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  • Ceci-246
    Ceci-246 Member Posts: 17
    Hi Whippetmom,

    I am having a revision surgery on Tues Nov 6. This time I had a very detailed discussion with my PS and decided to go with Inspira SSF 605cc. I currently have SCM 485 and like the width but they are kind of flat and I think they are too firm for me. So to keep the same width of 14cm, I am going a bit bigger, a little softer and will add more fat.

    Anyhow, you were so awesome when I panicked after my first exchange, and I hope that won’t happen this time. This forum is amazing. Thank you!!

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    Hi Whippetmom,

    I had BMX with DTI, pre-pec this past August and my PS put in Mentor smooth moderate plus xtras, 190cc on the left side and 215cc on the right, and they just don't look right. My chest is about 33in, my old bra size was 34B or 32C in a padded bra depending on the manufacturer, and I'm about 5'3" and 115lbs right now, but more typically 3-5 pounds lighter than that (I gained weight on chemo and don't want to drop any until I'm done with rads). At BMX, my surgeon removed 169mg of tissue from the right side and 160 from the left. It took me a long time to figure out why my implants looked so bad, but now realize that they are just too narrow for my ribcage. They don't cover my whole ribcage so they just look like a couple of oranges stuck on the middle of my chest, with the left one looking considerably worse than the right. I looked at the measurements my PS took before surgery and my base width was 11.5, height was 10cm. The PS put in 10 and 10.4cm diameter implants. The bigger one definitely has more step off at the top and has more of a void in the corner near the underam, but looks a little less ridiculous in width.

    While I would like to get wider implants, I really don't want heavier implants because I like being able to go without a bra. I was thinking perhaps a lower profile, wider implant might be a better choice. Do you know the drawbacks to using a lower profile implant? Would I expect more rippling, would they look like hamburger buns, would the wider implants cause more step off because of the difference in height from my original breasts? Or is it the projection that causes the step off? Is the wider implant going to wind up in my armpit due to the difference in height? In profile view, my current implants look good, and there is only rippling in the corners when I bend over despite having no alloderm or fat grafting over them. I vaguely remember my PS saying they didn't do anything but moderate plus and high, but I didn't ask at the time why.

    If a lower profile implant isn't a good option, would alloderm give enough support that I could do the larger, heavier implant without having to wear a bra every day for the rest of my life? Or am I overestimating the strain a heavier implant would put on my skin?

    My PS may only use Mentors but I will switch to another PS if necessary to get a lower profile, high fill implant if that will get me a better outcome. I believe Allergan makes a high fill implant in low, low plus, and moderate profiles.

    I can PM you pictures if necessary.

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S. If anyone reading this has low or moderate profile implants, especially if they are pre-pec, I'd love to hear what you think of them!

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    Ceci: The style and volume sounds good to me! So let me know what you think....4 days post-op

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Some preliminary answers:

    1. Yes, the tissue expanders are very small and very narrow. I have no clue why your PS used that style and volume. He should have used a moderate profile style if he was going to use such minuscule TEs.

    2. Yes, you know, I would recommend SMOOTH Mentor Moderate Plus style implants - 295 ccs or Mentor High Prodile implants - 325 ccs. Honestly, you want at least 295 ccs and they sound pretty darn small at that. Allergan Inspira would be preferred. Style: SCF 325 ccs.

    3. I am not a fan of letting implants just hang without support - especially with pre-pec placement. It is like a house, devoid of framing or supports, being held up by only stucco and paint. There are some very comfortable bras out there in our thoroughly modern universe. But I agree to stay small if you must go braless.

    4. You may need to get a second opinion to make sure these TEs can get you where you need to be and also, that there is not a placement issue. So yes, private message me photos.

    5. Sometimes a step-off defect just has more to do with thin skin. Fat graft transfer is an ideal solution for a SOD. It worked for me!

  • dovely
    dovely Member Posts: 8

    Hello Whippetmom, I just got my dti implants on Wednesday, pre-pecnaturelle inspira 240 cc scf. I am only few days post op but they seem incredibly firm, like tennis balls. I am tall but thin (26 inch rib cage)and narrow (I was a 30-32c pre mastectomy, though deflated, no volume left after breast feeding), 5' 8" 110 lbs. I told my ps to err on the smaller side, I'm active and didn't want to be any bigger). I’m noticing ripples/indents when I lean forward or push them together. Will that get better when the swelling goes down? Is it a size issue, or my low BMI and thin skin (that’s what the ps says)

  • hapa
    hapa Member Posts: 613

    Whippetmom - they're implants, not TEs. I had direct to implant and am thinking implant exchange. I'll PM you pictures. Current implants are moderate plus profile. Any reason I couldn't do a lower profile implant to keep the weight down? My old boobs were wide with not a lot of projection so I'm not sure why a lower profile implant wouldn't be more optimal for me.

