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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Welcome,snrise!!! Prayers are coming your way as you begin Chemo!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    thanks Kathy....

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    I'm glad you found us, snrise! I remember well how I felt last May as I was about to start chemo. God will be with you every step of the way! Sometimes I just said Jesus' name and it made me feel better about things. You can do this and before you know it, you'll be done. The ladies here are wonderfully supportive and accepting. Please feel free to be real.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    Yes, welcome snrise.  Give it to our Lord and He will see you through.  Doesn't promise it to be easy and at times you may feel He is not near but, rest assured, He is nearby. 

    Lord, I present your child, snrise, who will be counting on your awesome presence in her life as she travels this journey.  May your spirit that lives within her be her strength.  Amen.

    JO-5, I was taking 5000 iu's Vit D3 and had great relief in my joints.  Then stopped being constant with it and the hip problems are back.  So I'm now back on it, together with glucosamine/chondroitin and hope to see some relief from it soon.  The last time I was able to stop the G/C and only kept up with the D3.  Other than that I now only take a multi which also has another 1000 iu's D3 together with Magnesium and plenty of other 'stuff'.  I don't take fish oil but do eat fish 4-5 times/week.  This is all on my own.  My MO and PCP don't seem to be interested in supplements.  Saw both of them recently but forgot to ask to include Vit D level in the blood test, you would think since I usually always request it they would run it automatically.  I usually hovered around 42.  My cholesterol is slightly elevated but I think that's more due to the arimidex (that's my story!) and my seemingly inability to lose any weight.  I've been exercising quite a bit again and may also do some more acupuncture as that seemed to have helped with the joints.  Are we having fun yet?????

    Night friends.

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013


    Thanks so much...right now its kinda overwhelming...I know the LORD is in control of everything that happens to HIS children..

    Have a wonderful day!!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Snrise! Nice to have another Christian sister here. Like Jo and others have said, it's a very supportive thread. We all remember being where you are right now. I didn't handle my diagnosis graciously. I had a lot of anger due to the fact that my three tumors weren't caught by my doctor until they were quite large. They had been palpable for years and I mentioned them at every exam. Mammograms were normal. I struggled greatly with anger at the doctor and at God. Thankfully God is gracious. Anyway, I told you all that to say that whatever emotions you are feeling, God is definitely in control and He is able to handle our emotional selves. Your trust in Him is evident and God and we will be with you every step of the way. Like Jo, I find reading every little thing on the other threads to be too overwhelming.

    I was doing great on Saturday, feeling well, etc. Then last night as a storm front moved in, I began to hurt all over! I was in so much pain I could barely walk. I haven't done anything but watch birds today. I didn't even make the bed.

    Hope all of you ladies are having a good day. I am praying for you all!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    Welcome Snrise. You will find much love and support here. These ladies are awesome.

    Remember when taking any supplements to check out the ingredients carefully. Magnesium sterate, dioxins, and other ingredients are being used as fillers. I've also found soy dirivitives in some that are advertised as soy free. Just yesterday I looked up an ingredient in one and found out it was wood pulp. Ground up trees! Others I have found fillers that are used in the making of paint and other items. You have to do your homework. I research very carefully and buy my supplements from several different companies, since they may have one that that has acceptable ingredients, but thers that do not. Thankfully, I've been able to limit it to three. You also need to watch for ingredients in soaps, lotions, etc. Many say the substances do not permeate through the skin to the blood stream, but recently testing has shown that many substances thought not to reach the bloodstream had, in fact, done just that.

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Rocket...and thanks Mini1.....

    Rocket--I am so sorry that your tumors weren't diagnosed on time and there was much delay in treatment..I would be angry too...As you said God is so gracious...much more than anyone else, any Dr's on this planet, God is in control of your life my dear sister, and HE knows each cell of your body...and we are safe in HIS arms. In my case, I had a wisdom tooth extraction, after a week, I noticed a enlarged lymph node in my axilla and told my dentist, he said if its the same side lymph node, its only reacting to the tooth extraction, so I didn't go to the Dr's for about a I am with stage ll breast cancer.

    I hope you are feeling better today...May the LORD bless you with strength each day...I am dreading the chemo esp all the side effects..but I am choosing not to give in to my fears and completely trusting in the LORD...

