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  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619

    I left out a word- the PS said he would NOT consider operating on me for at least 6 mod!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Asb: I think that I would rather go with Allergan or Mentor smooth silicone rounds.  You are petite...and Sientra implants tend to be tall on the chest wall....tend to have upper pole fullness that might not look as natural as smooth silicone rounds.  Let me know what style and volume of TEs you end up with and we can go from there.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    Deb,  Did you get the photos I sent to your email?  Let me know if you did not.  I was using an email address I don't normally use--my smartphone.  If you did get the email, I sent my primary email address..  Just had trouble trying to send from my laptop since the pictures were on my smartphone.  If you don't get them, I will transfer the pictures to my laptop and try sending using my primary email.  Just let me know.  You can PM me if you did not get them.

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156

    BCnotforme....I don't have anything to ADD to the advice you have already given...I would just like to support the advice.  It would be easier if you didn't like your PS's attitude, but, they said, cancel all appointments and move on.  This is YOUR body and YOUR health.  Mr. nice guy isn't thinking clearly!  Best of luck to you with your new PS.  It sounds like he/she has a good plan for you. 

  • mnmbeck
    mnmbeck Member Posts: 156

    Just added pictures on the picture forum....2 weeks since my exchange surgery today!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Dwill:  Uh oh.  I DID respond and just hit "reply" to that email address.  I think I was supposed to send them to an alternate email....and I forgot to do it.  So sorry.  I am going back to do that right now!

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    Whippetmom, ok, ok, I will run! But seriously, thank you for your honesty. I get all hazy when thinking about this and just want it done. Which is obviously clouding my judgement as well. I have a follow up with Delozier this week because he wants to check for fluid, and will start expanding if he can.  I sure wish I could get on the picture forum because I think my before and after pics will be amazing and give other women hope! I'll try again...

    Thank you again, whippetmom. I needed to hear your voice!

    Any instruction on kind of smooth round silicone? I can send sizes, pics so you don't have  to look back up ...

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    thank you mmbeck! All voices mean so much to me in gathering strength to move on. I know it sounds silly to struggle with changing PS's.... Just wanted to say thank you for weighing in and for your support.

    I wish I could see your pics! Congrats on being 2 weeks out. Are you feeling back to,yourself? full energy? any drop and fluff?  I'm trying to get on Pic forum.

    Thank you again.

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    wow, babs6287, 6 months. I should clarify, my PS did have me on antibiotics after exchange surgery, and switched my antibiotics to a stronger one following IV treatment and surgery on infection. But new  PS said I need to continue antibiotics for longer. Old PS took me off the this week when drain came out. But I went right to pharmacy to refill that bottle!

    Have you had your surgery? 

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    divecat, thank you weighing in and sharing your experience. I am so incredibly thankful for everyone who is echoing whippetmom, and I have to say a nurse friend of mine, that this is scary to be treated medically this way- rushing surgery, going off antibiotics, etc. 

    thank you for the heads up about nope2bc. I am going to look her up tonight!!

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248

    whippetmom, I so appreciate you!   Your advice was exactly what I have been thinking. So glad that my BS is referring me to another PS for a second opinion.  I feel sort of guilty though.   Although I always worried that the PS who did my TE's and exchange was making too many mistakes..   It's been a painful process, If I am to say,  . I know-- I really shouldn't think about him. I think he knew he messed up and I really did not want to do another revision surgery with him.  Just sort of feel like I am betraying him.  Don't get it!!!   So thanks for the support.  Love and hugs to all!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    dwill: You are not betraying him! This is your body....your self-esteem, your breast cancer journey. He does not have to live with the do!   So you are moving on now, to another phase of this journey. So glad your BS is on board here! Keep me posted!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619


    No surgery yet.  I had my FG on 1/31 so I'm looking at the summer.  Most likely, I will end up having my right TE in for over a year.  This is one VERY long journey!!!!!


