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thread for middle age to older Christian women.



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi all, stopping by before church.  I love Sunday mornings and knowing that shortly I will be in the company of so many other people who want to praise and worship our Lord. 

    Found this:

    Also saw something about an App 'MediSafe Project' to prevent medication mistakes which helps keep track of multiple medications and sends a reminder when a dose is due.  May be halpful for those taking so many meds it hard to keep them straight.  Says it's available in the iTunes App store and at Google Play (I still use a flip so can't comment on an app!)

    "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, Says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, To give you a future and a hope"  --  Jeremiah 29:11

    I will pray special prayers for each of you at church, especially those of you going through challenges.  Our God is faithful.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Thanks Patoo-for the info and your beautiful spirit! Love all you ladies.


  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2013

    I wrote a long post and it got lost. the essence of it was I am praying for all of you. I am happy my ca-27-29 is going down. Abraxene is harsh and want to get through and move to another treatment possible faslodex(anyone know much  about that)

    I am so glad for youwarriors I need prayer the last two days side effects are bad. I have the worst constipitation,  and not much brings relief, andy suggestions..i do stool softeners, and laxitives, and suppositories and enemas some times,


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    I am sorry, Bestock, that you are having these bad side effects!! I ma praying for you, for relief soon!! I drank lots of prune juice and ate prunes!!! Blessings , Kathy

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Praying for you dear Bestock. Prunes if you can tolerate them are the way to go. I don't much care for them, but eat them nearly every day as they help a lot with constipation. Hang in there! We're here for you.

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2013

    JO-5 I will be praying, I sure hope you can go, Lord Jesus ---touch my sister..Heal  her totally.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    Bestock - Magnesium and vitamin C can have laxative affects. Also, if you have a juicer, cabbage with some apple can be good for that. Cooked cabbage for that matter for some peope.

    Jo-5 - I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. We will be praying for things to improve so you can enjoy your trip.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear JO-5!!! Prayers are coming for relief and healing!! May each day find you feeling better and better so that you can enjoy your vacation with your family!!!Blessings, Kathy

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited May 2013

    Dear Bestock, I haven't stopped praying for you! I hope the side effects lessen and the new drug is better.

    Sweet JO-5, I am sorry you are suffering so! Praying you will feel well enough to go enjoy your family.

    Kindergarten, I'm so glad you are feeling better. I didn't know there was a medication for shingles. I got the vaccine before chemo---hope it works!

    Rocket, you are such a trooper with all the pain and discomfort you experience on a daily basis! I know you share my excitement about one day having a new body without drug allergies, pain, heart problems, CANCER!

    Love you guys and praying for you all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dear Jeannie!!! Thank you so much for your get well wishes!!!! I know this year will be a great one for you!!! Blessings, Kathy

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Bestock,  When you mentioned constipation from the chemo I recalled that was one of my most difficult times.  I recall spending hours in the bathroom thinking I may have to go to the hospital from it.  Then when I would have a bowel movement I could barely walk and couldn't sit.  I would have to lay on the bed on my side for an hour or so. And when I would have to go again I dreaded it because it was so painful from the time I went before. 

    I drank lots of liquids and took the maximum dosage I could take milk of magnesia as often as the bottle said I could.  I called my doctor and that's what she told me to do.  I had already been taking stool softeners.  I finally began to get better and continued taking the stool softeners and occasional milk of magnesia until I finished chemo.

    I will sure be praying for you.  For me that was the most painful side effect I had from my chemo.  I hope yours isn't that bad.

    How much longer do you have on Abraxene?  I am not sure what I took.  I need to look and see.  Thankful to see you numbers are responding well!  Thanks for letting us know how you are doing.  And I hate to finish a long post and lose it!  I admire you for coming back and letting us know.  Sometimes I just say....alright I'll post tomorrow!  I'm going to pray for you right now and I'll continue to do so.

    Love and prayers.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Oh Jo, praying for you right now. Maybe your system will calm down before it's time to leave.

    Bestock, praying for relief for you too.

    I need prayer as well. Today we leave to go to Charlotte NC and stay in a hotel prior to catching an early morning flight to Maine on Thursday for my DH's brother's buriel service on Friday. Wouldn't you know, I woke up yesterday with painful joints and muscles all over. I didn't realize I also had a fever. My head was aching and I had a lot of congestion which I thought at the time might be allergies. Later in the day, I had a lot of nausea and didn't eat anything. I finally figured out that I had a fever when I began to shiver and took some Advil. I awoke this morning very congested, but thankfully the fever is gone. Please pray that I am well enough by tomorrow to get on the plane and that God would heal me quickly. I don't want to spread any germs to my family in Maine either. I also feel like I need to be there.

    Thanks Ladies! Praying for you all.