  • Ceci-246
    Ceci-246 Member Posts: 17
    Hi Whippetmom - my PS decided on his own to go with the responsive Inspiras, even though we agreed to Soft Touch. So now I have Smooth Responsive Full profile with 605cc. The right breast looks and feels awesome.

    He had to sew some tissue to my ribs and pec muscle on the left to create a more solid pocket. I am pre-pec. It looks kind of high up to me — 2 inches higher than the right, but I think it’s to overcorrect for the fact that the left may have bottomed out as it fell below the infra mammary fold. Two young women surgeons who assisted in the revision said my boobs will be gorgeous. They are not quite there yet, but I am trying to be optimistic. I really don’t like it when I agree to one type and the PS does his own thing. I was also unaware going into surgery that the pocket revision on left would be so extensive. I came out of surgery feeling like I was having a heart attack because of the sutures on ribs near my heart. My heart area is still sore but gets better each day.

    Hapa: I had Inspira smooth cohesive moderate profile and they were wide (14cm) and fit my frame well. Looking at myself straight in the mirror they looked good (though I did have some asymmetry and needed more fat grafting for the divets left by the BMX). l would recommend them. I did notice they were heavier than real tissue, so would recommend not going too large. I would imagine that full profile would be heavier than moderate, but defer to Whippetmom.

  • Ceci-246
    Ceci-246 Member Posts: 17

    Whippetmom- forgot to note that PS added 100cc of fat to the left breast and 30cc to the right. I had 2 craters/divets on the left that had been filled with fat during the first exchange, but the fat didn’t stay. I think PS overstuffed the left with the expectation that if most of the fat leaves, it’ll match the right. His goal is to make both look like the right. If it works out the way he planned, I will be very happy.
  • MastectomySister
    MastectomySister Member Posts: 12

    I had my exchange yesterday and was able to push for the Natrelle Inspira SSF 450ml’s like you recommended Whippetmom! I think my PS was leaning towards the 415’s, but I pushed for the 450’s and am so glad I did! I took a quick peek today and while they do have that flat look that everyone talks about at first, I can tell once everything settles, they will be great. And they are SO much softer than the expanders. So far so good!!!

  • sandj
    sandj Member Posts: 14

    I just had a unilateral mastectomy (other side was 5 years ago) and did a nipple sparing mastectomy with dti allergen inspira scx 445cc pre-pec. How will the shape change over time? I feel like the breast looks somewhat misshapen but the upper pole looks good. Should I wear any particular bra to help with the shape?

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,305

    Sandj - if you go to the exchange thread link below, you'll see lot of discussion about your questions. Everything will change for up to six months or more as both outside & inside stitches heal. The hardest thing to do is to step away from the mirror. The next hardest thing to do is restrict your activities & remember "just because you can doesn't mean you should." Your plastic surgeon should be advising you what type of bra he wants you to wear and for how long. And every PS has a different recommendation. Also ask if he/she does or does not want you to massage. Good luck.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    I responded to your private message.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    Minus2 ... How true your words. I remember when WhippetMom told me not to look. I took her advice. My PS restricted my lifting and arm movements for weeks. The tattoo artist insisted 5 to 6 months after the last surgery before tattooing. I did not understand how long things would take.

    Today, it is hard to remember how I once looked when I happily see the finished products.

    Go easy ladies. It takes time.

    Coach Vicky

  • sandj
    sandj Member Posts: 14

    Thanks everyone! It’s not the first time (I had unilateral 5 years ago) and I should know this, but it helps to hear it again. It’s only been one week and already looking better.

  • borogirl
    borogirl Member Posts: 30

    Whippetmom - I had my NSPBMX two weeks ago and had Allergan style (Natrelle?) 133 MX-13-T tissue expanders put in, along with 250cc of saline each side at time of surgery. I will have my first additional fill this week. I am 5'2, weigh about 170, ribcage circumference of 38, and I used to wear a 38B bra, and they look out 266.6 grams of tissue on left side and 270.6 grams on the right. I don't know what type of final silicone implant PS plans to use, but in researching the 133 MX-13-T I see that they often pair these specific TEs with either Natrelle Inspira SRF-485 or Natrelle 410 MF-410470. I'd like to be a little bigger in cup/projection size than I was naturally, but don't want to have to necessarily get all new clothes. Suggestions?

    Also, before MX I made my own implant samples sizes using the rice method and knee high hose. It was a great way to get a "feel" of how big a certain amount of cc would be.


  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    You can private message me a photo. Rippling is more pronounced quite often with thin women who have thin skin, and prepectoral placement might add to that in your case. You need to give it time. The implants do relax and settle into the pockets.