  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    wow, Babs. Is it because of the infection you're having to wait so long? What antibiotic are/were you on? Hang in there... I keep saying we're in it for the long haul so a year or more to get it right pales in comparison to the rest if our lives. 


  • mickwes
    mickwes Member Posts: 4

    Whippetmom, you rock!  Thank you.  I am 5'1, 110 lbs and I was a small B after breastfeeding.  I was a size C in my 20s.  My ribcage (underneath my boobs) measures 29 inches.  I had 200 ccs of breast tissue removed and I currently have 250 ccs in my expanders.  Seem to be choosing between a 320 cc or 370 cc Sientra shaped classic or shaped round (my PS will determine which looks better in operating room).  I have one more appt before surgery that may or may not include a 50 cc fill.  Anyone have any opinion on what will look most natural?  At 250 ccs in my expander I "feel" huge.  I can barely zip up my winter coat!  My preference would be to look like I have great normal boobs…any thoughts would be much appreciated!  Thanks.

  • BCnotforme
    BCnotforme Member Posts: 25

    Mickwes, hello and welcome! I just saw you joined and wanted to welcome you. Wish I knew how to help you with sizing, but I'm trying to figure it out too.  whippetmom will know. She's gifted beyond belief in this area.

    Best of luck to you!


  • mickwes
    mickwes Member Posts: 4

    BCnotforme, best of luck to you too!!!

  • Ninany
    Ninany Member Posts: 12


    So I am three days out from my NSBMX which the doctors say was very successful. They were able to save the nipples and the incision was IMF.  The PS filled my TEs to 400cc and it feels very tight, but is manageable with Percoset and Valium. They removed 800 gms from each side. The TEs were Allergan 133MV-14 500cc and she will overfill and then probably exchange with 600cc Allergan Natrelle 20.  Does this all sound about right?  My measurements again are 5'5", 165 lbs (but planning to lose 20 before exchange) and 33" rib circumference.  Here's a post op pic the day after:


    Thanks for advice, N.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Ninany - congrats on getting that hurdle behind you.  And you look good!  Whippetmom will chime in on the implant sizing questions.  It looks like you've provided what she needs but if not she'll let you know what you missed.  Rest and heal, girl, and keep us posted on your progress whenever you want.  These threads are the best small group therapy ever!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619


    I had 3 infections and the PS feels my rad side just needs a rest (plus he's hoping the FG will greatly improve my rads side) and  I need a rest too!  I was on IV vancomyacin and then oral antibiotics (can't remember the name) when I came home.  Truthfully, I am just happy that I'm BC free so I don't mind waiting to get boobs!


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    mickwes:  What is the style and recommended fill volume of your TEs?  You are filled to 250 ccs, but I need to know the width and projection of your TEs.  The Sientra implant sizes sound good to me...but I don't want you to end up larger than you wish to me, and this is why the TE data is important.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Ninany:  It all sounds good to me!  I like the TE size and the implant size of 600 ccs in Style 20 works for me...well, for YOU....but you know what I mean.  All is good!

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    I know this forum is about sizing but I am wondering how everyone is doing in recovery. I have had a rough go at regaining any strength. I am very weak and fatigued. Small walks are difficult. I was able to make it through a yoga class which helped loosen me up a lot. Unfortunately, I am now dealing with chemo and have even less energy. I would appreciate any advice. Thanks!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    mikishelley - everyone is different.  It took me at least 6 weeks to even feel like going for a walk so I'm extremely impressed you did a yoga class!  Your stats are similar to mine (mastectomy right, prophylactic left, TE placement both, 0/4 nodes).  I've read on other threads that for the anesthetic to clear from your system it takes about a week for every hour you were under.  That time frame was just about perfect for my personal experience.  Be patient with yourself and don't push it too much.  I went for a few walks but didn't start actually working out until 8 weeks post-op.