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dearest bestock, I am praying for you for relief of your constipation. I know how painful it can be. You will be on the mend soon, yes thank you for always coming here to let us know how you are doing!!!! You will continually be in my thoughts and prayers!!! Blessings, Kathy

    Dearest Rocket!!! Prayers are coming your way as well for healing and wellness. Thank goodness the fever went away!!! Yes, I am hoping and praying that your trip will go as planned. Please know that you and your husband will be in my thoughts and prayers as you both attend to your brother's funeral. I am sure your dear mom will be so happy to see you. Blessings, Kathy

    Dearest Jo-5!!!! How are you feeling??  Blessings, Kathy

    Prayers are coming for all you wonderful ladies here. God bless you all!!!!

  • bestock
    bestock Member Posts: 186
    edited May 2013

    Oh fondak

    I thank you for the prayers, at times I think I'll  have to go to the hosp, but keep taking so many things ....I feel like it is bad for me, well chemo is toxic (hello) so laxatives cannot be that bad...but today the prayers have worked, the encouragement helped too.

    Dear Rocket,

    I know it is so hard to think of travelling or missing something important, I believe the Lord will touch you and you will be better and get to enjoy your trip.

    The Lord is a Strong tower , the Righteous run into to it and they are safe!!!

    I have been having numbness and tingling on face body etc, (taxol based drugs cause it) have any of you had that. I cannot wait to get off abraxane, it is harsh, but PTL it has been harsh to the tumors..!!!!Kiss

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Praising The Lord Bestock that the chemo is doing its job! Yay! How much longer will you be on this regimen? Thanks for encouraging me even though you have so much on your plate right now.

    Jo, I can't take an oral antibiotic because I am allergic to every one of them. When I get any infection, I have to get an IV antibiotic or IM injections. We are already on our way to Charlotte. Fortunately I am feeling significantly better as the day wears on. I woke up feeling rough though. I hope you are feeling a lot better too. I will never try another antidepressant. It took me weeks to get off of Effexor which was prescribed for hot flashes. I hated the side effects which did include digestive upset. I'm so sorry you had to experience this Jo.

    Thank all of you ladies for your prayers. I continue to need them.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    edited May 2013

    Hi ladies.  So upset that so many of you are continuing to have challenges with meds and treatment.  I hate this disease because although it has been gentle with me I don't like it playing havoc with my friends.  Get behind me satan, my Lord will not be mocked.

    bestock - another idea to help with constipation might be to add wheat germ to your foods, especially sauces where you won't even notice it is there. 

    JO-5 and Rocket, praying for your health during your trips.

    'Give ear, O Lord, to my prayer, And attend to the voice of my supplications.  In the day of my trouble I will call upon you, For you will answer me'  --- Psalm 88:6-7

    'My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.' --- James 1:2-3 

    My prayer for each of you is that our Lord's strength will keep you solidly poised to receive his blessings.   Hugs to all.

  • Mini1
    Mini1 Member Posts: 1,309
    edited May 2013

    I was prescribed an anti-depressant for my stomach issues (it affects seratonin levels in your gut). I finally had to tell my doc that I couldn't take it anymore. They had to wean me off; it's not good to just stop. But I felt so much better after I quit taking it. They have their place in some circumstances, but like any other medication, if you take it when you don't really have a need, they can cause many other problems.

    As for a lack of faith, sometimes there comes a point where we have to allow ourselves to be lifted up by others. Sometimes we just get sick and tired of being sick and tired. It's not a reflection of our faith. I remember after a string of major hurdles - the death of my mom and brother, family divorces, my husband's cancer, my lung surgery; all while tending young children - looking up and asking: can't it be someone else's turn for awhile? I still believed then as I do now. I was just weary. Just rest and know that God loves you and is with you. You are not alone.

    Matthew 11:28 “…Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” 


  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Love the scriptures that are being shared!!!! Thank you, thank you!!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    This morning I was thinking about you all and it came to me that I didn't finish posting.  I stopped to pray for Bestock and I guess I felt like I finished! Jo5  I'm sorry to hear you all you've been going through.  I am glad you stopped with the prozac sooner rather than later.  I hope it gets out of your system soon.  It's so true about always learning and growing.  I was just talking with someone yesterday about a statement my pastor made Sunday.  He said that the more you learn about God, the bigger the gap between you and Him become.  It sounds like the oppostite would be true but it is so that the more we learn about Him the more we see He is so much greater than us and our limited understanding.  I'm thankful for a God that I can't always understand.  If I could (with my knowledge) we would all be in trouble!  I'm also thankful He does show those who belong to Him through His word more and more of who He is.  It amazes me how I can read a passage I've read so many times before and did I miss this! Mini and Pattoo, I appreciate the scriptures you shared.  It is always encouraging not only to read but have people in your life who turn to scripture for answers to life's problems. Rocket,  I sure hope you are able to go.  I know others would be comforted and encouraged by your presence.  I say that forgetting that sometimes the family were are born into and marry into don't share our faith.  If there are those there that knew your husband's brother that don't know Christ I pray that God will work in their hearts and give you and/or your husband the opportunity to share the gospel with them.  I also pray that you will be feeling better and that the trip will not be a hinderence to your getting well.   Kindergarten,  I hope your shingles are better.  I was long do they generally last?