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Dear Rocket,

    I'm sorry you're in pain today! Praying for you.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Snrise and Jeannie! I appreciate your prayers.

    Snrise, I too dreaded chemo, but it is doable. I was diagnosed at stage II also. I was worried about nausea and vomiting, but I didn't vomit once during chemo. They give you a lot of anti-nausea meds and they really help. I also handled the hair loss much better than I expected too. The synthetic wig I purchased looked just like my own hair. My Mom, daughter and coworkers didn't even know. Several people at church gently asked why I hadn't lost my hair. I laughed and told them I had. They were stunned to discover that I was wearing a wig. These were people that had seen me a week earlier with my own hair. I worked my job during chemo and radiation. I took the week after each chemo treatment off from work because I was fatigued, but other than that I didn't miss much work at all. You can do this, and God will be right there to help you through it. Praying for you!

    How are you doing Bestock? Praying you are doing well throughout your treatments.

    How are you doing Christine? Praying for quick healing.

    Love all you ladies! Was sorry to hear of the events at the Boston Marathon today - so sad!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Dear Rocket--so glad to hear you didn't have to go thru nausea/vomiting. It really encouraged me. Could you tell me what type of antinausea meds helped onc ordered zofran (oral) and Ativan. What are your thoughts on these meds..pls let me know.

    Also about the wig-its great you got something so similar to your own hair. I haven't started shopping yet..will do soon...and praying mean time for a good one, I have black straight hair (black of course cos I am from India).

    Take care. Blessings..

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited April 2013

    Dear Rocket and snrise.(welcome snrise) I am doing well, I have had weekly treatments for march but just had my one week off ..Abraxane is waht I have. Chemo is not that bad as Rocket said, I never throw up but lose my appetite for a couple of days and get fatigue, and just do not feel that good.

    When I had OVCA in 2003 I did well with  a combo of  drugs. I took ativan frequently--usually at night helps to  calm  my mind and keeps me feeling pretty good,,, I have Zofran but have not taken it yet...

    I hae had low counts, have neupogen for my hubby to give me shot if I need one (I had one shot a few weeks ago) i have low white and Neutrophilia at times.

     I got a great free wig from local Cancer center, it is shorter. than my real hair was, but I get so many complements,

    I will be praying for you snrise, The Lord will be right there and we will pray for you

    when do you start Chemo??? what is the drug you get???

    The Lord's peace is so strong when we have to go down this journey and HE just carries us as we "fight the battle"

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    I've been struggling with anger recently as well. Part of learning about food, drugs, and the other things that affect our bodies has lead me to learn that so many of the things that I had been complaining about for years were indicators of a serious hormonal imbalance, not stress, IBS, depression, pre-menopause, post-menopause, etc.; although these things were all SE's. All things that the doctors wrote off or tried to "cure" with medicine with side effects that contributed to the problem, not curing it. Would I have still gotten cancer? Maybe, but if so, it would have been many years down the road, and I may have been able to keep it at bay my whole life. Many cases of BC are found during autopsies of women that died of non-related causes who did not even realize they had a cancer lurking inside them.

    It makes me mad that so many things we were told were "safe," or even touted as healthful are not. It makes me angry that so many companies exploit our disease, that pharmacuetical companies continue to get FDA approval for drugs that have life threatening SE's, but they won't regulated a mushroom extract, turmeric or other treatments routinely prescribed in Europe. And it makes me angry that many doctors are so unwilling to look at alternative treatments, or even bother to keep up on current research. I see all the time on these pages stories about women bringing research to their doctors and the doctor asking if he/she can keep it because they were not aware of the info it contained. They treat us all the same regardless of lifestyle, overall health, etc. Assembly line medicine at its finest.

    I am trying to turn my anger into righteous indignation so it can be used to help others and not hurt me, but some days that's easier than others; especially when you are in pain. I know God can use this to His glory, but that doesn't mean it's an easy thing to do. But then again, much of what we are asked to bear is not easy. I try to focus on the positive and give the Glory to God. Like the song says, better is one day in His courts, than a thousand elsewhere.

    Well on that happy note, I'll sign off. I apologize for being a downer today, but there are very few places where I can comfortably express these feelings w/o sounding ungrateful for what I do have or where people understand what we experience; even if it is not positive. I appreciate each and everyone of you.


