The dumbest things people have said to you/about you
Well said Leah.
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"Own it"? "embrace it"? WTF???????
Whenever someone mentions "your cancer" to me I blow up! It's not MY cancer. I did not go out and find it. I did not go out an buy it. I'll be happy to give to anyone who wants it. The cancer belongs to the doctors/nurses/etc who are making a living off it.
If it isn't "my" cancer, why on earth should I "embrace" it?
That person needs to have her head handed to her. I'll be glad to help.
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I get upset when I hear how courageous I am. What's the alternative?
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I got this message from my cousin: "Hope you are well. My friend Jane lost her battle with breast cancer last night."
Gee, thanks for that. This cousin has been doing her best to get thrown off my bus; I think she just succeeded. (It's not that I don't care about her friend, but I don't even know this woman! If she were a mutual friend, of course I'd want to know about her death, but good grief, I didn't even know Cousin HAD a friend named Jane!)
And I join the rest of you ladies in having no intention of "embracing" cancer. It's hard to embrace a thing while trying to kick it in the butt.
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I agree with Artemis!
I "embrace" my children, my husband, my family and friends. I can "embrace" people who say stupid things, BUT I will not "embrace" this monster called cancer. It invaded me. I have nightmares. I still have the battle scars. Why would anyone want to say, "Embrace it" has earned his/her ticket to be under everyone's bus...continually.
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Candy -- I agree with your appraisal of the commentator and "embracing" cancer. No doubt she'll hear about it! But, I always have to remember that these folks are mere talking heads -- by and large they don't write their own stuff, it comes out of the heads of staff writers who are usually young, with very little life experience, then it goes on the teleprompter and then out in the "air".
Frankly, I'm SO not impressed with the media these days! So little research, so little thought. They're only concerned about ratings and advertisers. Ugh!!!
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CandyB, Leah_S, NativeMainer, Claire82, Artemis and veggy- You are the ones they should have on the Today Show. Maybe you could have slapped the stupid out of that commentator chick. Now that I would get up early to see!!!
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We could all go together in the bus. Who wants to drive?
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Artemis -
the workings of your cousin's mind - Hey don't I know someone else who has the same disease my friend just died of ? YES! My cousin! haven't thought of her in a while! ring ring! Cousin, feel sorry for me, my friend Jane died of the same disease you have, are you dead?
put the snow chains on the wheels of your bus before you throw her under it.
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I'll drive. I'll drive... LOVE to drive! I'll do it> Plus I just completed the 'training' to volunteer drive for the American CS. Does that make me legal to drive all of us BC people? MMMmm. We're gonna need a bigger bus for this.
So Congrats to Ladyin bama too. We did it! I got to ring the bell again today after last Neulasta shot. Phew! Here's hoping for few SE's in the next few days.
sictst12 and Artemis- Sorry to hear that you have too quickly come across the stupid people out there who don't have breast cancer. Fortunately, we are all cancer vixens (Yeah!) and are learning very quickly how to deal with such folks.
Re newsreaders- OMG! Thats why TV i s such cr--.
Another day tomorrow girls find something to enjoy!
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Tomorrow I get hooked up to a heart monitor for 24 hours. Fun! Fun! Fun! Chemo's fault.0
Oh Veggy- poor thing... Ok So take along all the stuff you wanted to do but never get around to.
Mail? Y'know real letters- write a couple to those you want to, sorting out those buttons? A new address book. That sweater you wanted to unravel, that book you always wanted to read. Just a few ideas to help you out. Try to make themost of it. You'll get through. Your a strong woman!
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is this the bus we'll use???
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hmm this ones' better to throw em under..get er done!! 3jays
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to slct12 &Artemis...3jays0
3jaysmom- I love your bus! We need a whole fleet of them!
I'll be sent home with the monitor and I have to do the same routine I usually do and keep a diary. I can have a lot of fun writing the diary. I can drive them nuts writing the stupidest things.
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slc....early on in my journey my mother also made some sort of comment about what she did to deserve it....but other than that I have to say my mom has been great!!! I know that she was hurting....she always asks how I'm doing....I usually say "okay' time she told me that she didn't believe me but oh well...she was right, but I try not to tell her anything as it just makes her worry more....its just aches, pains, depression etc.
Embrace BC....NEVER!!!! I didn't ask for it, didn't want got dumped on me....we have to deal with it to get through Tx, but we don't have to embrace it....that dumb a@@ lady!!!