    My husband and I are going to be meeting with a couple for counseling at our church. He is also meeting with my son's Worldview teacher from when they went to a homeschool co-op.  He was a wonderful mentor to them and God used him in a huge way during their teen years to strengthen their faith, walk and knowledge in the Lord.  It's how we learned about the church we are at and now this man is discipling my husband.  God has basically gave him a ministry in our family! 
    Please continue to pray for us.  I don't know if I mentioned it or not but he quit his job.  He will have to go away for 4 months (it was suppose to be 7) as they couldn't replace him right away due to difficulties with getting clearance to work in the country he was going to but I'm thankful for that because he has no prospects as to future work.  His being home has been one of those santifying experiences for me and I can see where God is growing my faith....not that he will have work....I really don't know what's going to happen but He is showing me that all I can do is be obedient and sometimes that's a lot harder than I would like to admit.
    Love and praying for you all.
  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Sorry ladies....I don't know why that printed the way it did with the address things in there but when I tried to edit it, it doesn't look like that.  I will try and figure it out.

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Hi Ladies,

    We stayed in a hotel in Charlotte last night and are now at the airport. We got here at 4:30 am and I had to get up at 3:00 am. I had only about three hours of fitfull sleep and am completely exhausted. I awoke again with a low-grade fever and body aches. My eyes felt like someone had rubbed dirt in them. I am quite nauseated as well. Please keep me and DH in your prayers for safe, and uneventful travels and that I would at least be able to rest on the plane.

    My DH's family does not know Christ and are quite dysfunctional. Please pray that the Gospel is front and center and that we might minister to them.

    On a positive note, my cholesterol came down 81 points from 283 to 202 by taking the Prevastatin. The only problem is that it caused more joint pain than I already have with Arimidex. I stopped taking it for two weeks, but will resume when I get back home. The benefit at this point outweighs the pain.

    Fondak, lifting up you and your family relationships. Jo, hope you are feeling better. Bestock, are you doing any better? Mini, thank you for sharing about your struggles. I often feel the same way. Kathy and Patoo, your sweet encouragement always blesses me. Love all you dear ladies!

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Hey Jeannie, I forgot to mention you. I hope you are having more good days than bad. Thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement as well. Loving you....

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dearest Fondak! Thank you for your always kind and encouraging posts!! Prayers are coming for you and your husband' s relationship! How wonderful that you are seeking Christian counseling . Our Lord is working in your favor!! I am not sure how long the Shingles virus lasts. Every person is different!!

    Dearest Rocket! Prayers are coming for peace, healing and strength!! Lots of hugs!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Hey Rocket,

    I am so sorry you didn't get much needed sleep.  It's hard to get over things without sleep and sometimes hard to sleep from the things you need to get over!  I will be praying for restful sleep while you are away including on the plane and that you to get over this sickness. 

    I just came on here to see if you were able to make it.  I am so glad you did and will certainly be praying for God to work in the hearts of your husbands family.   I love to see someone like your husband whose life is clearly different than the circumstances from which he came; a life that demonstrates God's grace. 

    So glad your cholesterol is down. I was wondering since it came down will it stay down without the meds?  I don't really understand cholestrol especially with someone like you.  Your not overweight.  You eat well and exercise more than the average American for sure...even with your health issues.  (By the way I really admire you.)  I just doesn't make sense to me.  I need to learn more about it.

    Thank you so much for your prayers!  It is such a comfort to me to know others are praying for me and I can tell it too!

    Love all you ladies and will try and check back in tonight.  I was just wondering how it was going with you sweet Rocket!   I have a ton of things I need to be doing and praying that God would bless each of us here with many days ahead in which we will be productive here for His glory as we wait on His Kingdom to come!

    I'll check back later! 

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013


    I didn't see you post until I sent mine.  I want to thank you so much for your prayers and all the ways you have encouraged me since I have met you here!  Through health issues, family worries and just life, you have been such a blessing to me. 

    Are your shingles better?  I hear it stings and is itchy too  I am thankful if you had to get them, it wasn't during the heat of the summer.

    Love you!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Dearest Fondak, thank you so much for your get well wishes, I am feeling better and better each day!!! You are such a blessing!!! I am on a great medicine!!!

    Dear Jo-5, I just said, Let Go, Let God!!!!! Thank you , thank you!!! I hope each day finds you feeling better!! You are a blessing!!!!