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028


    Actually, I would suggest instead Inspira SRX 545 ccs.

  • Gigilala
    Gigilala Member Posts: 57

    hi ladies

    I don't have all informations but I hope you can help me.

    I had double mastectomy than TE

    on the beginning my doctor told me he gonna fill me until I tell him that the size i want

    Last week he told that's my last fill he cannot do more

    Now i have 600cc and they are very small

    I expect at least c cup

    What do you think ladies?

  • Imkopy2
    Imkopy2 Member Posts: 214

    Gigilala please read the header of this board....all of that information is key in deterring the best implant for your body. For info on TE please contact your surgeon, Hugs

  • whippetmom
    whippetmom Member Posts: 6,028

    gigilala: Yes, as IMkopy2 stated. I need more information. At least your height, weight and ribcage circumference

  • Munmunmary
    Munmunmary Member Posts: 2

    Whippetmom, this chat has been very educational for sure.

    I am scheduled for exchange surgery on 12/20. I am 5’4” and 125 pounds. My rib cage circumference is 29.5. My current tissue expander is the Mentir Arturo high profile expander 300cc smooth filled. For the exchange surgery he will be using mentor memory gel smooth round high profile implants with anything between 225-325cc. Before my surgery I was a 34B

    I originally had then filled to 250 after the BMX. (They ended up removing 50cc on the left because they were concerned about nipple necrosis, luckily that resolved). I did have issues with infection and initially and my PS wasn’t going to “fill” since he didn’t want to risk possible infection. That was until we think I have a slow leak of both my expanders. Since then I had 100cc filled. Now I am L-300 and R-350. The PS said not to worry if they deflate a little before the surgery. He said tissue looks good so far And should have no issues. Any thought about about current treatment plan to stay a size b. After my BMX they’d already look like they have a lift, but will need some fat grafting.

  • Julia81
    Julia81 Member Posts: 2

    I currently have pre-pectoral 600 cc expanders and I told my surgeon I don't want to be more than a C cup. I was previously a DDD and HATED everything about having large breasts. I have the air expanders and I'm currently at 300 cc, so I'm not sure how full I should go? Do I fill them to the full 600? I want to err on the side of smaller, but I still want some cleavage and to be proportionate. I showed him a picture of what I have in mind since I'm really not sure what a C cup actually looks like, it just sounds right. He said the picture tells him I don't mind the round shape.

    I have air expanders and I'm currently at 300 cc, so I'm not sure how full I should go. Do I fill them to the full 600? I'm 5'6", 150 pounds, with a 34" rib circumference. What would you recommend for me please?

  • Julia81
    Julia81 Member Posts: 2

    Hi Whippetmom -I currently have pre-pectoral 600 cc medium Aeroform expanders (model #BR140-600). I told my surgeon I don't want to be more than a C cup. He uses Mentor implants. I was previously a DDD and HATED everything about having extra large breasts. I'm currently at 350 cc and I'm not sure how full I should go to get the size I want. I want to err on the side of smaller, but I still want some cleavage, some projection, and to be proportionate. I'd like to be able to wear tank tops without a bra and not look sloppy . I showed him a picture of what I have in mind since I'm really not sure what a C cup actually looks like, it just sounds about right. He said the picture tells him I don't mind the round shape. I can PM you the picture of what I have in mind if that helps.

    I'm 5'6", 150 pounds, with a 34" rib circumference. What would you recommend for me please?

  • borogirl
    borogirl Member Posts: 30

    Whippetmom - PNSBMX surgery was a month ago and filled so far to 350 cc each side. When I met with PS yesterday, and was planning to get another 50 each side, he told me he usually puts in a final implant (round silicone gel - brand and style TBD) that is up to 100 cc more than TEs final fill size. I want to be a little larger than I am right now, and was planning to stop at the 400 cc mark, but he made me wary of getting anymore yesterday lest the final implant then be too large. On Nov. 29 you recommended SRX 545, and he's saying he would probably do a final implant of 450cc. Two questions - is that usual to put in a final implant 100 cc larger than TE fill, and does a 450 final implant look larger or smaller than 450 TE? I felt very unsure of what to do yesterday, although he said if I do decide I want to increase and get another fill (like I originally planned) we can still do it anytime between now and 2-3 weeks before my exchange surgery date of 2/8/19. I don't want to go too large, but don't want to waste the opportunity after going through all this to be a cup size or more larger than I was originally. I so appreciate your insight. If only there was a computer program that would generate VISUALS specific to each of us.