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Dear snrise! I am lifting you up in prayer as you begin this journey!! Please know we are all here to pray, encourage and support you!! Our Lord is with you every step of the way!!! By His Stripes you will be healed!! My onc also gave me Zofran and Ativan. They both worked very well for me. I took the Ativan about an hour before each Chemo!! I took the Zofran the day before each treatment and for 3 days after!! That was 9 years ago!! Blessings to you!!! Kathy

    Mini, please always feel comfortable to express your feelings here!!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Thanks a lot kindergarten for the details you gave me...its so helpful. I might follow the same steps...Thanks.

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Dear bestock-I start chemo on the 25th, do not know all the details of drugs, cos I am enrolled in a clinical trial, and the computer "picks"  meds I will be on...for me its my GOD chooses what medication I should be on...I was trying to avoid the Adriamycin by choosing to be in the clinical trail...and is been praying about it, will let you know soon about my chemo drugs.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    Jo-5 - I have pancreatic issues and am gluten-free, as well as having cancer, so I have to be really diligent about what I eat now. As far as eating goes, ignorance really is bliss. It's less about one food being good or bad, and more about the additives and other garbage they put in everything now. I also work for a consulting company that works with companies that are primarily organic or using all-natural ingredients. I'm learning a lot. I eat very little processed food now.

    I take a multi-vitamin from Pure Life Essence. The Master Multiple. It has no GMO's, gluten, soy, yeast or sugar. It gives me the basic vitamins plus herbal extracts, co-nutrients and phyto-nutrients. It's not cheap ($30-45) a month, but I would buy a B-complex and Kelp if I wasn't taking it, so it balances out cost-wise. I use pink salt instead of table salt, so that gives me lots of trace minerals (and lots of good flavor) but no iodine, hence the kelp/iodine need. Mega Foods is also a good source for vitamins and supplements.

    Centrum Siver is a bad one. It has aspartame, microcrystalline cellulose (the afore mentioned wood pulp), BHT's, and magnesium oxide, which when  combined with water forms highly alkaline and caustic magnesium hydroxide. This neutralizes stomach acid inhibiting magnesium absorption and burns the intestinal wall. Ow. And that's just a few of the fillers they put in. Besides soy, I always look for magneseum stearate and titanium dioxide. I won't take anything with either of those in it. I try to buy organic when I can, and follow the dirty dozen and clean fifteen rule of thumb when buying fruits and veggies.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited April 2013

    Does anyone here do the budwig diet??? I am on chemo, and just want some imput. I was eating well when I recurred, mainly vegetarian, but still got cancer. (this is my 4th dx first stage 4 ovarian cancer, then two breast cancers and now mets) I do get bugged (help me Lord) by those who have the answers but have not had cancer(YET) They think being treated by chemo is not the best way, but for me with metastatic breast cancer, I think I am doing the right thing and being guided by the Lord also.

    Thanks for listening my sisters

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Like Mini, I eat a lot of organic food. I eat only minimally processed food except for black jelly beans on occasion and dark chocolate (Dove), but I don't eat those every day. They are once in a while treats. I do eat some meat, but only grass fed beef once per week. I also eat organic chicken, but again maybe only once every couple of weeks. I like organic yogurt, beans, fruits and veggies. I do eat oatmeal almost every day for breakfast. I also eat organic prunes for bone health. I avoid soy at all costs.

    As for vitamins, I take two Vitafusion gummy multivitamins per day. They don't seem to bother my digestion.

    Snrise, I was given a lot of anti nausea meds with specific instructions on when to take each. I was also prescribed Omeprazole which I have continued to take since chemo because I get acid reflux. I never had that before chemo, but now I have to take something for it. For the nausea during Chemo, I was given promethazine, Zofran, and Xanax to sleep at night and for anxiety. I was given another medication too, but can't remember what it was. I had the Taxotere/Cytoxan regimen for two rounds until they learned I was allergic to Taxotere and then I had Adriamycin/Cytoxan. I would recommend with Cytoxan, if that should be one of your meds, that you drink plenty of water as it can irritate your bladder. The water helped me tremendously. I was also given the Neulasta injection after every chemo treatment because I am allergic to every oral antibiotic and the doctor didn't want to risk any infections or neutropenia.

