlt
    lvtwoqlt Posts: 765

    We had several 33 christmas albums and we would play them year around (I loved Snoopy's Christmas! and 'I'm getting nuttin for Christmas'). But we didn't have the Chipmunks Christmas. We also had a set of of 'golden songs' from the 40's and 50's. My brothers, sister and I would act out the songs as they were playing, our favorite one was 'Battle of New Orleans'. love the crackle of the needle on the record.


  • Anyone remember those aluminum Christmas trees?  LOL.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Posts: 383

    Yep, nothing like the smell of aluminum to remind you of Christmas! Our neighbors had a white fake tree with a color wheel. Now that was classy!

  • LOLOL!  Oh, Lord!  We had one of the earliest versions when I was about 6 - the aluminum on the branches was straight and we had pink bulbs on it.  I thought it was the most beautiful, modern thing I had ever seen.  Then, the next Christmas, we went to my aunt's, and she had a great big one with curved aluminum on the branches and the color wheel.  Made our little tree look pretty shabby.

  • PatMom
    PatMom Posts: 322

    We had an aluminum tree and color wheel for more than a decade, long, long after they were fashionable! 

    Couldn't throw it out until it was absolutely falling apart because my parents who were teenagers during the Great Depression never threw anything out that was still "good".  I still have to check any food at my Dad's for expiration dates.  Beyond actual dates, in my book, anything (formerly) edible that my Mom bought (she's been dead for 10 years) goes.

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    Loved Twiggy, and Lulu too.  If the song "Too Sir, With Love" comes on while I'm in the car, I'll sing along with every word, and heaven help the passengers.


    [Edit:  Had to get a pic of Twiggy on here with her painted on lashes]  

  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262

    Does anyone remember that song

    What is love

    5 foot of heaven and a ponytail?

    well, my husband thought the words were "5 foot 11" and a ponytail. Don't know who sang it but it was more in the late 60s than the 70s. Sue

  • My sister got a Mrs. Beasly doll for Christmas one year and I was sooo upset to be "too old" for dolls!  And I remember being so proud of the "Hi-Fi Stereo" and playing 45s and 33s over and over until my mother would yell at me to stop!  And Flipper on TV?  I was soooo jealous of those boys. 

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    The astronauts walked on the moon in 1969.  After that, I practically begged my mom to buy some SPACE FOOD STICKS.  It was astronaut energy food.  Wash it down with TANG!


    Made by Pilsbury.  My favorite was Chewy Carmel.
  • sue-61
    sue-61 Posts: 262

    TANG! another yummy; thanks for remembering........altho not sure I liked it! Sue

  • How about Mystery Date?  I had a Mystery Date metal lunchbox that had a game piece that was a magnet.  I loved it!

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    Mystery Date, yup, I cheated so I could date the DUD!  He had some axle grease on him, but looked like he would clean up real good.  Never did go for the blond prepsters, white tux or no.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Posts: 383

    Poindexter was his name!

  • elimar
    elimar Posts: 5,890

    Are you sure?  Wasn't that the nerdy one?  I liked the mechanic-looking one.

  • Tang and Space Food Sticks--YES!  I wonder if TANG is still around?  I'll have to look next time I'm in the grocery store.  I still have the Barbie I got as a child, one of the very first models to come out my mom tells me.  I've got an entire wardrobe of clothing mom knitted for me for Christmas one year.  I still have the whole collection of clothes she made over the years somewhere in the basement.  Is Noxema still around?  I remember slathering that on my face every night to fight acne.  I'm not sure I even had acne or if it helped, but I remember the smell--loved it!