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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Dear fondak-

    Its so wonderful to hear your story of home schooling your sons thru chemo, thanks for sharing with me...I have a girl- 8 yrs old and my boy is 4yrs, praying for strength to take care of them ...I am nervous and scared...but praying for help from the trust is in Him...

    Psalm 30:2
    LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.

    My treatment starts on the 25th, going to have doxorubicin, cyclophophamide and docetaxel once every 3 weeks for 6 cycles. Did you have the same medications too? please let me know, thanks.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Dearest JO-5! I am so sorry that you have these medication issues, so frustrating, I know!!! I take a 1/4 tsp of tumeric daily and sprinkle it on food, either lunch or dinner!!! I sprinkle cinnamon on my cereal or yogurt in the morning!! Not sure of the amount, but I am guessing a tsp. I hope this helps!!!

    I am lifting all you wonderful ladies here up in prayer, knowing that Our Dear Lord knows your every need and concern!! God Bless you all!!!! Kathy

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    Ok, the scan is over. Now just waiting until tomorrow to call and get the results.

    I get my cinnamon by putting it on my oatmeal and sometimes putting a cinnamon stick in my tea. I put turmeric in green tea and on chicken or in rice. If you like Indian food, it's really easy-peasy to get enough. You don't need that much to reap the benefits. If I don't get it that way, I take it as a supplement. It's easiest on me if I take it right after a meal. I get my calcium from food. It is just too hard on my stomach in supplement form. I came across one brand while I was on line that was designed for people that have had gastric bypass surgery. You take it sub-lingually, since it cannot stay in the intestinal track of bypass patients long enough to break down. I thought I bookmarked it, but can't find it. :-( If I ever find it again, I'm going to try that one.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Praying for good results, Mini1!

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    Turmeric in supplement form is tasteless. It's not the easiest thing to do, but have you tried a macro-biotic diet?

  • CCFW
    CCFW Member Posts: 570
    edited February 2014


  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited April 2013

    My heart also breaks for each of you going through treatments, dx with mets, etc.  I just keep saying to my Lord, 'please, be merciful to your children, my sisters-in-Christ Jesus'.  I know He is listening and will see you through. 

    JO-5 I also put a cinnamon stick in my tea, an easy way to get the cinnamon in.  I like the idea of tumeric sprinkled on food and will put that on my shopping list.

    Prayers going up for you all. 

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    could some of you give me some tips on what to prepare before starting will be great to hear from someone who's already been there...and for me its really an chemo starts in 2 days...carpet cleaning company comes today, with 2 small kids its hard to keep the house husband is been cleaning the house a lot too....

    pls reply so I can do some shopping and get ready, thanks.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    No new cancer! PTL. A fatty pancreas, whatever that means, but no mets! Thank you all for your prayers.


  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Dear mini1..So happy to hear this great news! Praise the LORD...God is soooo good!!!

    Psalm 30:2

    O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me..



  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited April 2013

    Woohoo mini1! I'm so glad the scan showed no mets. Is any treatment needed for fatty pancreas?

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited April 2013


    There is an April chemo board, I recommend you visit

    I was just asking some questions there.

    There is also general chemo board questions on what to expect during treatment.

    Do a search.

    I recommend you visit the April board, they are very quick to respond. Be sure to mention what treatment you are getting....mine is TC.

    If you don't get responses repost here and I will type up what I have learned, I am heading out for the night and don't have time currently.

    And also, I had written down, but of course can't find, a link to a company that does FREE housecleaning once a month if you are on chemo...(nationwide offering). .I NEED To find that link, my rug hasn't been vacuumed since my surgery (going on 4 weeks). It is so gross and hubby is oblivious.

    I start chemo on May 6th.

    Wishing you the best.


  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited April 2013

    Ok snrise,

    I found the link, I just did a quick check on there, my area is not covered! Ugh! Anyhow, go to the website

    And click on Maid services....then they are listed by state. And when you click on "apply" you can enter the name of a company they have that you want.

    Hope they are near you!


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Praising The Lord with you, Mini1!

    I used Cleaning for a Reason. It took many months until they had a space for me, but the timing was perfect. I had 3 months chemo, then 5weeks rads, then 3 months chemo. They were available to help me the last four months which is when I needed it most.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited April 2013

    I have to find out about the pancreas. May have to go to U of M. I'm going to get this figured out. I did not go through all of this to go down from a fatty pancreas! Lord willing, I will get through this and come out on the other side. I'm on a wellness mission now. :-)

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited April 2013

    @Jo-5, it's a macro- (not micro-)biotic diet. Here's the wikipedia article about it.
    There's a good deal of controversy about whether or not the diet has any effect on cancer risk or treatment effectiveness. Please check with your doctor or naturopath about following the diet along with your other treatments.


  • ChristineO
    ChristineO Member Posts: 18
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies, just popped by to say hello:) I prayed for you as I read.  I'm doing better than I was for sure.  I am guessing that the remaining pain/numbness I get will fade in time.  Maybe numbness doesnt fade...I've driven three times the last few days which has felt so strange after not driving for over a month!  I'm still in the stage where I only sleep on my back and I wish I could lie on my side but wonder when that will be....

    Blessings on you all.  You have gone through so much and I am always so awed by you all.  You deserve medals.:)

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited April 2013

    Dear pattysmiles..

    Thank you so very much for the link...I applied for it, hopefully the waiting won't be too long, they have services in the San Diego area...thanks once again..