    Sorry Bestock, I am unfamiliar with the Budwig diet.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Dear Snrise! Those instructions were given to me by my onc, so please check with your doctor! The Ativan was given to me at hospital before each treatment by the nurse! I hope I didn't confuse you, always check with your onc first !!! Love andblessings. Kathy

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Rocket for the wonderful info, you are so very helpful! I still haven't got the info on the kind of chemo I will be on, hoping by this weekend they would tell me.

    Dear Kindergarten-will talk with my onc before starting the meds...thanks.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    snrise- I understand the judgment. People judge me for not taking some of the meds and tell me all the time that it's better than getting cancer again. Like I don't take it just to be obstinate. They made me violently ill and I had terrible mental SE's. It wasn't just a matter of having hot flashes. They have no clue what it was like.

    I did not have to have chemo, but would have it if necesssary and I feel that God is leading me in that direction. All you can do is what you think is best for you. We have to be our own advocates. Ignore the haters and the know-it-alls. God may choose to use some of us one way and some another. We need to stand together and support our sisters regardless of our treatment choices.

    Jo-5 - I have problems taking iron too. The ones I'm taking now are much more gentle on my stomach. I had stopped taking a multi-vitamin because they were hard for me to digest, but I'm doing well with these so far.

    Even though I know I'm eating the best I can, exercising, etc., I know that somewhere out there there is some hundred year-old smoker, that starts everyday with a shot of whiskey and eats nothing red meat cooked in lard. Then  again, no one ever said life is fair.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    LOL, so true Mini! That gets my blood boiling when I see people abuse their bodies and I, who have lived a healthy life, get cancer! God never said life would be fair, but He is in control and all things work together for good to those who love God and those who are the called according to His purpose. Praise be to God for His excellent work!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Oh, Good, Snrise!! Just want you to be safe and not ave any complications!! Have a great evening!!!!

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    Kudos to each of you for sharing your stories but without judgment of others.  But that is the beauty shared by true children of God!  My prayers for each of you as you take this journey.  We each have to do what we feel is best and when we can do no more we know our Lord steps in and carries us.

    JO-5, I take "Multi for Her 50+" by NatureMade which has no iron and is gluten, yeast, and preservative free.  I do try and read labels but get frustrated since I can't remember what's good and what's not.  And, if it's good today it will probably not be tomorrow.  Just read the long list of ingredients on the bottle and noticed some ingredients that Mini1 said to stay away from - Aaarrrrgggg!  I just can't get worked up about all of this.  Perhaps if I were still in my 20's but at 64 the rest of my life is too short.  But I do appreciate reading people like Mini1 who have already done the research and are kind enough to share with the rest of us who don't have that level of patience - thanks Mini1!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Jo, my Vitafusion does not have iron. I can't take that either.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    It could be a filler, or could just may be too much for your stomach. I went a year that I couldn't take anything. It took that long for my stomach to heal. After that I re-introduced singular vitamins back into my system one at a time. Some I still can't take. I have to get calcium from food; the supplements kill my stomach.

    I have multiple issues with digestion so food is a big issue for me, hence the research. I did it out of necessity. I literally could not eat and was down to 89lbs. But I also think it has given me at least the illusion of some control that I don't feel in other areas of this disease. For me this has been a good coping mechanism, but I get that it's not an important issue for some people. My husband has had cancer and while he eats healthfully, he isn't as diligent as I am. But again, he hasn't needed to be. Different strokes as it were.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Yeah I hear ya Jo. I struggle to lose weight, even though I'm careful, and the cholesterol thing drives me nuts! I eat so little cholesterol. Today was really stressful and I ate some chocolate - too much. I will be better tomorrow - sigh!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    I came across the turmeric-curcumin capsules, it says - "natural anti-inflammatory herb is also known to help improve circulation & support immune function"..anybody tried it?? pls let me know.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited April 2013

    Yes I have tried it. It bothered my stomach so I had to quit. One thing your onc should tell you is that they usually don't want you to take any supplements while going through chemo as it can be counter productive to the chemo working to kill cancer cells. My onc told me to wait until after finishing chemo and rads before taking supplements. Healthy food on the other hand was encouraged.