  • fondak
    fondak Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013

    Jo5  I am praying you will be able to leave..well, now I guess it would actually be tomorrow!  Where is Hatteras?  That may seem like a silly question but geography was never my strength.  I am also praying you all will be able to enjoy your time together and this illness you've been dealing with won't stop that.

    All my sisters here,

    I realize it's late but I never go to bed before my son's are in and tonight was the college group's bible study.  One of my sons called and said they went in to eat with a young man they had invited from work.  I always know when they are out late someone is needed encouragement or to hear the gospel.  Thankfully, the young man tonight loves Christ.  He told my guys are really close.  (Talking about the leader and them as well as the others there.)  He said...I need that.  He went on to talk about his home life.  His parents relationship was very comparable to our marriage.  When my son explained he totally understood and shared with him some of our family dymanics he was shocked.  He said he would have never guessed.  He was so encouraged to see my son's lives and love for Christ even in the mist of our challenges.  My son encouraged him to talk with his parents and explained a difficult conversation he recently had with my husband and reminded him that we are our brother's keeper.  He also told him how our family is seeking restoration. 

    Isn't it something how we often see someone who has a great love for Christ and are faithful in their walk and we just assume they have it all together!  I think it's times when people see our trials and hear our testimony, the trials kind of give our faith a stamp of "authenticity".  Not meaning you have to have some difficulty at every moment to be authenic but you will have trials here sooner or later. Still, our pride seeps in and we often exchange the stamp of "authenticity" for the "all together stamp" man centered stamp.

    I am sharing this to thank you all for your prayers for our marriage.  That Christ would be glorified in my marriage is the most I could ask for.  Tonight I can see He has  been even in the difficulties we are facing.  He used our situation to encourage this young man.  In turn, I was so encouraged as was my sons.

    Also, I wanted to share this because many of you....actually all of us here have been given challenges and it's my prayer that each of you embrace your challenges as a tool that God gives you to not only refine you, but also to glorify Him.  We may never least on this side of He has encouraged, showed hope to and/or revealed Himself to others as they watch our lives unfold. 

    I am so excited I don't think I can sleep.  I'm so thankful for these late night conversations with my sons and then wonderful ladies like you all who love our Lord and can appreciate the work He is doing!

    Oh, and the guy that some of you had been praying for regarding his salvation, the one my son works with and has the heart condition (spiritual and physical).  He agrees with the gospel but has determined he loves the world more and he can handle Hell.  Well, I do believe God is still at work in his life.  He came into work with his arm in a sling and some other injuries.   A deer jumped out into the road and he didn't have time swerve or stop and hit it...on a MOTORCYCLE with a low functioning heart and he lived to see another day!

    Thank you all for your faithfullness to pray!

    Love you and Goodnight

  • Rocket
    Rocket Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's Day Ladies! I finally began feeling better the day following our arrival in Maine. I couldn't eat anything the day we traveled as I was so nauseated! I felt horrible. We did enjoy our visit with our families, and the service for my DH's brother was very touching. The Gospel message was presented. I also enjoyed meeting some of my DH's extended family from Canada. His parents were born there.

    Now we are on our way back home, just waiting to catch our first flight. I am again exhausted from very little sleep, but at least my sickness is gone. I can't thank you all enough for all of your prayers. There was one point that I wished I had stayed home because I felt so miserable, but I felt your prayers bolstering me, and then by the next day, I began to feel better.

    Fondak, if I don't go back on the Pravastatin, my cholesterol will increase. My MO and PCP agree that taking an antihormonal like Arimidex can increase cholesterol in otherwise healthy people. I would happen to be one of those people. Like Jo, I tend to get a lot of side effects for medications or I have allergic reactions to them. I agree with Jo regarding your earlier, insightful post and I say a hearty AMEN! Praying for successful counseling for your marital relationship, that it would build you up as a couple, bless your sons, and that your marriage would glorify our Father in Heaven.

    Jo, I am praying you can get to Hatteras and enjoy yourself without feeling unwell.

    Well I have to run. Flight will be boarding soon. Please pray that I can sleep on the plane. I'm exhausted from lack of sleep again.

    Praying for all of you ladies!

  • Kindergarten
    Kindergarten Member Posts: 2,883
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's Day!!!!!!! Jo-5, hope your trip to Hatteras,is restful, fun and filled with laughter and joy!!! Rocket, so glad you started to feel better and that you had a good visit with family!!! How is your dear Mom?? Have a safe trip home and sleep well!!

    Hugs and Blessings to everyone here!!!!

  • snrise
    snrise Member Posts: 39
    edited May 2013

    Happy Mother's day to all my friends....Sorry I haven't written anything in a while. still feeling sick...My next chemo is pn MAy 16th, hoping to recover by then..

    Thanks for all your prayers..It means a lot to me!