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Gosh, I'm praying for those of you going through hard things, recovering or just struggling. I pray the Lord will keep your heads up and for healing. I haven't posted much lately because I am feeling GOOD! I am so thankful to be feeling pretty normal. I gardened for two straight afternoons. Ouch! It's tricky with these darn compression sleeves because I don't want to wreck them -- they're so expensive. But it is so therapeutic for me to be in the soil, enjoying our rare sunny days, hearing the birds sing. I am sitting in the sun as I write this. Don't worry, sunscreen applied! In a couple of hours I head to the airport with my DH to travel to San Diego to see my daughter and 7 year old granddaughter! We haven't seem them in a year! I'll also see my brother, niece and bro-in-law. It will be a quick trip--back on Sunday night. Please pray that my daughter will go to church with us. She needs a church family. Anyway, I am ever thankful to you for praying me through a hard year and I'm praising the Lord that the Tamixifen hasn't had horrible SE's for me and I feel well. Even though it's no fun having lymphedema, it is okay since I feel so well at this time. One day at a time! That's what our wonderful Lord blesses us with. Love you, my bc sisters!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Hi, Jeannie57! I am so glad that you are feeling much better!!! God is Good! It was an honor and a blessing to pray for you! Enjoy your beautiful family!!!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Hi,JO-5!! It sounds like you had a great visit with your doctor!!! Prayers are coming for your continued healing!! I don't know much about fibromyalgia , but I pray that you can keep it under control!! Blessings, Kathy

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    I would so appreciate your prayers for healing !! I have cellulitis again!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Kathy, I'm so sorry! Prayers going up! Being new to LE, can you tell me a little about your cellulitis?



  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Oh, Dear Jeannie!!  My first case of cellulitis was in November of 2010, and then it reocurred in April of 2011. I was cellulitis free until now. They say it can be a complication of LE, but please don't worry. Many women with LE have never had cellulitis!!! I think mine was a side effect of a bad kidney infection and I believe I was bitten by a spider as well. I had two unusual marks on my abdomen. The key is to call the doctor right away, and because I have it before, I have script on hand for clindamycin. I started taking it right away and I am doing much better. I did see my doctor as well. Please don't worry, and I sure did not mean to scare you. Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2013

    Kathy, I will sure be praying for you.  How is cellulitis treated?  I once visited a friend of my son's mother in the hospital.  If I remember correctly that is what she was dealing with and it was very painful.  It was her leg and it was unbelieveably swollen.  She had lymph nodes removed from cancer as well but not breast cancer.  Are you in pain?  Swelling alone can be very tiring.  I will certainly be praying.

    Snrise, Is it tomorrow that you start your treatment?  I know this may sound crazy but I'm not certain what I had as far as chemo goes.  I will get my papers out and see.  I know I did get a shot that boosted my blood counts during the first round of chemo.   I also had an iv of benedryl before the actual chemo iv. The second round of chemo I didn't get the shots with.  I think at first it was every other weeks for 6 weeks and then weekly for 12 weeks.  I'm not even sure of that!  I hope you find it encouraging that you can actually forget all those details. 

    Bestock,  I'll continue to pray for you son's family and pray also that no matter what happens God will use this in your granddaughters life to bring her a greater love and dependence on Him for everything and that she will live a life that glorifies Him.  How much longer do you have on the treatment that you are in now and what scan will they do when you finish?  I'm praying for you also.

    Jo5 I am glad you have a plan to try from your doctor.  I pray it will bring you relief.  There is a young (19 yrs old) lady who I meet with regularly.  She has fibromyalgia. (Not sure I spelled that right) Anyway, her symptoms sound so much like me on Aromasin.  When the weather changes I can bet she's having a tough day.  Now we are in a season, as with fall there's lots of changes in pressure.  I don't know about where you are but if it's like the south perhaps when summer comes it will help somewhat.  Still then, for us, comes the humidity that now zaps me.

    Mini, So thankful for your report.  I don't see how you have a fatty liver with your diet but I thankful for it as opposed to mets! you and your encouraging words!

    Rocket, Praying you are having good days.  I wonder if you are impacted by the climate changes as well.  It's a rainy day in Georgia and I have been achey all over with no surgeries!  Praying you are well.

    Love all you ladies!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    No worries, Kathy! I have heard of other LE ladies having cellulitis and was just curious.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited April 2013

    Thank you, Fondak!!! My cellulitis is never painful, but red and itchy. I took antibiotics right away this time and nipped it, I hope!! I just pray I don't keep getting it!!! I hope your achiness disappears. Thank you, JO-5, the gloves are such a great idea. I have some and I am going to wear them. Hope you are feeling better as well!!! Prayers and Hugs, for all you wonderful ladies here!!!

  • curveball
    curveball Member Posts: 1,583
    edited April 2013

    I'm retiring! Exit interview today, then use up my vacation time until official retirement May 1.

    Also, a thanksgiving. My oncologist requested a PET scan for me. It was originally denied, but he appealed (THREE times) and I just got the news Tuesday that the appeal was finally approved! So I am scheduled to have the scan next week, and that will tell me if there are any other mets besides the two in my liver. If there are just those two, surgical resection or other met-blasting treatments may be an option for me. Anyway, I will just be glad to have a more complete idea of what is going on in there.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    JO-5, thanks for the hints. I've been wearing cotton gloves under gardening gloves so my hands stay pretty clean. I have surgical gloves, also.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited April 2013

    Dear Curveball, I'm glad your doc is such an advocate for you and you can have the scan. It's "easier" to deal with things when we have the facts. Praying for you.