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    As I prepare for my 2nd exchange on Monday, I have been gathering my important documents and reminders from last surgeries and other items...found this in the pile of items, written a year ago thanksgiving when I was still deep into the throes of the incorrect surgery that took place:

    thanksgiving thankfulness:

    I am thankful I can email Whippetmom and she always finds time to email me back.

    I am thankful I am not diseased anymore.

    I am thankful I only have to look at my potentially failed reconstruction once a day - when getting out of the shower.

    I am thankful my rcn is man made and has nothing to do with the nice beautiful person I am.

    I am thankful my physical activity, mind and ability has not been affected by any of this.

    I am thankful I am a stronger person from this.


    P.S. surgeon planning on putting in SRX700...what whippetmom suggested 2 years ago...finally!

  • mactaz
    mactaz Member Posts: 592

    Hi Whippetmom - was hoping to get some feedback on my PS selection of TE and just some thoughts on his comments for a implant. I am having a UMX of right breast and probably breast reduction and lift on left breast.

    First, my measurements are as follows:
    Height: 5' 4 1/2"
    Weight: 132 but that is low due to chemo. I am hoping to retain weight around 135.
    Rib cage circum: 31"
    Current bra size, I know this isn't much help, is 34 DD. My right breast, which will have the mastectomy, is larger. I'm hoping to go down to a C or small D.

    My PS uses Allergan for both the TE and the implant.
    TE: He said he would be using Allergan TE 133FX, tall, extra projection.
    Implant: Allergan gelfilled smooth cohesive silicone round. He will select size based on where we end up with the fills in the TE and will bring in several shapes and sizes of implants to best match the left breast.

    Let me know if you need anything further, thanks so much.

  • coachvicky
    coachvicky Member Posts: 984

    TrmTab ... that is one beautiful post. Best wishes and prayers for you on Monday.

    Coach Vicky

  • trmtab
    trmtab Member Posts: 863

    Had my exchange today and am resting in a hotel overnight as my home is 1.5 hrs away and didn't want the bumpy ride and the 83 y.o. mother who now lives with us and would be having a cow over my condition and not let me rest!

    I am good.  They only used a high strength Tylenol during surgery (plus anesthesia of course) and I am just taking Tylenol now. I do have the hard stuff, but if I can do okay with Tylenol (which I did at MX and first exchange) so much the better.

    I am supposed to see the PS in two weeks...but that is New Year's Eve, so don't see her until Jan 2, Yikes!  I do have emergency contact and my PCP at home knows I may reach out to her...but have all good thoughts so far!

    Only walked 6K, so far, but that seems okay given the procedure...walking up and down the hotel hallway, and was okay enough to go into supermarket with DH on way home from hospital so we could have some food supplies used the cart like a walker as needed, good to stretch my legs...the room has a living area with wet bar so I am good with the lite fare we were able to get.

    Take care all, TT 

  • JennieKeaton
    JennieKeaton Member Posts: 24

    Hi Whippetmom - here's my information:

    5'4", 120 lbs, 30" ribcage.

    I have aerexpanders with a volume of 400 cc.

    Pre-mastectomy, I was a small B cup.

    I am thinking I want teardrop shape, moderate plus. Gummy bear? Smooth silicone natural width.

    Does this make sense for me? I want to be a full Bish. Want to have a natural teardrop shape - not too rounded and not too high.

    Thanks for all you do!

  • Gloriana1952
    Gloriana1952 Member Posts: 4

    Hi! I've been reading these forums for a couple of months, but this is my first question.

    I had a BMX on Sept. 28, 2018. I had tissue expanders put in at that time. Sorry I don't know more specifics, but my PS uses Mentor products, and I believe they are 800cc expanders. They're pre-pectoral, which is what my PS prefers.

    I am 5'4", 230 lbs., and preoperatively I wore a 44B-C bra. My chest measurement is 42". I've finished with the TE fills now; they are filled to 960cc. I now fill out a 44D bra quite fully.

    My exchange is scheduled for Feb. 13. I had the choice of a 800cc Mentor round smooth high profile silicone implant, or a Mentor saline implant which could overfilled. At my last meeting with my PS, I expressed a desire for silicone, because it's softer. PS asked, "That will be somewhat smaller than what you have right now, is that okay?" I said that I thought it would be.

    However, I like the way my chest looks in my clothes right now; I feel much more like a "figure 8" than like a "pear". So I'm still conflicted. I like the idea of the softness of silicone, but I also like the look of large breasts. With your experience, can you give me any thoughts about how the 800cc silicones would look on a woman of my size? Or how the saline implants look/feel after 6-12 months of "wearing in"?

    I'm hoping to make a good decision, so I can use all the tips I can get.

    Also, whippetmom, do you currently have whippets? I love them. I work with greyhound adoption and have one living with me now (I did have two). Woof!

    Thank you,