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    sweetandspecial- Thanks! I appreciate the input. I just know that this is me but physically I do not feel like me. I never exercised before and really do not want to, but I know I have to get up on my feet. I am committing to short walks at least once a day and hope to go to yoga this week. Just want to be me again! 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750

    I suspect the hardest part of this whole nightmare is accepting the fact that "normal" means something different now.

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    Definitely True!

  • bc101
    bc101 Member Posts: 923

    mikishelley - I've found that I just have to give myself a huge break. Don't expect a timeline and don't compare yourself to others. For me, this was the most surprising part about breast cancer - how you feel after treatment is over. There is information out there for "survivorship" if you look for it. Keep doing Yoga - that's great you're doing that! Maybe find a class that specializes in bc survivors. Mindfulness and meditation is a huge area now it seems. Too bad insurance companies don't cover services like acupuncture and massage that can help with side effects we continue to experience long term such as insomnia, pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue, etc. Exercise and eating right is essential to getting well as you probably already know. Seeing a psychologist is also very important for the healing process, emotionally. At least that is covered by insurance. 

    Take care of yourself. That's the bottom line.

  • Estel
    Estel Member Posts: 2,780

    mikishelley - Have you had your exchange surgery yet?  I know I was expecting to feel 'all better' after my exchange surgery.  I had read on these forums the immediate relief that some had following their exchange and that wasn't my experience at all.  I had chronic pain down my left side (cancer side) and it didn't get better after my exchange.  I actually had less range of motion after my exchange than after my DMX and TE's.  I couldn't raise my arms over my head after that surgery… I couldn't get them up there things were so tight.  My P.S. told me no cardiovascular exercise for six weeks (he didn't want me to get my heart rate up) and that about killed me because I was an avid exerciser before.  I cheated and tried to walk … but it hurt and I paid the price.  

    Like others have said, we are all different and our bodies react differently not only to the anesthesia but to the effects of surgery.  I was able to see an occupational therapist and she performed myofascial release on me and the results were instantaneousness.… It hurt while she did it but I full range of motion after she was done.  I think PT should be a requirement for any woman who undergoes a MX and reconstruction but it isn't.  Ask your BS, your PS for a referral to a PT or OT who can do myofascial release.

    I have to be very careful with some yoga poses because of Lymphedema in my fingers and hand … any of the poses that require pressure on my hands (like down dog) cause me to flare.  Be aware that if you have LE or are at risk for it … some of the yoga poses might do you more harm than good.  Here's a great resource for more information regarding exercise and lymphedema

    All of this to say … I was incredibly depressed and discouraged after my exchange because I was not able to bounce back as quickly as I wanted and I did not find the immediate relief that so many other woman have had … but it's been 3 and half years, I am pain free now, I've had to modify some of the exercises that I used to do prior to bc … but I am now back to the fitness level I was before BC.  

    It will get better … but you might need some PT to help with some pain issues.  Hugs and love to you.  

  • mikishelley
    mikishelley Member Posts: 12

    This journey is confusing, and I realize it is something we must all go through. Some days are better than others some days just plain suck. I am so happy to have all of you here with me to go through this journey together. I am trying to  follow advice and warnings (especially about my exercise) but as I have said before I just want "me" back. I know that I will never be the same person again. I have an appointment with a psychotherapist this week. I hope it will help. I haven't had my exchange because I just started my chemo. UGHHHH I didn't want hard rocks on my chest for another four months. I'll get there. We all will. It has been five days since my first chemo and for the past two days I haven't had a nap. It seems strange considering I slept away most of March and the first week of April. Recovery from surgery was very tiring, difficult and a much longer process than I imagined. I actually thought I was going back to work two weeks after my surgery.LoopyIsn't that hilarious. I guess this week will be an interesting experience. I should be away from the SE's of chemo. I am no longer napping all day, I am getting my hair cut (before it falls out), and I start therapy. Still I will take each day as it comes. One day at a time. Hugging myself along they way! Do the same ladies! XOXOXOXO's