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Jelson ~ haha!! You are cracking me up, and yes, that's just about the way her mind works. Right after my diagnosis, she said to me, "Oh, I just know I'm next..." To be honest, we'd had three cancer deaths in two years in our family, so I understood her fear, but gee whiz...don't make MY situation all about you!
Love you, ladies! Keep the stories coming; it's good to know we're not alone in dealing with The Stupid! Once again, many thanks to Day for starting this thread.
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Kate33-for a chance to slap the stooped out of some perky chicklet who would tell me to "embrace" this crap I would get up early! Hmmm, I wonder if there's a way to get onto one of these shows?
Veggy, outsidethebox-I'll bring the GPS and navigate. Better get the heart monitor thing over with BEFORE we go on this little excursion-too much excitement will make the report too hard to read!
Jelson-I think I know where I can lay hands on some heavy-duty snow chains designed for the big rigs, I think those would be most appropriate.
3jays-PERFECT bus for this little jaunt!
Artemus-there are always a few people around who think life is all about them. What is truly sad is when they think that they are compassionate and caring people, not realizing they don't have a real clue, and don't even suspect one!
Britchick-wish I'd had someone like you back in the beginning of my bc journey. Took me months to find medical people who really cared, and got a lot of pain in the process.
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I love this thread!!! All of you take the bad and make something good out of it. I guess what I am trying to say is the good is just being here for each other. The support everyone gets is absolutely the best. This is a thread that you can come to when you are having a bad day and it makes you laugh, it makes you cry, then it makes you laugh again. I just want to Thank each one of you. May each one of you be Blessed,
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NativeMarine - That would be awesome. The pattern for my heart beat would be in the shapre of an evil smile. Can't wait to see if the nurses have anything stupid to say today. Now to remember some of your comebacks!
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I don't think many of us behind closed doors would talk about "embracing" cancer. This is language mostly used by NON-survivors who like to make themselves feel less scared about the possibility it might happen to them one day. "Think positive" "You are cured" "One day at a time" "It is what it is"--all things people without cancer like to toss at me. Once you are on this side, you just can't believe how out-of-it some people can be,even the ones you thought were smart.
However, you guys do give me a good laugh around this topic, and for that I THANK YOU.
Breast cancer survivors are more highly evolved.
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3jaysmom- Out of ALL of your buses that is the most perfect one of all!!!! Great clearance so we can double stack 'em as we throw them under!
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Congrats to all of the finishers!
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Nothing stupid said at my appointment.
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I sing in a choir at church. During our Wednesday night rehearsal time, we always have a time of prayer where we can ask for prayers for ourselves or others. A week ago, I asked for prayer because I was going in for my mammogram and 1 year check up after diagnosis.
This week at practice, this one lady asked me how my tests and visit went. I told her all was well-mammogram was clear and tests were good. She then proceeds to tell me, "Oh, I've been meaning to tell you....I have a friend who got breast cancer about 5 years ago, and she just found out her lungs are full of cancer." WTF!!!!! I didn't know what to say at the time, but shared her comment with a good friend, and we both laughed because it was so morbid. Later, I realized I should have said, "Why on earth would you think I would want to hear about that, especially now???"
The only pass I'll give this woman is that she is over 80 and seems to be developing dementia.
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Veggy.. thanks. im glad you enjoy the buses. i know i love them!! just mumbling under the bus when i get upset does it for me! by the way, the "old hollywood glamour shot" on your avatar is gorgeous! wish i could pull that off (never happen ) 3jays0
I have had a few very hurtful, dumb things said to me over my 6 year journey. Here are a few of the worst.
When I was dx with stage 3, my sister said "I don't know why you are so upset, it will take a couple of years to kill ya'"
When I came home today from my very last physical with my oncologist (since its 5 years since treatment) and I now stop aromasin, I said to my husband, I am now cut loose, no more treatment.And he said " well, if it comes back, just remember we all have to die of something"
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wallan - I expect a party when I am officially finished with treatment. If my DH says anything like that to me (and that is likely given his history) I will tell him that he may not die from being smacked with a frying pan but if it comes back he'd better duck!
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That sucks you can't depend on anyone in your family. I can't recall - do you have a car of your own? If so, I wouldn't think the areola tattooing would be anything you'd not be able to drive yourself home from. I'm getting mine done Dec 17.